New Filter Idea

I had an idea for a new filter. There is the drop shadow, the
bevel, the glow, etc. I thought it would be really cool to have an
extrusion filter. It would be really nice for text, or really
anything. Just to make it look like it is extruded. Could the FL
people do that? Good idea?

Personally I wouldn't have much use for it. But if you want
to make suggestions for the software, this forum isn't the place to
do it. It's a user forum which is not (officially at least) viewed
by anyone from Adobe. Instead go here:
Feature Request form

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    Hi Vineet,
    thanks for your reply. The problem is that there are only 2 values available for this Characteristic: "A" or "I".
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  • PMS: Creation of new filter values

    Dear Reader,
    I am working on a PMS implementation where one particular appraisal template has multiple appraisers. The only way I can attach and identify between multiple appraisers is by creating new filters in table T77HAP_FLT_SEL.
    I plan to then use BADI implementations to help identify the persons for each filter value from OM relationships.
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    Thanks in advance.
    Example scenario:
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    Thanks Dilek,
    That was the first thing I had tried. However, there is no maintenance dialog for T77HAP_FLT_SEL in transaction SM30 - the error says no maintenance objects exist for this table/view.
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  • Interactive Report uncheck Filter when adding new filter

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    My first approach started by adding a dynamic action which is related to the search field:
    event = key_down
    jQuery Selector = #apexir_SEARCH
    event Scope = live
    The Action contains:
    $('input:checkbox').attr('checked', false);
    There are 2 problems at the moment:
    1. When the user hits "go" or "enter" the checkbox are checked again when the result is shown
    2. If a filter is defined where the search field is not used, it doesn't work

    Hi Oliver,
    too much hassle I think. You can try to hijack any POST message, analyze it, and if it's about p_widget_action=FILTER you'd stop the action and interfere with an AJAX call to APEX_UTIL.IR_FILTER or IR_RESET. After the AJAX request has returnd (synchronously), you can fire the original POST again which sets the new filter.
    Hmm. Sounds to me like you'd better ask the client if he is willing to pay for that sort of convenience.
    Greetings from Northern Germany,

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    ACR 8.5 is a plug-in for Photoshop not a standalone program.  I’d suggest doing an Edit In Photoshop CC/2014 and then using Filter / Camera Raw in PS to do your edits.
    I would also LR will be upgraded at some point, but maybe not until 6.0.  It’s hard to say, since the LR folks are having to deal with LR mobile things, now, too, PS is part of the cloud, and a promise of the cloud is to get new functionality sooner.

  • Equipment replication with new filter settings

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    Can someone help me on this?

    Hi Gowri,
       Have you found any solution for this? We are also having same requirement, if you found any solution kindly share.
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    Hi, José,
    when you configure your sender and receiver id, enter your receiver interface and namespace into the message category instead of leaving it empty.

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    The LR Print Module is working as it was designed to work - the Custom Package option will allow you to perform the actions that you require, but not automatically.
    Why not place your request for added funtionality (i.e. add an option to allow automatic population of the Custom Print Package layout) on the Feature Request forum below;

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    Is there a standard way to realize this, or I have to create via ABAP a copy of F-20?
    Thank in advance,
    Marco Vismara

    There's no way to customize this transaction.

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    - Richard

    The culprit is line 2068 in WindowsFileChooserUI, in the listener for the combobox someones added the explicit command setFileName(null); in the 1.4_xx versions.
    I've gotten around this with a little side-shuffle, create your own FileChooserUI thusly:
    public class MyWindowsFileChooserUI extends WindowsFileChooserUI {
        public MyWindowsFileChooserUI(JFileChooser filechooser) {
        public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
            return new MyWindowsFileChooserUI((JFileChooser)c);
        // patch the filter change filename blanking bug 4678049
        public void setFileName(String filename) {
            if (filename != null) {
    }and install it as the default somewhere in your code like this;
    if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName().equals("Windows")) {
    UIManager.put("FileChooserUI", "osbaldeston.swing.MyWindowsFileChooserUI");
    }All filechoosers created after this assignment shouldn't blindly wipe the filename anymore. Other look & feels seem to have the same problem, with the same line in the same routine; so overriding the FileChooserUI L&F of your choice with a modified version of the above (MyMetalFileChooserUI etc..) should work just fine.
    (sorry jeff)

  • How to add a new filter in an existing web service method (BIWS - WEBI document)

    Hello Experts, we have 7 web service query's connected to a dashboard. Basically it is one WSDL URL and 7 Get Methods...Web service queries are BIWS (via WEBI document instance). There are filters setup for each of these web service methods.
    Recently there was a request to add 2 new fields to the webi document and also the 2 fields need to be included as filters in the 7 methods. I know there is an option to edit the method, but when i edit the method, i cannot find the 2 new fields in list to set as filters.Can anybody help me understand how to add filters to an existiing web service method? I do not want to delete the method and republish the block as web service.
    Any help will be great and points rewarded.
    Thank you

    Hi Ann,
    The reason you are not able to see any of the new columns as a option to select in your web service block is because when you have published that block, they were not present. Add these two new objects in your block and publish it again. You will be prompted for duplication content. Select the highlighted block for duplicate and now you can see the new added objects in the filter option. Update and this will overwrite your published block. Please note, web services do appear to behave weirdly when used with dashboards so I request you to please try it in a separate test report first.
    Hope that helps.

  • New Features/Ideas for FLASH related work?

    Let's see....I know there are always new cool and money
    making features and ideas floating in our industry. I am looking
    for this kind of ideas. The goal for me is to maximize utilization
    of Interactive team and bring more revenue. No different from
    others, I assume.
    Can anyone share some really interesting ideas on how we can
    grow our interactive department - flash animations, action script,
    serious back end integration etc.
    We specilize in Pharma and e-Learning areas.
    Thx in advance.
    Egor Radzievskii, Director, Creative Services
    [email protected]

    Flash video is where it's at (IMHO)...
    Since your company does e-learning, why not create some video
    tutorials or demonstrations. This is very time consuming so it will
    keep everyone busy. Plus there is the ability to shoot these
    yourself with fairly reasonably priced equipment, then all the time
    to edit and add effects digitally, and then merging the video
    content with Flash.
    There are 18 million different ways to incorporate Flash
    video into new and exciting money making ideas. Now why don't you
    send my your site's fla souce since I just gave you a million
    dollar idea.
    *holds breath*
    Seriously though, your site is one bad-a$$ piece of flash
    work. Nice job.

  • How to get online help when creat new filter files in EDS?

    I want to creat some my own filter files in order to get Event report from network management station when some special situations appear.
    I have run /opt/CSCOpx/bineds -filter,and the Named Filter window appears,I select new a file,later select "add Generic events",during this course I tried to get online help with Help Icon, but the messages:"could not run netscape to display help netscape:not found."appears.
    But I have install the netscape in the directory /opt/netscape, why it can't be found?I want to know whether there is some conf file in some place that has named a path name for the netscape diffrent from /opt/netscape.Is ther any such files?Thanks very much!

    Since there has been no response to your post, it appears to be either too complex or too rare an issue for other forum members to assist you. If you don't get a suitable response to your post, you may wish to review our resources at the online Technical Assistance Center ( or speak with a TAC engineer. You can open a TAC case online at
    If anyone else in the forum has some advice, please reply to this thread.
    Thank you for posting.

  • New feature idea - Beat Grid

    Hi all,
    I've got an idea for a new feature and thought I'd post it here in case other people agree that it's a good idea and would like to submit a feature request to help get it noticed.
    Beat Grid 
    It would be useful to be able to overlay a grid of vertical lines onto the timeline which show the positions of musical beats and bars.  This would assist with positioning keyframes and edit points in projects that are based around music.
    You would need to be able to specify a tempo, time signature, and an offset.  Beats should be shown with one colour or thickness of line, with downbeats coloured differently or a different thickness, and it should be an option to snap keyframes to the beat grid.
    Musical synchronisation forms the basis of a huge amount of motion graphics work, and therefore I think this feature would be very useful and popular.  (My current method is to put beat markers on the audio layer, but making a grid overlay as part of the user interface would be a much neater/easier method.)
    Here's a mock-up of how I imagine it looking:
    The green lines represent downbeats (i.e. the first beat of a bar), and the yellow ones are individual beats.
     Ideally you'd be able to interactively drag the green downbeat lines to offset the position of the whole grid, and drag the yellow beat lines to change the grid spacing (i.e. tempo), as well as entering numeric values.  These should be saved per comp rather than being a global grid setting, and appearance should be configurable as a general AE preference (eg line colours). 
    An extension of this could be automatic beat detection to configure the grid, but to be honest it wouldn't be difficult to set it up manually if implemented the way I've described above.
    If you think this would be useful, please post a feature request at Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form .  I'm sure this would be relatively easy for the team to implement and be a huge time saver for many of us.

    Hi Dave,
    Yes I'm familiar with those terms, and appreciate what you're saying, but I don't think this would 'severely limit' the use of a beat/timeline grid.
    There's plenty of music out there that does have a consistent tempo (particularly electronic music, and library music which is usually produced on computer), and there are also plenty of occasions when it would be useful to have a time-interval grid, even when music isn't being used.    (I've started thinking of it as a 'timeline grid' rather than a 'beat grid' now.
    What I'm proposing is not a plugin, but a simple addition to the user interface - a grid you can turn on and off, just like the grid in the comp viewer.
    Personally, with the work I do, I would benefit from such a feature like this on an almost daily basis, hence why I'm putting the idea out there in the hope that other people agree.

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  • FBL3n/FS10n Reports

    Hi Friends Is it possible to have vendor and PO details in FBL3n & FS10N reports ? Moderator: Please, search SDN

  • Sending Image ( stored in SAP )  to Email

    Hi All, I have to Send image stored in SAP ( OAER or SE78 ) to Body of email. I am able to send image stored in net to email .please help me in this regard. Thanks, Ananth

  • Mismatched Folder Sizes

    I am having all kinds of problems with my computer so based upon advice from this Community, I am getting ready to reinstall my operating system.  Being the fanatic that I am, I have a Time Machine back-up but I also wanted another back up of my User