New G5-Keyboard woes...

I'm having a problem with the keyboard on my new G5. I get a lot of double, and even triple key strikes with the keyboard. For example: hhelllo thheree. I tried to slow this down iin thhe system prefs, but to no avail, any ideas? Thanks!

Hello, Fertig, and a Warm Welcome to Apple Discussions and the G5 Power Mac forum!
There is some discussion of this issue here
You may find a solution there (probably best to start at the end with the most recent posts and work back)
However, this very experienced and esteemed G5 user has had success with a replacement keyboard
Perhaps, as your G5 is new, you should contact Apple After-Sales Support and charm them into replacing your keyboard.
Should Apple have a solution, or a replacement keyboard solves the problem, please post again so that others may benefit.
Good Luck!

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    Hello all,
    That post is describing the problems I have when using the new apple aluminium keyboard on a PC using the windows XP keyboard drivers found on the boot camp CD (1.4)
    This is my first post here so please be kind with me
    First, let me know in case there is a better section where I should post that post.
    I know that what I will ask here may not be a supported scenario. I understand that. But anyway. Here it is.
    I am using Windows XP on a PC not a mac computer.
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    Boot Camp
    An error occurred while trying to access the startup disk settings.
    You may not have privileges to change the startup disk. Make sure you have administrative privileges and try again.
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    So, what I'm asking here is for the apple developpers working on the windows drivers for the apple hardware.
    Do you think that you could test your drivers on PCs ? I'm pretty sure you could sell some more keyboard to the PC peoples as your keyboards are trully excellent.
    The 'problems' I have are the following:
    - I cannot lock or unlock the fn key, what I would like to do is use the F7 to F12 keys by default and press the fn key if I ant to access to the scpecial features, like for sound and CD eject
    - kbrd.exe does not always start automaticaly. And when I start it by hand my computer freezes for about ten seconds
    - the keyboard layout should only be changed for the apple keyboard, not for all the keyboards connected to the PC. Because I have two keyboards attached to my computer, my previous pc keyboard and the new apple keyboard. The layout on the PC keyboard is now the same as for the apple keyboard. this is wrong as it renders my previous keyboard useless. why do I need another keyboard? because that other one is cable less, meaning I can use it to control my PC when I'm not in front of it. But now, with the apple keyboard drivers this is not longer possible
    - an option to have to press fn+eject to eject the CD would be nice. this will avoid me pressing eject by accident when I try to press the back delete key
    - also as the drivers exist, why not let people like me download them outside of bootcamp for the kind of scenario I'm describing here?
    That would all be very nice.
    If you need a tester for that scenario, count on me,
    Thank you for your comprehension about me asking such a question
    I love that keyboard and do not intend to stop using it,

    Hello spidermains,
    Happy to see that I have a friend in that adventure
    Look I have a blog entry here: n-Windows.aspx
    That post describes all the steps I followed to extract the drivers from the dual boot camp CD.
    I'm using a PC, only a PC. I do not have any Apple computer (yet).
    When I mention boot camp, I mean the boot camp CD on one side and the boot camp utilities on the other side. To be more specific the tool I'm talking about is the kbrmgr.exe
    That tool sits in the systray and is handling the special keys of the keyboard.
    If you have other questions... let me know,

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    I have no issues using the Apple BT keyboard. All function keys that apply to the iPad work correctly; display brightness, iPod app control, etc.
    Use the most recent version of iOS and also iTunes on your computer. Try a reset. Press & hold the Power and Home buttons together for 10+ seconds, ignoring the red power-off slider, until you see the Apple logo.
    If that  does not work, then restore the iPad to it factory settings.

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    Try changing the batteries on the keyboard or see if the keyboard has some sort of reset available.

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    I had the same problem with my wife's pre 2009 Intel Mini, had to use a USB KB to do a fresh install of SL, because the BT KB wasn't picked up.
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    see > New Apple Mac Mini and Apple Wireless Keyboard Un-boxing - YouTube
    If you missed the setup, most any cheap'o generic USB keyboard will work with the Mac Mini.

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    I seemed to have the same issues other people were reporting: USB keyboard would disconnect every five minutes or so, would sometimes re-connect by itself, would other times freeze and require re-plugging. The mouse would usually keep working even when plugged into keyboard. This would happen on all USB ports. It was most noticeable in Windows (through Boot Camp and through Parallels), but it would also happen less noticeably in OS X. In OS X, it would often recover without re-plugging, but errors would show up in the Console logs. It seemed to get worse the longer my computer was on.
    Turned out, for me at least, to be a faulty keyboard. Although I tested the keyboard on another computer and it was fine, on the Intel iMac it had the disconnection problem. I repaired permissions, verified the disk, reset PRAM, restarted in Safe Boot, but nothing helped.
    I called Apple about it. They replaced the keyboard under warranty, and since then (about two weeks) the problem has not occured once, in OS X or in Windows.
    If you haven't done so already, I recommend thorough troubleshooting. Disconnect all other peripherals other than the mouse and monitor your logs in OS X (open Console under Utilities) to see if USB errors come up. Boot into in Safe Boot mode by pressing Shift on start-up. If the error still comes up in OS X, as it did in my case, then you have a valid problem you can call Apple about. If it happens only in Windows, unfortunately it might be harder to make a case since Boot Camp is beta software. When you call Apple you can desscribe all the testing you already did.
    (are you still under warranty?)
    20" iMac Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • New macmini - keyboard fails to pair

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    My old mouse will pair with it (I use a trackpad on the i7 now)
    but the new wireless keyboard will not pair with the macmini.
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    but that didn't help.
    Now what do I do?

    Have you tried resetting the PRAM? If not, take a look at this tech note:
    Another thing to try if the above doesn't work is a SMC reset.

  • New Aluminum Keyboard

    Received new iMac keyboard today, hooked it up, downloaded Apple Keyboard Update 1.1, and rebooted. Except for the F3 and F4 keys, everything works fine. F3 only brings up Expose, and F4 only brings up Dashboard if I assign these keys appropriately in system preferences, and use fn in combo with each. This is with the option to use standard function keys turned off.
    Anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions? posted one guys work around which fixes this problem.
    I only followed steps 3 through 5 (I figured why start all the way back at the old 10.4.3 disc) and it worked! I now have a fully funtional F3 F4 keys on my aluminum keyboard.
    Apple, are you listening? How about another Keyboard Update to fix this issue the right way?
    MacFixIt reader Joe Mullins writes: "I fixed the dashboard and expose keys on my keyboard. The problem is apparently that isn't getting updated properly. I fixed it using my original install disks, 10.4.10 combo updater, keyboard update and Pacifist."
    Joe's process is as follows:
    1. Insert Install disk for 10.4.x and open /System/Installation/Packages/Essentials.pkg/ with pacifist.
    2. Within Pacifist, navigate to /System/Library/Core Services. Click on and click install. When it's uncompressed, it will ask if you would like to update or replace. Click replace.
    3. When that's finished, open the 10.4.10 combo update package with pacifist and navigate to the again. Click install, and this time when it asks, make sure to click update.. not replace.
    4. When that's finished, open the keyboard software 1.1 mpackage, click the arrow to reveal the contents of AppleKeyboardSoftware_Cmn.pkg, navigate to one more time, click install and then update once again. Not replace.
    5. Once this procedure is finished, you can force quit and the keys should work.

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    Also I'd like to remove/disable the brightness controls from F1 & F2
    After you install the keyboard software
    go to the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab of "Keyboard & Mouse" system preference, scroll down to "Display" (near the bottom), and uncheck it.

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