New Imac (aluminum) Buy now? or Wait?

hey, i just saw these new imacs, and i was wondering if its a good idea to buy it now, or wait until leopard comes out.
and are they really better than the whites ones?

I know this wasn't the original topic...just because Steve Jobs announced 10 "new" features of Leopard, it doesn't mean that those are the only "new" features of Leopard.
I'm not trying to pick a fight...TylerJS, just that if anything, it is Vista that is trying to "look" and "feel" like OSX. I was using a friend's HP running Vista...still "work" and "feel" and "look" like XP to me. It was so confusing that I had to just do what I had to do and power down!
I would say wait...get Leopard with your iMac installed. To me, OSX is so user friendly that I could only see it getting better. But...still a little confused on how "Time Machine" would need a HUGE hard-drive in order to use this feature. When backing up movies, music, photo files, one could only imagine that it would take up a TON of space....
Anyway, again, I'm not trying to pick a fight...everyone is entitle to their own opinion, but to me, Vista is "copying" OSX, not the other way around.

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    It really depends on your definition of intense. World of Warcraft is quite old and not necessarily that demanding. IMO both iMacs should be fine for that game (with an advantage to the 27" because of the better graphics card).
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    Some iMac benchmarks: (2560x1440) (1920x1200)
    But I agree with Dave that a PC would be better if the two following conditions are met:
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    Mac mini 1.42GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

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    Hi guidingbyte,
    When something won't work with Apple applications, but will with other software the cause is usually a problem with the common "framework" files (stored in your HD/System/Library/Frameworks folder ) which Apple applications make use of.
    When it comes to printing the two "frameworks" involved are the "Application Services" Framework and, sometimes, the "Carbon" Framework.
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    When it comes to specific sales questions, I don't know about model releases.
    When it comes to waiting to purchasing a computer now with Vista, I say Yes... only if it qualifies for the Windows 7 upgrade for free (minus S&H). I've heard good things about the upgrade from Vista to Windows 7.
    I use Windows 7 RC1 and I love it. I used it on my primary computer which is a Sony Laptop.
    Agent JC | Counter Intelligence Agent | Viewpoint Committee Member | Layaway Development Team
    Geek Squad® Precinct, Best Buy® #404 | Southfield, Michigan, USA
    "Satisfaction does not come with achievement, but with effort. Full effort is full victory." - Mahatma Gandhi
    Did you know Best Buy® is starting to offer Layaway in select locations?
    Ask your local Best Buy's Leadership Team if they are participating!
    DISCLAIMER: Although I am a Geek Squad® Agent, any post(s) I make on these forums are NOT to be viewed as an official Best Buy® answer or reference.

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    No, that isn't right. If we have a new model, it won't be for another 6 months at least. What you've heard is that SDK is coming out in late Feb, which will make it possible for 3rd party developers to add more apps to the iPhone.
    Message was edited by: jia10

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    THANKS! Happy Memorial Weekend!

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    I'll give it a try. I hope it doesn't shake me down
    for a payment in the middle of a rescue.
    If you use the demo, I think it allows you to recover just one file under a certain size, but it'll show what it thinks it can recover. I never used the download version, though, so I'm not sure. I just bought it outright, not even really caring about a demo. I was nearly to the point of calling a drive recovery company, so I was pretty desperate.
    Also, is there some way for me to mount an external
    firewire drive while in single user mode?
    A quick Google didn't turn up anything useful. You could just install the OS on a firewire drive, boot from it, and run your recovery from there. Or use Firewire target disk mode from another Mac. I've done that, too.

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    Following a fresh Mac Rumor, see Intel announcement, the claim is that Core 2 Duo is on its way. They say the enhanced chips are expected to hit the market as early as July/August. As far as I am concerned, this vital piece of info has arrived just minutes before actually ordering the latest 17" MBP. Naturally, I got cold fit, and have to pose the immortal question: To buy now or wait a little?
    Rμν - ½gμνR = 8πGTμν

    I did a little investigating and here is an excerp that I pulled from an article at the
    The mobile Merom chips will ship as the 5000 and 7000 series. Again, the lesser numerical range represents single-core parts, and the chips will be prefixed with U, L or T, depending on their power consumption: T for 25-49W, L for 15-24W and U for under 14W. Typically, U-class chips as Ultra-low Voltage parts, while the Ls are Low-voltage chips.
    So the main stream chips will be 25-49w I have no idea what clocks will be what watts. 25 watts would be pretty great if that is a decent clock speed. I would think the 49 watts would be a pretty tough match for the macbooks.
    I also believe I heard the initial merom chips will be 65nm, but soon to be followd by 45nm. IF this is the case, I am sure Apple would wait for the 45nm and it could also explain the huge wattage range 25-49 as maybe this figure covers both 65 and 45nm. Again these are just my thoughts. Please no one base their purchase on this.
    I will say that I personally will be picking up a 17" macbook as I think the wait for merom will be longer than we think. Heck look at how long it has taken them just to get this one out. These processors have been out for 4 months!! And they are just now shipping the 17"

  • Who is the quietest : iMac Aluminum, MBP, Mac Pro

    I will shortly upgrade / refresh. In the process I hope to rid myself of an extremely annoying aspect of my iMac G5 1.8ghz, Rev A: fan noise.
    So I have a quite expensive and professional grade preamp (Great River NV) and Mic (AKG 414) - and what of it. Every time I go to record a vocal or acoutsic guitar track I am witness to the accurate capturing of a fan's whirling. Wow. Of couse running audio is processor intensive- so it heats up and bingo. I want it no more.
    Which way to go for silence (or close to it).
    * I have heard the MBP are quiet, but concerned as I have had laptops whirl away before.
    * I have also heard the new iMac Aluminums are quiet - but under what kind of load ? Will the increased horsepower eliminate this as they won't be gasping for breath as my g5 is now ?
    * Mac Pro - not sure can someone comment. I sppose I could always doa long monitor cable run - and perhaps they are better cooled.
    I'd love any feedback as right now the machine I have is not at all a serious audio recording device.
    Thx up front

    I was on the verge of buying an isolation cab for my old Dual G4, but now that I have my 2.66 MacPro, it's the quietest thing in the room. Suddenly I noticed how the little fans in the Motu HD192 interfaces are whirring away quietly... But the Mac is never an issue. I haven't even bothered to move it even a few feet away since it's practically silent (except for hard drive access noises - which rarely interfere with recording in my experience). The only real noise-maker on a MacPro is the DVD drive, but don't stick a disk in it while you're recording - problem solved.
    So while I can't compare to any other recent mac models, I can say that in my studio (with nice mics and mic pres from API/Chandler/UA etc) the Mac is no longer an issue where noise is concerned.
    And the fact that the CPU kicks the tar out of my old G4 is kinda' nice too.

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