New Innovation for Play Count

The current play count setup only counts a play if you listen to the end
of a song.
It will count if you listen to just the last 5 seconds.
I listen to a lot of different songs and sometimes skip to the next after listening to most of a song. But because I don't let it end completely,
iTunes does not count the track as played.
It would be awesome if if counted after listening to most of a song.
Like, if you listened to any given sixty to ninety seconds or more of a song, it would count and thus, show truly when songs are organized by play count, or a smart playlist set to compile the most played songs

Yes I agree. I think it should do a Play Count when the song is half played at least. I guess it'll count a partial song as a Skip Count.
My highest Play Count is 1232 (Song added 10/10/2008). Next Play Count is 900's.
The actual playing of the song is tracked on my iPod and I guess when I sync, it transfers that data to iTunes.

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    Hope all this info is helpful.

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    Have a great day!
    Ken S.
    National Instruments

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    I presume there must be a 'database' somewhere in the iTunes folder where all this info is stored.

    It's not exactly what you're looking for, but this script may be useful:
    Search for "Play count" (including the hyphens) at to find more scripts regarding play counts.

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    Ah, my reply was based on the assumption that you had a default installation of iTunes.
    i.e you had all your music in the iTunes media folder inside your iTunes folder.
    If your iTunes folder is so small compared to the amount of music you have, you must have a different arrangement.
    This complicates you situation considerably.
    iTunes can cope with moving around as long as all the music is in the iTunes media folder, not not if it isn't.
    Your first step should be to get iTunes working on the old drive. This will involve editing the xml library file so that the drive letter is correct and then rebuilding the library from the xml file.
    Then you will need to consolidate your library which moves everything into the iTunes media fodler. After that you will be able to use my first suggestion.
    Step 1
    Find the iTunes folder on the old drive and copy the two library files somewhere else so you can find them again. That's iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml.
    Now open the copy of iTunes Library.xml with WordPad.
    Look for lines starting:
    These contain the paths to tracks.
    You will need to use a find/replace to change the drive letter so that it is correct.
    Make sure that you include enough in the "find" so that you only change the right thing.
    Maybe /c:/ and replace with /d:/ or whatever.
    After that, tell iTunes to use the library on the old drive with a shift key start.
    Hold down the shift key and start iTunes, keep holding the shift key until you are prompted to choose a library. Navigate to the iTunes folder on the old drive and choose iTunes Library.itl.
    Then use the method in the following article to rebuild your library;
    Unfortunately the date added will be today for all tracks.
    If iTunes works correctly after this, consolidate your library
    This copies all tracks into to iTunes media folder and could create a problem if you do not have disk space so don't do it if you are unsure about free disk space.
    Check that iTunes works OK and then use the first method.
    Message was edited by: polydorus

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    Thanks in advance,

    I can't begin to describe how frustrating the screensaver issue has been for me (and I suspect countless others, judging by the number of threads on the topic). 
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    I'm afraid I'm going to be forced into choosing either a working screen saver or all my itunes data.  Very frustrating indeed.
    Here's a link to the 'definitive' fix for the screensaver, if you're interested.
    Thanks again,

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    So I get the new Macbook, fire it up and use Migration Assistant, (with the iMac in Target Disk Mode), to move my data over. When it's done I open the iTunes and am greeted with... nothing. Well, okay, all of my music is there, that's nice, (it's what iTunes is for, etc etc), but NONE of my play count or date added information remains. I weep inside.
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    1. The iMac, (running Tiger), still has iTunes on it, with all the information, nothing seems to have changed on that end.
    2. The Macbook has a hard drive full of music with no playlist, play count or date added data.
    3. I do own an iPod where I backed up the music before the move. I know that the data information on playlists, play count and date added is on the iPod. I do not dare plug it in to the new machine for fear of the unknown.
    Which brings me here, is there some way, any way of rectifying this? Here is what I would like:
    1. For the Macbook iTunes to look EXACTLY like the iMac's does.
    2. For it to work with both my old iPods without question.
    This has been long, and I fear that some may pass it over as something too much of an banality to be needed help with. But like some collect shoes or hats, I collect music. It's a lovely collection and it's a large part of who I am. I could start all over, but that's sort of like saying the world could start over if it by chance happened to forget how to turn. It would take a lot of effort, and there would be some (more) tears, but I could move on. But I really, really don't want to. I just want things to be the way they were. I'd very much like to have this information present, and I thank you all for your time.

    Now that I look at it, appears that nothing except for my applications transferred over. My old computer is listed in the Hard Drive, but I can't access any of the folders because I don't have that "level of privileges" or whatever, (odd, considering they're both my computers, do they need to be hooked up for this?). I don't really need for my old applications to be there, (Hello, iWork '06 Demo!), so can I just go and erase them, or am I better just starting all over again?

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    Well, I have that problem too. My shuffle holds about 125 songs or so, yet I've noticed there are always a good 20 or so songs that won't play, no matter how many times I load them onto the device. I have had that problem since I inherited it from a friend.
    My new problem is that every time I plug my iPod into iTunes, it no longer updates the playcount for songs. In other words, if I load a song that I've heard 3 times, hear it twice during the day, and replug in my iPod at night, it used to update that song's playcount in the library to 5, but now they still read 3. It's also failing to update the "date last played" field.
    I use those to help make sure that I don't load the same songs over and over again by creating a custom playlist that will comb out songs played in the last few days and have a very high play count. Since these are no longer updating, I've noticed that I keep arriving at work only to find my iPod has the same or similar songs as the day before, and dude, if I wanted that, I'd listen to the radio!

  • Play count for imported items

    Here's a new one for me...
    Starting with this latest version, when I burn a CD, it automatically marks the Play Count for those items at 1. Anyone else encounter this? Is there a fix?

    i've noticed that sometimes the play count does not increase for songs, and the only workaround i've seen that works is to do a second sync after the first one completes.

  • Syncing iPod to a new installation of iTunes while retaining Play Count

    I have an iPod nano that I use in my baby's nursery for her lullaby music. I thought it would be cool to use the Audioscrobbler program from to track her "listening habits" from this very early age and be able to see years down the road what she has listened to over time.
    The thing is, I originally synced the iPod with mp3 files from my installation of iTunes. I also have my own profile that already syncs with iTunes files played on this profile. I realized that if I sync her Nano with this same instance of iTunes, it will combine all of her Play Counts with my own history. I don't want to confuse the "scrobbler" system tray program with which play counts should be scrobbled.
    I know I could create another profile for her on this same computer, but I thought it might be even easier to just sync it with iTunes on my laptop (which doesn't have any iPods associated with it yet.) Either way, it will not be the exact same installation of iTunes that the Nano was originally synced with. HOWEVER, my mp3 files are on a shared network-attached storage hard drive, so all of the iTunes installations (on both the desktop and laptop) would be reading the exact same files.
    SO - the jist of my questions is this:
    1.) If my iTunes library reads from M:/My Music/ (NAS drive), will the Nano see a different installation of iTunes as the same library?
    2.) If I sync her Nano with a different installation of iTunes, will it record the Play Counts of what she has already listened to? * This is my most important question. I don't care if it erases the files on the Nano, because I will just sync them again. I just want to make sure it records in iTunes the current Play Count stored on her Nano right now, so I can sync it with her profile.
    Thanks in advance! I asked about this on the forums, and they advised me to ask over here instead since it has more to do with iTunes and syncing.
    - Holly

    Katrina, Thanks for the link.
    Ahhh... yes, current playcounts ARE kind of important. I've been holding out on syncing it since March because I was trying to figure this out and get information on the best way to do it. That's 7+/- hours of music per night X 4 months! Is there a way to read what the playcounts currently are on the iPod itself right now? If all else fails, I could manually adjust them in the empty XML file, right?
    I think if I can get the iTunes on my laptop to read and record the playcounts from the iPod, then I can sync the process to read it later. I can use their new "import history" feature to import the playcounts. I just need to make sure that I can get iTunes to record them instead of wiping the iPod.
    I've read up on manually managing the iPod... would that help any?
    Since my music files are on a shared network drive, can I copy either of those two metadata files (iTunes Music Library.xml and/or iTunes Library.itl) from my desktop to my laptop and then hand modify the XML code to change all playcounts to zero and then sync the iPod? Will that fake the laptop out to believe it was the original computer that the iPod was first synced with?
    And no on the operating systems My desktop is Vista Home Premium and the laptop is XP Home.

  • Moving iTunes playlists, ratings and play counts to a new computer

    Hi everyone,
    I got a new MacBook and had set up and used iTunes on it for the last 6 months. I am just now getting around to moving my old (40GB) iTunes library over from my old computer. I figured out how to move the music files and I successfully imported copies of all of it onto my new computer using the consolidate feature in iTunes 9. What I didn't think about was that I would also like to have my playlists, play counts, import dates, and ratings from my old collection. I only transferred the songs. Is there a way I can merge this info into my new iTunes at this point, or is it too late? I'd be okay with losing the new playlists and information that I created on the new laptop (as long as I didn't lose the actual songs), but the old iTunes has several years of info on it.
    Can anyone suggest a way that I can bring that data over without making a complete mess?
    Thank you!!!

    Ah, this is the itunes windows forum so I thought a PC was involved somewhere.
    On a Mac, you can do an option-start of itunes to choose a different library.
    Just press the Option key while starting itunes.
    It is different on a windows PC - you have to press AND HOLD the shift key instead.
    This article has screen shots.
    +Do you think it would work if I delete the new computer's library first and then copy the old library into the new computer's music folder?+
    It should, but that's up to you. If it were me, I'd rename them to something like itunes-old and itunes-new, and use the option-start to toggle between them until I was sure the old one was working OK.
    I would definitely put itunes-old in the default folder instead of leaving it on the desktop. That would avoid having multiple folder structures of media scattered around.

  • I want to have my iTunes play lists and play counts on my new MacBook Air

    I want to have my iTunes play lists and play counts on my new MacBook Air transferred over from my old (4 years and dying) MacBook Air.
    Thanks for any and all help.

    Copy the entire iTunes folder including the iTunes library file from your old Mac to the same Music folder on your new Mac. Then down the Option key while launching iTunes and select the copied iTunes folder. That should get you all your  playlists, playcounts etc.; those are stored in that iTunes library file.

  • [All Platforms][Playlists] Play count and play history for songs to create personal charts

    Hi guys, I switched from iTunes to Spotify about a year ago and I really do like the service. Lately I checked out Apple Music and in comparison Spotify still kicks ass. However, it was incredible to have access to all of my old iTunes playlists again. Why? Because I created playlists with my personal charts, meaning intelligent playlists which sort songs by play count. I would love to see this feature in Spotify. Additionally you could also track when a song has been played, so I could create a playlist which lists my favorite songs from a specific time frame.  Best wishesDominik

    Sup man! I made the switch from iTunes about 3 years ago, but I have never gone back. Especially since I have a $5 / mo deal for Spotify premium for students, so premium is sick to use on the computer and transfer music painlessly to your electronic device. Cool stuff. Also, the algorithms that Spotify employs have unique shuffling programs implemented internally. They get numerous complaints about similar songs/artists playing in close sequence to one another. When this would happen (the original random number generator would obviously play the same artist within 3-4 songs because of pure chance and logistics), so they implemented a different algorithm as a fix. The new algorithm implemented a fix for this complaint (which was considered to be along the lines of the gambler’s fallacy theory… but that’s another long explanations) so that people wouldn’t complain as much. This switch happened within the past year, so people are just starting to notice how the shuffle feature has “improved”. This whole thing brings on the discussion of “what truly is random?” when it comes to the world of random number generators and the gambler’s fallacy. If you want to check out my Spotify playlists, my acct is: chrisheishman and my most popular playlist actually is “acoustic indie mix” with about 400+ songs and 200+ followers. You should check it out! Cheers & good luck with your music journey! Chris

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