New iPhone 3GS cannot utilize Genius

I recently got a new 32gb iphone 3gs. I have updated my iTunes library, and made sure that genius was all set up and working correctly - I actually just now updated genius again, and it is able to generate playlists just fine in iTunes.
However, when I try to use genius on ANY song on my iPhone, it tells me there are not enough related songs to generate a playlist. I have over 5,000 songs on my iPhone. I have a hard time believing that there aren't enough related songs, especially since my 32gb ipod touch was able to do it just fine.
Are there any tricks to getting Genius to work on a new 32gb 3GS? Am I doing something wrong?

Does it say this for any song you attempt to create a genius list for...or just certain songs??

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    Two things to try:
    If you have a Windows computer open a Command window and type:
        netsh   winsock   reset
    If this doesn't fix it, or if you have a Mac, your current backup may be corrupted. Delete it by going to iTunes Preferences, Devices tab, highlight the backup and delete it.
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    Windows XP %AppData%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup
    Windows Vista and Windows 7: %AppData%\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup

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