New MAC - What to transfer?

Old Mac: PowerMac G5 Dual 2.0GHz Power PC - 10.4.8
New Mac: 24" iMac 2.16GHz Intel - 10.4.?
Have them hooked up via FireWire 800 and they are transfering. Since I am going from PowerPC to Intel is there something more I need to do? How do I know if the applications it transfers are universal now?
Also - will the files transfered be erased from my other computer?

As far as the PPC apps getting migrated to an Intel Mac, its a valid point you make, and one Apple ought to address, at least with a warning in the (Migration Assistant) GUI (this is what you are using no ?)...
If for some reason you did abort the MA transfer, you arent necessarily without easy recourse. If you have the System Restore Disks (typically grey with white lettering) that came with your new Mac - just reinstall your OS and Apps then software update. This will restore your new Mac back to basic usability.
Then begin the MA process again, but disallow those apps for which you either feel will be "too slow" or perhaps have the Intel version on hand.
Remember only an app that is branded as "Universal binary" is updated for the new Intel architecture. As the previous poster suggested any app can be verified as to which platform it is written for by using, however, using Get Info is not the way I would recommend checking - instead use:
Click Finder icon in Dock
System Profiler
scroll to Software Applications section on left
in the resulting output pane on the right find your app
Remember that the Adobe CS apps and MS Office arent yet available as Intel optimized apps yet.

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    Hi SanJmtbr,
    The installer files and the serial number would be different for different OS. So the product that is working with your PC, would not work with MAC.
    What you need to do is to upgrade your Acrobat 9 Pro to Acrobat 11 Pro (Cross Platform Upgrade) however there is a cost involved to it.(US $199) Refer the link mentioned below
    You can also call our helpdesk @ 800 833 6687
    Let me know if you have any other query

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