New mimetype in ifs 1.1

I am trying to define a new mimetype in ifs 1.1. When I go into ifsmgr, you can create a new mimetype, but you have to select the application type from a pre-defined list. I need to create a new application type to assosciate with my extensions. How is this done (ifsmgr??)?

In the purple bar at the top of this page, click on Manuals. In that list, the 6th item from the top is the one you want, "Late Breaking News about Final Cut Pro 5.1."

Similar Messages

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: New in Oracle iFS 1.1

    Oracle iFS version 1.1 will soon be released with Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7), so the product management team wanted to take the opportunity to let you know what's in our v1.1. The list includes:
    * NLS and MLS support. Oracle iFS now supports
    8-bit and multi-byte character sets in
    all components of the product, from the
    repository through the protocol servers to
    the web and Windows UIs.
    * Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    compliance. Oracle iFS is now conforms to
    ADA requirements.
    * WebDAV. Oracle iFS now supports WebDAV, the
    new standard for collaboration across the
    * Parser framework improvements. We've added
    some new capabilities to the parser
    framework, including the XML components.
    * DTD validation. One of these additions
    is XML DTD validation.
    * New Server Manager GUI. You now have a
    graphical control panel in the Oracle iFS
    manager for administering procotol servers
    and agents.
    * Various bug fixes, performance enhancements, and documentation updates.
    For details, see the What's New in Version 1.1 guide, included with the Oracle iFS documentation with its version 1. release.

    We released to manufacturing our version 1.1 for Solaris, so as soon as Oracle8i Release Two (8.1.7) is available, we'll be part of that CD pack. We'll also be downloadable with the database from here on OTN. The NT port will be released in October, with other ports following afterward (exact dates not announced yet).

  • To register new document types

    Is there anyway you can register a new file extension type (for example .dd) and associate it with a mimetype in iFS ?
    So that browser can open this file as text or doc ?
    Thanks in advance

    Yes you can use iFS Manager if you expand the folder Developer's task you'll find a folder for mime types. You can create your own by using the Create option in the menu.
    Hope this helps.

  • Opening .doc files from IFS

    I have a question about some functionality in the default web package with ifs. It is probably quite basic, but I am having difficulty with it. In the out of the box web ui, if I click on an uploaded .doc file, Microsoft Word gets loaded in my browser with the file openned.
    I am using the JAVA API, and I have uploaded and foldered a .doc file. When I click on it, href="//computer/path/file.doc" word opens, but I get the file was not found.Any ideas?? Thank you.

    The decision on which application the browser runs is taken by the browser based on information supplied in the HTTP response.
    Here's an updated version of the RenderContent method that gives you some degree of control over this process...
    // $Header$
    * Please complete these missing tags
    * @author
    * @rref
    * @copyright
    * @concurrency
    * @see
    import oracle.ifs.adk.http.HttpUtils;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Selector;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Format;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.lang.Class;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.ClassObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Document;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObjectDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Attribute;
    import oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.FolderPathResolver;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryService;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.common.CleartextCredential;
    import oracle.ifs.common.ConnectOptions;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class JspHelper extends Object
    public static final String ACTION = "Action";
    public static final String OPERATION = "Operation";
    public static final String POLICY = "Policy";
    public static final String MIMETYPE = "MimeType";
    public static final String OPEN = "Open";
    public static final String DOWNLOAD = "Download";
    public static final String RENDER = "Render";
    public static final String WEBLOGON = "/Login";
    public static final String USERNAME = "username";
    public static final String PASSWORD = "password";
    public static final String SERVICE = "service";
    public static final String SCHEMA_PASSWORD = "schemapassword";
    public static final String IFSHTTPLOGIN = "IfsHttpLogin";
    public static final String IFSWEBROOT = "/ifs/webui";
    public static final String IFSTIMEOUT_URL = "/html/timeout.html";
    private static String m_ServletPath = null;
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    private static final String OPEN_SAVEAS_DIALOG = "oracleifs/download";
    * Please complete the missing tags for JspHelper
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    private static Hashtable characterEncoding = new Hashtable();
    static {
    characterEncoding.put(" ","%20");
    private static String getServletPath()
    return m_ServletPath;
    public static String generateURL(Long id)
    // Creates an Encoded URL from a Docid
    String url = "";
    if (getServletPath() != null) {
    url = getServletPath();
    url = url + "/";
    url = url + (String) characterEncoding.get(":");
    url = url + id.toString();
    return url;
    public static String generateURL(String path)
    // Creates an Encoded URL from a Docid
    String url = "";
    if (getServletPath() != null) {
    url = getServletPath();
    if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
    url = url + "/";
    url = url + encodePath(path);
    return url;
    private static void setupServletPath(HttpServletRequest req)
    // If never initialized, get the servlet path and store
    // in the static
    if ( null == m_ServletPath )
    String contextPath = null;
    String servletPath = "";
    // Start with an empth string
    m_ServletPath = "";
    //let's figure out whether we're running under Servlet API 2.2
    //or an earlier version
    Class c = req.getClass();
    //getContextPath() is first defined in 2.2
    Method m = c.getMethod("getContextPath", null);
    contextPath = (String)m.invoke(req, null);
    catch (NoSuchMethodException e1)
    catch (InvocationTargetException e2)
    catch (IllegalAccessException e3)
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): contextPath = " + contextPath);
    servletPath = req.getServletPath();
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): servletPath = " + servletPath);
    if ( null != contextPath )
    m_ServletPath = contextPath;
    if ( null != servletPath )
    m_ServletPath += servletPath;
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): not first time through.");
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): m_ServletPath = " + m_ServletPath);
    private static String getReposPath( HttpServletRequest request )
    String result = null;
    String path = request.getParameter(DOCUMENT_PATH);
    if (null == path) {
    path = request.getParameter(ALTERNATIVE_PATH);
    return getReposPath(path);
    public static String getReposPath(String path)
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Initial Path = " + path);
    if (path != null) {
    if ( ( null != getServletPath() ) && path.startsWith(getServletPath())) {
    path = path.substring(getServletPath().length());
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Stripped Path = " + path);
    path = undoSubstitutions(path);
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Converted Path = " + path);
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.getReposPath(request) Final Path = " + path);
    return path;
    public static String encodePath(String path)
    // Substitute '%', then everything else
    path = replaceString(path,"%","%25");
    return doSubstitutions(path);
    public static String decodePath(String path)
    path = undoSubstitutions(path);
    return replaceString(path,"%25","%");
    public static String doSubstitutions(String path)
    String encodedPath = path;
    Enumeration keys = characterEncoding.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String source = (String) keys.nextElement();
    String target = (String) characterEncoding.get(source);
    encodedPath = replaceString(encodedPath,source,target);
    return encodedPath;
    public static String undoSubstitutions(String path)
    String encodedPath = path;
    Enumeration keys = characterEncoding.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String source = (String) keys.nextElement();
    String target = (String) characterEncoding.get(source);
    encodedPath = replaceString(encodedPath,target,source);
    return encodedPath;
    public static String getReposPath( HttpServletRequest request )
    return HttpUtils.getIfsPathFromJSPRedirect(request);
    public static String generateURL(HttpServletRequest request, Long id)
    return HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath(request,":" + id.toString());
    public static String generateURL(HttpServletRequest request, String path)
    return HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath(request,path);
    public JspHelper()
    IfsException.setVerboseMessage( true );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getArgumentAsString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String getArgumentAsString( Object arg )
    if( null == arg )
    return "";
    return arg.toString();
    * Please complete the missing tags for getArgumentAsString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String getArgumentAsString( String formatMask, Date arg )
    if( null == arg )
    return "";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( formatMask );
    return sdf.format( arg );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getSession
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibrarySession getSession( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getSession(request,response): Entering Method." );
    dumpServletParameters( request );
    // setupServletPath(request);
    LibrarySession ifsSession = null;
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession( true );
    if( null != httpSession )
    IfsHttpLogin ifsLogin = ( IfsHttpLogin ) httpSession.getValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN );
    if( ifsLogin != null )
    ifsSession = ifsLogin.getSession();
    if( null == ifsSession )
    // String timeoutPath = generateURL(request,getTimeOutURL());
    String timeoutPath = HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath( request, getTimeOutURL() );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getSession(request,response): Unable to get a valid Session = assuming Timeout problem. Redirecting to " + timeoutPath );
    response.sendRedirect( timeoutPath );
    catch( IOException ioe )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, ioe );
    return ifsSession;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getObject
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static PublicObject getObject( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    // Will return null and set a Redirect to the Timeout Page if the Sesssion
    // is null.
    String path = null;
    PublicObject po = null;
    LibrarySession ifsSession = getSession( request, response );
    if( null != ifsSession )
    // path = getReposPath(request);
    path = HttpUtils.getIfsPathFromJSPRedirect( request );
    if( path.charAt( 1 ) == ':' )
    Long docId = new Long( path.substring( 2 ) );
    po = ifsSession.getPublicObject( docId );
    FolderPathResolver fpr = new FolderPathResolver( ifsSession );
    po = fpr.findPublicObjectByPath( path );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getObject(request,response): Object is a " + po.getClassname() );
    po = po.getResolvedPublicObject();
    return po;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getExtendedAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getExtendedAttributeValues( LibraryObject lo, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    // Returns a Library Object Definition containing the Attribute Values for each
    // Extended Attribute which appears as a parameter in the request obvject.
    ClassObject co = lo.getClassObject();
    Attribute [] attributes = co.getExtendedClassAttributes();
    return getAttributeValues( attributes, request );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getEffectiveAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getEffectiveAttributeValues( LibraryObject lo, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    // Returns a Library Object Definition containing the Attribute Values for each
    // Extended Attribute which appears as a parameter in the request obvject.
    ClassObject co = lo.getClassObject();
    Attribute [] attributes = co.getEffectiveClassAttributes();
    return getAttributeValues( attributes, request );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getAttributeValues( Attribute [] attributes, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    LibraryObjectDefinition def = new LibraryObjectDefinition();
    if( attributes != null )
    for( int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ )
    AttributeValue av = getAttributeValue( attributes [ i ], request );
    if( av != null )
    def.setAttribute( av );
    return def;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getAttributeValue
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static AttributeValue getAttributeValue( Attribute attribute, HttpServl etRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = null;
    String name = attribute.getName();
    String newValue = request.getParameter( name );
    if( newValue != null )
    if( newValue.equals( "" ) )
    av = AttributeValue.newNullAttributeValue( attribute.getDataType() );
    av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    av.setName( name );
    return av;
    * Please complete the missing tags for downloadContent
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void downloadContent( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    boolean download = false;
    String action = request.getParameter( ACTION );
    if( action != null )
    if( action.equals( DOWNLOAD ) )
    download = true;
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): download = " + download );
    Document doc = ( Document ) JspHelper.getObject( request, response );
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    if( download )
    response.setContentType( OPEN_SAVEAS_DIALOG );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + doc.getName() );
    response.setContentType( doc.getFormat().getMimeType() );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + doc.getName() );
    response.setContentLength( ( int ) doc.getContentSize() );
    InputStream is = doc.getContentStream();
    byte [] bytesRead = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length );
    byteCount > 0;
    byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length ) )
    os.write( bytesRead, 0, byteCount );
    catch( Exception e )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, e );
    * Please complete the missing tags for dumpServletParameters
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void dumpServletParameters( HttpServletRequest request )
    // setupServletPath(request);
    Enumeration parmList = request.getParameterNames();
    Alert.log( "Parameter List:" );
    while( parmList.hasMoreElements() )
    String parmName = ( String ) parmList.nextElement();
    Alert.log( " " + parmName );
    Alert.log( "Parameter Processing Completed." );
    * Please complete the missing tags for obtainSession
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibrarySession obtainSession( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "obtainSession(request,response): Servlet Parameters = " );
    dumpServletParameters( request );
    // setupServletPath(request);
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession( true );
    if( httpSession != null )
    IfsHttpLogin ifsLogin = ( IfsHttpLogin ) httpSession.getValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN );
    if( ifsLogin != null )
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsLogin.getSession();
    if( ifsSession != null )
    return ifsSession;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Unable to get Session. - Attempting to create new Session" );
    LibrarySession ifs = null;
    String username = "guest";
    String password = "welcome";
    String service = "IfsDefault";
    String schemaPassword = "manager";
    String suppliedUsername = request.getParameter( USERNAME );
    String suppliedPassword = request.getParameter( PASSWORD );
    String suppliedService = request.getParameter( SERVICE );
    String suppliedSchemaPassword = request.getParameter( SCHEMA_PASSWORD );
    if( suppliedUsername != null )
    username = suppliedUsername;
    if( suppliedPassword != null )
    password = suppliedUsername;
    if( suppliedService != null )
    service = suppliedService;
    if( suppliedSchemaPassword != null )
    schemaPassword = suppliedSchemaPassword;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Creating new Session." );
    Alert.log( " Username = " + username );
    Alert.log( " Password = " + password );
    Alert.log( " Service = " + service );
    Alert.log( " Schema Password = " + schemaPassword );
    LibraryService ifsService = new LibraryService();
    CleartextCredential me = new CleartextCredential( username, password );
    ConnectOptions connect = new ConnectOptions();
    connect.setLocale( Locale.getDefault() );
    connect.setServiceName( service );
    connect.setServicePassword( schemaPassword );
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsService.connect( me, connect );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Session Created." );
    JspLogin login = new JspLogin();
    login.setSession( ifsSession );
    httpSession.putValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN, login );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Login Object Saved." );
    return ifsSession;
    * Please complete the missing tags for replaceString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String replaceString( String string, String string1, String string2 )
    int offset = string.indexOf( string1 );
    switch( offset )
    case - 1 :
    return string;
    case 0 :
    return string2 + replaceString( string.substring( string1.length() ), string1, string2 );
    return string.substring( 0, offset ) + string2 + replaceString( string.substring( offset + string1.length() ), string1, string2 );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printLink
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printLink( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String name,
    String url,
    String color )
    if( null != url )
    if( url.indexOf( "http://" ) != 0 )
    url = "http://" + url;
    out.println( "<BR><A HREF=\"" + url + "\"><FONT COLOR=\"" + color + "\"><B>" + name + "</B></FONT></A>" );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    String dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    out.println( "<FONT COLOR=\"" + titleColor + "\">" + titleValue + ": </FONT> <FONT COLOR=\"" + dataColor + "\"><B>" + dataValue + "</B></FONT><BR>" );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Integer dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Boolean dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Date dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for renderContent
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void renderContent( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    Document doc = ( Document ) JspHelper.getObject( request, response );
    boolean download = false;
    boolean renderedOutput = false;
    String mimeType = null;
    // Determine if we are opening or Downloading Content based on Action
    String action = request.getParameter( ACTION );
    if( action != null )
    if( action.equals( DOWNLOAD ) )
    download = true;
    if( DEBUG )
    Aler t.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): download = " + download );
    // Determine is we want Raw or Rendered Content. For Rendered Content both
    // Operation and Policy must be supplied.
    String operation = request.getParameter( OPERATION );
    String policy = request.getParameter( POLICY );
    if( ( null != operation ) && ( null != policy ) )
    renderedOutput = true;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): renderedOutput = " + renderedOutput );
    // Determine if contentType comes from Document or is supplied explicity.
    mimeType = request.getParameter( MIMETYPE );
    if( null == mimeType )
    mimeType = doc.getFormat().getMimeType();
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): mimeType = " + mimeType );
    // Process as Requested.
    response.setContentType( mimeType );
    String filename = doc.getName();
    String fileExtension = filename.substring( filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
    filename = filename.substring( 0, filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) - 1 );
    Selector mySelector = new Selector( getSession( request, response ) );
    mySelector.setSearchClassname( Format.CLASS_NAME );
    mySelector.setSearchSelection( Format.MIMETYPE_ATTRIBUTE + "='" + mimeType + "'" );
    if( mySelector.getItemCount() > 0 )
    Format f = ( Format ) mySelector.getItems( 0 );
    fileExtension = f.getExtension();
    filename = filename + '.' + fileExtension;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.RenderContent(): Filename = " + filename );
    if( download )
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + filename );
    InputStream is;
    if( renderedOutput )
    is = doc.renderAsStream( operation, policy, null );
    is = doc.getContentStream();
    response.setContentLength( ( int ) doc.getContentSize() );
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    byte [] bytesRead = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length );
    byteCount > 0;
    byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length ) )
    os.write( bytesRead, 0, byteCount );
    catch( Exception e )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, e );
    * Please complete the missing tags for dumpInputStream
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void dumpInputStream( ServletInputStream sis )
    throws IOException
    FileOutputStream fos;
    if( File.separator.equals( "\\" ) )
    fos = new FileOutputStream( "C:\\temp\\request.txt" );
    fos = new FileOutputStream( "/tmp/request.txt" );
    byte [] bytes = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int bytesRead = sis.readLine( bytes, 0, bytes.length );
    bytesRead > 0;
    bytesRead = bytes, 0, bytes.length ) )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.dumpInputStream() BytesRead = " + bytesRead );
    fos.write( bytes, 0, bytesRead );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getTimeOutURL
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    private static String getTimeOutURL()
    Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
    String country = locale.getCountry();
    String language = locale.getLanguage().toLowerCase();
    String localizedFolder = language;
    if( country != null )
    if( ( ! language.equalsIgnoreCase( "en" ) ) &#0124; &#0124;
    ( ( language.equalsIgnoreCase( "en" ) ) && ( ! country.equalsIgnoreCase( "US" ) ) ) )
    language = language + "_" + country.toUpperCase();
    return IFSWEBROOT + "/" + language + IFSTIMEOUT_URL;

  • Where did the iFS Javadoc webpages go?

    The Javadoc webpages of iFS APIs seem to have vaporized early last week. Can someone please point to their new home? they were not easy to find in the first place, but now I am having no luck at all.

    I'm trying very hard to just create a new versioned document in IFS 9.0.2 via APIs. Unfortunately, I'm running into problems at many different points:
    If I don't specify a content string, I get:
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30002: Unable to create new LibraryObject
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-31803: No Content specified in ContentObjectDefinition
    If I leave the file out of the DocDef, I get a different error:
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: long oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBAccess.lobWrite(oracle.sql.BLOB, long, byte[])
    Even if this were to work, embedded within the code, there is quirky behaviour coming from the order of establishing Documents, VersionsSeries, and Families. I know you guys are trying to maintain flexability, but the structures listed in the book have hidden sequential dependencies (difficult coupling issues). It's not well documented, making these APIs very difficult to use without a lot of insider knowledge. It's great that you all can agree as to where I should go for examples, but you have not clearly communicated to me where I can see these examples. This is the same as when I asked for javadocs. please be kinder to me, I can't read your minds or participate in your internal communication. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the help, but I am not making great progress on this side. With all of the quirkiness my company has experienced with iFS's Java APIs, we've decided to isolate and eliminate 80% of the extra methods provided. We are trying to wrap the remaining 20% into a highly reliable Interface & Implementation. The I/F is easy to define, but even just sifting through and using the ifs bean classes for implementation is proving difficult.
    com.rsaiia.common.pdm.Folder aDir = testFileRepository.getRootFolder()
    com.rsaiia.common.pdm.myDoc = aDir.createDocument("BungBucket.unc",
    new File("C:\\docs\\VersionTest.txt"));
    public com.lmco.rsaiia.common.pdm.Document
    createDocument(String theDocName, String theContentTypeName, File theFolderPath)
    throws PDMException {
    com.lmco.rsaiia.common.pdm.Document theDoc;
    if (theDocName == null)
    throw new NullPointerException("No Document Name");
    if (theContentTypeName == null)
    throw new NullPointerException("No ContentType Name");
    if (theFolderPath == null)
    throw new NullPointerException("No File Name");
    String description = theDocName + " Description";
    // The content (file to be contained in document) is associated in the
    // createDocumentDefinition call
    DocumentDefinition def = createDocumentDefinition(theDocName, description,
    theFolderPath, theContentTypeName);
    // the more general variant of createDocument does the rest
    theDoc = getDocument(createDocument(def));
    theDoc.addAttribute(m_SOURCE_FILE_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE); // should already be there but just in case
    PublicObject aFileObject = myFolder.findPublicObjectByPath(theDocName);
    Family aFamily = (Family)aFileObject;
    myFileSystem.makeVersioned(aFileObject); // make all created files versioned
    VersionSeries aVSeries = aFileObject.getFamily().getPrimaryVersionSeries();
    VersionDescription aVersDesc = aVSeries.getLastVersionDescription();
    System.out.println("Created Document " + theDocName + " In " + theFolderPath);
    return theDoc;
    catch (Exception e){
    throw new PDMException(e);
         * create a DocumentDefinition.
         * @param docName          the name of the new document
         * @param classname          the name of the classobject for the new document
    * @param filePath          a local file system path to content for
         * this document
    * @param parent          the folder that will become the parent of the
         * new document
         * @return                    the created Document
         * @exception IfsException if operation fails.
    private DocumentDefinition createDocumentDefinition (String name,
              String description, File filePath, String contentType)
              throws IfsException {
    if ( name == null )
    throw new NullPointerException("Next time, offer a document name");
              DocumentDefinition def = new DocumentDefinition(getSession());
              // Set the class only if it's specified
              ClassObject co = (contentType == null)
                   ? null : lookupClassObject(contentType);
              if (co != null)
              // Set the content if specified
    if (filePath != null)
    applyContentSettings(def, filePath.toString());
              return def;
    Gets the file extension from the supplied file name and
                   uses this to infer the Format which is written to the supplied
    document definition object
    private void applyContentSettings(DocumentDefinition def, String filePath)
              throws IfsException
              if ((filePath != null) && (def != null))
                   String ext = null;
                   int pos = filePath.lastIndexOf(".");
                   if (pos > 0 && pos < filePath.length())
                        ext = filePath.substring(pos + 1);
                   if (ext == null)
                        // default to "txt"
                        ext = "txt";
                   // set the based on the extension from the filepath
                   Format fmt = lookupFormatByExtension(ext);
    * Creates a new folder in the directory specified by the oParentFolder input parameter
    * @param Document a Oracle Document.
    * @return     PDMDocument
    * @throws IfsException if operation fails.
    private com.lmco.rsaiia.common.pdm.Document getDocument (oracle.ifs.beans.Document theDoc)
    throws PDMException {
    return new PDMDocument(theDoc,getSession(),getFileSystem());
    catch (Exception e){
    throw new PDMException(e);
    private oracle.ifs.beans.Document createDocument(DocumentDefinition def) // was public
    throws IfsException     {
    oracle.ifs.beans.Document theDoc =
    (oracle.ifs.beans.Document) getSession().createPublicObject(def);
              return theDoc;

  • Create a new File from java code

    I'd like to create a new File on IFS, using Java code. Moreover, this file will be an image file, and I'd like to store meta data with this file... and then execute a search on this meta data.
    I know it must not be very difficult to do, but I can't find any code sample.
    Does anyone could give me some usefull link or advice ?
    thanks in advance,

    First of all, you need to create your custom class. You can do it using iFS Manager, extending the class DOCUMENT. Let's call this class IMAGE with the attributes "length", "width", "colorDepth". Take a look at the code that creates one instance:
    You need one instance of LibrarySession (that appears in the code named "ifsSession").
    You need also the InputStream of the image you want to store (that appears in the code named "contentStream").
    // Setting the attributes
    DocumentDefinition def = new DocumentDefinition(ifsSession);
    def.setAttribute("NAME", AttributeValue.newAttributeValue("nameOfTheImage"));
    def.setAttribute("LENGTH", AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(100));
    def.setAttribute("WIDTH", AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(230));
    def.setAttribute("COLORDEPTH", AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(1024));
    // Creation
    Document doc = (Document) ifsSession.createPublicObject(def);
    I hope this helps,
    Fabio Nunes

  • Help, CheckOut causes error IFS-34611

    There was an error checking out logo.jpg: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: There was an error checking out logo.jpg: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-34611: Error reserving version series. oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30054: Insufficient access to add a new version to a VersionSeries oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30030: Permission not granted on specified ACL series. oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30054: Insufficient access to add a new version to a VersionSeries oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30030: Permission not granted on specified ACL
    I am writing my own CheckOut and CheckIn code for IFS1.1.10. The problem is that every time I check in a file, nobody but the person who originally checked in the file is able to check out the file. SO user1 checks in a file, user2 checks out the file and BAM error. please help.
    I have made sure to set the ACL to public at initial document creation (by giving the DocumentDefinition a Public ACL).
    //////////////////////////////////// BEGIN CHECKIN CLASS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    ******* CheckIn is pretty big so the only things to look at are the doPost and other called methods
    * Process the HTTP Post request
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252");
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252\">");
    //Debug mode stuff
    if (MODE == "info")
    iterateThroughHeaders(out, request);
    //Determine the length and location of the boundary tags
    //wrapping the files contents, these will
    //be used to trim away the header and footer later
    String contentType = request.getContentType();
    int boundaryIndex = contentType.indexOf("boundary=");
    String boundary = contentType.substring(boundaryIndex+9);
    int boundaryStrLength = boundary.length();
    // Parse out the filename from the stream
    // and at the same time remove the boundary tag
    // wrapping the file
    ServletInputStream sis = request.getInputStream();
    try {
    //Create a Junkbuffer to hold "lines" of the content Stream
    //and junk the first line of the stream
    int offset=0;
    int bufferLength=1024; // 1kilobyte
    byte[] junkBuffer = new byte[bufferLength];
    int junkLineSize = sis.readLine(junkBuffer, offset, bufferLength);
    junkLineSize = sis.readLine(junkBuffer, offset, bufferLength);
    // Read the file name from 2nd line of the stream
    // by isolating everything between the last
    // file backslash "\" and the last quote """
    ByteArrayOutputStream ContentDispositionStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ContentDispositionStream.write(junkBuffer, 0, bufferLength);
    String ContentDisposition = ContentDispositionStream.toString();
    //String filename = ContentDisposition.substring(ContentDisposition.lastIndexOf("\\")+1,ContentDisposition.lastIndexOf("\""));
    login.setfilename( ContentDisposition.substring(ContentDisposition.lastIndexOf("\\")+1,ContentDisposition.lastIndexOf("\"")) );
    // junk the 3rd and 4th lines
    junkLineSize = sis.readLine(junkBuffer, offset, bufferLength);
    junkLineSize = sis.readLine(junkBuffer, offset, bufferLength);
    } catch (Exception e){
    // Now that we have the filename, we need to make sure that
    // the file is not checked out by somebody else
    PublicObject pendingCheckIn = null;
    try {
    pendingCheckIn = login.getFileSystem().findPublicObjectByPath(login.IFS_FILE_PATH+login.getFilename());
    if (login.getFileSystem().isCheckedOut(pendingCheckIn) ) {
    // if file is checked out, find out by whom
    DirectoryUser currentOwner = login.getFileSystem().checkedOutBy(pendingCheckIn);
    if ( !currentOwner.equals(login.getLibrarySession().getDirectoryUser()) ){
    // it must be checked out by somebody,inform the current user as to whom the file is checked out by
    out.println("That file has been checked out by "+ currentOwner.getDistinguishedName());
    } else {// it must be checked out by the current user
    // Remove the trailing boundary tag wrapping the file contents
    ByteArrayInputStream contentInputStream = null;
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(sis);
    // Create a new Buffer for writing the headerless input stream to
    // a ByteArrayOutputStream
    byte[] buffer2 = new byte[4096]; //4Kilobyte buffer
    int length;
    ByteArrayOutputStream truncatedHeaderStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(request.getContentLength());
    while ((length = > 0) {
    truncatedHeaderStream.write(buffer2, 0, length);
    // Write the headerless ByteArrayOutputStream to a byteArray
    byte[] truncatedHeaderArray = truncatedHeaderStream.toByteArray();
    // Create a new ByteArrayOutputStream with the trailing
    // boundary tags removed by truncating the end of
    ByteArrayOutputStream contentOnly = new ByteArrayOutputStream(request.getContentLength());
    contentOnly.write(truncatedHeaderArray, 0, truncatedHeaderArray.length - boundaryStrLength - 8);
    byte[] contentAsBytes = contentOnly.toByteArray();
    contentInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(contentAsBytes);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("Error parsing the file out of the request<br>");
    //Create a new version of the document in the Primary Version Series
    createNewVersion(pendingCheckIn, contentInputStream, checkInComment);
    //Connect to the Oracle Database using the database versions of the username and password
    DatabaseHelper dbHelp = new DatabaseHelper(login);
    //Insert The uploaded document's name into the appropriate table.
    dbHelp.insertRecord(login.getTableName(), login.getKeyID(), login.getFilename());
    } catch (IfsException ifse) {
    //out.println("There was an error trying to: " + ifse.toString());
    try {
    if (null == pendingCheckIn) {
    // then this object does not exist and we must create a document and then version it.
    // Remove the trailing boundary tag wrapping the file contents
    ByteArrayInputStream contentInputStream = null;
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(sis);
    // Create a new Buffer for writing the headerless input stream to
    // a ByteArrayOutputStream
    byte[] buffer2 = new byte[4096]; //4Kilobyte buffer
    int length;
    ByteArrayOutputStream truncatedHeaderStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(request.getContentLength());
    while ((length = > 0) {
    truncatedHeaderStream.write(buffer2, 0, length);
    // Write the headerless ByteArrayOutputStream to a byteArray
    byte[] truncatedHeaderArray = truncatedHeaderStream.toByteArray();
    // Create a new ByteArrayOutputStream with the trailing
    // boundary tags removed by truncating the end of
    // the headerless byteArray
    ByteArrayOutputStream contentOnly = new ByteArrayOutputStream(request.getContentLength());
    contentOnly.write(truncatedHeaderArray, 0, truncatedHeaderArray.length - boundaryStrLength - 8);
    byte[] contentAsBytes = contentOnly.toByteArray();
    contentInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(contentAsBytes);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("Error parsing the file out of the request<br>");
    Document doc = null;
    try {
    DocumentDefinition newDocDef = new DocumentDefinition(login.getLibrarySession());
    newDocDef.setAttribute( "NAME",AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(login.getFilename()) );
    PublicObject poForAcl = login.getFileSystem().findPublicObjectByPath(login.PUBLIC_ACL_OBJECT_PATH);
    AccessControlList acl = poForAcl.getAcl();
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( acl );
    newDocDef.setAttribute( PublicObject.ACL_ATTRIBUTE, av );
    } catch (IfsException ifseIn) {
    out.println("Error creating new Document definition"+ifseIn);
    //return the versioned Family object
    Family documentFamily=null;
    try {
    documentFamily = this.makeVersioned(doc,checkInComment);
    }catch (IfsException ifseIn) {
    out.println("error in makeVersion");
    //Put the family object into /public/Pool
    Folder folder=null;
    FolderPathResolver folderPathResolver = null;
    try {
    //Get a handle on the public/Pool directory object
    folderPathResolver = new FolderPathResolver(login.getLibrarySession());
    folder = (Folder) folderPathResolver.findPublicObjectByPath("/public/Pool");
    out.println("added the document successfully");
    } catch (IfsException ifseIn) {
    out.println("error getting a handle on public pool"+ifseIn);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("error adding Item"+e);
    try {
    out.println(" folderPathResolver "+folderPathResolver.toString() +" folder "+folder.getName());
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    //Connect to the Oracle Database using the database versions of the username and password
    DatabaseHelper dbHelp = new DatabaseHelper(login);
    //Insert The uploaded document's name into the appropriate table.
    dbHelp.insertRecord(login.getTableName(), login.getKeyID(), login.getFilename());
    }//end If
    } catch (Exception exc) {
    out.println("Error creating new doc: "+exc);
    }//end Catch
    } //end doPost()
    * Get Servlet information
    * @return java.lang.String
    public String getServletInfo() {
    return "com.pws.FileTransfer.CheckIn Information";
    //this method was found on Oracle Forums, posted by Mark D Drake
    public Family makeVersioned( PublicObject po, String comment)
    throws IfsException {
    Collection c = po.getSession().getClassObjectCollection();
    ClassObject co = (ClassObject) c.getItems(Family.CLASS_NAME);
    if (po.isInstanceOf(co))
    return (Family) po;
    // - Create a Family Definition. Set the Name of the Family to the name of the Public Object etc.
    FamilyDefinition familyDef = new FamilyDefinition( po.getSession() );
    familyDef.setName( po.getName() );
    //AccessControlList acl = po.getAcl();
    //Added by Weber to give the versioned document a public ACL
    PublicObject poForAcl = login.getFileSystem().findPublicObjectByPath(login.PUBLIC_ACL_OBJECT_PATH);
    AccessControlList acl = poForAcl.getAcl();
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( acl );
    familyDef.setAttribute( PublicObject.ACL_ATTRIBUTE, av );
    familyDef.setAttribute( PublicObject.DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE, AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( "Family Definition for " + po.getName() ) );
    // Create the version series definition.
    // Attach the Family Definition to the Version Series Defintion
    VersionSeriesDefinition versionSeriesDef = new VersionSeriesDefinition( po.getSession() );
    versionSeriesDef.setFamilyDefinition( familyDef );
    // Create the Version Description Definition
    // Set the Description for the initial version.
    // Set the Versioned Object to be the current Purchase Order
    // Attach the Version Series Defintion to the Version Description Definition
    av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( comment );
    VersionDescriptionDefinition versionDescriptionDef = new VersionDescriptionDefinition( po.getSession() );
    versionDescriptionDef.setAttribute( VersionDescription.REVISIONCOMMENT_ATTRIBUTE, av );
    versionDescriptionDef.setVersionSeriesDefinition( versionSeriesDef );
    versionDescriptionDef.setPublicObject( po );
    // Create the Version description. This will create the Version Series and Version Family
    VersionDescription vd = ( VersionDescription ) po.getSession().createPublicObject( versionDescriptionDef );
    // Return the Family
    Family family = vd.getFamily();
    po.setSecuringPublicObject( family );
    //updateFolderReferences( po, family );
    return family;
    public void createNewVersion(PublicObject p_ifsFamily,
    InputStream p_contentStream,
    String p_versionComment){
    try {
    //begin a transaction for saving the new content
    oracle.ifs.common.Transaction transaction = login.getLibrarySession().beginTransaction();
    //get resolved public object from the family of the document
    Family l_family = (Family) p_ifsFamily;
    VersionSeries l_vs = l_family.getPrimaryVersionSeries();
    PublicObject l_rpo = l_family.getResolvedPublicObject();
    try {
    //construct the document definition with contentobject
    DocumentDefinition l_docDef = (DocumentDefinition)l_rpo.getDefinition();
    //Format l_format = ((Document)l_rpo).getFormat();
    //it is unkown whether this is necessary but I have added it for redundancy
    //form a new publicobject with the document definition
    PublicObject l_po = login.getLibrarySession().createPublicObject(l_docDef);
    //set the pendingpublicobject for the version series
    //if here,then no exception. so, commit the transaction
    //dereference the transaction object
    transaction = null;
    } catch (IfsException ifsEx) {
    }finally {
    if(transaction != null) {
    //if transaction is pending then exception. so, abort the transaction
    //dereference the transaction object
    transaction = null;
    // check in the document with the versioning comments.
    login.getFileSystem().checkIn(p_ifsFamily, p_versionComment);
    }catch(IfsException ex){ // Trap Errors
    if (ex.getErrorCode() != 30661) {
    }//end make Version
    private AccessControlList getPublicAcl(PrintWriter p_out) {
    AccessControlList l_acl = null;
    try {
    PublicObject poForAcl = login.getFileSystem().findPublicObjectByPath(login.PUBLIC_ACL_OBJECT_PATH);
    AccessControlList acl = poForAcl.getAcl();
    } catch (IfsException ifse) {
    p_out.println("Error in getPublicAcl: "+ifse);
    return l_acl;
    }// end getPublicAcl
    }//end Class
    //////////////////////////////////// BEGIN CHECKOUT CLASS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    package com.pws.FileTransfer;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Family;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.FamilyDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.VersionSeries;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.VersionSeriesDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.VersionDescription;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.VersionDescriptionDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.DirectoryUser;
    import oracle.ifs.adk.filesystem.IfsFileSystem;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    public class CheckOut extends HttpServlet {
    public static final String CHECKOUT_FILE_LOCATION = "files"+Login.IFS_FILE_PATH;
    * Initialize global variables
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    * Process the HTTP Get request
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252");
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252\">");
    // Parse the userName, password, docID and file from the request
    String username = request.getParameter("username");
    String password = request.getParameter("password");
    String file = request.getParameter("file");
    // Create a Login object to represent this session between the user and ifs
    Login login = new Login(username, password, null, null, null, null, file);
    // Create a publicObject from the provided filename
    PublicObject poFromFile = null;
    String lastDescriptID = null;
    String firstDescriptID = null;
    String getID = null;
    String descriptionAttribute = null;
    String defaultVersionDescription = null;
    try {
    // Find the file pending Check Out in IFS
    Family pendingCheckOut = (Family)login.getFileSystem().findPublicObjectByPath(login.IFS_FILE_PATH + file);
    PublicObject resolvedPO = pendingCheckOut.getResolvedPublicObject();
    // Find out who it is checked out by
    DirectoryUser currentFileUser = login.getFileSystem().checkedOutBy(pendingCheckOut);
    if (null == currentFileUser) {
    // The file is not checked out,
    // proceed with CheckOut process
    PublicObject po = login.getFileSystem().checkOut(resolvedPO, false);
    out.println("<a href="\""+ CHECKOUT_FILE_LOCATION + file +"\" target=\"_blank\">"+ file +"</a>");
    } else {
    // The file is already checked out,
    // display who the currentFileUser is
    out.println(file +" is currently checked out by "+currentFileUser.getDistinguishedName());
    } catch (IfsException ifse) {
    out.println("There was an error checking out "+ file +": "+ ifse);
    * Get Servlet information
    * @return java.lang.String
    public String getServletInfo() {
    return "com.pws.FileTransfer.CheckOut Information";

    We are facing exact same problem?
    Have you got any fix for this?
    Please let me know.
    (Cisco Systems)

  • Is there any Index Cards in iFS

    I am new to this iFS and have been looking everywhere to see if there is such a thing as Indexing cards so that the files can be further indexed and thus searched. Is there any such thing for iFS? I can not find any...

    It is very easy to extend the Internet File System with custom file attributes. This can be done using the ifsmgr tool, which features a friendly graphic user interface.
    As part of the creation process, you can choose to index an attribute using the isIndexed checkbox.
    If you've installed with the interMedia text option set to run, the body text of any document you insert to the Internet File System will be indexed for full text search.

  • IFS-30027: Insufficient access to create a SchemaObject

    I receive the following error when I to parse a XML file. IFS-
    21005 indicates, I need administrator mode. What I want know is
    this misleading and I just need to modify the ACL or does the
    administrator need grant a higher level of access?
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30002: Unable to create new
    LibraryObject oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30027:
    Insufficient access to create a SchemaObject
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-21005: Administrator mode is
    required for this operation

    If the XML file you are uploading is specifying the creation of a
    SchemaObject (e.g. a ClassObject, ValueDomain, ClassDomain, or
    ValueDefault), the session must be in admin mode. There is no
    way to circumvent this by changing an ACL.

  • Upload Image Files into IFS

    Dear Members,
    I am trying to upload files from my local disk to the IFS. There is no problem about uploading txt files. But i could not upload the image files like ".tif".
    Is there anyone who can help me urgently please?
    Here is the part of my source code..
    DocumentDefinition newDocDef = new DocumentDefinition(ifsSession);
    Document doc = (Document)ifsSession.createPublicObject(newDocDef);

    Dear Sir,
    This topic is very urgent for me, and I will be very happy for your help.
    I have changed my code like this.
    ClassObject co = classUtils.lookupClassObject("DOCUMENT");
    Collection c = ifsSession.getFormatExtensionCollection();
    Format f = (Format) c.getItems("tif");
    DocumentDefinition newDocDef = new DocumentDefinition(ifsSession);
    TieDocument doc = (TieDocument)ifsSession.createPublicObject(newDocDef);
    And the error message is here.
    IFS-30002: Unable to create new LibraryObject oracle.ifs.common.IfsException:
    IFS-32225: Error storing reference to content object 22,432 in media InterMediaBlob java.sql.SQLException:
    ORA-00911: invalid character
         void oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)       void oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError()       void oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive()       void oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(byte, byte, int, byte[], oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBType[], oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBData[], int, oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBType[], oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBData[], int)       int oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch(oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBStatement, byte, byte[], oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBDataSet, int, oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBDataSet, int)       void oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery(boolean)       void oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther(boolean)       void oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout()       int oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate()       boolean oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute()       boolean oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.execute(java.sql.PreparedStatement)       oracle.sql.BLOB oracle.ifs.server.S_MediaBlob.createBlobReference(java.lang.Long, java.lang.String)  oracle.ifs.server.S_MediaBlob.getOutputStream(java.lang.Long, java.lang.String)  oracle.ifs.server.S_MediaBlob.getOutputStream(java.lang.Long)       java.lang.Long oracle.ifs.server.S_Media.setContentStream(       void oracle.ifs.server.S_Media.setContent(oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       void oracle.ifs.server.S_ContentObject.setContent(oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       void oracle.ifs.server.S_ContentObject.extendedPreInsert(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       void oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.preInsert(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.createInstance(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.createSystemObjectInstance(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       void oracle.ifs.server.S_Document.setContentObject(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition, oracle.ifs.server.S_ContentQuota, boolean)       void oracle.ifs.server.S_Document.extendedPreInsert(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       void oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.preInsert(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.createInstance(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newLibraryObject(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.server.S_PublicObject oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newPublicObject(oracle.ifs.server.OperationState, oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.server.S_PublicObject oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newPublicObject(oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.DMNewPublicObject(oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.DMNewPublicObject(oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.NewPublicObject(oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObjectDefinition)       oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.createPublicObject(oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObjectDefinition)  Process exited with exit code 0.

  • Moving Files in iFS

    Does anyone know how I would programmatically move a file in ifs from one folder into another. Would it be done with the use of Library objects?

    Here is conceptually how to do what you're asking. You have to provide a bit more, like establishing a connection to iFS, finding the file you want to move and the source and destination folders (perhaps by path or with a search):
    // connect and get initial items
    LibrarySession session = obtainSession();
    Folder source = getSourceFolder();
    Document file = getDocumentToMove();
    Folder destination = getDestinationFolder();
    String newNameForMovedFile = determineNewName(file);
    // using ADK FileSystem class:
    IfsFileSystem ifs = new IfsFileSystem(session);
    ifs.move( source, destination, file, newNameForMovedFile, null, true );
    // using API directly:
    PublicObjectDefinition poDef = new PublicObjectDefinition();
    // remove from source folder
    PublicObjectDefinition poFreeDef = new PublicObjectDefinition();
    parentFolder.removeItem(file, poFreeDef);
    // add to destination folder

  • IfsException: IFS-10407: Invalid Attribute name

    I'm trying to programmaticaly create an instance of the custom class AsapPublisher that I have created. When I attempt to set the attribute jobTitle I get the IFS exception 10407. The attribute jobTitle exists so I unsure why I'm getting this error. Below is my code and stack trace. If anyone can see where I'm going wrong I would appreciate input. Thanks!
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=WINDOWS-1252"%>
    <%@ page import="oracle.ifs.common.IfsException" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryService" %>
    <%@ page import="java.util.Locale" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.ifs.beans.ClassObject" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="publishasap.AsapPublisher" %>
    <%@ page import="publishasap.definition.AsapPublisherDef" %>
    <%@ page import="publishasap.definition.AsapPublisherContactDef" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.ifs.common.CleartextCredential" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.ifs.common.ConnectOptions" %>
    String username = "system";
    String password = "manager";
    String serviceName = "IfsDefault";
    String servicePassword = "ifssys";
    LibraryService ifsService = new LibraryService();
    CleartextCredential credentials = new CleartextCredential(username,password);
    ConnectOptions connectOpts = new ConnectOptions();
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsService.connect(credentials,connectOpts);
    //set the AsapPublisher attributes and create a publisher instance
    AsapPublisherDef publisher = new AsapPublisherDef(ifsSession);
    //create the publisher contact object
    AsapPublisherContactDef contact = new AsapPublisherContactDef(ifsSession);
    AsapPublisher createPub = (AsapPublisher) ifsSession.createPublicObject(contact);
    catch(IfsException e)
    out.println("System was unable to create an author object");
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true);
    String trace = sw.toString();
    String message = e.getMessage();
    // Copyright (c) 2000 Thin Data Solutions
    package publish asap;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
    import oracle.ifs.common.*;
    import oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData;
    import publishasap.AsapCustomer;
    import publishasap.AsapPublisherContact;
    import publishasap.definition.AsapPublisherContactDef;
    * A Bean class.
    * <P>
    public class AsapPublisher extends AsapCustomer {
    public static final String CLASS_NAME= "AsapPublisher";
    public static final String PUBLISHER_CONTACT= "AsapPublisherContact";
    public static final String PUBLISHER_DESCRIPTION="publisherDescription";
    private LibrarySession m_IfsSession= null;
    * Constructor
    public AsapPublisher( LibrarySession ifs,
    java.lang.Long id,
    java.lang.Long classId,
    S_LibraryObjectData data)
    throws IfsException{
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    m_IfsSession= ifs;
    public void setAsapPublisherContact(AsapPublisherContact newValue)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute(PUBLISHER_CONTACT, av);
    public void setAsapPublisherContact(AsapPublisherContactDef newValue)
    throws IfsException{
    PublicObject po= m_IfsSession.createPublicObject(newValue);
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(po);
    setAttribute(PUBLISHER_CONTACT, av);
    public void setPublisherDescription(String newValue)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute(PUBLISHER_DESCRIPTION, av);
    public String getPublisherDescription()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PUBLISHER_DESCRIPTION);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public AsapPublisherContact getAsapPublisherContact()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PUBLISHER_CONTACT);
    return (AsapPublisherContact)av.getObject(getSession());
    // Copyright (c) 2000 Thin Data Solutions
    package publishasap;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
    import oracle.ifs.common.*;
    import oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData;
    import publishasap.AsapCustomer;
    import publishasap.AsapPublisherContact;
    import publishasap.definition.AsapPublisherContactDef;
    * A Bean class.
    * <P>
    public class AsapPublisher extends AsapCustomer {
    public static final String CLASS_NAME= "AsapPublisher";
    public static final String PUBLISHER_CONTACT= "AsapPublisherContact";
    public static final String PUBLISHER_DESCRIPTION="publisherDescription";
    private LibrarySession m_IfsSession= null;
    * Constructor
    public AsapPublisher( LibrarySession ifs,
    java.lang.Long id,
    java.lang.Long classId,
    S_LibraryObjectData data)
    throws IfsException{
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    m_IfsSession= ifs;
    public void setAsapPublisherContact(AsapPublisherContact newValue)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute(PUBLISHER_CONTACT, av);
    public void setAsapPublisherContact(AsapPublisherContactDef newValue)
    throws IfsException{
    PublicObject po= m_IfsSession.createPublicObject(newValue);
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(po);
    setAttribute(PUBLISHER_CONTACT, av);
    public void setPublisherDescription(String newValue)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute(PUBLISHER_DESCRIPTION, av);
    public String getPublisherDescription()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PUBLISHER_DESCRIPTION);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public AsapPublisherContact getAsapPublisherContact()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PUBLISHER_CONTACT);
    return (AsapPublisherContact)av.getObject(getSession());
    // Copyright (c) 2000 Movement Inc.
    package publishasap;
    import publish asap.*;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
    import oracle.ifs.common.*;
    import oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData;
    * A Bean class.
    * <P>
    public class AsapPublisherContact extends AsapPerson {
    public static final String PUBLISHER_ID= "publisherId";
    public static final String JOB_TITLE= "jobTitle";
    public static final String CLASS_NAME= "AsapPublisherContact";
    * Constructor
    public AsapPublisherContact( LibrarySession ifs,
    java.lang.Long id,
    java.lang.Long classId,
    S_LibraryObjectData data)
    throws IfsException{
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    public void setPublisherId(String newId)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newId);
    setAttribute(PUBLISHER_ID, av);
    public void setJobTitle(String newTitle)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newTitle);
    setAttribute(JOB_TITLE, av);
    public String getPublisherId()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PUBLISHER_ID);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getJobTitle()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(JOB_TITLE);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    // Copyright (c) 2000 Movement Inc.
    package publishasap.definition;
    import publishasap.AsapPublisherContact;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
    import oracle.ifs.common.*;
    * A Bean class.
    * <P>
    public class AsapPublisherContactDef extends AsapPersonDef {
    * Constructor
    public AsapPublisherContactDef(LibrarySession ifs)
    throws IfsException
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    public void setPublisherId(String newId)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newId);
    setAttribute(AsapPublisherContact.PUBLISHER_ID, av);
    public void setJobTitle(String newTitle)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newTitle);
    setAttribute(AsapPublisherContact.JOB_TITLE, av);
    <Description>Stores the information on the main contact person for the publisher.</Description>
    <SuperClass RefType="name">AsapPerson</SuperClass>
    <!-- Attribute list for the object -->
    <!-- Store the primary key of the publisher whom this person is the contact for. -->
    <!-- Store the contact person's job title or position. -->
    <Description>Stores the information about publishers in the database.</Description>
    <SuperClass RefType="name">AsapCustomer</SuperClass>
    <!-- Attribute list for the object. -->
    <!-- A reference to the main contact person at the publisher. -->
    <ClassDomain reftype="name">AsapPubContactDomain</ClassDomain>
    <!-- A Descript ion of the publisher. -->
    stack trace
    System was unable to create an author object oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30002: Unable to create new LibraryObject oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10407: Invalid Attribute name (JOBTITLE) at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.insertRows(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.server.OperationState.executeAtomicOperations(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.createInstance(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newLibraryObject(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newPublicObject( at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newPublicObject( at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.DMNewPublicObject( at oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.DMNewPublicObject( at oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.NewPublicObject( at oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.createPublicObject( at publishasap.definition.AsapPublisherDef.setAsapPublisherContact( at ifs.files._ifs._jsp_25_2dbin._admin._instantiatePublisher._jspService( at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(, Compiled Code) at, Compiled Code) at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch(, Compiled Code) at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.protocols.dav.impl.IfsDavServlet.processJsp(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.protocols.dav.impl.IfsDavServlet.doGet(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.protocols.dav.impl.IfsDavServlet.doPost(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.protocols.dav.DavServlet.processRequest(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.protocols.dav.DavServlet.service(, Compiled Code) at oracle.ifs.protocols.dav.impl.IfsDavServlet.service(, Compiled Code) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(, Compiled Code) at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest(, Compiled Code) at, Compiled Code) at, Compiled Code) IFS-30002: Unable to create new LibraryObject

    Sorry Mark. Here are the rest of the files.
    // Copyright (c) 2000 PublishASAP
    package publishasap;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.ApplicationObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData;
    * Superclass of all people involved in Publishasap
    * <P>
    public class AsapPerson extends ApplicationObject {
    // Private class constants.
    public static final String CLASS_NAME = "AsapPerson";
    public static final String PREFIX= "prefix";
    public static final String FIRST_NAME= "firstName";
    public static final String INITIAL= "mInitial";
    public static final String LAST_NAME= "lastName";
    public static final String SUFFIX = "suffix";
    public static final String EMAIL_ONE= "email1";
    public static final String EMAIL_TWO= "email2";
    public static final String WORK_PHONE= "wkPhone";
    public static final String FAX= "fax";
    public static final String USERNAME= "username";
    public static final String PASSWORD= "password";
    * Constructor
    public AsapPerson(LibrarySession ifs,
    java.lang.Long id,
    java.lang.Long classId,
    S_LibraryObjectData data)
    throws IfsException{
    super(ifs, id, classId, data);
    * Set the value of the PREFIX attribute.
    public final void setPrefix( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( PREFIX, av );
    * Get the current value of the PREFIX attribute.
    public final String getPrefix()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PREFIX);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the first name attribute.
    public final void setFirstName( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( FIRST_NAME, av );
    * Get the current value of the FIRST_NAME attribute.
    public final String getFirstName()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(FIRST_NAME);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the INITIAL attribute.
    public final void setMInitial( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( INITIAL, av );
    * Get the current value of the INITIAL attribute.
    public final String getMInitial()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(INITIAL);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the LAST_NAME attribute.
    public final void setLastName( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( LAST_NAME, av );
    * Get the current value of the LAST_NAME attribute.
    public final String getLastName()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(LAST_NAME);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the SUFFIX attribute.
    public final void setSuffix( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( SUFFIX, av );
    * Get the current value of the SUFFIX attribute.
    public final String getSuffix()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(SUFFIX);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the EMAIL_ONE attribute.
    public final void setEmail1( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( EMAIL_ONE, av );
    * Get the current value of the EMAIL_ONE.
    public final String getEmail1()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(EMAIL_ONE);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return t mp.trim();
    * Set the EMAIL_TWO attribute.
    public final void setEmail2( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( EMAIL_TWO, av );
    * Get the current value of EMAIL_TWO.
    public final String getEmail2()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(EMAIL_TWO);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the WORK_PHONE attribute.
    public final void setWkPhone( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( WORK_PHONE, av );
    * Get the current value of the WORK_PHONE attribute.
    public final String getWkPhone()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(WORK_PHONE);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the FAX attribute.
    public final void setFax( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( FAX, av );
    * Get the current value of the FAX attribute.
    public final String getFax()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(FAX);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the username and password.
    public final void setUsername( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( USERNAME, av );
    * Get the current value of the USERNAME.
    public final String getUsername()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(USERNAME);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    * Set the value of the PASSWORD attribute.
    public final void setPassword( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( PASSWORD, av );
    * Get the current value of the password field.
    public final String getPassword()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PASSWORD);
    String tmp= av.getString(getSession());
    return tmp.trim();
    // Copyright (c) 2000 Movement Inc
    package publishasap.definition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.ClassObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObjectDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.ApplicationObjectDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.DocumentDefinition;
    * A Bean class.
    * <P>
    * @author Brooke Supryka
    public class AsapPersonDef extends ApplicationObjectDefinition {
    * This bean is called to create an instance of a person
    * <P>
    * @author Brooke Supryka
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    * Constructs a new instance.
    public AsapPersonDef(LibrarySession ifs) throws IfsException
    //Construct an AsapAuthor object
    * Set the value of the PREFIX attribute.
    public final void setPrefix( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.PREFIX, av );
    * Set the value of the first name attribute.
    public final void setFirstName( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.FIRST_NAME, av );
    * Set the value of the INITIAL attribute.
    public final void setMInitial( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.INITIAL, av );
    * Set the value of the LAST_NAME attribute.
    public final void setLastName( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.LAST_NAME, av );
    * Set the value of the SUFFIX attribute.
    public final void setSuffix( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.SUFFIX, av );
    * Set the EMAIL_ONE attribute.
    public final void setEmail1( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.EMAIL_ONE, av );
    * Set the EMAIL_TWO attribute.
    public final void setEmail2( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.EMAIL_TWO, av );
    * Set the value of the WORK_PHONE attribute.
    public final void setWkPhone( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.WORK_PHONE, av );
    * Set the value of the FAX attribute.
    public final void setFax( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.FAX, av );
    * Set the value of the username and password.
    public final void setUsername( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.USERNAME, av );
    * Set the value of the PASSWORD attribute.
    public final void setPassword( String newValue )
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    setAttribute( publishasap.AsapPerson.PASSWORD, av );
    // Copyright (c) 2000 Movement Inc.
    package publishasap;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
    import oracle.ifs.common.*;
    import oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData;
    * Instance of AsapCustomer.
    * <P>
    * @author Ian Kulmatycki
    public class AsapCustomer extends TieApplicationObject {
    public static final String CLASS_NAME= "AsapCustomer";
    public static final String COMPANY_NAME= "companyName";
    public static final String ADDRESS_1= "address1";
    public static final String ADDRESS_2= "address2";
    public static final String CITY= "city";
    public static final String STATE= "state";
    public static final String POSTAL_CODE= "postalCode";
    public static final String PHONE_NUMBER= "phoneNumber";
    public static final String COUNTRY= "country";
    * Constructor
    public AsapCustomer( LibrarySession ifs,
    java.lang.Long id,
    java.lang.Long classId,
    S_LibraryObjectData data)
    throws IfsException{
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    public void setCompanyName(String newName)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newName);
    setAttribute(COMPANY_NAME, av);
    public void setAddress1(String newAddress)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newAddress);
    setAttribute(ADDRESS_1, av);
    public void setAddress2(String newAddress)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newAddress);
    setAttribute(ADDRESS_2, av);
    public void setCity(String newCity)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newCity);
    setAttribute(CITY, av);
    public void setState(String newState)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newState);
    setAttribute(STATE, av);
    public void setPostalCode(String newPostalCode)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newPostalCode);
    setAttribute(POSTAL_C ODE, av);
    public void setCountry(String newCountry)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newCountry);
    setAttribute(COUNTRY, av);
    public void setPhoneNumber(String newPhoneNumber)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newPhoneNumber);
    setAttribute(PHONE_NUMBER, av);
    public String getCompanyName()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(COMPANY_NAME);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getAddress1()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(ADDRESS_1);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getAddress2()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(ADDRESS_2);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getCity()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(CITY);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getPostalCode()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(POSTAL_CODE);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getCountry()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(COUNTRY);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getState()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(STATE);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public String getPhoneNumber()
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= getAttribute(PHONE_NUMBER);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    // Copyright (c) 2000 Movement Inc.
    package publishasap.definition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
    import oracle.ifs.common.*;
    import publishasap.AsapCustomer;
    * Create the definition for an AsapCustomer object.
    * <P>
    * @author Ian Kulmatycki
    public class AsapCustomerDef extends ApplicationObjectDefinition {
    * Constructor
    public AsapCustomerDef(LibrarySession ifs)
    throws IfsException
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    public void setCompanyName(String newName)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newName);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.COMPANY_NAME, av);
    public void setAddress1(String newAddress)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newAddress);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.ADDRESS_1, av);
    public void setAddress2(String newAddress)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newAddress);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.ADDRESS_2, av);
    public void setCity(String newCity)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newCity);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.CITY, av);
    public void setState(String newState)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newState);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.STATE, av);
    public void setPostalCode(String newPostalCode)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newPostalCode);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.POSTAL_CODE, av);
    public void setCountry(String newCountry)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newCountry);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.COUNTRY, av);
    public void setPhoneNumber(String newPhoneNumber)
    throws IfsException{
    AttributeValue av= AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newPhoneNumber);
    setAttribute(AsapCustomer.PHONE_NUMBER, av);
    <?xml version = '1.0' standalone = 'yes'?>
    <!-- AsapPerson.xml -->
    <Description>AsapPerson Object</Description>
    <Superclass Reftype = "name">ApplicationObject</Superclass>
    <Attributes&gt ;
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <!-- AsapCustomer.xml -->
    <!-- When parsed, this file will create the definition of an AsapCustomer in the database. -->
    <Description>Parent of all customers that are using Publishasap.</Description>
    <SuperClass RefType="name">ApplicationObject</SuperClass>
    <!-- Attribute list for the object. -->
    <!-- The company name of the customer. -->
    <!-- The mailing address of the customer. -->
    <!-- The secondary mailing address of the customer. -->
    <!-- The mailing city of the customer. -->
    <!-- The mailing state of the customer. -->
    <!-- The mailing postal code of the customer. -->
    <!-- The contact phone number of the customer. -->
    <!-- The mailing country of the customer. -->
    <DataType>String</DataT ype>

  • Upgrading ifs 1.1.6 to 1.2  (9.0.1)

    Is there an easy/simple upgrade path for ifs from 1.1.6 to 1.2 (9.0.1)?

    Yes! All you have to do is download/install the new version of iFS (9.0.1) and then use the iFS Configuration Assistant to upgrade your existing iFS schema. This will happen as part of the install; you just have to provide answers to a few questions (passwords, etc.) It's very easy and documented step-by-step in the installation guide.

  • Problem with Oracle 9i vs. iFS 1.1.10

    This is a trace file created by Oracle 9i when i kill session which "eat" 99% of CPU time.
    You see SELECT in body of trace file - Oracle do this statement when i try to create new folder in iFS through iFS API. Any idea?
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    ORACLE_HOME = /home/oracle/product/9.0.1
    System name: Linux
    Node name: beta.olymp.inet
    Release: 2.4.2-2smp
    Version: #1 SMP Sun Apr 8 20:21:34 EDT 2001
    Machine: i686
    Instance name: ifs
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 12
    Unix process pid: 17701, image: [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)
    *** SESSION ID:(21.3139) 2001-07-26 19:01:11.812
    *** 2001-07-26 19:01:11.812
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qerpfAllocateX2], [4030], [4028], [], [], [], [], []
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    select, x.classid, x.NAME, x.DESCRIPTION, x.OWNER, x.ACL, x.FAMILY, x.RESOLVEDPUBLICOBJECT, x.CREATEDATE, x.CREATOR, x.LASTMODIFYDATE, x.LASTMODIFIER, x.DELETOR, x.POLICYBUNDLE, x.PROPERTYBUNDLE, x.ADMINISTRATIONGROUP, x.SECURINGPUBLICOBJECT, x.EXPIRATIONDATE, x.LOCKSTATE, x.FLAGS, x.LOCKEDFORSESSION, x.SHARED, x.UNIQUENAME from odms_systemaccesscontrollist x where ((x.owner = :1 and x.odmz_userid = 0) or (x.owner != :2 and x.odmz_userid = 1) or (x.owner != :3 and x.odmz_userid = :4)) and id = :5
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling call entry argument values in hex
    location type point (? means dubious value)
    Cannot read string table section header in /lib/
    Cannot read string table section header in /lib/
    Cannot read string table section header in /lib/
    Cannot read string table section header in /lib/
    ksedmp()+238 CALL ksedst()+0 A1B68BC ? 7DA ? 9D5E062 ? 2 ?
    F ? 0 ? 0 ? 2 ? BFFFCD70 ?
    939447E ? A1EF694 ? 9B3D980 ?
    BFFFCD08 ? 839F2B9 ? 3 ? 8B ?
    BFFFCD48 ? 9393D65 ?
    A1B68BC ? A21C798 ?
    BFFFCD48 ? 9393DCC ?
    A1B67E0 ? 3 ? 9D5E049 ?
    9393D1E ? 1F ? 53BCDDFC ?
    FBE ? 8719246 ? A1B67E0 ?
    5333AA04 ? BFFFCD98 ?
    8E810A3 ? 52F90558 ?
    53BCDE14 ? BFFFCD98 ?
    8E81105 ? A1B67E0 ? A21C798 ?
    9D5E062 ? 2 ? 4 ? FBE ? 4 ?
    FBC ? 537FC574 ? 53BCDD28 ?
    1 ? 87190D8 ? 537FC574 ?
    53BCDD28 ? 140 ? A0 ? 0 ?
    28 ? BFFFCDC8 ? 829671C ?
    537FD664 ? 53BCDD28 ? 1 ?
    ksfdmp()+20 CALL ksedmp()+0
    kgeasnmierr()+186 CALLr 00000000
    qerpfAllocateX()+22 CALL kgeasnmierr()+0 4 ? FBC ? 537FC574 ?
    4 53BCDD28 ? 1 ? 87190D8 ?
    537FC574 ? 53BCDD28 ?
    qknDoRwsAllocate()+ CALLr 00000000
    qertbIAllocate()+19 CALL qknDoRwsAllocate()+
    11 0
    qertbAllocateX()+15 CALL qertbIAllocate()+0
    qknDoRwsAllocate()+ CALLr 00000000
    rwsaidX()+111 CALL qknDoRwsAllocate()+
    qkaTraverseQkn()+22 CALLr 00000000
    qkadrv2()+665 CALL qkaTraverseQkn()+0
    opitca()+3803 CALL qkadrv2()+0 500159E4 ? 9B3D980 ?
    BFFFD480 ? BFFFCF98 ? 0 ?
    A1B6800 ? 1B68BC ? 0 ?
    A2293EC ? 0 ? 52F90814 ?
    5333ABE8 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 1 ?
    1 ? BFFFD0E0 ? 178 ?
    53334FEC ? 0 ? BFFFCF94 ?
    BFFFD068 ? BFFFCF40 ?
    8A1F263 ? 0 ? 53336CE0 ? 5 ?
    53C32C90 ? 30 ? 53336C28 ?

    Forget - my oracle installed on RedHat 7.1 system with 2 PIIIXeon 700 and 2G RAM and 5x36G SCSI HDD with degraded binutils (as described on

  • Adding mimetype to document types in Web Access

    I need more mimetypes than are in document types in Web Access.
    Have tried to add a mimetype just to the wks$mimetype table but get java errors when go in the Usearch Admin web site. Is there a set way to add these to the Not Processed list in Web Access, so can add to the Processed list?

    Can you tell us what is the mimetype that is missing from the list?
    Is it a proprietary mimetype? Ultra Search does not support adding of new
    mimetype as it perceive the list is complete (it is from IANA, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
    Every new mimetype needs a message id which points to the description of the mimetype. Since
    user can not add new message, you will have to use an arbitary id outside the range of 26000-26034,
    you might want to try id 80189 "Document type", e.g.,
    insert into wk$mimetypes(descriptor,media_type,extensions, id, msg_id)
    values ('abc document','application/abc','abc',wk$mimetypes_seq.nextval, 80189);
    Another workaround is to add this new mimetype directly to the ultrasearch/data/config/crawler.dat file. In that case every
    data source will pick up document of this mimetype. e.g.,
    MIMEINCLUDE application/abc
    Keep in mind operation like this is not supported by Ultra Search.

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