New sheet in excel.

I've developed a corporate web site. This company would like download a "excel file" with 2 sheets. I had made "excel files" none sheets.

Welcome to SDN.
Azaz Ali.

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    Hi to all, my requirement is this:
    I have an excel file (.xls) with multiple sheets (three sheets for precision: sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3).
    I must create in the same excel file new sheet, say sheet4, read data from sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3 and write them into sheet4.
    How to realize this in SSIS?
    Expecially, Is it possible to realize this in SSIS?
    thanks in advance.

    You need to create the sheet with the required metadata. There's no use creating blank sheet.
    Also metadata has to be fixed using a sample sheet prior to start of the package for setting the mapping. You may create a excel template for this purpose to just set the mapping at design time.
    At runtime pass actual excel sheet path for ExcelFilePath property of the source to point to correct file.
    Also the create table statement should include the same metadata info (columns)
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------
    Hi, well it works fine! I have used a sample sheet prior to start of the package for setting the mapping.
    Next at run time  pass actual excel sheet path for ExcelFilePath property of the source to point to correct file.
    However I have set also ValidateExternalMetadata properties of the Excel Destination to false and DelayValidation properties of the package to true.
    Now my problem is the following:
    I stored the three sheets name (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3) in the Object type user variable through a script task and the foreach loop loops through the three sheets stored in the variable.
    Now, I want that at each iteration the CURRENT VALUE of the Object type user variable is mapped into another user variable wich in turn is given in input to the Excel Source.
    -) I have to copy the content of three sheets (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3) of excel file into another new sheet,   sheet4.
    -) I stored the three sheets name (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3) in the Object type user variable.
    -) With a  foreach loop container I loops the three sheets stored in the Object type user variable.
    -) Within a foreach loop container I have a Data Flow Task that transfer data from source sheet (sheet1, sheet2, sheet3) into destination sheet, sheet4.
    -) PROBLEM: how to change dinamically at each iteration of the foreach loop the name of source sheet? In the destination excel Task the sheet is always the same at each iteration, sheet4. But in the source excel task the name of sheet musts change at each
    iteration. In particular at the first iteration the name of the source sheet must be "sheet1$", at the second iteration "sheet2$", in the last iteration "sheet3$".
    How to change sheet name dinamically at each iteration?

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    Thank You

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    Attachments: ‏85 KB

    To copy the entire contents to the new sheet:
    Select the Target sheet by name using property Sheets->Item("Target")
    Convert target to WorkSheet
    Wire target's WorkSheet->Range("A1") to specify destination
    Use Sheets->Item("Source") to select the source sheet
    Convert source to WorkSheet
    Wire source to property WorkSheet->UsedRange
    Wire to method Range->Copy, wire target range to Desination input
    Note that no Paste function is required.
    Michael Munroe, ABCDEF
    Certified LabVIEW Developer, MCP
    Find and fix bad VI Properties with Property Inspector
    Attachments: ‏87 KB

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    Numbers has: Edit > Paste Values.
    That may do what you need.

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    Any help?

    Numbers works differently from Excel. There are no rows or columns on the sheet, its a blank canvas that you add tables to. Use the mountain button to add a table.
    Remember that since your working with tables as entities, DO NOT add extra blank rows. Just have the number of rows/columns USED in the table at any time. You can then use the "i" button to designate how many of those rows are header or footer rows, and if any of the columns are to be considered header columns. when you add a new row, it will add them inside your header rows.
    Hope this helps,
    Message was edited by: jaxjason

  • I try to create a chart as an object in a new sheet:error below

    Hi All,
    I try to create a chart as an object in a new sheet (not embedded in the same sheet as data source). I get the below error message.
    "Run-time error '13': "
    Type mismatch
    Thanks in Advance.

    This is a Microsoft Excel issue. You need to get the relevatnt service pack. Speak to your Local System Admin.

  • Insertion of new sheet

    hi guys
    I am testing my Quality system after SPS patch upgradation.I have to test if query functionalities are working fine.
    I created one query and exceuted in Analyser.Everything worked fine.Now I have to test if I can INSERT ONE NEW SHEET, GO TO DESIGN MODE,OPEN ONE NEW QUERY AND RENAME THE SHEET TO SOME NEW NAME just to see
    if these things are working fine.
    Is this really possible?
    how to do this in analyser  excel sheets?
    Thanks and Regards for your help.
    Edited by: SChandx200 on May 19, 2010 4:03 PM

    This seems like a funny thing to test!
    But yes, it is possible.  You have these 2 options:
    (1)  Use excel - Right click on any sheet, then select Insert ->worksheet.  Go to design mode, insert an analysis grid, create a new data provider for your query, rename the sheet by double clicking on the name.
    (2) Use BEx - Using the bex toolbar, choose option to copy the existing sheet to a new worksheet (this will copy everything- bex objects plus excel stuff).  Then go to design mode, open the analysis grid, create a new data provider for your query, then remane the sheet by double clicking on the name.
    Hope this helps,

  • Listview for new sheets and tables in numbers 3.0

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    when adding a new sheet or table in numbers 3.0 you get them in a horizontal bar under the symbol-bar.
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    subordered to each sheet. Is there a possibility to change this view in numbers 3.0 to the same view
    as used in numbers 9.0?
    If not I will directly change again to 9.0 and hope the apple starts beeing again the big company they
    used to be a couple of years ago. They start sucking!

    Hi Yellowbox,
    I apreciate your answer.
    I already switched back to 9.0! To have the sheets and their subtables on left site in listview matches my business scenario. For making calculations for severals companies working on the same project, it is more comfortable to have one sheet per company and for each related service an exra table. For me it wouldn't be clear anymore while using 3.0.
    Thanks again for your effort.
    My big question is, way want somebody forcing you to do something like they think it should be!?
    The machines are very powerful. So please let us work / use the tools as we feel the best.
    The strategy to force someboy to used in a special manner, used to be typically for Microsoft.
    This is one good reason why a lot of people switched to Apple!     THINK DIFFERENT!!!! and not
    Please rethink companies politics.
    What is the matter of having Icloud if I only can load special material, with only certain special software releases?
    What is the matter of having Fotostream if i am forced to delete a picture from every of my devices wich costs a lot of time! Where ist the option, delete from this advice or completey from icloud?
    What is the matter of having such expensive products like Ipads/Iphones/... if I need special apps which aren't at all comfortable to load unload single fotos / ...
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    And please from release to release the system is more and more bothering and interacting with the user... this is one of the reason why Microsoft products are so horrible. When I am sitting on my computer I want WORK and not getting one alert, warning, interaction behind the other. I want work! I want to be effective! So please, give up from this method of interacting with the user.
    Why has Iphoto to be so aggressive? I dont want to put pictures in events. And neither and predifend events respecting the time stamp! I just want to have a file watcher which keeps up to date a tree (with the manipulating options of Iphoto) of a certain folder structure. NOTHING ELSE!
    Maybe I should switch again to SuSe Linux ;-)

  • Export SQL Server Table into Multiple Sheets in Excel

    I'm trying to understand the example here.
    Basically, I'm up to step #5.
    5. Data Flow Task to populate the created sheet with data for that subject. The Data Flow looks like below
    I don't understand this part.  Has anyone worked with this sample before?  Has anyone gotten this to work?  I'm trying to learn SSIS better, but I'm finding it hard to get started with this stuff.  I guess if I get a couple projects under
    my belt, I'll be fine.  The hardest part is getting started.
    If anyone feels really ambitions today, maybe you can assist me with two other projects as well.
    I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get with this.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

    Hi Ryguy72,
    The solution introduced in Visakh’s blog does work. I have written the detailed steps for you:
    1. Create an Excel file (Des.xls) as the destination file, rename the Sheet1 to “Excel Destination”, and add four columns: ID, Name, Subject, and Marks.
    2. Create an Object type variable Subject, a String type variable SheetName, and a String type variable WorkSheetQuery.
    3. Set the value of variable SheetName to “Excel Destination$”, and set the expression of variable WorkSheetQuery to:
    "CREATE TABLE `" + @[User::SheetName] + "` (
    `ID` Long,
    `Name` LongText,
    `Subject` LongText,
    `Marks` Long
    4. In the Execute SQL Task outside the Foreach Loop Container, set its General tab as follows:
    ResultSet: Full result set
    ConnectionType: OLE DB
    Connection: LocalHost.TestDB (e.g. an OLE DB Connection to the source SQL Server table)
    SQLSourceType: Direct input
    SQLStatement: SELECT DISTINCT [Subject] FROM [TestDB].[dbo].[DynamicExcelSheetDemo]
    5. In the Result Set tab of this Execute SQL Task, map result “0” to variable “User::Subject”.
    6. In the Collection page of the Foreach Loop Container, set the Enumerator option to “Foreach ADO Enumerator”, and set the “ADO object source variable” to “User::Subject”.
    7. In the Variable Mapping page of the container, map variable “User::SheetName” to index “0”.
    8. Create an OLE DB Connection Manager to connect to the destination Excel file. Choose the provider as Native OLE DB\Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider, specify the fully qualified path of the Excel file (such as C:\Temp\Des.xls), and set the Extended Properties
    option of the Connection Manager to “Excel 8.0”. Click “Test Connection” button to make sure the connection is established successfully.
    9. Set the General page of the Execute SQL Task inside the container as follows:
    ResultSet: None
    ConnectionType: OLE DB
    Connection: Des (e.g. the OLE DB Connection to the destination Excel file we create above)
    SQLSourceType: Variable
    SQLStatement: User::WorkSheetQuery
    10. In the Data Flow Task, add an OLE DB Source component, set the connection manager to “LocalHost.TestDB”, set “Data access mode” to “SQL command”, and set the “SQL command text” to:
    SELECT * FROM [TestDB].[dbo].[DynamicExcelSheetDemo] WHERE [Subject]=?
    11. Click the “Parameters…” button, and map Parameter0 to variable “User::SheetName”.
    12. Add an Excel Destination component, setup an Excel Connection Manager to the destination Excel file, set the data access mode to “Table name or view name variable”, and select variable name as “User::SheetName”. In this way, the OLE DB Provider can get
    the Excel metadata and enable us to finish the column mappings correctly.
    13. Since the Microsoft Jet 4.0 has only 32-bit driver, please make sure to set the Run64BitRuntime property of the IS project to False.
    In addition, please note that there will be one useless worksheets “Excel Destination” in the Excel file. We can remove them manually or use a Script Task to delete this worksheet programmatically (need to install .NET Programmability Support feature during
    Office installing).
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to Change Sheets in Excel?

    I want to be able to change sheets in excel. I can do this by simply opening the file and changing sheets however If I were to write to the file but I require that I change the sheet then write in the specific cell.
    I have attached 2 VI's.
    The first starts excel rights a basic value in a specified cell and saves it with a name/location you desire. The problem is here if you try to add values to sheet2 it won't work.
    The second VI is a active X for beginners vi which I got from the excel board. I used this vi to get where I am currently. This vi allows you to switch sheets and a read any value in a single cell. I hoped by using the same method I would be able to write to any cell in any sheet.
    Attachments: ‏74 KB
    Open Excel Save ‏23 KB

    By using the "Select" method, just like I said:
    Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 07-14-2008 01:50 PM
    Open Excel Save Excel-1_BD.png ‏3 KB

  • Break Report group wise in different sheets in excel

    Can we split the xml report into different sheets in excel depending on the xml node hierarchy ? I don't want to mail the report.

    The blog might give you some idea.

  • Create new sheets in report with script?

    Is it possible to create new sheets in the report using VBscripts?
    I am writing a script that will create a report with different sheets. The number of sheets in the report will change in each report depending on the number of groups added in the data portal. For example: If there are 3 channel groups in the data portal I will need 3 sheets in the report.
    I searched for the instructions but I could not find how to do it.
    And another question: how can I insert the name of a channel group in the report?
    I am using DIAdem 9.0.
    Thank you very much!

    For all with the same problem: You can copy the Picture an paste it automaticaly in ms word.
    Here my code:
    Call PicPrint("WinClip") ' Copy picture to clipboard
    'open Word document
    ' Start Word via OLE.
      ' Always a new instance of Word will be created.
      Set Word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
      ' Make Word visible. Until now Word was not visible.
      Word.Visible = True
      ' Maximize Word-window.
      Word.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
    ' Create new Word-document based on prepared template.
       AutoDrvLibr="C:\......"    'direction of the Word ducument
       Const DiademWordTemplate = ".....doc"                                'ducument name
       Word.Documents.Add AutoDrvLibr & DiademWordTemplate, false
        ' Maximize document-window.
    call copy_to_Word
    Private Sub copy_to_Word
      Word.ActiveWindow.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
      ' Activate fullpage mode in Word.
      Word.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Zoom.PageFit = wdPageFitFullPage
      ' Set reference to Word-document.
      ' With the help of this reference you can easily acess the Word-document.
      Set WordDoc = Word.ActiveDocument
    Const wdPasteMetafilePicture = &H3
    'Paste picture
      Word.Selection.Range.PasteSpecial , , , , wdPasteMetafilePicture
      Word.Selection.EndKey 5                 'Set Courser to end of page
      Word.Selection.Range.InsertBreak(&H1)   'paste new sheet
      Word.Selection.MoveDown 5,1             'move ohne row down to set the courser to the next page
    end sub

  • Adding a sheet in excel with a specific name.

    How can I add a sheet in excel with a specific name after an existing sheet with an unknown name.

    Just use the Sheets->Add function and wire the existing sheet index into the After input.
    From the Workbook refnum:
    Wire Property Node - Workbook->Sheets
    Wire Method Node - Sheets->Add, wire the After input
    Convert the Variant from Add into a WorkSheet type
    Wire Property Node - WorkSheet Name
    Michael Munroe, ABCDEF
    Certified LabVIEW Developer, MCP
    Find and fix bad VI Properties with Property Inspector
    Add_Sheet.gif ‏4 KB

  • Office 2013 Bug Report : Protecting sheets in Excel 2013 is useless.

    Using Protecting sheets in Excel 2013 is useless , if you copy the files to another PC with 2007 office installed the sheets turn unprotected without asking for password, i have tried this in 4 PCs and same result.   regards

    I'm sorry but I can't reproduce this issue.
    I created a workbook with excel 2013, protected one worksheet, then moved it to another PC with excel 2007,the worksheet was still protected. Please refer to the screenshot below.

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