Newbie JRockit/64 bit questions

We are developing a Java application that needs to have a large memory mapped file (total of 8-10GB). With Windows 32 / Sun JDK we can map about 1.5GB max so we are looking for other alternative such as JRockit for 64 bit architectures.
I have no experience with 64 bit architectures so any help will be greatly appreciated:
1. What 64bit operating systems and architectures (CPU’s models) are supported by JRockit ?
2.     Does JRockit for 64 bit architectures allow to memory map files of arbitrary size (e.g. 16GB) ?
3. Any recommendation for hardware/operating system to use with JRockit 64 (our system is cost sensitive, so hardware/memory cost does matter )?
4. I presume that JRockit 64 can run standard Java applications/binaries (e.g. Tomcat) with no need to recompile them, right?
5. Anything else you can share with your experience of running JRockit 64 bit ?

1. What 64bit operating systems and architectures
(CPU’s models) are supported by JRockit ?See
2. Does JRockit for 64 bit architectures allow to
memory map files of arbitrary size (e.g. 16GB) ?Yes.
3. Any recommendation for hardware/operating system
to use with JRockit 64 (our system is cost sensitive,
so hardware/memory cost does matter )?Sorry, I can't make any recommendations. See the list of supported hardware above to have a starting point.
4. I presume that JRockit 64 can run standard Java
applications/binaries (e.g. Tomcat) with no need to
recompile them, right?This is true as long as the application does not use native libraries that are compiled for 32-bit hardware.
5. Anything else you can share with your experience of
running JRockit 64 bit ?Here is an article that might be interesting:

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    The Server app is not required to manage your airport.
    The server app can automatically open ports for you, so it makes life easier for a home-server-administrator.
    Continue managing your Airport or whatever NAT router you prefer any way you choose.
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    You can drag a mounted sharepoint to the right-side of a user's dock.
    It will then remember the sharepoint, and its 1-click to open it when needed,
    This is my preference with laptops.
    You can also add the sharepoint to your user's login items (on their workstations, System Prefs, UsersGroups/, User, Login Items - I don't like to do this with laptops because it causes a login delay when they aren't in the locaiton of the sharepoint.
    Either method is simple.
    I even use Safari bookmarks to get people to a server. Go to the addressbar and type:   afp://[email protected]   (with your real IP) then bookmark it. You can also drag that that URL to the desktop to have a location file which will ALSO take you to the server.
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    If you aren't going to have anything except for VPN open to the public, then you won't need SSL.
    VPN, but nature, is already encrypted and does not use SSL.
    If you will run Mail, Web, Calendar, Contacts, etc and don't want to requires users to VPN, then you should use SSL.
    TIP: Fromt the start, use a fqdn for your server. Don't use a .private or something fictitious.
    If you own, then setup and make it your server's hostoname from the get-go.
    Later, you'll be glad you used a proper FQDN

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    Your uname output is already correct.
    You have Solaris on x86 architecture.
    That is all it will ever describe, no more and no less.
    Your isainfo output is correct.
    It confirms you are in an environment that can function on 32-bit and 64-bit "stuff" as needed.
    Your application vendor needs to re-think how their application confirms the environment and not just the underlying architecture.
    Perhaps they should not use uname
    but rather should parse from the more complex isainfo output.

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    Yes. And no.
    Use all 8 DIMM slots. Result = 17% boost over not.
    Use 667MHz 2GB DIMMs = 4% slower (not noticed real world, Barefeats also).
    Yes you can't use 8GB DDR3 etc.
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    Let's see, different motherboard and you don't think that matters? the front side bus and memory operate differently, the PCI slots are configured different.
    You can't just "update" firmware to cross those bridges. And I'm sure there is even more involved between EFI32 and UEFI 2.x (EFI64).
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    Sean Beresford

    The subject of connecting ARD via the Internet has been covered here many times already (search the forum for "Internet"), but take a look at this web page:
    It should help, though you may have to refer to your router's documentation for specifics on opening and forward ports in that particular unit.

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    itsbrad212 wrote:If I remember correctly, the 64-bit version of skype is actually 32-bit with multilib dependencies At least for linux.
    So it is !!
    its just all 32 bit binaries packaged together. You can get the same thing by installing bin32-skype from AUR. I have done the same thing.

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    Computer - mac pro
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    It was never completely clear whether it was just hidden or whether Apple ran a download page for iChat 6.
    As the Download for Messages Beta was separate and "Deleted" iChat it would seem it would be another download for iChat 6.
    iMessages will not function as it is only an Account type within Messages and iChat 6 does not have it.
    Therefore messages on the iPhone will not sync to the Mac. (until you get Mountain Lion and Messages in that OS X version).
    Mountain Lion and it's full version of Messages will not sync the iMessages that have happened in between the 14th December 2012  (end date of Messages beta) and the Install of Mountain Lion if you decide on that route.
    8:51 PM      Sunday; May 5, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    hi, first of all, i dont own a mac yet, but soon i will and i really diden´t knwo wher to put this topic, but here it goes...
    i i saw the key note from WWDC and my question is... does 64 bit automaticly run if you have... like 4 gb of ram?`or does apple give you a 64 bit OS of snow leopard? please answer me in anyways you can:)

    does 64 bit automaticly run if you have... like 4 gb of ram?
    Leopard already supports up to 4 GB of memory at a time per 32 bit application; Snow Leopard's 64 bit support extends this into the exabyte range. In practical terms, it means apps can use all the available memory any current Mac (or those likely to be released for the life of the OS) could support.
    You can read more about 64 bit support & other Snow Leopard refinements at New technologies in Snow Leopard.

  • TNT 488 SRQ bit question

    I have a question regarding the TNT 488 chip:
    I am working witht the TNT 488 chip, on my board in Turbo+7210 mode.
    The STBO IE = 1.
    The controller on the PC side, wants to know if the RQS bit is set by sending the ibwait command. As I am working in STBO IE = 1 mode, the RQS is not set, until I am serial polled. I am looking for a way to set the RQS bit (and remain in STBO IE = 1), without being serial polled. I tried to write the following lines:
    TNT_Out(R_auxmr,F_reqt) ;
    Wait for STBO to become true in ISR0 for Onechip or Turbo+7210 mode or ISR2 for Turbo+9914 mode AND THEN
    TNT_Out(R_spmr, 0x40) ;
    in case I want to raise the RQS bit, but it does not always work. The Turbo +9914 mode DOES have this option.
    My question is:
    Is there a way to raise the RQS bit, remain in STBO IE = 1, and remain in Turbo+7210 mode without being actually serial polled by the PC controller

    My question is:
    Is there a way to raise the RQS bit, remain in STBO IE = 1, and remain in Turbo+7210 mode without being actually serial polled by the PC controller
    Do you have autopolling enabled for the GPIB controller? If you are using an NI GPIB controller with NI-488.2 driver software, autopolling is enabled by default. This means the GPIB controller will automatically conduct a serial poll whenver it detects the SRQ signal asserted. If you want to disable this you can do so by calling ibconfig with the IbcAUTOPOLL parameter.

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    2) I declared some criteria with "ls_seldef-kind = c_type_param.". The user should be able to work with wildcards for these criteria (option "CP"), but the criteria values given to the GET_OBJECTS method always do have the "EQ" option. This is not really useful for e.g. description fields. How can I change this?
    Many thanks in advance for any help.

    I also hope I can know how to do .
    Pleae tell me if you have solved the problem .
    Best regards ,

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    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package ETS;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl;
    public class CampusDataBean {
        private CachedRowSet rowSet;
      public CampusDataBean() throws Exception
        rowSet = new CachedRowSetImpl();
        rowSet.setCommand("SELECT campid, clientid, campname,campcounty FROM kellybCampus WHERE clientid=?");
        CampusBean camp = new CampusBean();
        rowSet.setString(1, camp.getClientID());
      public ArrayList<CampusBean> getCampusList() throws SQLException
        ArrayList<CampusBean> campusList = new ArrayList<CampusBean>();
          CampusBean campus = new CampusBean();
          campus.setClientID(rowSet.getString (2));
        return campusList;
    public void addCampus(CampusBean campus) throws SQLException
    }I'm sorry if this is too vague. I'd appreciate any help, fixes, or pointers on where to learn how to do this. Thank you again.

    So the button should be a Submit button for a form. There are a couple of different methods for doing this:
    1) Each row on the table can be a different form, each form uses the same action (servlet) target and has a hidden input with a unique identifier for each of the clients:
      <tr><form action="selectClient" method="post"><td> etc </td><td><input type="hidden" name="id" value="1"/><input type="submit"/></td></form></tr>
      <tr><form action="selectClient" method="post"><td> etc </td><td><input type="hidden" name="id" value="2"/><input type="submit"/></td></form></tr>2) Use a single form with a button type=submit for each row with different values (Note: This is broken in IE7 so you probably shouldn't use it)
    <table><form action="selectClient" method="post">
      <tr><td> etc </td><td><button type="submit" name="id" value="1">Submit</button></td></tr>
      <tr><td> etc </td><td><button type="submit" name="id" value="2">Submit</button></td></tr>3) Use a single form, have a hidden value with a blank value. Each row has a submit button with a javascript onclick method that sets the form's hidden value to one appropriate to the row, then submits the form. I won't show you this code but there are examples on the web.
    4) Use a single form with an input="submit" element on each row. Each button would have a different name with the ID info encoded in it, then you would have server-side code that takes parameters, finds the right one and parses out the proper row to edit:
    <table><form action="selectClient" method="post">
      <tr><td> etc </td><td><input type="submit" name="submit__id_1"/></td></tr>
      <tr><td> etc </td><td><input type="submit" name="submit__id_2"/></td></tr>I think most people end up doing some variant of 3, which I don't like because I hate to rely on JavaScript to make my web apps work properly. I would prefer 4, which takes more work on the server side (which I like better) but 1 works just as well with a lot more typing and uglier HTML code. Actually, I would like 2 the best because that is pretty much what the <button> element was designed for, but Microsoft screwed that up.

  • Newbie JSP/Servlet general question

    I am currently studying the life cycle of a JSP page from the Java EE 5 Tutorial ( This document says that: "+If an instance of the JSP page’s servlet does not exist, the container loads the JSP page’s servlet class, instantiates an instance of the servlet class, initializes the servlet instance by calling the jspInit method+".
    My two questions are:
    i) Does this JSP servlet implement the HttpJspPage interface defined in javax.servlet.jsp?
    ii) Does Struts and Spring MVC provide such JSP servlet Java classes implementations or are these part of other packages? If not, which packages offer such implementations?

    Jrm wrote:
    I am currently studying the life cycle of a JSP page from the Java EE 5 Tutorial ( This document says that: "+If an instance of the JSP page&#146;s servlet does not exist, the container loads the JSP page&#146;s servlet class, instantiates an instance of the servlet class, initializes the servlet instance by calling the jspInit method+".
    My two questions are:
    i) Does this JSP servlet implement the HttpJspPage interface defined in javax.servlet.jsp?Yes.
    ii) Does Struts and Spring MVC provide such JSP servlet Java classes implementations or are these part of other packages? If not, which packages offer such implementations?No, the implementation for the JSP servlet is usually provided by the Servlet Container, not a framework, since the Servlet Container is responsible for creating and compiling the JSP.

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