Newbie questions on fms and actionscript 3

Ok, like I said I'm a newbie, but I do understand the differance between ssas and as3. Not all, but all most everything I see written in SSAS can be writen into a external AS3 file. This leads me to quite a few questions I'm hoping you kind people can shed some light on for me.
1)  What is the advantage of writing a SSAS file over an external AS3 file?
2) Can I write an .asc file in AS3 or do I have to use AS1? Please understand I'm using tuts from and the books "Learning Flash Media Server" (pdf) and "Programming Flash Communication Server". I'm not a javascript programmer so nothing I do in AS1 seems to make any sence while everything I do in AS3 does. It may not seem like it to you people that are programmers, but to those of us that aren't, AS1 and AS3 are miles apart.
3) kind of off topic, but a security question. I'm not a "hacker" and don't like the jerks that are. My question is on external AS / SSAS files and swf files. When my fla is compiled into a swf does my external AS files remain external? I assume they do, but then what is the threat of the swf being decompiled? In most projects I would do I could care less if somebody had access to my fla as long as they don't have my actionscript files.
I don't know. Maybe on questions one and two I'm getting confused becasue I'm using out dated material. Again I assume that even though fms was built off of the javascript engine it should be able to read and execute my AS3 file. Other wise what was the point of the evolution of actionscript into a fully functional programming language?
Thanks for any help you might have...

1) I did not get this question correcly - for that matter SSAS can only be in AS1 - so i dont see reason comparing them
2) It has to be AS1
3) if you doing "include" stuff - i think code would go into compiled swf and proper decompiler would give you the code.
Last para - Server-side engine understands only AS1 so it wont be able to read and understand your AS3 file.

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    My dear Friend,
    if you are running your program with
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    csi_inst_extend_attrib_v cieav
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    Sorry if I caused confusion with my first post. What I had in mind assumed that I could have a single CSI_INST_EXTEND_ATTRIB_V EO with a BuildingVO and UnitVO on top of it. So, I wrote the queries individually to show how I would invoke each view. When I realized that confused the issue, I rewrote the query to explain things better.
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    Page size is an parameter for the C version of Berkeley DB. We're on the Java Edition forum, so perhaps you mean to be on the forum for the C product - Berkeley DB
    Have you had a chance to read through ? That's a short overview to bindings, while a comprehensive writeup that walks you through how to pick a binding is at
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    Common n00b mistake (joking about the n00b remark)
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    node number;
    node_value number;
    al_button number;
    v_system_id number;
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    Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
    END IF;
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    *1. SMS* - When txting with someone from my old provider (T-Mobile) the txts are REAL slow. Several minutes pass before receipt. I did a test and sent and received txts from someone on the Verizon network and had no problems. Does anyone know what would be causing this?
    *2. Instant Messaging* - Now this is my biggest gripe. Instant Messaging is non-existent. Why is this? It used to be my primary means of communication.
    There was another one but I can't remember it right now. Any insight to either of these would be appreciated. I've never spent so much time trying to figure out a phone.

    For number 2, this is well known design limitation of the iPhone. The iPhone does not allow background applications to run, so if your phone goes to sleep or you leave the IM screen, then IM is shutdown.
    Apple is supposed to release a background notification service, but it is past the launch date, and no one knows when it will show up.
    If realtime always on IM is a must have, then the iPhone is not a good choice.

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    I'm not sure that I am following. You say that you have the Video shot vertically, i.e. rotated 90 degrees, but then want to Export to a vertical Aspect Ratio.
    First, you can just choose a Desktop Preset, set the Aspect Ratio to match your footage, and then Export that to a delivery scheme that allows complete control of the Aspect Ratio - obviously not any of the DV/BD formats.
    Now, if you want to Rotate that vertical footage to horizontal, you can use the fixed Effect>Rotate. Note: you will have to now resize your footage to fit into a horizontal Frame Size Aspect Ratio. This would then allow you to Export to a horizontal Aspect Ratio, but I am not sure that this is what you really want in the end.
    Good luck,

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    - Michael

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