News iview default settings

Hi all
i have messed up my NewsBrowser layout set
can someone send me the values
why do i get a different layout as  Superuser role & Eu_role?
Prasad B

Hi Prasad,
if it's only within NewsBrowser, these are the default values (at least on EP6 SP2):
Description: Layout set for news browser (read-only mode)
Enabled for presentation settings: activated
Layout Controller: SimpleLayoutController
Collection Renderer: NewsDisplayCollectionRenderer
Resource Renderer: NewsResourceDisplayRenderer
Commands for the details menu: DetailsGroup
If you have also messed up underlying configurations (Renderer, Controller, Group), I could send you an export of the default values to be imported at your site (provided you have got at least SP2 P4 HF ??, where you have got an Import button under the Layout Set overview.
Hope it helps

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    Hi Ramy,
    As a work around , you can create a VM without installing OS and  configure the Vlan of VNic , then export it .
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    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
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    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    ssprengel wrote:
    What do you mean by “custom camera settings”?  Do you mean you’ve changed the Camera Raw defaults for a particular camera and those aren’t being seen until you do a Reset?  Or do you mean some sort of Nikon-settings that Adobe never looks at?
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    Every time you close down Illy, the current preferences (which may have been changed while you worked on files) are saved, and every time you start up Illy, those preferences will be used.
    Usually, preference corruption probably occurs randomly, caused by the OS, but if something in your files change the preferences to something that is not viable you will get an error like that.
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    Require an Urgent help
    getting portal runtime error when trying to create a new iView in portal. I am unable to create a single iView  in portal.
    It was working before please see this error message
      Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView :
    Component Name :
    Error occurs during the rendering of jsp component.
    Exception id: 05:20_12/01/08_0004_17115850
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    AM Iworking on NW2004s sp11. I was able to create iViews on this system before
    let me know where to check the log file also. Points will be awarded
    Thank you
    Krishna Kanth
    Edited by: siddi siddi on Jan 13, 2008 12:05 AM

    Krishna Kanth,
    logs can be read from nwa, if you hv the relevant access or get portal admin to pass the defaulttrace file to you. Login to nwa, navigate to Monitoring-Logs and traces and select (either default trace or last 24hrs) to view the logs. hope this helps

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    Thanks much,

    Other than using the CUPS interface,,which it sounds like you've done, I don't think there is a way to edit the Default Settings. The standard approach is to create a preset, the solution you've found.
    For drag and drop printing, you should be able to get to the print dialog and select your preset or turn duplex on by holding the option key down, selecting the file, then doing the drag and drop (either to a printer or to an open printer proxy application).
    I realize this isn't a solution, but I hope it's helpful.

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