Next Non Holiday date

I need to find the next non holiday date for a set of rows in table.I have a separate table where all holidays are listed.Please help me to find the next non holiday date using decode function.
Holiday Table sructure:
create table holiday(no number,holidaydate date);
insert into holiday values(1,to_date('17-AUG-2013','dd/mm/yyyy');
insert into holiday values(1,to_date('05-SEP-2013','dd/mm/yyyy');
I have a code which seems to be wrong.
select decode (lapsedate ,
                                           laps.holidaydate , DECODE
                                                 (lapsedate +1,
                                                  laps.holidaydate + 1, DECODE
                                                          (lapsedate + 2,
                                                           + 2, lapsedate
                                                            + 3,
                                                           lapsedate + 2
                                                  lapsedate + 1
                                          ) from dt;

Here's one way to do that with your current tables:
WITH    cntr       AS
    FROM    dual
    CONNECT BY   LEVEL <= 4 -- longest possible distance to next work day
SELECT    m.ndate
,         m.ndate + MIN (c.n)   AS next_work_day
FROM             mycalendar  m
CROSS JOIN       cntr        c
LEFT OUTER JOIN  holiday     h   ON  h.holidaydate = m.ndate + c.n
WHERE     h.holidaydate  IS NULL
AND       TO_CHAR ( m.ndate + c.n
                  , 'Dy'
                  , 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH'  -- If needed (but never hurts)
                  )    NOT IN ('Sat', 'Sun')
GROUP BY  m.ndate
ORDER BY  m.ndate
This assumes that the next work day (that is, non-holiday, Monday through Friday) will be within the next 4 days (which is true where I work).  You may need to change the magic number in cntr (4, above) depending on your holidays.
Instead of a holiday table with 1 row per holiday, consider having a calendar table, with 1 row per day, regardless of whether the day is a holiday, weekend or work day.  You can have a next_work_day column in the table (populated by a query similar to the one above).  It will be more efficient in the long run, and will make coding individual queries much simpler.

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    Posts: 20
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    Which node do you pass to XML Get Siblings Child ? That is also important.
    I can imagine the following scenario causing your problem: Your input node has a child node C,, but this child node has no siblings. Get Next Non-Text will fail in this case. If you put a <CR> at the right position in your XML you create a text node with content <CR>. If this text node is a sibling of child C then Get Next Non-Text still won't return anything but no error should occur. IMHO this is expected behavior. You can however implement your own version of Get Next Non-Text Use the Next Sibling property and check if it returns a valid refnum.

  • Next Years Meeting Dates

    Been toying with different thoughts, SQL and Functions but haven't come up with the right plan of action.
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    '"the following function was made to display info on Report"
    Public Function fnIsFirstMondayOfMonth(dteInput As Date) As Boolean
    fnIsFirstMondayOfMonth = (Day(dteInput) <= 7) _
    And (Weekday(dteInput) = vbMonday)
    End Function
    'The following function by Dirk is to try creating dates on a Form to store in the Tables
    Function fncFirstMondayOfNextMonth( _
    BaseDate As Date, _
    Optional WeekdayWanted As VbDayOfWeek = vbMonday) _
    As Date
    ' Given a datem return the date of the first occurrence
    'of a given day of the week in the next month.
    ' The default is the first Monday
    ' but the optional WeedayWanted argument
    ' can be used to specify any desired day of the week, as
    ' a member of the vbDayOfWeek enum.
    Dim dtNextYear As Date
    Dim dtNextMonth As Date
    Dim intDay As Integer
    ' Start with the first day of next month.
    dtNextMonth = DateSerial(Year(BaseDate), Month(BaseDate) + 1, 1)
    ' Find the first <WeekdayWanted> on or after dtNextMonth.
    intDay = Weekday(dtNextMonth)
    'fncFirstWeekdayOfNextMonth = DateAdd("d", (WeekdayWanted + IIf(intDay > WeekdayWanted, 7, 0)) - intDay, dtNextMonth)
    End Function
    'The following function by Ken is to try creating future dates on a Form to store in the Table
    Public Function GetMondayDate(dtmDate As Date, intWeekNum As Integer)
    On Error GoTo Err_Handler
    Const NOCURRENTRECORD = 3021
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim strFrom As String
    Dim strTo As String
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim dtmReturnDate As Date
    ' get start and end dates of next month as date literals
    ' in internationally unambiguous ISO format of YYYY-MM-DD
    strFrom = "#" & Format(DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), _
    Month(dtmDate) + 1, 1), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"
    strTo = "#" & Format(DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), _
    Month(dtmDate) + 2, 0), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"
    ' establish a recordset of all Wednesday dates in next month
    strSQL = _
    "SELECT WeekStart " & _
    "FROM WednesdayCalendar " & _
    "WHERE WeekStart BETWEEN " & _
    strFrom & " AND " & strTo & _
    " ORDER BY WeekStart"
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
    ' loop until required week of month
    ' and get Wednesday date
    With rst
    Do While n < intWeekNum
    dtmReturnDate = .Fields("WeekStart")
    n = n + 1
    End With
    GetMondayDate = dtmReturnDate
    Exit Function
    ' if number of weeks in month with a Wednesday
    ' has been exceeded return a Null
    ' otherwise inform user of any unknown error
    Select Case Err.Number
    GetMondayDate = Null
    Case Else
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
    End Select
    Resume Exit_Here
    End Function
    Then have tried the following in unbound controls on the Form with a highest date in the Table at 11/3/2015.
    =IIf(fnIsFirstMondayOfMonth([HighestDate]+DatePart("m",2)),Null,"*") & Format([HighestDate],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") which returns - The current Date preceded by *
    =IIf(("m",[highestdate]>10),DateAdd("m",1,[HighestDate]),[highestdate]) Returns The current date + 1 Month (12/3/2015)
    =DateDiff("d",Now(),[HighestDate]) - Returns the difference between today's date and the highest date in the Table (315)
    =Format(DateDiff("d",Now(),[HighestDate]),"yyyy") - Returns 1900
    =Format([HIghestDate],"yyyy")+1 - Returns the Next highest Year (2016)
    =DateAdd("d",("Monday"+IIf([intDay]>[WeekdayWanted],7,0))-[intDay],[dtNextMonth]) - Returns #Name? error
    =DateAdd("d",(3+IIf(Day(DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,1))>3,7,0))-Day(DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,1)),DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,1)) - Returns 1/3/2015
    =DateAdd("d",7-(7-Day(DateAdd("m",1,DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),0)+1))),DateAdd("m",1,DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),0)+1)) - Returns 1/2/2015
    =DateDiff("y",[HighestDate],DateAdd("y",+1,DateAdd("yyyy",3,[HighestDate]))) - Returns 1097
    =(365-Day(Now())) - Returns 342
    =DateAdd("y",-1,(Now())) - Returns 12/22/2014 2:41:03 PM
    =IIf([HighestDate]<Now(),Now(),DateAdd("d",+1,Now())) - Returns 12/24/2014 2:41:03 PM
    =Format(IIf([HighestDate]<Now(),Now(),DateAdd("yyyy",+1,Now())),"yyyy") - Returns the year of the highest date (2015)
    So we need to be able to have on the Form the 11 dates in Bound controls based on the selected year in an unbound Form, and then have 11 unbound controls show the next years monthly meeting dates. A button to update the unbound dates to the Table provided
    those months of the year do not already have dates. We don't want the code to update the Table if the Month/Year already has a date as 1 or 2 times a year the dates will be deferred and we need the deferred date to remain.
    I was also looking at using the following code to make it work???
        If Len(Trim(Nz(Me.[JanMDate], "") & "")) = 0 Then
        'check to see if the text box already has data - if it doesn't then
        Me.[JanMDate] = DateAdd("d", 365, Me.[HighestDate])
        'use the Highest date value and calculate next years dates to store in the unboun date text boxes
        End If
    Thank you for your help!!!
    Just takes a click to give thanks for a helpful post or answer.
    Please vote “Helpful” or Mark as “Answer” as appropriate.
    Chris Ward
    Microsoft Community Contributor 2012

    If not automated, regular compacting of a database should be a maintenance task undertaken by the database administrator, but failing that I can see three possible approaches:
    1.  Create the temporary table in an external file, which is itself created and deleted at runtime.  The BoM demo in my OneDrive folder adopts this approach to create temporary tables on the fly to simulate recursive querying to generate a bill of
    2.  Adapt my code so that instead of creating a separate table from which to append rows it inserts rows into your operational table annually.
    3.  Instead of creating a temporary table, create a permanent auxiliary calendar table stretching 10 or 20 years into the future, and restrict an append query by a date range to insert a subset of rows into the operational table annually.  Auxiliary
    calendar tables are normally permanent objects as the dates in them are not usually subject to amendment, apart from the deletion of public and concessionary holidays dates as and when these become known.  In your case, however, if you created a table
    of first Mondays of each month say, the table would need to be updated if subsequently the regular dates were to change to another day in the month, e.g. 2nd Tuesday.  This would not be difficult to incorporate into the interface as it would involve no
    more than deleting rows after the first Monday dates ceased to be appropriate, and inserting rows from that date onwards for the 2nd Tuesdays.
    Ken Sheridan, Stafford, England

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    Moved to Integration Kit forum.
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    kind regards
    Angelique Heutinck

    You want to Create Sales Order thru VA01 after puling the data from NonSAP system. Moreover you want that the Incomplete Sales Order will be saved.
    if thats the requirement - I ll suggest
    While doing VA01 - start from Create with reference Sales order. in that case default Sales Orders will be automatically created and using the BDC you can change the items  or Customers you want to change. Once the Order number is created properly  - u r free to change eveything of that Order.
    Otherwise calling BAPI / RFC for creating the sales orders is the most safest way of achieving it. But again if you dont have the complete data - calling RFC  or BAPI does not make much sense. because they will fail to create the Sales Order in case u dont fill up the mandatory fields.

  • What are the Non SAP data sources supported for Analysis workbooks?

    AO 1.4 SP6
    BO 4.1 SP2
    What are the Non SAP data sources supported for Analysis workbooks?

    HANA is a data source (which could contain non-SAP data)
    For other Excel front-ends that may connect to "non-SAP" data look at Live Office or Power BI by Microsoft - see Excel and Power BI connectivity to SAP BusinessObjects Universes | Power BI

  • Working with NON-Structured Data

    Dear Colleague,
    I am preparing to build a Forms application (using Oracle 9i Developer Suite, Release 2, version
    The application (and Data model) will need to associate SOPs (standard operating procedures) with certain measurements and treatments. It is planned to have the SOPs be, for example, MS Word documents, i.e. the SOPs will be non-structured data.
    What is best practice when handling this situation? Please advise.
    Assume I would like to view, print and (maybe) update the SOPs (Word files).
    1. Should I just store a link to the Word file and a corresponding description or is it better to store the Word file in the DB?
    2. If in the DB, which data type?
    3. If SOP not in the DB, but a file, what is the mechanism for retrieval and display?
    4. Printing the Word file via Forms - how? problems to avoid?
    5. Update of the Word document via Forms - possible? How?
    Best regards,

    Hi Vijay,
    please rewrite the formula for the button disable as::
    NOTE:: in the formula i have used '<''>'  which nothing but a lessthan symbol and greater than symbol without single quotes (i.e. not equal to)
    BOOL(IF(LEN(@Emp_code) '<''>'0 AND LEN(@Earea)'<''>'0 AND LEN(@Edept)'<''>'0 AND DSUB(DVAL(@Joining_date), DVAL(@Ending_date),'D')<0 ,false,true))
    and make sure you have placed the date picker UI controls for your date functionality.
    this will not work for calender UI control on the form.
    and othe important point is the joining date should be less than ending date then only the button will be enable..
    if you want your joining date should be greater than ending date then write the formaula like this::
    BOOL(IF(LEN(@Emp_code)<>0 AND LEN(@Earea)'<''>'0 AND LEN(@Edept)'<''>'0 AND DSUB(DVAL(@Joining_date), DVAL(@Ending_date),'D')>0 ,false,true))
    i tried this
    its working for me

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    Hi Yamini,
    I think this happens when you look at utf-8 in Windows wiith another character set. I've noticed that the XML file (and hence the PDF output) displays those characters when I preview reports on the BI desktop, but the output from the server is fine, so I don't worry about it.

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    About 4/5 weeks ago I stumbled across an app that downloads all the holiday dates for 2009
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    Can anybody help please??
    Thanks awfully old chap...
    Message was edited by: Dive junkie

    Don't know about an app, but you can go here and subscribe to the UK Holiday calendar in iCal on your Mac. It puts all the holidays in your calendar and you just have to incluce that calendar to sync.

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    Hi There,
    You can not load text columns from ASCII files into DIAdem 8.1 DATA channels (numbers only). But the ASCII Import Wizard will let you send those text values to either a separate ASCII file, which DIAdem can use to put them on a graph as labels, or to a DIAdem string array, which DIAdem can use to display them at various places in its environment.
    The below attachments demonstrate reading an ASCII text column into a DIAdem string array and displaying the values on a DIAdem table in GRAPH. Note that the index values of the string array are placed in a DIAdem DATA channel.
    Ask if you have further questions,
    Brad Turpin
    ASCII_Text_Column.txt ‏1 KB
    ASCII_Text_Column.STP ‏1 KB
    ASCII_Text_Column.LPD ‏3 KB

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    I think "nls_length_semantics" isn't mandatory at this point, and you must extract a little quantity of information from every source and do some probes injecting them into the Oracle10g database.

Maybe you are looking for

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