NI 9219 calibratio​n

I have an NI 9219 module that indicates the calibration expired 12/27/2008 (when looking at Measurement & Automation Explorer).  The manual for the 9219 also says it has a calibration interval of 1 year.  However, there is no information on the NI website about calibration for this module. 
Is there a calibration for this module?  And how do we get it done?

Hello hardwareguy,
At this point, the best option for calibrating this module is our Factory Test Service. This service is comparable to our end-of-line production test and will adjust the unit back to "like new" condition. The service will also renew the calibration interval for the device and reset the date that is stored on the device (and displayed in MAX). However, this service does not include any detailed measurement data to demonstrate "As Found" or "As Left" measurement performance.
To set up a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) for this service you can call 1-866-510-6285 in the US or visit the Contact NI page for other locations. I hope this is helpful, let us know if you have any other questions. 
Matt Anderson
Hardware Services Marketing Manager
National Instruments

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    I am updating an old LabView/Data Acquisition system that uses strain gauges to measure two forces (normal and axial) as well as two moments (Pitch and Roll). I am having trouble reading the voltage changes over my strain gauges using my NI-9219 as well as filtering the data with both a lowpass and smoothing filter. The program attached has the project and should have all the sub-vi's used in the program. This program was written on LabView version 8.5 and is being updated to a 2013 version of LabView. Also, the hardware previously used was a combination of a NI SCB-68 and NI USB-6251. If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated! 
    New ‏751 KB

    Hi Coffeyfj, 
    Did you ever had this set up working? The first thing that I would do as I mentioned in the previous comment would be to use one of the LabVIEW examples. I recommended to you using the (strain - Continuous If you can read any voltage changes with the example vi, then we will know the problem we are having is in your code. If you cannot read any voltage changes using the example I mentioned, we can start trouble shooting the hardware connections. Are you connecting the excitation voltage? If yes, Are you making the right connections. Please refer to page 19 of the following document (half and full bridge modes)
    NI 9219 Operating Instructions and Specifications - February 2009
    William Fernandez
    Applications Engineer 
    National Instruments 

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    Hi- Since the 9219 doesn't support thermistor tasks, I believe you might be able to work around this by creating a 2 wire resistance measurement and applying a custom scale in your task.  You'll need to multiply your resistance by your current excitation to get voltage.  You'll then want to map your voltages to the temperatures specified by your thermistor. We don't have much documentation on doing this in Signal Express, however, there's a really good LabVIEW program on the NI Community, here.  That example at least shows the program flow of what needs to happen.  Additionally, this KB is helpful in understanding what has to be done to measure a thermistor with the 9219.  Have a great day!
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Digital Multimeters

  • Ac voltage measuremen​ts with ni 9219

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    i am expecting a sine wave but i can only get a straight line of few milli volts in the output graph(lab View).i am not sure if the NI9219 internally converts it to dc Voltage or  i have some problems with the connection diagram.if NI 9219 has internal ADC converting the input to DC how can i de activate it so i can get an AC waveform 
    Please comment.

    Well you have to sample a pure sine wave at a rate of at least twice its frequency otherwise you will not have enough resolution to properly reconstruct the original analog signal.​on_sampling_theorem  More complex signals require even higher sampling rates (and fancy filters) to avoid aliasing issues.
    The 9219 is a rather specialized module designed for strain gauges, thermocouples and other low-frequency application.  Have you read its spec sheet and manuals???​789
    Using LabVIEW: 7.1.1, 8.5.1 & 2013

  • Issue with fixed point number output from 9219 module for full bridge measurement (cRIO/FPGA)

    I have a question regarding the fixed point output acquired from a 9219 module (in FPGA on a cRIO) when setup to acquire a strain measurement (full bridge).
    Software: Labview 2009
    Hardware: cRIO-9012 (NI-RIO 3.2.1), NI-9219 module
    The 9219 module is configured in the project as follow:
    Ch0: Full-Bridge +/- 7.8mV/V
    Ch1: Voltage +/- 4V
    Ch2: Voltage +/- 15V
    Ch3: Voltage +/- 60V
    The calibration mode is 'Calibrated' so the FPGA outputs fixed point numbers. 
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    The fixed point number does not change in precision whether the range for the strain measurement is set at +/- 7.8mV/V or +/-64mV/V (the two available options).
    As the fixed point number doesn't change precision I'm assuming that changing the range of the strain measurement changes the resolution of the acquired number? And as such I will need to perform additional scaling on the fixed point number to convert it to the expected range?
    There is no mention of scaling of the voltage or strain measurements mentioned in any documentation or examples, with the only scaling example provided for the thermocouple measurements.
    Any help/clarification is much appreciated.

    Hello Mike,
    Hopefully I can help clarify some of the behavior you are seeing.
    My issue is that the precision of the fixed point number for Ch0 (strain) is "(fixed point <+/-32,-1>[-2.5e1,2.5e1]:1.16e-10)", which indicates that the fixed point number is a value between +/- 0.25 and not the +7.8mV/V as I expected?
    For calibrated values on the FPGA VI, the returned data is a Voltage measurement, not a directly calculated strain value. Based on the specified ranges for the 9219 in a Full bridge configuration, 250 mV will encompass all possible input values, at the module provided excitation (2-2.7V dependent on the sensor gage resistance).
    The fixed point number does not change in precision whether the range for the strain measurement is set at +/- 7.8mV/V or +/-64mV/V (the two available options).
    As you may notice from the fix-point definition, the fixed point data contains 32-bit precision which is larger than the acquired precision of 24-bits provided by the 9219. The fixed point data-type is coded to accept input encompassing both the range and precision of the instrument; such that, no additional coercion of the input data values is required based on user-defined software settings, i.e. the bridge sensitivities +/- 7.8mV/V or +/-64mV/V. 
    As the fixed point number doesn't change precision I'm assuming that changing the range of the strain measurement changes the resolution of the acquired number? And as such I will need to perform additional scaling on the fixed point number to convert it to the expected range?
    The documentation does not clearly define that by varying the discrete levels of strain input (+/- 7.8mV/V or +/-64mV/V) the range of the ADC on the module is also adjusted. I am working to follow up further on this topic, to provide a clarification on the module documentation. As for scaling, the voltage values acquired regardless of the ADC resolution will still be related strain via the bridge sensitivity. The resolution of the ADC will simply define the smallest measurable change in the strain value. 
    There is no mention of scaling of the voltage or strain measurements mentioned in any documentation or examples, with the only scaling example provided for the thermocouple measurements.
    For converting the acquired voltage values to a strain measurement, I would recommend the documentation linked here for a detailed explanation on strain calculation. Often, users will forward the acquired voltage data as fixed point values through a DMA FIFO to the RT controller on the Compact RIO; such that, they may handle conversion from voltage to strain using floating point math in real-time. 
    I hopes these responses provided a bit of clarity. I will continue to work to provide additional information on the 9219 specification information. Please post back any further questions.
     Edit: Forgot to add the link.
    Message Edited by Pcorcs on 04-14-2010 04:55 PM
    Patrick Corcoran
    Application Engineering Specialist | Control
    National Instruments

  • NI 9219 TC Mode

    Hi folks,
    i want to use the NI 9219 module to measure my temperature with thermocouples.
    I had a look at the example. There you have to select the channel CJC. This is needed to transform
    the signal in a temperature.
    It´s all clear, but the CJC channel is not offered in my case!?
    I can´t create it..
    Is there a special way to create it?
    Mod 4 is my 9219
    Thanks for your help
    9219.pdf ‏45 KB

    Hello Stirl,
    Thank you for your post. You have to change the mode from the 9219. Please select the module, right click for properties. Here you will be able to change each channel mode from voltage to thermocouple. The CJC I/O will be added in the project.
    I hope this helps, best regards,
    Martijn S
    Applications Engineer
    NI Netherlands

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    Ci joint l'imprim écran de la propriété lorsque je gére la tache depuis MAX :
    J'ai deroulé tout les noeuds de propriétés de la classe DAQmX qui me parraissaient appropriés, (en particulier "noeud de propriété de périphérique"), sans succés.
    Si quelqu'un à l'information, il me sera d'un grande aide.
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    mknix a écrit :
    C'est parfait, je vais pouvoir enfin passer à la suite, cette communauté est vraiment extra.
    salut à vous, c'est vrai!
    Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
    Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
    CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
    CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

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    Hey Liming,
    The 9219 does not have a flexible resolution and the max sampling rate is 100 S/s/ch. You will not be able to achieve 200 S/s/ch with this device.
    What is the voltage range of the signal you are measuring? If it is within ±10 V then you may be able to use the WLS-9215, which is 16-bit and has a sampling rate of 100 kS/s/ch.
    Chris Delvizis
    National Instruments

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    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏175 KB
    cRIO ‏31 KB

    Does your anemometer requires any power input to generate the output signal (corresponding to wind speed), if so, have you connected the ground of power supply (to anemometer) to the ground of DAQ card (measurement system)?
    I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.
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  • 3 unity of ni 9219 on one chassis

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    I would to know if i could use 3 unity of NI 9219 on one chassis?
    Because i tried to use 2 acquisition board and i get an error! I should use only one board!
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Dennis_Knutson,
    The picture of the unity (or module) is attached. In fact, i would to use 3 of it on the same chassis ( in the second picture). 
    Thank you very much,
    DSC_0020.JPG ‏1859 KB
    DSC_0023.JPG ‏1594 KB

  • Thermocouple measurment using NI 9219

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    When i connect the thermocouple to NI9219 terminal 4 and 6 ( positive and negative terminals) and open up Signal express I don't see the voltage change! is there something else that i need to do before i can see the measurments?

    chrisger wrote:
    you have to use terminals 4 and 5 for thermocouples. See page 11 on the user manual:
    That is correct. In my experience (the little there is), thermocouples are almost always in adjacent terminals 
    Message Edited by Cory K on 01-02-2009 10:41 AM
    Cory K

  • Signalexpress and NI 9219 mA

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    Hi jaf,
    Can you please clarify what you mean by trending loop, and by breaking it?
    Tarek B
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Calibration NI 9219 et NI 6210

    Bonjour tous le monde,
    Est ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui peut m'aider concernant la calibaration des  modules NI 9219 et NI 6210?
    J'ai pas réussi à trouver l'astuce de calibration sachant que je les utilise pour acquérir les déformations à partir des jauges.
    Merci Bien,

    les ni-9219 et ni-9401 sont des cartes d'acquisitions (un spécifique mesures tensions isolés et un spécifique port numérique). vous pouvez déjà voir dans les exemples de labview, seul certains paramètres peuvent changer. aller dans aide / recherche d'exemple / E/S matérielles / DAQmx .

  • Why NI 9219 2 wire or 4 wire connection always give 10.5K for a 100 ohms resistor

    I tried to measure resistance with a ni 9219 multifunctional DAQ.
    However it always gives 10.K reading for a 100ohms resistor, irrespective of using the two wire or 4 wire configuration.
    I am sure that the wiring is correct, and the resistor's resistance can be measured with a fluke 175 multimeter and Keithley DMM with no problem.
    Any idea what is the problem?
    Thank you!

    Thank you for your reply.
    I deleted all devices from NIMAX and restarted and the problem was resolved.
    There was no problem with the wiring.

  • NI 9219 and 22k Ohm Thermistors

    Hi all,
    Is there any chance to read thermistors more than 10K ?
    In particular I have to use 12 22K ohm thermistors.
    Thank you in advance,

    Hi Pets,
    Unfortunately the maximum resistance the NI 9219 can measure is 10.5 KΩ. Other posts are related to the same issue. If you need to measure temperatures below 0°C you will still need external signal conditioning (such as a shunt resistor in parallel with the thermistor): see: thermistor data acquisition using cDAQ-9172   You can even measure the thermistor with a 9215 but using this module would require external excitation current and signal conditioning too.

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