NI-DAQ 7.5 and USB6008

I downloaded NI-DAQ 7.5 to upgrade my old NIdaQmx base, because in this forum it was suggested to do.but It seems not supporting my USB6008.It doesn't find this device when I run this software.could you help me??

I have updated drivers and LabView program to 7.1.1.
And now I can not run any samples for  my USB 6008.
The arrow is every time broken.
It looks like that one of subVi does not work.
When I installed update for LabView I did some recompillation as it was suggested. Do I need to do something similar to the samples provided for my USB 6008?
Thanks. Sergey.

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    You posted this in the LabVIEW forum.
    Are you programming in LabVIEW?
    There is a separate Measurement Studio for VC++ forum.

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    I had this problem also. Make sure you have administrative privileges. My
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    Christopher Quijano
    Chris McCrory wrote in message
    news:8oitvr$9s4$[email protected]..
    > Has anyone experienced problems when installing NI-DAQ 6.7 on Windows
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    > Anyone seen this and know how to fix it?
    > Yours sincerely, Chris McCrory Project Engineer
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    > notify us immediately on +44 (0) 1382 880088 and delete the message from
    > your computer; you may not copy or forward it, or use or disclose its
    > contents to any other person. As Internet communications are capable of
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    > made to this message after it was sent. For this reason it may be
    > inappropriate to rely on advice contained in an e-mail without obtaining
    > written confirmation of it. Please note that SP Technology Ltd does not
    > accept the liability or responsibility for viruses and it is your
    > responsibility to scan attachments, if any. Opinions and views expressed
    > this e-mail are those
    of the sender and may not reflect the opinions of SP
    > Technology Ltd.

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    Drop the DAQ Assistant or convert it to regular DAQmx functions. The physical channel control does all that. Just look at the shipping examples.

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    To offer support for driver upgrades. the NI-DAQ installer is the one that installs the DAQ libraries for CVI. The first thing to try is to run the NI-DAQ installer from the add/remove programms applet and make sure that support for CVI is selected.
    FYI: CVI 6.0 only supports the Traditional DAQ driver, to use DAQmx you would need to upgrade to CVI 7.0; click here for more info.
    I hope this helps.
    Juan Carlos

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    "There will be water if God wills it"
    Attachments: ‏21 KB

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    "There will be water if God wills it"

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      error 10001 can be caused by a few things including an incorrect scanning order.
    If you'd like to post your code back onto here (or if it's large, ftp it to and let use know the name of the zip file you've packaged it into), then we can see what the DAQ section is supposed to be doing and hopefully provide some clues as to where to look for the information / why the error is occuring.
    The first thing to do is go back to Measurement and Automation explorer and try setting up a global task that refers to the channels you're interested in.
    This removes the programming side of things, since you select from drop down lists, to verify that you can communicate correctly with the hardware at the rates and across the channels that you want.
    These links is going to be your best learning point for getting up an running with the program.
    In terms of LabVIEW, there's several I/O controls you can use which will list the hardware channels you have configured or the global tasks you have created in Measurement and Automation explorer. (see the last link above)
    Another option is to look at our Alliance Partners if you need things configured and up and running in a hurry.
    If you just need a little pointer on getting kicked off, then you could see if you local sales engineer is available to go through things with you for an hour if they're in your area at a convenient time (for the UK / Ireland, please call in on 01635 572410 and ask to go through to sales), or we do offer start-up assistance (but that's something you need to purchase) to get a day's onsite assistance with getting your hardware up and running and starting you off with advice / examples on your application (note this is an effort based thing rather than a results based guarantee)
    Finally you could consider coming on one of our courses on LabVIEW and / or Data Acquisition to learn more about the software / hardware and be better prepared to handle the implementation yourself.
    Hope that helps
    Sacha Emery
    National Instruments (UK)
    Message Edited by SachaE on 03-23-2007 11:49 AM
    // it takes almost no time to rate an answer

  • How can i write a pattern to a output port of NI PCI 6503 with Traditional NI DAQ 7.0 and Visual Basic 6.0?

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    What is your buffer size ? The buffer should be 0 or greater than 2. You can get this error if your buffer size is equal to 1.
    National Instruments France
    Ingénieur d'applications
    National Instruments France

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    I installed Labview 7.1 on a new machine and the tools option in MAX 3.1 does not have the option to import traditional NI-DAQ configurations.

    If you have support for Traditional NI-DAQ installed, you should have the option to open a configuration file from: Tools>>Traditional NI-DAQ Configuration>>Set Active Configuration. You can check the installation of Traditional NI-DAQ under the Software tree in MAX.
    Hope this helps.

  • NI DAQ 7.x and borland delphi 7

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    Can I call any DAQ function?

    As the KnowledgeBase I have linked below explains, NI-DAQ 7.x does not include support for Borland Delphi.
    NI-DAQ and the Delphi Language Interface
    To develop in Borland Delphi, you will need to use NI-DAQ 6.9.3 or earlier.
    NI-DAQ Version 6.9.3 for Windows 2000/95/98/ME/NT/XP
    Good luck with your application.
    Spencer S.

  • DAQ signal accessory and thermocouple reading fluctuations

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    Nah. I think we've isolated the problems.
    It sounds like noisy inputs to the DAQ board.
    As I said, TCs are very prone to noise on the line, and normally there's a filter on the TC to eliminate the noise, and just get the DC component of the TC--but you don't have that.
    Therefore, to get the same effect, you're going to have to average many readings, which will in effect average out the AC component.
    Another thing--if your panel (TC junction) is in a controlled environment (same temperature all the time), I would average the CJC IC voltage, and just continuously use that, rather than reading it every iteration.
    Try something like this attached file.
    Attachments: ‏61 KB

  • DAQ 6.6 and 6.9 with CVI

    With CVI 5.0, I used NI-DAQ to create a library (recognize, read and write I/O board) and a software using this library. When I use the software on a computer where the board has been configured with NI-DAQ 6.6, the board is not recognized (I have an error code more than 10000). Need help to make the versions compatible. Thanks

    I don't really understand your problem, but there is some pieces of advice.
    The first thing to validate is that the card is properly installed on the target PC.
    Before pluging in the card, you need to install the NI-DAQ device drivers with a version compatible with your OS and your card. When pluged, your card must appear under MAX and must pass the ressources test.
    Once you are sure that the card is correctly installed, you can distribute your application to the target PC. Traditionnal NI-DAQ functions prototypes didn't change from NI-DAQ 6.6 to NI-DAQ 6.9. No matter the version is installed on the target PC, 6.6 and 6.9 are compatible. Your application should be operationnal.
    If you still encounter problems, please give me the following elements
    - the card reference,
    - the target OS,
    - the NI-DAQ version installed on the target PC,
    - the error code that is returned.
    I'll answer you as soon as possible.
    Benjamin CHARLES
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments France

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    I am attempting to program a cross-platform application (REALbasic) that will accept a NI DAQ 1200 card input. However, the software and the card are both from 1996 and as such the accompanying software is not usable. Any ideas or help on this would be great!

    I found some more online resources that state that the card is not supported on OS X. Here's a link to NI-DAQ and NI-DAQmx Base Driver Support for Mac OS. The driver support explains that NI-DAQ 6.6.1 and 4.9.4 is supported in OS 9 and previous where the NI-DAQmx Base is supported on OS X. Unfortunately, the PCI-1200 and DAQCard-1200 are not supported in DAQmx Base. I'd recommend following DFGray's suggestion, but if you don't find any solutions you'll either need to change OS or change DAQ device.
    Mike Lyons
    National Instruments

  • DAQ PCI-4452 and TestPoint ?

    Is it possible to use a DAQ PCI-4452 with TestPoint?
    I allways get the ni error message 10080.

    Currently the PCI-4452 is only supported under the following programming environments.
    Visual Basic
    Visual C/C++
    One option you may want to consider if you need to run your application in TestPoint is to create a dll from within one of the above mentioned programs and call the dll from TestPoint.

  • DAQmx and USB6008 multiple tasks.

    Can I use analog and digital  channels in the same time and in the same application?
    is it possible to use  analog and digital input or autput togheter in a certain application?
    thanks for your help.

    Hi again !
    Good turorials are avilable at NI homepage I have posted them below..
    If you use the DAQmx Assistent you have to use one block for each type
    of signal that you need. Lets say that you want to use two
    analog outputs in the same VI, what you do is that you use one DAQmx
    Assitent block and add the first of your wanted analog channels. If you
    then want to add a second one you only edit the properties of your
    block in the block diagram and add a new task for the second channel
    (see attched picture). You will then get the two measured voltages from
    the same Assistent block, use the "Convert from Dynamic data " block to
    extract the two measured signals. However if you want to add a new
    digital output or any other signal, except for the analog output, you
    will have to add a second DAQmx Assistent block anf then choose the
    wanted signal type.
    I have to warn you about a trouble I had with my Digital outputs when I
    used my USB device. I tried to drive a relay that needed 2.5 mA to
    drive. The problem is that the DO of the USB device can only drive
    currents up to approx. 0.67 mA.  This can be solved by connecting
    a external resistance from the +5 V pin to the wanted DO. You will then
    be able to drive a maximumk of 8.5 mA. How you should choose your
    resistance is described in the manual that you recieved with your USB
    device or at the link below.
    A simple and basic guide to Labview with good exampels:
    A complete guide to Labview:
    This is a site at NI with good manuals for the DAQmx with USB devices (and a manual for the USB 6008 device):
    Hope that this will help you, if I'm not answering your question tell me !
    New task.jpg ‏100 KB

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