Nice bugs in Muse 2014.2.1.44 - text that moves on hover & failed cropping

I spent the morning (4 hours) trying to work around Muse bugs - impossible.
Cropping - The "hold the cmd key and move an image handle to crop" no longer works. The crop tool does allow cropping - that's good. No picture on my site will crop by doing a cmd-drag on a image side or top handle - it resizes the entire image. I used to do this fine... never a problem.
Text Moving on Hover - I wanted to use a hover on text where the bottom border appears on hover -  a nice 3px line with color. (Just doing this for a standalone link - not inline text) You can do it using states with the text box, or a regular box around text;  but everything below it, including the footer, moves when your cursor enters the box to initiate hover. It actually moves up a pixel or two. UGH. I even put a 3px bottom border on in the normal state (and matched background color on the border) so that the box size would not change on hover - it still moves the entire page below it. (I can post a page if needed.)
And a I have a home page with a composition widget that will no longer will click through to the components inside it - only the widget borders can be clicked. (I'll delete it and build it again.)

When attempting Command key handle drag cropping, what's displayed in the label at the left of the Control Strip? "Image" or "Image Frame"?
If you could provide the URL for a page containing an item that demonstrates the text moving on hover behavior it would be very helpful.
For the composition widget content not being clickable, please verify the content is not locked (by doing Object > Unlock All on Page) and confirming there are no locked layers in the Layers panel.
The current version of Muse is 2014.3.1.44 <Adobe Muse Help | Release notes | Adobe Muse CC>.

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    Zak Williamson (Adobe) wrote:
    Hi Jen, I'm frankly not sure what additional instructions to provide. Both mac_heibu and agm 123 have made valiant attempts to describe how to enable text wrap in Muse.
    1) Create a text frame and populated it with text.
    2) Draw a rectangle.
    3) Cut the rectangle.
    4) With the Text Tool click and insertion point in the text.
    5) Paste
    6) Select the rectangle (which is now inline in the text flow).
    7) Select the Wrap settings you want via the Wrap panel.
    Text wrap capabilities are limited on the Web. Wrap is only available for items pasted within the text flow that will be wrapping around the graphic. Basically the rectangle (or other objects) can be aligned to the left or right in the text frame with the text flowing around only one side of the wrapped object. And only rectangular text wrap is supported.
    Thank you Zak, and thank you to mac_heibu and agm 123 for their efforts. While I understand the positive intent of their posts, it is immensely frustrating to be told the same thing over and over without anyone acknowledging the fact that I have clearly stated that I have followed those steps and I STILL get the results I pictured above. 
    So I will say it for the fifth time, thank for the instructions on the textbook method on how it is suppose to work. Textbook "suppose to" doesn't seem to be the issue. As with other bugs in Muse 2014 (Source San Pro preference problem), I am hoping someone has a workaround beyond the way it is "suppose to work" I need someone who has some trouble shooting suggestions. I've cleared prefs. and reinstalled Muse to no avail. I created a new site to test if it was an issue with files created by older versions of Muse, but brand new site does the same thing.

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    Hi Jaap,
    Are you sure about your FTP credentials (FTP folder and site URL) that you are using for the upload? Are you able to see the updated files in the remote directory of the FTP server, after you finish uploading the muse file, using an external FTP client like FileZilla?

  • Adobe Muse (2014.3) "Add Web Font" Function Not Working As Expected - Newly Added Fonts Become Unavailable Though Shown

    This has also been posted in the Community: Adobe Muse Bugs forum.
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    System Info:
    Adobe Creative Cloud (Full Subscription): Version
    Adobe Muse: Version 2014.3
    OS X Yosemite: 10.10.2
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    2. Chose to add a new font through the "Add Web Fonts" function within Muse. A note, my Creative Cloud App is running/open at all times (in file synch mode).
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    4. Fonts also were indicated as being "Synched" within Creative Cloud (screenshot below).
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    Any thoughts as to what this may be would be welcome. Restarting the CC app each and every time the fonts become unavailable is quite time consuming to my workflow.

    Thank you for the reply. Wanted to comment on a few things.
    I reviewed the other post that you've referenced. Nothing unusual jumped out at me as something that I was not aware of. I'm running an older iMac that is in good working condition. 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 24" screen. I know this issue is fleeting, as I stated earlier typically can be corrected with a restart of the CC Desktop application (that I am always running at startup). I have not been able to determine that shutting down Muse corrects the issue. I would, at this time say it doesn't.
    I did open InDesign and see if the fonts in question, Open Sans and Open Sans Condensed, were present and usable. They were. The fonts are shown as being synched in my CC Desktop app window (even if they are not "installed" in Muse). That is expected but it may be a bug in how Muse brings in a font from those that are already synched to your CC account. I don't know enough about how that works to comment.
    And just to complicate matters, Muse seems to be working again, the fonts that is. I brought them back in and they are showing up in all locations (which there are actually three - see screen shots).
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    Second is if you click orange Text link. Another drop down menu appears.
    And lastly, the Text Panel to right of screen.
    I also wanted to add this extra bit of information, for what it is worth. When the issue arises and you do not get the sub-menu dropdown showing various styles of the font (italics, bold, etc.), one can use click on the missing font if you had used it previously and it is present in the "previously used font" list.

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    What can I do?
    Mac OS 10.10.2
    Muse 2014.3
    Safari 8.0.4
    seit dem letzten Update von Muse habe ich keine Transparenzen mehr auf meinen Bildern! In Muse selbst ist alles wie immer, jedoch wenn ich die Site im Browser lade, werden keinerlei Transparenzen mehr angezeigt. Das ist gelinde gesagt ziemlich schlecht, da meine Texte nicht mehr lesbar sind und das Design der Seite enorm darunter leidet.
    Hat jemand von diesem Bug schon gehört und irgendwelche Lösungsvorschläge? Danke

    Please provide site url where the opacity does not work, also add more details such as which page and page section.
    Screenshots will help.

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    Thank you for the reply. Wanted to comment on a few things.
    I reviewed the other post that you've referenced. Nothing unusual jumped out at me as something that I was not aware of. I'm running an older iMac that is in good working condition. 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 24" screen. I know this issue is fleeting, as I stated earlier typically can be corrected with a restart of the CC Desktop application (that I am always running at startup). I have not been able to determine that shutting down Muse corrects the issue. I would, at this time say it doesn't.
    I did open InDesign and see if the fonts in question, Open Sans and Open Sans Condensed, were present and usable. They were. The fonts are shown as being synched in my CC Desktop app window (even if they are not "installed" in Muse). That is expected but it may be a bug in how Muse brings in a font from those that are already synched to your CC account. I don't know enough about how that works to comment.
    And just to complicate matters, Muse seems to be working again, the fonts that is. I brought them back in and they are showing up in all locations (which there are actually three - see screen shots).
    First is primary text menu dropdown (to right of orange "Text").
    Second is if you click orange Text link. Another drop down menu appears.
    And lastly, the Text Panel to right of screen.
    I also wanted to add this extra bit of information, for what it is worth. When the issue arises and you do not get the sub-menu dropdown showing various styles of the font (italics, bold, etc.), one can use click on the missing font if you had used it previously and it is present in the "previously used font" list.

  • J'ai de nouveau des problèmes de transfert FTP avec Muse 2014.2

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    Je suis coincé car le fichier de mon site est dans une version Muse 2014.2 je ne peux pas revenir en arrière. Ras le bol !
    Y a t-il une solution; Je ne peux plus mettre à jour
    merci d'avance

    Thank you for this information, but when arrives the version 2014.2.1. Today is not released in France
    Message du 28/10/14 08:55
    De : "Sanjit_Das"
    A : "mascret Serge"
    Copie à :
    Objet :  j'ai de nouveau des problèmes de transfert FTP avec Muse 2014.2
    j'ai de nouveau des problèmes de transfert FTP avec Muse 2014.2
    created by Sanjit_Das in Adobe Muse Bugs - View the full discussion
    Adobe Muse CC 2014.2.1 is released today which includes fix for reported issues.
    Please install the update : Release notes | Adobe Muse CC
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    Start a new discussion in Adobe Muse Bugs by email or at Adobe Community
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  • Muse 2014.3 update has an over-sized user interface.

    The Adobe UI Scaling bug has reared its head again, this time with Muse (like with previous versions of PS, AI and ID before it).  See screen grab that makes my 22" HD look like an old 12" monitor (see pasted at half resolution below).
    I don't see anyone else with this issue posting, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Any suggestions? Do I have to go back to the Windows Environment settings again? I set it to =1 to fix one of the other applications a while back.

    Sounds like your Win machine is set to run at 125% scaling (or thereabouts), is that right? Or do you have multiple monitors with different native resolutions, and the "one resolution to rule them all" setting engaged?
    Previous versions of Muse would ignore the 125% scale factor and run at 100%.
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    In the short term, we can add support for an environment variable override similar to what InDesign and Illustrator used (see Application user interface too large | Windows). Would that address the problem for you?
    One question, would it be better for you if Muse, InDesign and Illustrator all obeyed the same environment variable override, or would it be better if Muse used a different one? Now that ID and AI have exposed a user preference setting for UI Scaling (see InDesign's below), it might be better if Muse used a different environment variable so as not to override the user preference in AI and ID.
    We will aim to add a similar Win-only user preference for the next release of Muse.

  • Muse 2014.3 - Why are Adobe staying silent ?

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    It is slow, full of bugs, updating assets invariably crashes the application and even simple things like changing page titles in plan mode are taking 10-15 seconds per change, it is ridiculous.
    Why are Adobe not answering any of these complaints on the forum ?    Do you not realise we are paying for a product that we can barely use and is making our working lives near impossible ?

    An update was released today , please install the latest update.
    Adobe Muse Help | Release notes | Adobe Muse CC

  • I received another Adobe Muse 2014.3 update request. Is this a legitimate update?

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    Adobe Muse Help | Release notes | Adobe Muse CC
    See link above, there were a few bugs in the launch of 2014.3, this update address them.

  • Muse 2014 -sub menu items appearing on roll-over etc.

    Hi, complete newbie, so sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere. Only started using Muse about 1 month ago and now using Muse 2014 - using horizontal menu widget and discovered how it now shows sub-menus when hovering over the main menu item- I find this great!
    I want a 'Contact Me' page with a basic form and this is not a problem, however, I want the sub-menus to appear when hovering over the other main menu items, but not the contact me page - might be completely off here, but created a 'Thank you' page as a child page of the contact me page and only want this displayed (not as a sub-menu choice when hovering over the contact me main menu item) when they have clicked the submit button on the form (I know how to set this re-direction in the forms options). Have tried playing with menu on the master page - switching off the edit together and changing settings on only the contact me menu item - without success- seems to apply to all main menu items.
    I would like to know how to achieve sub-menus on other menu items - but not on contact me item;  or whether I am going about trying to have a 'Thank you' response when someone submits the contact me form in the completely wrong way - can this be better achieved by other means?
    I would really appreciate your advice and help. My published site is '' with the main menus - except not with a contact me page as yet, but would  give you an idea of what I am trying to achieve except for a contact me page.
    Sorry for the long post, but thanks for reading and in anticipation of your help!
    Message was edited by: Joe Fitzpatrick

    Hi, managed to find the answer to this myself. In Plan, right-click on page and select Menu Options > Exclude Page from Menus. Job Done!

  • Updated to Adobe Muse 2014 this morning and have worked in it for the last 8 hours. Now when I try to publish the updated site to Business Catalyst for my client to preview it crashes everytime. I have tried just publishing altered files only, then tried

    Updated to Adobe Muse 2014 this morning and have worked in it for the last 8 hours. Now when I try to publish the updated site to Business Catalyst for my client to preview it crashes everytime. I have tried just publishing altered files only, then tried the whole site again, and then tried publishing as a new site altogether. Thought I would then try to export as HTML in the hope of uploading the files via an FTP client and Muse crashes and locks up again. I am extremely stressed about this as I am in the last few days of of website I have been working on now with no issues since December. We are due to go live and my client needs to see it. I am desperate for an answer. It is not looking good. I am on an Apple Mac and have not had any isses publishing it for the last 6 months. Not very happy to say the least. Need desperate help.

    Hi Zak, I got onto Adobe Customer Care Live Chat this morning and gave them the error message. After some trouble shooting with them it appears the older archived file of the site still publishes. I have now reverted back to the old file and copied and pasted out of the new file and from some ideas given to me by support I am now able to publish to Business Catalyst. It seems there was something corrupt within the new pages added yesterday. I have no idea if this would have still happened if I hadn't updated but I am glad it wasn't a Muse specific problem. I am loving using Muse and the support from Adobe has been excellent. Thanks everyone. By the way I do love the new version and apart from this hick up that lost me a few hours, aged me some more and gave me grey hair I really love Muse. Thanks again.

  • My mail forms created by muse 2014.0.1.30 do not work. PHP 5.4 is enabled by hoster, so they should work. Can anyone help me, for these forms are crucial for my business.

    My mail forms created by muse 2014.0.1.30 do not work. PHP 5.4 is enabled by my hoster, so they should work. Can anyone help me, for these forms are crucial for my business. The forms confirm delivery, but the mails are not recieved. No spam filters enabled.
    Meanwhile, I was able to narrow the problem down: PHP seems not to accept a re-directed mail address as sender of the mail in some cases. So, it has nothing to do with the mail form itself.

    Hi Ingo,
    Please refer to this document, Troubleshooting Muse Form Widgets Used on Third-Party Servers
    Last section, "I've uploaded my new Muse form, and tried submitting it in the browser, but I never receive an email with the form data. What's wrong?"
    - Abhishek Maurya

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    This works with Muse CC:
    This doesn't work with Muse 2014:
    Thanks for any help!

    Hi Kieran,
    What happens when you enter, '' in the domain name?
    - Abhishek Maurya

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