Nike  sensor not logging distance

The last two times I've gone for a run (this morning and a couple of days ago) the sensor has activated with no problem and logged my time, but not my distance or how many calories I've burned. I thought maybe the runs would stay logged in my history, but after a few minutes they disappeared as well. I tried to sync to my Nike+ account to see if the distance/calories showed up online, but it doesn't even show up. However, it does show my last run on my iTunes.
I've seen that other people have had similar issues, but none of them seem to have been resolved. I have Nike+ shoes, so it's not a matter of the sensor moving around. I haven't used my Nike+ sensor since August of last year, so I don't know if that is the issue.

May be the sensor battery drained? Try this:  Start a run with the sensor and as you run check if the pace updates. If it is not updating it could probably be low battery on the sensor.
I had similar issue and after replacing sensor it worked fine for me.

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    I think I figured it out and it was that the sensor was not position correctly. For others maybe having this issue the red part needs to be pointed upward.
    Message was edited by: Silivrenwolf

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    kevin buick wrote:
    does ur wifi router send out its name to devices
    some router's can be set up to not show there name or send out its name to new devices not paired to it via its settings so they can c u wifi name check ur wifi router setting's
    on u computer find ur router ip ads and enter it in to ur web ads it will be or  x will be ur internet ads given to by whoever gives ur internet eg bt/sky/vig media
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    Hi janie,
    Try the general tips in this article:

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    Then you need to deauthorize another computer so you can authorize this one. If yo do not have the computers to deauthorize then yo can deauthorize all (you can only do that once every 12 months) and then authorize this one.
    iTunes Store: Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC
    Or is this your problem:
    Manage your associated devices in iTunes - Apple Support

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    The recent iPod touch and iPhone models have the "receiver" built-in, but not iPod nano.  The "sensor" is the part that goes in (or on) your shoe.
    You need this kit (with receiver and sensor)
    When you insert the receiver into the nano's dock connector, the new functionality should become accessible on the screen.  I don't have the 6G nano, but that's how it work with my 5G nano.
    The sensor that goes in (or on) your shoe is an accelerometer.  It tracks movement and speed of your foot, which is used to calculate distance and pace (pretty accurately), and it also tracks total time.  You can pause and resume your run.  You can get an audio (spoken) status of current time, pace, and distance, at any time during the run, and at the end.  You can use any completed run to better "calibrate" its measurement of distance and pace.
    I wear New Balance, so my sensor goes in a little pouch that straps on the shoe lace.

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    I started using these kits with the 1st gen nano and have one that's lasted over 1200 miles. Out of four sensors only 1 has dropped out prematurely (about 8 months) and that unit still had a lot of miles. There may be some bad luck or some weather issues involved that are seriously shortening the battery life. Cold or hot ground is the closest thing to your shoes. Getting only 85 hours is ludicrous.
    Other people might have the same experience as you, but you will always hear about the problems on support boards and nowhere near as many comments by satisfied customers.
    I do know that the kit has worked within reason for me and many others so I would suggest trying the system again, HOWEVER, I would hold onto the receipt and ask for the latest stock in whatever store you purchase the sensor at so you can a) hope to have a fresh unit and b) leave the possibility of an exchange open if the sensor fails early.
    Sorry to hear you're having bad luck, but it works both ways. Maybe next time you will have an everlasting sensor.
    Good Luck,

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    Try disabling graphics hardware acceleration. Since this feature was added to Firefox, it has gradually improved, but there still are a few glitches.
    You might need to restart Firefox in order for this to take effect, so save all work first (e.g., mail you are composing, online documents you're editing, etc.).
    Then perform these steps:
    #Open Firefox ''Options'' window (''Preferences'' on Mac or Linux) as follows:
    #* In Firefox 29.0 and above, click the menu button [[Image:New Fx Menu]] and select ''Options'' for Windows or ''Preferences'' on Mac or Linux.
    #* In Firefox 28.0 and previous versions, click the orange Firefox button at the top left, then select the "Options" button, or, if there is no Firefox button at the top, go to Tools > Options.
    #In the Firefox Options (or Preferences) window, click the ''Advanced'' tab, then select ''General''.
    #In the settings list, you should find the ''Use hardware acceleration when available'' checkbox. Uncheck this checkbox.
    #Now, restart Firefox and see if the problems persist.
    Additionally, please check for updates for your graphics driver by following the steps mentioned in the following Knowledge base articles:
    * [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]
    * [[Upgrade your graphics drivers to use hardware acceleration and WebGL]]
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

  • Is new software around for Ipod Nano 5G with the Nike sensor and Polar wearlink HeartRateMonitor to get spoken feedback on heartrate-zone, so you get a warning if your heartrate is higher or lower than the predefined range.

    I have:
    Ipod Nano 5G with Nike+ sensor and Polar wearlink Heartrate monitor:
    works fine, linking is easy, but....
    Software is rather minimal: Heartrate is on the screen and you get feedback when the center-button is touched.
    To get better results, more functions would be useful, like defining a heartrate zone (like Polar`s own-zone) and automatic spoken feedback if the heartrate is out of the pre-defined range. Also automatic spoken feedback on actual and average heartrate every pre-defined time-interval would be very useful: like the spoken feedback on distance and actual pace I get on my Iphone with Nike+GPS
    Anyone have any suggestions ?

    I have the same issue! I purchased a nano 6th, polar hrm so I could run and receive spoken feedback when my heart rate was outside my preset zone.  My suunto t3 used to beep when outside the preset zones.  Automatic, periodic beeps or spoken feedback is the most important information to receive during exercise. I hope apple can update the software to add this simple yet critical feature.

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    I can speak for a new iPod touch and tell you that you only need the sensor. That's what I have and I love it. I'm really enjoying Nike's website and the history it builds.
    From what I understand about the new nano, it has some sort of pedometer built right in so you can get a calculation of steps all by itself. You can also add the nike sensor to get more information on your walk/run, I'm just not certain if its the whole kit you need or just the sensor in that instance.

  • HT2293 Do i need nike+ sensor with iPod nano 6.generation?

    Do i need nike+ sensor with iPod nano 6.generation?

    According to this page:
    Track your walk. Or your run.
    The built-in accelerometer in iPod nano gives you real-time feedback on your workout, and you can upload data to the Nike+ website. There’s no need to connect a receiver or use a shoe sensor to track your steps, distance, pace, and time. Just clip on iPod nano and go. In the gym, connect iPod nano to a Nike + iPod compatible cardio machine to keep track of every workout. Back at your computer, upload all your data to the Nike+ website to create personal goals, check your progress, and challenge your friends to top your results.Learn more about Nike + iPod

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