No Content of music, even when added in?

I autofilled my music to my iPhone but it didnt show any content of the music i put in, and if i want to put it in again it would say the music i'm adding has already been added to my iPhone. What should i do? Pls help!!

I would try to resync the information.  First try unchecking "sync music" and apply changes, and then recheck "sync music" and apply changes. 
I hope that helps! 

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    Message was edited by: Tenotitlan

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    Hi Allen
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    How are you viewing emails ?
    (view / Message Body As) should be ''original html ''

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    There's a grey horizontal line near the middle of each track. When you drag a new item from the browser into the timeline, it appears with a black arrow. As you drag, when the cursor is above the grey horizontal line, the black arrow points right, meaning you're performing an "insert" edit, which moves everything else to the right in the timeline. If the cursor is below the grey line, the black arrow points down, meaning you're performing an "overwrite" edit, which should leave your audio tracks in place.

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    If you want to move the media from one computer to another, then move it.
    Type "move itunes library" into the search bar and you'll find detailed instructions from Apple on how to move the iTunes library.

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    I would try:
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    You may have to reinstall Windows since sometimes a a virus can't really be removed and a fresh install is required

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