No CR rendered with 3i viewer

Carriage Returns CR are entered into a pl/sql generated web page field. When the field (long) is viewed with discoverer viewer 3i, the CRs are ignored and all lines of the text are run together.
What is the work around?
Please Email me direct
[email protected]

There is no workaround at this point. If you put in a <br> in the data it'll show up as <br> in the HTML page, not as a carriage return. A bug has been logged.
Discoverer Development Team

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  • [SOLVED] Lousy fonts with .chm viewer for Linux

    I installed the .chm file viewer HelpExplorer 3.0 in both Windows XP and Arch Linux (chm = compiled HTML help file).  In Windows XP, with default fonts installed, the fonts in text read with this viewer appear crisp, sharp and anti-aliased.  In Arch with KDE 3.5.7, on the other hand, the fonts appear fuzzy, grainy and don't seem to be anti-aliased, in contrast with their appearance in all other apps (except for a few such as Dillo) which render text good-looking, sharp and anti-aliased.
    HelpExplorer for Linux was provided as a tarball that included a precompiled 'helpexplorer' binary.  The program doesn't seem to allow for customizing font settings.
    The following fonts are installed in Arch (in /usr/share/fonts/):
    ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10-5 is installed by default
    gsfonts 8.11-4 is installed by default
    PostScript Type 1 fonts installed: Century Schoolbook, Nimbus, URW Bookman, URW Gothic, URW Palladio
    ttf-ms-fonts-2.0-1 (Microsoft TTF: Andale Mono, Arial, Comic, Courier, Georgia, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet)
    font-bh-ttf-1.0.0-3 (Luxi BH)
    xorg-fonts-100dpi-1.0.1-1 (courier, helvetica, lucida, new century, times)
    The "Files" section of my xorg.conf looks as follows:
    Section "Files"
    RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
    ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/PEX"
    # Additional fonts: Locale, Gimp, TTF...
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic"
    # FontPath "/usr/share/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi"
    # FontPath "/usr/share/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/100dpi"
    # True type and type1 fonts are also handled via xftlib, see /etc/X11/XftConfig!
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latex-ttf-fonts"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/CID"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/TrueType"
    I've attached a screenshot of some text displayed in the HelpExplorer reader in Arch (the font is Times New Roman): … ot1zh9.png
    What do I need to do to improve the font appearance in this program in Linux?
    Last edited by RobF (2007-10-02 18:06:46)

    I found a solution of sorts by installing and running the Windows version of HelpExplorer in Wine or Crossover.  There is still very little control over fonts but when I enlarge the default font (with 2x CTRL-+) I do get a nice-looking anti-aliased Times New Roman font, and this solution would be my preferred way of reading .chm files in Linux (i.e. better than KchmViewer or Xchm).
    Recap of the problem:
    1. The .chm viewer HelpExplorer Viewer 3.0 when installed in Windows XP renders fonts crisp and clear and anti-aliased.
    2. The Linux version of HelpExplorer Viewer 3.0 (delivered as a precompiled executable in a tarball) doesn't render fonts antialiased, regardless of what I tried, and they look grainy and unattractive.
    3. The Windows version of HelpExplorer Viewer 3.0 when installed and run in Arch in Wine or Crossover does render the default font they offer (looks like Times New Roman) fairly crisp and clear and anti-aliased, at least at the enlarged setting.
    Can someone explain to me what might be going on?  Why is it that the Linux version cannot render fonts anti-aliased when the Windows version running in the emulator in Linux can?  Is there something that I have to change in my fonts config, fonts location, symlinks or path to get the anti-aliased fonts to work in HelpExplorer in Linux?

  • CSS style not rendering in design view

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    The parent file MUST be named with .shtml or .shtm as an extension.  It's that extension that tips the server off that the file contains server directives and that it should be parsed to find them (normally, fetched files are not parsed by the server).  Using these filename extensions will not affect the XHTML strict validation of the file (by the way, is there a reason for sticking with XHTML?).
    It is not necessary to have a testing server defined to see proper HTML includes rendered in Design view.  I believe that by renaming your file with the correct extension you will see this include expressed in Design view. It is a little unclear to me whether the correct syntax for a virtual include is to use the root slash or to omit it.  For example, Wikipedia says -
    The file parameter defines the included file as relative to the document path; the virtual parameter defines the included file as relative to the document root.
    Then later it says -
    The file parameter defines the included file as relative to the document path; the virtual parameter defines the included file as relative to the document root.
    There is, in fact, a big difference between these two statements!  From a personal point of view, I don't use HTML includes at all (always use PHP includes which are written differently).  But I think you can use the file include as I have shown safely - that's assuming that the two files are at the same level.

  • "Could not create renderer with alias..." after deploying ResourceRenderer

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    I've developed a custom ResourceRenderer class that looks like this:
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.Component;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.Link;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IResource;
    public class RelatedDocsNamePropertyRenderer extends ResourceRenderer
         protected Component renderContentLink(com.sapportals.htmlb.Component comp) throws WcmException
              Link result = (Link) super.renderContentLink(comp);
              return result;
         protected Component renderContentLink(IResource resource, com.sapportals.htmlb.Component comp) throws WcmException
              Link result = (Link)super.renderContentLink(resource, comp);
              return result;
    All it does, really, is preventing links to documents in KM to open in a new window. At least that's what I'm hoping it will do, as it's based on ideas in <a href="">this post</a>.
    I've added all the necessary .jar files, and implemented a wrapper portal service as described here: <a href=""></a>.
    I've created an alias for the class in <i>Content Management -> User Interface -> Mapping</i>, and assigned this to the resource renderer settings that I use.
    OK, here is where the trouble starts. When viewing the layout set with debugging on, I check <i>Rendering Information</i>. It informs me that <i>"The given configuration was not used, because the alias is not defined or points to an invalid java class"</i>. Looking in the log, this is the error message:
    Could not create renderer with alias ZRelatedDocsNameResourceRender and classname com/sapportals/wcm/rendering/resource/cm/ResourceRenderer
    ------------------------- Loader Info -------------------------
    ClassLoader name: [com.sapportals.portal.prt.util.ApplicationClassLoader@6b247b]
    Parent loader name: [com.sapportals.portal.prt.util.ApplicationClassLoader@4e82c4]
       not registered!
    The error occurred while trying to load "".
    I have a suspicion this might have something to do with the SharingRefernce in portalapp.xml, but after experimenting with different values, I'm no nearer a solution. Any ideas, anyone? Any help greatly appreciated.
    Yes, and here is my portalapp.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <property name="SharingReference" value=",knowledgemanagement"/>
        <property name="PrivateSharingReference" value=""/>
        <component name="RelatedDocsNamePropertyRenderer">
            <property name="ClassName" value=""/>
        <service name="BootStrapNamePropertyRender">
            <property name="className" value=""/>
            <property name="startup" value="true"/>

    Hi Gourab,
    Double check the the page.xml has referring to the correct CO. Open the page.xml and see which controller is attached to it.
    Also attach the extended controller through personalization to the page/Region.

  • TS1381 My left arrow does not work on my macbook pro(model A1226).  I have reset nvram, performed a safe boot, pulled the cache to desktop, replaced .globalpreference.plist, test all other keys with keyboard view (all others work)  - HELP!!

    My left arrow does not work on my macbook pro(model A1226).
    I have reset nvram, performed a safe boot, pulled the cache to desktop, replaced .globalpreference.plist, & tested all other keys with "keyboard viewer" (all other keys work except for the arrow). 
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    Here is the kicker!  In addition, I purchased a logitech solar bluetooth keyboard and the arrows work fine with my ipad but do not work when paired with the macbook pro. All other keys work fine on the macbook pro using the bluetooth keyboard.
    I believe this says that the problem is not in my macbook pro keyboard. So where can it be?
    Can anyone think of any other rabbit holes I can search?
    thanks and regards

    I would also like to add that I've reverted the two cd drive and hard drive mods I did and the laptop is back to factory hardware and there is 0 corrosion or mold visible.

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    After playing around with ViewObjectImpl's setQuery() method some more I found out that this solution might not work for me due to the following reason: when the user tries to sort a column in the result table, the original contents of the view object get executed instead of the run time query.
    I would like to go back to my original solution that included creating a view definition based on the runtime query and then creating a view object from that which I bind to the RowSetIterator. The missing piece to the master-detail functionality is with the detail Iterator being in sync with the master. I have tried the following but I get a ClassCastException <p>
    DCIteratorBinding detailBinding = ctx.getBindingContainer().findIteratorBinding("DetailIterator");
    here is the relevant stack trace:
    at oracle.jbo.client.remote.ViewUsageImpl.getImplObject(
    at oracle.jbo.client.remote.RowSetImpl.setMasterRowSetIterator(
    at oracle.jbo.client.remote.ViewUsageImpl.setMasterRowSetIterator(

  • ICal bug with month view

    I primarily use week view on iCal, but sometimes i switch to month view for a larger perspective. Often, i use month view to check for any leftover events from the previous month in case i forgot to delete one or two.
    I just found a bug concerning this. If i click on "month" today, it'll take me to the month view for june 2011, and from there i can navigate forwards or backwards. However, may 2011 seems to have a bug. If i click on < from june, it does nothing; if i click again, it takes me to april 2011. Similarly, if i click on > from april it does nothing and if i click again it takes me to june.
    It doesn't end there. The june/may thing happens only when the selected day (the one shaded light grey on the month and week views and bright blue on the little month tab on the left) is after 04 june. If a day from the first week of june (i have my weeks start on sunday) is selected, the < button does take me to may, but several events which i deleted a long time ago are showing up.
    Now, i have an event set for today (04 june). Since the first four days of june are in the same week as the last three of may, the month view for may shows these four days, as any normal calendar app would.
    If i use the month tab to the left to navigate, i can access may 2011 by selecting any day on that month. However, iCal's behaviour depends on which day was selected previously. If the previous day was in april 2011 or earlier, iCal will show the month of may completely empty, which is great because i have no leftover appointments from may; however, the box for 04 june is also empty, which it shouldn't be. If the previous day was in june 2011, it'll show may with a repeating event on every sunday except the first, which is completely absurd, since i have deleted this event (and why isn't it showing on the first sunday in may?); the box for 04 june, however, will correctly show the event i have set for this day. If the previous day was in july 2011 or later, it'll show may with the repeating event on all sundays (including the first one) and it won't show anything on the box for 04 june.
    Obviously, there is a bug with may 2011.
    In case it helps, i do have a repeating event set to all sundays until the end of existence, but i have deleted all the entries from may and previously, since they have obviously already happened. Also, i had many other repeating events set to happen on different weekdays; these are to repeat themselves weekly until about halfway through june, and they started on april or may (can't remember right now). Like the sunday one, i have deleted all the entries from may because they have already taken place. Strangely (and thankfully), none of these appear when i visit may from june or later, as does the sunday event.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Or am i forever stuck with week view, which has so far proven to be bug-free?
    (I did a search on Google and another on the Apple forums for this issue but could find nothing, so i decided to ask the question myself. I apologise if somebody has already asked this question and i just couldn't find it.)

    I have a vague recollection of someone else with this issue but haven't experienced it myself nor encountered it recently.
    1.) First make an iCal backup:
    2.) Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > and / or "ical"
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache)
    Home > Library > Preferences > (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    __NOTE: Removing these files will remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    Once the computer is back up and running open iCal and test.
    Hope that helps!

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    How to add SharePoint 2013 Promoted link list view web part in page programatically with Tiles view using CSOM. I found that it can be
    done by using XsltListViewWebPart class but how can I use this one by using shraepoint client api.

    Nice, can you point me to the solution please ?
    I'm  trying to do this but I get an error : 
    Web Part Error: Cannot complete this action. Please try again. Correlation ID: blablabla
    StackTrace:    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPViewCollection.EnsureViewSchema(Boolean fullBlownSchema, Boolean bNeedInitallViews)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList.GetView(Guid viewGuid)   
    All help really appreciated.

  • Problem with a view in XK01 transaction

    Hi All,
    I am working on upload conversion for Vendor Master. While doing conversion, i am getting a problem with a Contact person view in XK01 transaction. In contact person view the telephone field column sometimes allowing to add data ,sometimes it's not allowing data which results an error in conversion program saying that the telephone field in not an input field. I don't know why the view is showing the telephone field like that.
    Can any one suggest the solution for this problem. I know this is configuration problem with a view but i posted in ABAP forums.

    Hi Ben,
    I assume that you are writing a BDC program to upload contact person information. If so, you are trying to populate a table control here. Please check to see if you are calculating the index to assign values to the correct rows.
    if you are calculating index in your program then i think it should be configuration problem as you said.

  • Creation of Article with purchasing view.

    I am using BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT  to create Article. I am able to create article using Basic view, Log. DC view etc.
    There is no purchasing view in HEADDATA. Also  fields like Purchase organization, net price etc are not present in any structure.How to create an Article  with purchasing view using this BAPI.
    Please help me in this regard.

    I am using BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT  to create Article. I am able to create article using Basic view, Log. DC view etc.
    There is no purchasing view in HEADDATA. Also  fields like Purchase organization, net price etc are not present in any structure.How to create an Article  with purchasing view using this BAPI.
    Please help me in this regard.

  • Problem with HTML viewer

    Dear All ,
    I am facing a problem with HTML Viewer . My senario is as follows :
    1. I have created one HTML page . On that page there are 4 Images
    2. I imported that HTML page in SAP with the help of transaction SMW0
    3. I Called that HTML page in my ABAP program using the method "load_html_document" of class cl_gui_html_viewer
    4. This is happening perfectly ok on the machine on which all this developement was done.
    But the issue is when I execute my ABAP program on a different machine , those Images on that HTML page are not displaying.
    Can you please guide me how to remove that machine dependancy?

    Hi Nikhil,
    Please check if the image is properly imported properly. Also check if there is any option which you might have forgotten while imported like dependeency.

  • How to copy paste a new page with thumbnails view in Pages 5?

    How to copy paste a new page with thumbnails view in Pages 5?

    Feature removed along with over 90 others: 65f2213d98ee45f08d7&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Export your Pages 5 files to Pages '09 or Word .docx and trash/archive Pages 5.
    Then rate/review Pages 5 in the App Store.

  • Problem With Image View After Cropping

    Hi All,
    I have a problem when I try to crop an image in CS4.  The crop tool works perfectly, however sometime the cropped image has parts of the image “out of line”  I believe the problem is just with the view, not the actual file.  I have saved the image and opened it in MS Picture Viewer and the image is perfect. 
    I was using Windows XP without a problem.  I have only experienced this since I upgraded to windows 7 64 bit.
    Below is a screen shot of the problem, not the bottom right of the image.  Any suggestions please.
    Thanks  - Vicki

    No, it was me.  Feel free to review the thread history at this URL if you'd like:
    Your display driver IS out of date.  You really don't want the one from Microsoft's WHQL
    If you would like to be able to use the OpenGL-specific features, listed on the page below, as well as not have display corruption, I recommend you update SPECIFICALLY to Catalyst 11.7 (which carries driver version 8.872).  Anything up to 11.12 is probably okay, but 12.1 has some very specific problems with Photoshop.  Several of us on the forum here have had particularly good, solid results from 11.7.

  • We r using os 10.6.8 and 7.0.3 fcp,in that rendering with unlimited option out of memory warning is displayed Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 10gb stills are there.there are hd standard

    we r using os 10.6.8 and 7.0.3 fcp,in that rendering with unlimited option out of memory warning is displayed, 10gb stills are there.there are hd standard videos

    What format are your sources and what are your sequence settings?  I'd guess that you're working with h.264 material which is not fcp friendly.  If so, use compressor to conver to prores422

  • Help with CR Viewer XI

    Post Author: Lee XI
    CA Forum: General
    Hello all. I'm currently using CR XI (not server) and downloaded the Viewer yesterday to test on a spare pc. Reason for this is I want others to be able to view and set parameters I designed in the report(s). However, when you open the Viewer, no parameters that I set up are showing. (IE: date, State, Customer, etc) When I am in CR XI and I hit refresh it brings up all the parameters that should be available to the end users to adjust the report manually.The reason I'm trying to go this route is that our company is small and running CR server is out of the budget. Should the viewer allow for prompted params for those using the CR Viewer or not? I do not want to waste time with this if the Viewer cannot or will not allow end users to select a date range or state, or other params I want them to? I do not want to purchase another CR XI version because I do not want these users to have design access to the reports. I simply want them to be able to select certain params that I have set up for them. Thanks in advance! Lee

    Post Author: DRCL
    CA Forum: General
    I have discovered another issue with the viewer also.
    If a report is designed/saved in LANDSCAPE mode, but the recipient opens in the viewer and the printer default is PORTRAIT, then it automatically prints in Portrait. It scales to fit to the page.
    If the user overrides the default and changes it to LANDSCAPE, it still prints in Portrait.
    Any ideas on this or the linked OLE issues would be much appreciated.

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