No "create room" in collaboration

Hello all,
I have following problem:
I have the link for launching the collaboration in my portal. If i access to the collaboration I get the new window. But there is no "create rooms" in collaboration menu. Why? Is sth. not configured?
I thank you very much for suggestions.
With kind regards
Susanne Baumann

Actually room creation is only done by a content administrator.
Normal users are given access to the rooms created by the room owner by
adding them as members.Then they can use the room for collaboration,
but room creation right is one which they do not have.
Hope its clear now

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  • Collaboration - Creating rooms and displaying to a specific group

    I am new to enterprise portals. Can anybody guide me in this context?
    I want to create some collaboration rooms which would be specific to groups. Eg. The Students should be able to see rooms specific to their subject. The professionals should be able to view the collaboration specific to subjects that they have selected in their profile. Administrator should be the only user who can create rooms and manage it.
    I see about the roles in the book but i am a bit confused.
    How do i do that?

    Ramachandran Reddy,
    Just goign through the forums found the question unanswered. i have done the process what you have asked for.
    1)      If you want to create Collaboration Rooms and assigning member's to the room created you should have a role assigned to you i.e. eu_role.
    2)      To assign those roles go to User Management and assign to your User or can ask the System Administrator to do it.
    3)      After assigning the role you will see New WorkSet assigned to you in the Portal i.e. Home.
    4)      In the top Navigational area go to Content Administration. Click it
    5)      Go to Collaboration Content. Click it.
    6)      On the left side Detailed Navigational area you will find Room Creation link. Click it.
    7)      That will open a New view on right side panel where you provide the details to create a Collaboration Room like
                 a) Name : Collaboration Room Name
                 b) Description : Give some description about the room you are creating
                 c) Owner: Generally as you are logged in, so the Owner will be you, but if you want to change the user you can also do it.
                d) Categories: Select any one of the categories.
                e) Template: There are Meeting templates, Project Template & Team template, depending upon the requirement you select the required template.
                    You can also create your own template
    Process to Create Room Template: On left side navigational area you will find a link "Room Template Administration". Click it.
                  I. You will see a New Template tab, click it
                  II.      A view is displayed where you need to give the details for the creation of Room template. In the Workset option box choose the option where you want to create the template. Click next.
                 III.      Add the role and give the required page permissions. Click next.
                 IV.      Incase you want to extent the then you can also extent the template. Here you can select the user's who can use the template you have created.
                 f) Choose the Room Type, it can be a Public, Private and Restricted and also in the add the members.
                 g)      When you click the Select button a new window is opened, just enter the user's name and add them to the room created. Click next.
    8)      A New Collaboration room is created and members are added to them.
    9)      Now if you want to send some messages or documents to the member's then go to the Top level Navigational and there you will find Home tab. Click it
    10)  Goto the Work in the navigation panel select the room you have created.
    11)  Choose the member from the memberlist , now depending upon the requirement send email or instant message to the user.
    if you feel the process is useful please reward points.
    Anil Dichpally

  • Portal runtime error while creating rooms

    I installed collaboration and content management on my portal instance
    and started basic configuration. Now while creating rooms , i get the
    portal runtime error. I have enclosed the screen shot of the error.
    I have enclosed the steps that can be followed to reproduce the error.
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView :
    Component Name :
    The exception was logged. Inform your system administrator..
    Exception id: 10:23_07/02/07_0037_818308650
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file

    Hi Detlev,
    Thanks a lot. I have enclosed the information from default trace.
    << item 0 : >>[PRT-Async 3,5,PRT-Async]##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Java###Exception ID:10:23_07/02/07_0037_818308650
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Portal Component
    Component : pcd:portal_content/administrator/super_admin/super_admin_role/
    Component class :
    User : SAPOSS
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$
    at Method)
    at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    Caused by: com.sapportals.wdf.WdfError
    at com.sapportals.wdf.WdfCompositeController.buildComposition(
    at com.sapportals.htmlb.AbstractCompositeComponent.preRender(
    at com.sapportals.htmlb.Container.preRender(
    at com.sapportals.htmlb.Container.preRender(
    at com.sapportals.htmlb.Container.preRender(
    at com.sapportals.portal.htmlb.PrtContext.render(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    ... 7 more

  • Create Room issue

    Hello all,
    I'm facing a problem when creating a Room through Room API, we create a Room, set all parameter, folderpath, name, template, etc. and everything goes fine but when we access the recently created room we note that the collaboration room keeps the default path for folders not we have passed as parameter through the API. If we create the room using Room creation wizard everything works fine, do you have any idea or if we're doing something wrong?.
    Any help apreciated,

    Hello Vijay,
    Thank you very much for your reply, look we have followed the instructions on this link:
    Is there any other available example explaining room creation?... or if you know a workaround to see if the template is receiving the right parameters.
    This is what we have done:
    Reviewing the step by step solution following the document above:
    1. An application calls the Rooms API createRoom() method and passes all relevant data for the new room as a parameter.
    > I think is ok, because the room is created.
    2. The Collaboration Room backend system calls the User Management API to:
    ○       Create a user group containing all users of the new room
    ○       Create a user group for each room role containing the users assigned to the role in question
    > group generated, we think ok too.
    3. To ensure compatibility with earlier versions of the Collaboration Room framework, the Repository Framework API is called to:
    ○       Create a public and a private folder for each selected content
    store (in the template)
    ○       Copy content from the content template folders to the new private
    ○       Create a Public Area folder containing links to all new public
    ○       Create a Structure folder containing links to all new private
    folders and another link to the Public Area folder
    ○       Set appropriate ACL permissions for all these new folders in the
    > Create folder structure, ok.
    4. The Repository Framework API is called to:
    ○       Create a new folder resource in a special repository that
    represents the room itself
    ○       Set the name, description, and so on for the room as properties of
    the new room resource
    ○       Create a link from the room resource to the room Structure folder
    ○       Set ACL permissions for the room resource
    > Access ok.
    5. The Portal Connector API is called to:
    ○       Copy the template workset (including pages and iViews) to a special
    PCD folder
    ○       Map all room parameters (including the hidden parameters such as
    room ID) to the iView parameters according to the mapping rules defined in the template
    > Maybe the problem be here.
    6. The Groupware API is called to send invitation e-mails to all users of the new room.
    > notifications sent ok.
    7. The Status Engine API is called to create a status event for the room creation.
    > ok too.
    8. At each extension point during the room creation process, the extension framework calls the extensions defined in the template to enable the connection of other backend systems and to add additional functions to the new room.
    > don't know how to test this..
    Thank you and I hope haven't confused you a lot.

  • How to create rooms in paid applications

    I have upgraded my lccs account.I am creating rooms programmatically. Earlier rooms were creating in the default application but now when the free quota is over and I want to create rooms in my paid application. How can I create rooms in paid applications.

    hi satish.......
    Navigate to Collaboration ->Rooms->Room Creation ->in the Room creation wizard enter the mandatory fields as shown in the fig below and click on Next button
    If you want to add members to the room enter the userID of the users in the input field and click on Add button
    Click on Next button to check your settings and then Click on Finish button
    After clicking on Finish button check for the message “Room ATestroom has been created” with a link  Enter Room  . Check whether able to enter the room by clicking on the link Enter Room
    hope this is goin to help u....
    and plz dont forget to award points.....

  • Creating Room Instance from Web Dynpro Development Component

    Hi Experts,
    I would like to instantiate a Room Instance based on a pre-created Room Template from within a Web Dynpro Development Component. I had a look at the <i>Collaboration Rooms API Cookbook</i>, which provides all the code examples I need, but which asks that I import the following classes:
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntime;
    Problem is I don't have and can't find those libraries. I am developing in a track on the DTR and all solutions that I have found to the problems thus far require me to import a local jar file. Surely I should rather import a Software Component with the required library into my project? Does anyone know what the name of this Software Component is or what the correct way is to do this?
    Also, a somewhat related problem. If I want to create a Room Instance from an Application Service, how would I go about doing this. Unlike with a Web Dynpro project, I can't setup the build path or Used DCs, so how will I gain access to that library?
    Thank you,

    Beevin, thanks for the reply.
    I am aware that adding the jars manually to the build path is a possibility, but isn't this a local only solution? What I mean is, lets say I do this and check the code into the DTR - surely the code won't compile on my co-workers' machines as the paths to the jar files are different for them? Unless you mean to somehow add the jar file from the server, in which case could you please elaborate on how to do this?
    This still doesn't solve the application service problem, does it? How can I access those library from the CAF DC?

  • Creating room on full hard drive

    Creating room on full hard drive: suggestions for best item to remove.

    Restart in Safe Mode:
    Empty the trash.
    - Delete all files in the Downloads folder.
      Empty the Trash.
    - Start iPhoto.  Empty its trash.
    - Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Hold the option key down and click "Go" menu in the Finder menu bar.
        Select "Library" from the drop down menu.
        Library > Mail > V2 > Mailboxes
        Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
    - Empty the Trash.
    - Restart.
    - Re-index your system disk:
    Run a Time Machine (or other) backup since you are about to delete and move files and you may need to recover from any inadvertent mistakes or decisions.
    Deleting and Offloading files:
    Use OmniDiskSweeper find large folders and files to delete or offload.  If you are running 10.8 or 10.9 download it from  If you are running 10.6.8 or 10.7 down it from  Do not touch any system files.  Do not offload files onto a Time Machine disk.   Do not offload your entire user folder. Do not rely on restoring files from Time Machine; delete only those files you never want to see again.   Do delete or offload seldom use folders/files in your user folder.  Remember to empty the trash after trashing the files.
     > System Preferences > Time Machine > Options… > Remove the offload HD name from the exclusions list.  Now both your system disk and your external offload disk will be backed up onto your Time Machine disk.
    From: "More ways to save space if you have a spare partition or second hard drive."
    - Compress and archive old files.
    - Clean up system logs and temporary files.
    - Uninstall Mac OS 9.
    - Move your iTunes Music folder to another disk or partition.
    - Move your iPhoto Library folder to another disk or partition.
    (Includes instructions on moving subsets of the libraries.)
    Additional references on freeing disk space:

  • PHP - create room for specific application

    I am creating room using PHP library and can not figure how to specify application for this room.
    Now I have a default appliaction and MyFirstApp paid application, how i can specify "MyFirstApp" for new room?

    So, when you create a room, you specify the roomName and the template/application name from which you want to create the room. So, to create a room with MyFirstApp application template, you should do something like
    accountManager.createRoom("roomName","MyFirstApp") ; // this is for java, convert in php
    If you don't specify anything in the second parameter, it will be created from default template, which is empty of any collectionnodes/nodes. Please go through Room Provisioning section in our Developer Guide for more details.
    Hope this helps
    Hironmay Basu

  • Create a Room in Collaboration

    Hi Everybody,
    my purpose is to create a room which can be shown within the standard page Department Info Pages of the workset Company. I have create an own Template which is based on the workset SAP_Information_Site. After creating a new room based on this template i can not see this room under 'Department Info Pages' but if i use the standard template SAP_Information_Site_2_&VER&0 which based on the same workset it appears under 'Departmert Info Pages'.
    What could be the problem?

    it is not allowded to delete standard templates, it's like you modified standard sap code. See my thread:

  • Error while creating IViews using collaboration API

    I have created one Dynpage portal component, in that i would like to utilize collaboration API.
    I am keep on getting errors like "<b>The compilation unit directly references the missing type ...."</b>"
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntime;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.*;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.enum.*;
    public class Sample extends PageProcessorComponent {
      public DynPage getPage() {
        return new SampleDynPage();
      public static class SampleDynPage extends DynPage
         IRooms roomsAPI = (IRooms)PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService(IRooms.PORTAL_SERVICE_ID);
    Initialization code executed once per user.
    I have included the following jar files:
    and also i have included in portal.xml as servicesreference
    Experts can you please help in the above problem
    I am sure u will get reward points.
    Thanks in Advance

    You have to add the following jars apart from the jars you have mentioned
    1. kmc.util.core_api.jar
    2. umapi.jar
    To find jar files
    Download and install the JAR Finder. how to is mentioned in this <a href="">Weblog</a>. see what jar is required by copying the  from the error "compilation unit references................." and put the "BaseException" in the jar finder and search. from the given options select the correct jar "" right click and add to the project. You can add all the jars required by this method.
        <property name="SharingReference" value=""/>
        <property name="ServicesReference" value=""/>
    use the BaseException etc the errors you get in NWDS to search for the jar. paste the BaseException and search in jarfinder.
    Message was edited by: Kirupanand Venkatapathi
    Message was edited by: Kirupanand Venkatapathi

  • No category specified -  while creating Room

    dear friends,
    I am getting 'No category specified!' message when ever i try to create Collaboration Room.
    I updated my server with Hotfix 7 according to a SAP Note 787677. and updated DB patch too.
    but no problem stil exists.
    can anybody look into it.
    please reply me with answer.
    early reply appricated
    thanx in advance

    I don't know EG01 transaction, but if SAP says "material 5 does not exist " then SAP is usually right.
    Can you give an evidence that material 5 exists? e.g. screenshot from  SE16 at table MARA, MARC and MAST

  • Error when Clickin on Room in Collaboration

    I created a room and assigned users to that particular Room.
    I want to send information in to that Room.
    But when i click on Collaboration>Rooms>Room Directory-->Room1 it is giving me this error
    "Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : pcd:portal_content/
    Component Name : null
    Page could not create the iView."
    Please guide me with a solution.
    With Regards,

    Hi hhinman2,
    This is quite a generic error message that could be caused by many reasons. One of them is detailed in the following post by Brian:
    The first troubleshoot to do is to check the ULS logs to have more details about the issue.
    Then of course you should ensure to have the last Project Server 2013 updates:
    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

  • Need help creating Room in KM

    I'm stuck while creating a room in KM. Although I have a cateory assigned, I get a error stating 'No category assigned'. Any ideas please?
    Thanks in advance.

    FCE is a fixed resolution video editing application. It will only work in DV or HDV. 10fps is not a frame rate used by either of those. The material needs to be in a standard frame resolution and frame rate. The standard for DV is 720x480 at 29.97fps. If you capture at 10fps you're going to have to save the material using the DV NSTC codec, set the frame size to 720x480 and the frame rate to 29.97. You may have pixel aspect ratio issues requiring capture at 720x540, but I don't know enough about SnapzPro to know how that product handles frame resolution and frame rate conversion.

  • Error when creating Room Mailboxes

    I receive the following error below when I create resource mailboxes. Does anyone know why?
    Note: This is a hardened environment to STIG and NIST GCB.
    A) Rooms seem to function properly after I create them. I can schedule meetings, etc. But I receive this error every time I create one.
    This mailbox was created successfully, but some properties weren't saved. Close this message, then in the Mailboxes list, double-click this mailbox, set the properties, and click Save.
    Modified the error to remove organization-specific config. It shows the proper org info for CN and O in my message.
    Additional Note
    So it seems when I went into ADSI Edit, the System Attendant "homemdb" field was blank.
    During initial configuration of the Mailbox servers, I had created a new Database (and replicated it), migrated the Arbitration mailboxes to the new database.
    However, it seems that this field was never updated or changed. I tried modifying the homemdb field to the proper MailDB DN. I performed this for both mailbox servers' System Attendants in AD and am waiting for replication to see if this fixes it. I may
    have to restart my mailbox server. Restarting the Information Store or Mailbox Assistants services did not change anything.
    Cannot open mailbox /o=Contoso/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MBX001/cn=Microsoft System Attendant.

    Hi Mike,
    I found a similar thread for your reference:
    Click Close and are still able to change the properties of the room mailbox. After clicking Save and waiting for a few minutes, the error message disappears.
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Creating Rooms Programmatically

    Hi Guys,
    I'm trying to control the number of users that can enter in a certain room. It's gonna be a game where just two users at time can participate. I know that i can use the AFCS dev console to limit the number of users in a room, however i need to create new rooms for each new two users who want to play.
    Can you guys tell me what is the best approach to do that?
    Thank You.

    Hello Nigel,
    Thank you for your explanation about that.  I'm gonna try to do some tests here to have sure that it works as i need.
    Probably it should be what i'm looking for.
    Thank you,
    Eduardo Dias

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