No display and no audio with vlc

I can't use vlc for quite a bunch of time (6 month?). When playing a video, DVD or Divx, it won't display no video and no sound is played. A 9 minutes long stream would be red in about 4 or 5 seconds.
I already tried: rm -rf ~/.vlc
It won't improve anything.
Someone is having the same issue? I didn't found any bug report.
If maybe you don't have any suggestions about how fixing this, maybe you could suggest an equivalent application?
I'm using smplayer which works fine on divx files but it would not work properly for DVD and I don't want to compress all DVDs!! Smplayer simply does not display all subtitles which is quite annoying!!

start vlc with vlc -vv, play your movie and paste the log

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    start vlc with vlc -vv, play your movie and paste the log

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    Off the top of my head, two suggestions:
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    +3.3V 10A Orange , +5V 15A Red , +12 V 8A  Yellow , -12V 0.5A Blue , -5V 0.5A White , +5VSB 2A Purple"
    oh my god
    replace that "PSU" mate, (that PSU is directly for trash) get a decent one. (single rail, with high amperes on +12V (30A for example)) avoid noname/unknown,Q-Tec,Codegen brands
    Good PSU Recommendation:
    Add-on to read:
    PSU's---2 x 12v---The Dual Rail Myth
    Is your problem caused by your PSU?
    good suggestion can be found here:
    Good PSU vs Cheap/Unamed/Budget PSU   Oscilloscope scan:
    Bad PSU:
    Quality PSU:
    Cheap PSU Codegen 350W:
    Enermax 365EG(350W):
    What would happen if your PSU can't cope with the load?
        * bad 3D performance
        * crashing games
        * random shutdown
        * spontaneous resetting PC
        * freezes during gameplay
        * PSU overload can cause it to break down

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    DillonR333 wrote:
    i am looking for a messenger compatible with the built in isight camera, audio and video, and it needs to work with a account. it is just for at home personal use but i really like talking (verbally) with my friends while they can see me. Microsoft messenger and ichat both wont work.
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    Welcome to Discussions, DillonR333
    (1) I am not certain exactly what you are trying to do because hotmail is email. If you merely want to attach a video clip to an email, your iSight can do that without mercury.
    (2) If you are looking for a video chat app that is compatible with the Windows Live chat server, consider the following:
    Because Microsoft has apparently changed its protocols, the old Mac alternatives
    (Microsoft Messenger for Mac, Mercury, and aMSN) will no longer connect for video. 
    For more info, see:
    (3) Any video chat apps, including the above, can work with your built-in iSight. If you think you iSight may be faulty, troubleshoot as recommended here:
    (4) If you have problems video chatting even though your iSight works with Apple apps like QuickTimeX and iMovie, your problem is likely software. You will need to determine whether you are using the correct client app for the chat servers that your contacts use. Ask your contacts to tell you what computer, OS, and application they are using for video chat. From that info, we can determine which software you need to run to connect to the same chat server they are using.
    (5) If your problem remains although you have compatible client software and your iSight works with Apple apps, you may have a bad download or install of the software. You can try downloading and reinstalling again.
    (6) We will watch for your status update. If you need more suggestions, give as much info as you can about what you are trying to do and what you have tried that does not work. We will offer more specific suggestions based on the details in your reply.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
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    Message was edited by: sidebysidefootball

    Of course it is!
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    Best of luck,

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    Hi Joe,
    In System Preferences, open the Display settings. Go to arrangement from the top of the little window. You will see the 2 small blue rectangles for your screens. You can arrange them to resemble your screen arrangement to - for example - move the mouse arrow from screen to screen in a straight line.
    And you can also pick up the little white bar on top of the smaller screen and drag it over to the bigger blue rectangle.
    This should move your main screen controls (menu bar and dock) over to the external display.
    Alternatively - connect your external screen. Put your MacBook Pro to sleep. Close the lid and wake it up again. With the lid closed it should recognise the external display as the main screen.
    hope this works for you.

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    2. I've tried other files, some have audio, and some don't so it's more than one file, and more than one source.
    3. I've tried to restore my firmware on the iPod, you can't by the way anymore. All I can do is reload the 1.2 version! Bad apple.
    4. There is no indication on the iPod that there is a problem, just no audio. In the get information area, I've boosted the audio to max, with no change on the iPod.

    Well the problem seems to be in how iTunes converts video, I download from SQUARED 5 installed it and converted the file and I now have audio! It's an extra step, but if you need video and want sound, it's the way to go.
    OK I downloaded and installed iTunes and
    synced my iPod was told I needed to update the
    software on my iPod to version 1.2. Now on some, not
    all of my .m4v files there is no audio on the iPod,
    the video plays fine on the iPod, and the .m4v file
    plays fine in iTunes, with audio. But on the iPod
    there is no audio. Other .m4v files play with audio
    on the iPod. Things I've tried:
    1. I've reconverted the files, and re-synced them to
    the iPod, no change.
    2. I've tried other files, some have audio, and some
    don't so it's more than one file, and more than one
    3. I've tried to restore my firmware on the iPod, you
    can't by the way anymore. All I can do is reload the
    1.2 version! Bad apple.
    4. There is no indication on the iPod that there is a
    problem, just no audio. In the get information area,
    I've boosted the audio to max, with no change on the
    PC   Windows XP Pro  

  • Display and render bug with FCPX 10.8 on a MBP retina 15"

    I have a brand new MBP Retina 15, 2.7 GHZ with SSD, OS X 10.8.3 and FCPX 10.8 and I have a problem with most of  video fx that just doesn't preview and render.
    When I try to preview it display black on the viewer (or white picture or no effect or something uncorrect).
    When I apply the fX it render it as pur black or white. Same with Magic Bullet look, when I render it's just black picture.
    No problem on geometrics fx
    Same story with Motion
    I throw the pref and all the basics rescue opération, even re-install FCPX and Motion following the apple process, no changes !
    I've got same configuration on the MBP 17"(2009 model) and no problem.
    Does it ring a bell to sbdyelse ?
    Do you know a way to contact by email sbdy at FCPX apple ?

    here is what I did :
    Timemachine save of the mac
    Restart > format the drive
    Install Mac OSX
    Re-install all app's
    and it works
    I did a first try when I had everything from time machine except application, then FCPX was working. Then I re-installl everything from app store and webpages of the other soft (no so many) : FCPX was working. Finally to get the last few app (like office) I decided to use timemachine/application to install them... and the same problem came back. (...)
    I start from start...  format again... and install the app from app store and webpages, even MBL - Slice X and other different plugin and it work. I decided to not install some recent things before saving my system.
    The main 2 things I didn't install are
    from appstore : Resolution Tab
    and from web
    the SONY XDCAM driver I used this week to check some F55 files
    So It could be one of those... maybe, but I don't want to loose anymore time to know it for sure.

Maybe you are looking for

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