No Entry Symbol - 10.6.2

Yikes - I've done some rooting around for help on this, but without success.
I installed the Snow Leopard 10.6.2 and Safari updates on my imac and restarted only to have the start up apple symbol turn into the no-entry symbol with spinning disc. Aargh.
I've used a Snow Leopard disc to check my hard drive with the disc utility and it doesn't show any problems.
I've also used Time Machine to roll back the clock and go back to a happier time for my computer, but I ended up with the same no-entry or no-smoking thingy.
I'm worried. Any suggestions?

fridges wrote:
I used the system restore utility on the disc and restored to a point last week. Now, at least, I can get it up and going, but it definitely isn't complete. With Mail, for example, I get a warning that I can't use "this version of Mail with this version of Mac OS X." iTunes is all out of whack as well. And all of my backups in Time Machine have disappeared (it's almost as if the Time Machine disc has been patitioned and the part with the backups isn't available).
But on the plus side, it's up and useable.
The issue with mail is a known bug in Snow leopard. reinstalling 10.6.2 combo update will fix it. not sure what you mean about itunes being out of whack. as for TM it may be that TM decided to make a full new backup after the full restore and deleted the old backups to make room for the new one. you can open the TM drive finder and browse the backup folder. all the existing backups are inside and are numbered by dates.

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    The strange thing is, I am able to start up the computer in “Safe Mode” by holding down the shift key.
    That indicates that whatever is wrong with your system involves something that is disabled by Safe Mode. Here's a list of exactly what Safe Mode does:
    - Rebuild the desktop: No effect
    How exactly did you do that? This is a troubleshooting step that applies only to Mac OS 9 and earlier, and is not relevant to Mac OS X.
    - Reblessed the hard drive: No effect
    This, again, is more relevant to Mac OS 9 and earlier. Although possible on a Mac OS X system, I've never heard of reblessing as a troubleshooting tip in Mac OS X.
    - Clear cache’s: I used the app called “Snow Leopard Cache Clear” with no effect
    Safe boot clears any relevant caches for you. Cache clearing beyond that is not generally necessary, despite what the makers of the various cache cleaners would have you believe.
    The other things you did were good, but you didn't mention whether Disk Utility found any problems when you repaired the disk. If problems were found and repaired, that doesn't mean that any file corruption that happened as a result of those problems has gone away.
    If I had to guess, I'd say that probably one or more of the optional system kext files is damaged, which would explain why Safe Mode works. That's purely a guess, though, and could easily be wrong. Unfortunately, I think that the fastest solution is to erase your hard drive and reinstall the system and all applications from scratch. There may be other troubleshooting steps that might help, but it could take days of testing and back-and-forth here to find the right ones.

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    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility and press the Continue button. After Disk Utility loads select the Macintosh HD entry from the the left side list.  Click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If Disk Utility reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit Disk Utility and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.
    Alternatively, see:
    Reinstall OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Choose the version you have installed now:
    OS X Yosemite- Reinstall OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
                     if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

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    Does the system automatically back up data?
    As you can getto the Recovery partition, you can at least verify your disk using Disk Utility. If it reports that repairs are needed, you can try to repair but I've found that nearly 100% of the time repairing the disk inevitably FAILS. You should be prepared to, 1) buy a new drive for your machine and, 2) buy a good (see here) enclosure for your damaged drive to try to recover data.
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    One of the Level 4's, the Hatter (I hope he stops by personally) gave me the following insight:
    The hatter wrote:
    A really badly corrupt directory can prevent booting from any drive or media, because they all look to see what other boot volumes are out there.
    With G4/5's the best way to clear corrupt nvram was to boot into Open Firmware and reset nvram and a good idea to do when swapping drives, memory, PCI cards.
    Try booting after removing or unplugging the hard drive. May need to pull it and put in FW case to recover anything.
    So what could have happened when you crashed is that there was disk damage, probably to the disk directory. If that happened say to a single HD, then according to the Hatter, you won't be able to boot from any drive since there's a kind of checking to see what other drives are boot volumes out. That check could be failing in your case because of the directory corruption.
    You have two HDs in your MDD, so either one or both could have suffered directory corruption.
    If I understood one of your posts, you disconnected the SATA drive, and still saw problems. If so, perhaps your old HD suffered corruption.
    So you might try disconnecting the old drive -- be sure to disconnect the data cable because your Mac will can cause fits if the data cable is connected to an unpowered HD. Then try to boot from the Install CD or even Diskwarrior. I'm pretty sure you can boot from the optical drive even if there aren't any HDs.
    If you can boot from CD with no HDs, then we've got it narrowed down to directory corruption. Thereafter, you might see if you attach only the SATA if you can boot to diagnose the just that drive. If you can, that's great because it would mean your backup HD suffered the damage and not your main drive.
    As indicated by the Hatter, if you've got damage to the SATA, it may mean your best chance is to connect it externally. That way you can boot, thereafter connect and diagnose.

  • Undefined symbols in

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    $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ undefined reference to 'pwrite@GLIBC_2.2'
    Can any one tell me what's amiss.
    Adrian Harris

    YunHee Kang (guest) wrote:
    : If you can't find the oracle library directory
    : in /etc/, do this step as follows.
    : 1. insert the line $ORACLE_HOME/lib into /etc/
    : 2. run the ldconfig
    : </yhkang>
    No, that's not the problem. The problem is, the library itself
    needs more symbols,
    oracle@marvin:~/lib > ld
    ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; not setting start
    address undefined reference to `ASNEncodeDER' undefined reference to `nnftboot' undefined reference to `AllocateBuffer' undefined reference
    to `ASNOBJECT_IDENTIFIERToOIDValue' undefined reference to `nnfhboot' undefined reference to `ntusini' undefined reference to `nnfotrv1' undefined reference to `ASNAccessElement' undefined reference to `nauzaoss' undefined reference to
    `ASNAccessConstructedOctet' undefined reference to `X509FreeCertificate' undefined reference to `nnfoboot' undefined reference to `ntpini' undefined reference to `nttini' undefined reference to `PKCSCheckSignature' undefined reference to
    `X509ParseCertificateData' undefined reference to `FreeBuffer' undefined reference to `X509CompareDN' undefined reference to `ntzini'
    Could id be it is crypto stuff they somehow didn't want to offer
    for worldwide download? I've never seen any of these before,
    though, and have already received mail from some other users
    who had the same problem.

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    Just when I try to start sqlplus, this happens:
    oracle@marvin:~ > sqlplus
    sqlplus: error in loading shared libraries:
    /usr/local/oracle/lib/ undefined symbol:
    Before I ran the genclntsh script in $ORACLE_HOME/bin, it was
    undefined symbol: nauxaoss, so I believe I need to run some
    more scripts/relink some libraries... Anyone had similar

    YunHee Kang (guest) wrote:
    : If you can't find the oracle library directory
    : in /etc/, do this step as follows.
    : 1. insert the line $ORACLE_HOME/lib into /etc/
    : 2. run the ldconfig
    : </yhkang>
    No, that's not the problem. The problem is, the library itself
    needs more symbols,
    oracle@marvin:~/lib > ld
    ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; not setting start
    address undefined reference to `ASNEncodeDER' undefined reference to `nnftboot' undefined reference to `AllocateBuffer' undefined reference
    to `ASNOBJECT_IDENTIFIERToOIDValue' undefined reference to `nnfhboot' undefined reference to `ntusini' undefined reference to `nnfotrv1' undefined reference to `ASNAccessElement' undefined reference to `nauzaoss' undefined reference to
    `ASNAccessConstructedOctet' undefined reference to `X509FreeCertificate' undefined reference to `nnfoboot' undefined reference to `ntpini' undefined reference to `nttini' undefined reference to `PKCSCheckSignature' undefined reference to
    `X509ParseCertificateData' undefined reference to `FreeBuffer' undefined reference to `X509CompareDN' undefined reference to `ntzini'
    Could id be it is crypto stuff they somehow didn't want to offer
    for worldwide download? I've never seen any of these before,
    though, and have already received mail from some other users
    who had the same problem.

  • Adding music to my iPhone from a new computer? Is it possible to do so without erasing music already copied?

    I have an iPhone 5c. I originally set it up on my computer at home and copied my music over using iTunes.
    I am now away on a trip for a few weeks with work and have a work laptop. I have downloaded iTunes and authorized the laptop. I have some music I want to add it to my iPhone however when I try and manually move the music to the iPhone icon in iTunes I get a little red "no entry" symbol show up.
    I understand I can select "manually manage music and videos" however when I click this it wants me to delete all my music and videos and only sync the music already wthin iTunes on this laptop. Obviously this means I will lose all the music currently on my iPhone and only copy the recently downloaded music to it.
    1) Is it possible to copy the new music without it deleting my previous music in my iPhone? I don't want to lose my original 50 albums just so I can add another 3!
    2) Will syncing it also delete my apps and save game data etc? Or will it only affect my music and videos?
    3) Is the "manually manage music and videos" a iPhone option or a iTunes option? I am almost certain I set it originally on my PC so the fact it is now unticked confuses me.
    Thanking you in anticipation...

    The aim is prevent casual copying so you can't go around to a friend's house and simply copy all of the media from your device onto your friend's computer, or vice versa.
    There are tools in the user tip that can recover all of the non-iTunes-purchased media, however the process is really a last restort for when the original library has been lost or damaged and there is no backup.
    I believe it is only the media that is at risk, provided you backup the device and transfer apps, but I could be wrong.
    FWIW you can, and should, backup your library on a regular basis. If your library is in a portable form you can backup to a portable drive that you can then take with you and manage the device from any other computer running the same build of iTunes.
    1) Is it possible to copy the new music without it deleting my previous music in my iPhone? I don't want to lose my original 50 albums just so I can add another 3!
    Not when using a different library than was used to put the first 50 there.
    2) Will syncing it also delete my apps and save game data etc? Or will it only affect my music and videos?
    Uncertain. If you backup the device and transfer purchases then the apps and saved should be safe, and could be restored if needed.
    3) Is the "manually manage music and videos" a iPhone option or a iTunes option? I am almost certain I set it originally on my PC so the fact it is now unticked confuses me
    iPhones may only be manually managed with a single library. Other devices can be manually managed from multiple libraries. I have no idea why this arbitrary restriction is there, but there is a workaround as given above. You can clone your library to another drive or computer and it will work fine.

  • I don't have permission to access certain folders in my external hard drive?

    Every year at my college, we get our laptops re-imaged and completely wiped of all their data for new programs, etc. Prior doing this, I backed up all my files onto a WD external hard drive. This is not the first time I've gotten my macbook wiped or used the hard drive, so I am not sure why I'm experiencing problems this time around. In the hard drive I am able to access the Applications folder, but all the rest of the folders such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Pictures, etc. which is located in the Users folder under my previous user acc, have a tiny no entry symbol on the bottom right corner. When I click on the folder it tells me "The folder "blahbalh" can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents."
    The only security the drive has on it is an initial prompt for a password that I enter once the hard drive is plugged into my mac. There are no problems there. So why don't I have permission to view certain folders?
    Any help would be appreciated. I have all my work on there. Thanks.

    First make sure you have read & write access to the folder you're trying to restore to. You should be able to see its contents in the Finder, and to move files in and out of it.
    This is an exception to the rule that you should never make any changes to backup data. I've tested this procedure in OS X 10.8 only. It should work with later versions, but I don't know whether it works in earlier versions. Use this procedure  only for files that were backed up from your home folder, or a folder on another volume created by you, and would normally be writable by you. Do not touch backups of system or application files.
    In the Finder (not in the time-travel view), navigate to the backup volume, then to the folder named "Backups.backupdb", and then to the snapshot you want to restore from. The snapshots are folders labeled with the date when they were created. Inside each of those folders is a file hierarchy like the one on the volume that was backed up. Descend through the hierarchy until you come to a folder named "Users," and inside that, a folder with your user name. The procedure will be different if you're trying to restore files on another volume.
    Select the folder and open the Info dialog (command-I). Click the padlock icon in the lower right corner of the window and authenticate. In the Sharing & Permissions section, give your account Read & Write access. You may have to close the dialog and repeat this step in order for the change to show up. Then click the gear icon and select Apply to Enclosed Items from the popup menu.
    Try the restore operation again, in the time-travel interface.

  • OS won't boot after iTunes update

    OS 10.5.8 end of day Software Update for iTunes. This morning system will not boot
    - start up tone; Apple Logo & spinner, 1-2 minutes Apple logo changes to no entry symbol.
    Tried to start with Shift key down, NG
    Tried to start with PRAM keys, NG
    Tried to start from system disc and C key, NG
    Any thoughts??

    D2C wrote:
    Tried to start with Shift key down, NG
    Tried to start with PRAM keys, NG
    Tried to start from system disc and C key, NG
    tried booting into _*safe mode*_ ?

  • Problem with start up - won't boot. Tried safe mode, recovery mode etc.

    Have also Tried Single user which just shows "error loading kernelcache" and before this reads "loading kernel cache file '\\kernelcache'... And then read error ok? goes to grey screen with apple logo and no entry symbol? Any advice?
    Tried all the online resources and have fond little help. Have not downloaded or Changed any settings...
    Happy 2014!

    iCloud does not back up a Mac. "MacKeeper" is a scam. Apparently you have no backups at all, which means that you're in immediate danger of losing your data, if it hasn't already happened.
    If you want to preserve the data on the startup drive, and it's not already backed up, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is not fully functional. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    1. Boot from the Recovery partition or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) Launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in this support article, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.”
    2. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, boot the non-working Mac in target disk mode. Use the working Mac to copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    3. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.

  • Icons missing on some files

    Hi everyone,
    I recently did a complete fresh install of Leopard on my Mac Pro. One strange thing I have noticed is that some files do not show any preview or icon associated with the file or application. Instead there is a simple dotted outline of a square where the icon would be. The file name below the 'icon' is there but nothing else. Another example is when I copy a file or download a file from a web site. Sometimes when the download or file copy is completed there is no icon above the file name just an empty box outlined with a dotted box.
    One other example is when an application is dropped into the applications folder, rather than the applications icon showing up there is a default icon showing two blank documents and a white 'no-entry' symbol.
    If I restart my machine or in some cases re-launch finder the icons appear and everything is OK.
    Does anybody have any ideas what this could be? I originally had simply upgraded my machine from Tiger to Leopard and I don't recall this being an issue. It has only been after a complete re-install ( hard drive format ) that this problem has started.
    Thanks for any help

    Sorry Allan, but I suspect no one has a clue, I know I don't. You could try first doing a Safe Boot (hold down the Shift key when you hear the startup chime), then restart normally. See if that sorts it out. You could also try booting from the Leopard install Disk, check your language, then go to the menu bar and locate Disk Utility and run the Disk Repair function and see if any errors are reported as not being fixable. If you updated to 10.5.1 using software update, try instead to download the full 110MB 10.5.1 updater and run it:
    I've only seen those dotted outline thingies when there was some serious damage to an item's status in the file system, like one thing was saying it existed, and something else said it didn't. (Sorry that sounds so goofy, but that is as near as I ever came to understanding what was going on, and it only happened a couple of times to a couple of files).

  • How to remove an image that is stuck on my page?

    Hi there,
    An image instance used in an accordion widget is displaying outside of one of my pages in my site. Since my site is not yet coded to resize it is seen sitting just below the footer of my page. If I shrink the zoom in Chrome browser it is actually behind the page? I've tried everything to remove it. Is there any way of removing it without having to rebuild the page? I've also checked my other pages and it is only displaying on this particular page.
    Also, does anyone know where to find a decent free mp3 widget? I love Muse but am wondering why only a video widget was supplied and not one for music.
    Hope anyone can help?

    Hi K8thnote,
    Thanks for your help! I have located the item but have some snags.
    I have unlocked all the items and have found the image on the page behind my design. I checked the master and it’s not listed nor is it on any other page. When I go to select the instance I can’t, instead of a cursor/pointer it displays a pencil with a no entry symbol?
    Is there a way around this?
    Thanks again,

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    Anyone know how to fix the problem? It seems rather random.

    Choose a device for sound output > Nothing
    There's nothing listed. No output devices found. Everything in that window -- including the submenus -- are greyed out. I can't make any changes.
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