No Error Bars???

Ok - stupid question:
I just got a Macbook and it came with iWork '08, which apparently doesn't have "error bar" option :-$
Is there a way of getting it to work (other than buying '09 for $80)?
Oh yeah, and on the same issue, does anyone know a decent SigmaPlot-like app for macs?
Thank you in advance.

If you want specifically a plotting program rather than a full spreadsheet, there are many available. A simple but elegant free program I use is [plot|>. While checking on versiontracker for the latest version of plot, I noticed another (which I have not used yet): [Abscissa|>.

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    I'm sure that your eyes are sharper than mine. Still, if your error bar is shorter than the radius of your symbol, you aren't going to see it. The standard symbols are roughly 4mm in diameter, based on the Numbers Rulers. Let's say you have a 100 mm tall chart, an average graphic size. A 0.5% error bar would be a maximum of 0.5 mm in length, unless you suppress the axis zero, and would be hidden behind the 4 mm dia. data symbol. Yes, you could see a 3% or 4% error bar, but I'm not sure everyone would recognize that it was an error bar and not part of the data symbol.

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    Thank you in advance. Please see the attached files (the VI, and an example data file that I just created)
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏24 KB
    data.txt ‏2 KB

    Some members have pointed out that this problem has already been resolved (see the link below).
    I did verify that this works for XY Graph, but not for 2D Error Plot.
    I need both legend and error bars. Shame on LabVIEW for not making such a basic plotting requirement easy and trasparent. 
    There are many clever people who can find work arounds, but that is a not a correct approach. 

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    I am finding some roadblocks when sharing work between devices (a first for me with Apple). 
    This specific question has to do with Numbers for the iPad:
    - Is there a way to add error bars within Numbers for the iPad?
    When I try to import a spreadsheet from Numbers in my computer the error bars get cropped as if they were some unnecessarily fancy font that didn't make it to the iPad version of the software. If there is no way to do this, does anyone know if there are plans to add this capability to the program?
    I might be biased, but I have a hard time coming up with occasions when one would not need to add a measure of variability (error bar) to any graphic dispplay of data (save for ninth grade presentations maybe).
    Thank you for your assistance!

    Hi Andres,
    iWork for iOS applications are in version 1, and in general provide a subset of the features of the Mac OS versions. Few of the users in this (Numbers) community are familiar with the iPad version, which probably explains the lack of response to yur question in the nine hours since you posted.
    I expect you'll get a quicker (and more useful) response if you repost in the iWork for iOS area:

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    Did you have get this issue resolved or answered?

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    Plot the upper bound and lower bound error points as data sets in a line graph and then connect the dots.  Once errors bars are drawn in, remove the upper and lower bound data sets.

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    Thanks for your reply; if this is the case then I must admit to being slightly disappointed. From looking at the Keynote tutorials I am aware that Keynote is not intended as an application through which to present scientific data, but because Apple usually include so many more useful features in their applications than Microsoft do (in my opinion), I thought they may have given us the option to add error bars to graphs and charts.

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    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    You can't get Keynote charts to generate error bars, or to use error bar information from some other source -- that functionality just isn't available in natively-produced Keynote charts.
    However, charts that are copied from Excel and pasted into Keynote look quite good. You won't get all the cool textures, or 3D effects that you can with Keynote charts (and not having the latter is a good thing in my book). But, if you set the background of the chart to "None" from within Excel, the chart background will be transparent in Keynote, and you can do things like apply shadows that will conform to the chart elements. Any formatting that you do in Excel should be respected by Keynote.

  • Legend, error bars, 2nd y axis etc

    Hello all,
    Measurement Studio is a powerful program. But it's graphing functions need improvement. As a scientific tool, for example, the lack of plotting error bars in CWGraph is unforgivable. And many other essential functions for producing decent graphs are missing. So I attempted to try to fill in some gaps. The attached program intends to do following:
    1) Plots x- and y error bars.
    2) Legends for data sets,
    3) Graph saving,
    4) Graph printing
    1)Error bars are not plotted symmetrically. They can be improved.
    2)Legends can be improved by making them automatically located in the empty part of the plotting area. And the routine doesn't work well for the logarithmic scale.
    3)Since the point sizes are tied to line size, it is impossible to use larger symbols without increasing the size of the lines!
    4)y axis and the 2nd axis labels as rotated have terrible looking fonts.
    5)When printing to a pdf file, filename can be automatically set to a default filename so that a dialog box can be avoided.
    I hope the attached program is useful.
    The program plots 5 data sets. 4 of which use left y-axis, the last one uses the right axis. Only y error bars are plotted. (x error bars optional). The legend text appears on the left upper corner. User can enable/disable legend, lines connecting data points, error bars, and grid lines. When log axis is chosen, the legend placement is screwed up.
    Attachments: ‏6 KB

    Thanks for sharing this with us Girit. I'm sure this will help out alot of people on the forum.
    For your legend, this document provides another way you might be able to create a legend and not have to deal with finding an empty place on the graph.
    Thanks again
    Bilal Durrani

  • How to put std dev error bars in a chart

    Page 141 of the Keynote User Guide states that error bars can be shown on plotted series data. Can anyone get this to work as expected with standard deviation bars for each plotted mean value? I spoke with an Apple Tech Rep today who supposedly knows Keynote well, but he could not get std dev error bars to display properly on a line chart.
    Numbers has the same instructions as Keynote and seems to be designed to work the same way.

    "Properly" means placing the error bars around the mean values for each data point in a series. In my case, the x-axis is time in minutes and the y-axis is concentration of a chemical.

  • Linked charts: Error bars are not updated

    Linked charts work well: Changed values for bar graph and line graph y values in Numbers are reflected in Keynote and Numbers after “updating”. However, I cannot get error bars to be updated as well. They just keep the values they had when I first paste a graph into Keynote or Pages.
    Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

    It seems that you missed something.
    In the Pages User Guide we may read:
    *+Updating a Chart Copied from a Numbers Document+*
    +If you’ve created a chart in Numbers, you can copy it and paste it into your Pages document. After it’s been pasted into Pages, the chart remains linked to the data tables it references in Numbers. To change the chart data, open the original Numbers document and edit the data there, save the Numbers document, and then refresh the chart data in Pages.+
    +To update a chart after you’ve updated its linked Numbers table:+
    +• Select the chart on the page and click the Refresh button that appears.+
    +Note: You must save the Numbers document before copying and pasting your chart into your Pages document and after editing the Numbers data tables that the chart references.+
    +page 220 Chapter 10 Creating Charts from Numerical Data+
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE lundi 12 janvier 2009 16:18:08)

  • Standard Error Bars in charts

    I would like to know if anyone has used std. error bars (as
    in statistics) in column or bar charts and how that was
    accomplished. I didn't see anything about it in the flex

    Frustrating that these aren't included by default, isn't
    I'm sure the questioner long since has solved his problem or
    given up, but since I've been unable to find any solutions myself
    and have had to reinvent the wheel, I'll try and point anyone else
    looking in the right direction.
    One way to do it is to create your own IDataRenderer (or
    extend or facade an existing one). You'll want to make sure you're
    passing a standard deviation as part of your series data and then
    in the updateDisplayList method draw it yourself, grabbing the
    deviation from the data.item. You'll need to scale it
    appropriately... for instance, extend CircleItemRenderer and add an
    updateDisplayList along the lines of:
    override protected function
    super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
    if (data.hasOwnProperty('item') &&
    data.item.hasOwnProperty('deviation')) {
    // figure out the scale (I'm certain there must be a more
    appropriate way to do this)
    var scale:Number = data.y / data.item.value;
    var deviation:Number = data.item.deviation as Number;
    var g:Graphics = graphics;
    var stroke:IStroke= new
    // figure out the center
    var trueX:Number = unscaledWidth / 2 - .5; // otherwise
    seems to be off to the side, for me
    var trueY:Number = unscaledHeight / 2;
    // draw the error bar
    g.moveTo(trueX,-(deviation * scale) + trueY);
    g.lineTo(trueX,(deviation * scale) + trueY);
    g.moveTo(trueX, trueY);
    // draw little T's on the end of the error bar
    g.moveTo(trueX -2, -(deviation * scale) + trueY);
    g.lineTo(trueX +2, -(deviation * scale) + trueY);
    g.moveTo(trueX -2, (deviation * scale) + trueY);
    g.lineTo(trueX +2, (deviation * scale) + trueY);
    From there you should be able to futz with it to make it look
    Hope someone finds this helpful.

  • Standard Error Bar

    I'm exploring Flex as a candidate to use for developing a web application that displays many graphs.  The data displayed on the graphs are discreate values with associated stardar errors.  I need to display the standard errors as an error bar - similar to how MS Excel displays error bars.  Can anyone tell me if this can be done with Flex?

    Numbers does the best it can with the information you give it. If you ask for Error Bars, Numbers will calculate the standard deviation for the series and assign that calculation result to each of the bars in the series.
    If each of your values represents some statistic that in itself is accompanied by a standard error, that's another thing, but Numbers doesn't know what the error values are unless you tell it. The way to tell Numbers what the error bar values should be in these special cases is to use Custom values.
    Here's an example:
    I like to use the Scatter Chart, but you will find similar controls for the bar chart.

  • Creating error bars on numbers 09

    I'm new to Numbers and I'm trying to draw error bars on my scatter graph.
    To draw the graph, I clicked on the chart button, chose scatter graph and just altered the info in a table that popped up to make my chart.
    To draw error bars, I went to the chart inspector and clicked on the series tab. I know I need to click on the Advanced button but I can't click it and the data section is empty. I can't click on that either and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    To select a series, first click on the chart then click on a bar/line/data point of the series for which you want the error bars. Actually, turns out you don't have to select the data series anyway. Sorry for the misinformation.
    I do not know why you can't select error bars. I'll have to play around some and see if I can get it into that state.

  • Cannot define error bars for individual bars, has to be whole series

    I am trying to make a simple graph that plots the mean and a standard deviation. (see picture in the link) I want to assign an individual mean values for each bar (i am able to do this), and an individual standard deviation for each bar (I cannot do this).
    If I set one bar's standard deviation (custom), it also assigns the SAME standard deviation value for every bar in that series (all the green bars get the same SD value, not just the first one). I have 4 bars that I want different standard deviations assigned to (2 greens and 2 yellow = 4 different means, 4 different SDs). The standard deviations are listed in the lower table.
    I can't do this. This is a fatal flaw in the software, and again, forces me to use a different application. Please tell me I'm doing something wrong! I love Numbers!
    Please help if you can! Thanks!

    I solved my own problem!!
    If you want to set different error bar values for every bar in your graph:
    -choose custom error bars (positive and negative)
    -then delete the placeholder value that apple provides (usually 10)
    -highlight MULTIPLE values in a table (these are the values you wish to have as error bars)
    See picture!

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