No faces recognized

I left iPhoto on overnight as it went through all of my photos to look at and analyze all the faces. The next morning, it identified no faces. What's up with that?

I left iPhoto on overnight as it went through all of my photos to look at and analyze all the faces. The next morning, it identified no faces. What's up with that?
Not sure what you mean
Have you watched the Faces tutorial? I suggest going through it and the other iPhoto '09 tutorials - doing so will save you a lot of time and frustration.
Have you identified some faces? open an event and select a photo with good, clear front view faces in it and click on name - it should show place a box around the faces with unknown name under them - click on the "unknown name" and type the name - do so for the people you are interested in and click done - do this for a number of photos and let iPhoto scan to find other potential photos - follow the tutorial

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    Take a look at the OpenCV project. It can do face recognition and now supports Windows Universal apps.

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    Hi Swapnil,
    It just crash with a generic windows error message (PSE stopp to work ... i'm on a french version so the translation is not excat)

  • Possible cause for Faces failures (migration from an older version)

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    Please reply if you are having success or not, as well how your photos got into iPhoto '09 (i.e. Migration from another computer and type, prior iPhoto version, etc.)
    I'll start...
    I migrated my images from iPhoto 4 from an iBook (PPC) and have had very little, if any, success with Faces recognizing faces in images.

    I just imported (from my Treo) three images that were exactly the same as the three successes from Photobooth.
    Being from different sources they cannot be the same. Maybe the face in the photo was the same but the rest of the file, i.e. the metadata is different. Some image sources write metadata differently and that can cause issue. It's probable that iPhoto is expecting the metadata to adhere strictly to the EXIF/ITPC standards and some of the sources don't in writing the metadata to the file.
    Report the problem to iPhoto via and give the details of the photos as you've done here. That will help them better understand the issue and get a fix out.

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    Hi Sibom,
    There are various face recognizing algorithms available. If your purpose is simple face recognition, then the simplest method would be to segment the image using a line, and to perform the recognition for every tilt of the image.Tthus when the line traces 180 degrees, all possible positions would have been verified. 
    If you like a more holistic approach you can have a look at the trace transform model and the active appearance model, which are used in the industry.
    These models can be studied at :
    Here are a few other algorithms for face recognition :
    *Automated Face Detection System utilizing USB WebCam 
    *Face Recognition using Vector Quantization Histogram Technique 
    A Face Recognition Software using Vector Quantization Histogram Technique 

  • Initial Faces scan skips lots and lots of photos

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    ‎Thank you for using HP Support Forum. I have brought your issue to the appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post ( serial numbers and case details).
    If you are unfamiliar with the Forum's private messaging please click here to learn more.
    Thank you,
    I Work for HP

  • Faces - Reading, re-scanning?

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    Ryan Williams6 wrote:
    When does it automatically start recognizing faces?
    Seems that it does it all the time. But it will only suggest that it thinks a face is that of a particular person and wants you to confirm that suggestion. This is made easier through the 'face album' for anyone you have tagged. You click on their picture in the 'faces source', and after the 10 or so photos you've tagged will be suggestions. You can confirm or 'un-confirm' these suggestions. Each time you do this it gets better and suggests more faces.

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    Welcome to the Apple user to user assistance forum
    I'm not clear on what you want
    To find all photos with one or more un-named faces in them make a smart album with "face is unnamed"
    TO find all photos with no faces identified make a smart album with "face is any", flag them and make a smart album with "photo is not flagged" and "keyword is not face checked" and after you look at a group of photos and either assign faces of determine that they do not have a face you want in them, assign the keyword "face checked" to them

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    I know a solution may be to create a Smart Album that stores the Faces, and that works well for use in Aperture, but then the Faces tab on the iPhone/iPad is useless since you'd end up syncing the Smart Album and not the Faces.
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    Is there something I'm doing wrong or could do differently?
    Or is this something Apple needs to fix?

    I get where you're coming from with your use of Faces and Stacks.   I do see how you're using it, and it makes sense to use it that way...although not in my workflow.
    Neither one of our use cases is unique.  I'm guessing a good number of people use it either way, and some use it both ways.  However, what I'm avocating to be changed really wouldn't affect you.  If Faces recognized Stacks, and allowed them to be Open or Closed, just like they can be in Albums, how would that impact your use?
    For me, and others like me, it would be a huge improvement because we wouldn't open a Face to see a bazillion images that all look the same, unless we Opened all Stacks in Faces.
    And for syncing, a Face is treated same as an Album on iOS devices, so having multiple versions of an image is really a problem.  Sure, you could create Smart Albums, but then they're not organized on the device as Faces, which defeats the point.
    It's funny that you used Places as an example, because Places does recognize Stacks/Picks and allows you to Open and Close them.

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    I have created a smart album to find unnamed faces, but I have many old pictures in my library with strangers in them so the smart album ends up quite large. If I could apply the rules of the smart album to only one event at a time I could find the photos i need with no faces recognized in them easier right after I import them.
    Or conversely, is there a fast way to delete all the unnamed faces boxes for all my pictures with strangers in them- there must be a faster way than going through and clicking the 'X' on each individual face.

    Make the criteria: Event Contains XXXXXXX and Faces is unnamed.  That will search only that Event.

  • Help changing my user photo

    im trying to change my user photo when i log into my MacBook air. I tagged faces into everyone one of my photos, but when I go to change my photo none of the pictures will show up under faces. It just says that I can go tag faces into my photos? Any help figuring out why they won't show up or how I can change my photo?

    Hi Carissalong98,
    Happy Holidays!  Is the photo you want to use for your User account on your MacBook in iPhoto or Aperture?  One thing you can try is to drag the photo to your desktop and then drag it from the Finder application to your account settings.  The article below explains to add a picture to your User settings.
    OS X Yosemite: Add a user picture
    Your user picture appears next to your name in the login window, and is used by apps such as Mail, Messages, and Contacts. You can choose your own picture. 
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Users & Groups.
    Click the lock icon  to unlock it, then enter an administrator name and password. 
    Select your user, then click the picture.
    Do one of the following:
    Use an existing picture: Click a category, then select a picture. 
    Defaults: Pictures that are included with OS X. 
    Recents: Pictures that were recently used as user pictures. 
    My Photo Stream: Pictures from your iPhoto photo stream. 
    Faces: Faces recognized in iPhoto. 
    Linked: Picture from Contacts. 
    You can also drag and drop an image file from the Finder onto the user picture.
    Click Done.

  • How do I clean up my IPhoto Library?

    I have over 100,000 photos in my IPhoto Library and with Faces it is totally un manageble. I have perhaps 20% duplicates that I would like to clean up. I have about 325 different faces recognized.
    Now my IPhoto seems to be in a permanent loop. Not sure exactly how to start to clean up this mess. I have been using a Mac for about a year and am still not very conversant with Apple vocabulary.
    Love the tools available on the mac, but need to learn to use it appropriately. Have installed Aperature, but it is so slow that I almost never use it. Now IPhoto is getting to be the same.
    Somehow I need to start over and either divide up my photos into different libraries by time or something to make them manageable.
    Please help me!

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    You can search iPhoto for duplicates using Duplicate Annihilator
    You can use iPhoto Library Manager to split a large library into smaller ones. Note at this time there is no way to move faces and places data. However the next version of iPhoto Library Manager (currently in beta) will have this ability. It might be worth waiting a few days.
    Noting your comment on the speed of Aperture as well: the largest impact on speed comes from too little RAM and too little HD space. How much of each do you have? Particularly how much Free Space on the HD.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    The photo stream feature of iCloud is basically only for syncing your photos between all your devices, photo stream only keeps photos taken in the last 30 days.
    The best way to organise your photos is to use iPhoto on your computer.

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    Did you already have a look at this article?
    iOS: Device recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X

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