No  Full AVCHD 1920x1080p60 Preset?

Interesting: I just installed the trial version of PE11 and used my key code from my Amazon purchase of PE11 (the AMZN downloader repeatedly stated that it would take 24 hours to download it. Really AMZN?? I downloaded it from Adobe in 11 minutes...) and I have no "Full AVCHD 1920x1080p60" preset. Furthermore, somewhere on the Adobe website it is stated that when you import a clip, the project settings will automatically change to match the clip ( which is definately full AVCHD 1080p, 60fps) but it does not...
Any ideas?

Most interesting! NTSC (the corresponding PAL setting is missing as well.)
VDOSurfer's link above worked like a charm. I just wonder why it was missing. English version, etc...
One other oddity: The extracted version from the link above is: *AVCHD 1080p60.sqpreset.sqpreset*. Note the repeated file extension. My installation HAS the preset in the preset directory, but with only one extension like the others...
Did my install get corrupted in some odd way?
thanks, all!

Similar Messages

  • AVCHD 720p preset missing.

    I use Premiere CS4 and I am missing the AVCHD 720 preset. I have the AVCHD 1080i and 1080p. I don't know why!!
    Can any one help me with that? Is that an update issue? I have 3 hours of film recorded in avchd720p and I need to start editing ASAP!!!
    I apreciate any help!

    Deinstall, use cleanscript a couple of times and reinstall.
    Or make your own preset via New Sequence/General/Editing Mode/Desktop and fill in the rest accordantly.
    Reset Premiere's preferences:
    1. Quit Premiere.
    2. Delete the Adobe Premiere 4.x Prefs file, located in the Preferences folder in the System Folder, then restart Premiere.

  • Unable to use MTS files or have AVCHD sequences presets

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    Try the fixes listed in this article
    Generally one of the fixes that they list will fix the issue you're experincing.
    Make sure you have a internet connection when doing the steps for the license fix issue though.

  • AVCHD Project Preset Questions

    I have video from a Canon HF10 (PF30) and Panasonic DMC-ZS3 (AVCHD 1280*720)  that I would like to process and eventually combine into a single 1920*1080p AVC or MPEG2 file using PrE.  Interspersed through this video will also be photo slideshows (1920*1080) and I'd like to use PrE all of the processing except that to downsize the photos.  I'm envisioning my workflow will include several steps that will process the diverse content into intermediate files that I will eventually combine into the final product.  What project presets should I use for the HF10, DMC-ZS3, and slideshows?  What is the best intermediate file format?
    Thanks in advance.

    I would not recommend mixing formats in the same project. The best solution is to create an AVCHD project 1080 project for your HF10 video and then do an output from that, then create a 720p project (only version 8 has this project preset) and output the same video format from that. Once you've output the same format from each project, you can combine them with your still photos to create your project.
    Which video format you output depends on what your final video will be. If you are creating a DVD, your outputs should be 720x480 AVIs. If you are creating a BluRay disc, your outputs should be 1440x1080 MPEGs.
    To create a DVD from your parts, mix your output videos and your photos in a standard DV project.
    To create a BluRay from your parts, mix your output videos and your photos into an HDV project.

  • AVCHD capture preset

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    Good lord. Apparently I'm SO used to DV I just realized I don't need a capture preset because I'm not going to be using anything to capture it (log and transfer).

  • 720p Editing Preset for AVCHD?!

    When is Adobe going to release an editing preset for AVCHD 720p? I was banking on the 4.0.1 update correcting such an obvious oversight, but I was very wrong.
    Currently there are only 1080i/p presets that are available and a 720p editing mode isn't even an option under the custom preset tab. This discludes a lot of people who are using new cameras like the Panasonic AG-HMC150 and who choose to shoot in 720p.
    Experiences importing the 720p footage into a 1080p project are not pretty. Playback is very choppy and often results in a lockup of Premiere, even after rendering.

    Well I would certainly agree with you if it didn't playback incredibly smooth with 1080p AVCHD footage as it does. You see I thought originally it was my computer specs (Quad-Core 3.0GHz, 4GB RAM, 10,000 RPM RAID 0, nVidia Quadro FX 1400 graphics card). So I ran some test with 1080p footage that I had shot at full bitrate (21mbps) and the realtime playback and editing worked perfectly with the 1080p editing preset. In fact it was so good, I didn't even realize I was editing HD material.
    On the contrary, when I import footage shot at the same bitrate, but at 720p resolution, the system gets brought to its knees. Realtime playback is non-existant, rendering doesn't help, and Premiere often times gets hung up for several minutes.
    I am really beginning to wonder why Adobe did not include a 720p AVCHD editing preset with CS4. There was plenty of hardware and software support for that format long before they released CS4. It's not like 720p resolution wasn't included in the original MPEG4 Part 10 spec.

  • Export "full-quality" in iMovie '09.

    Using iMovie HD, I used to export my footage as a full-quality QuickTime movie so I could archive it to disk and access it later. However, in iMovie '09, the "full-quality QuickTime" preset seems to have been removed.
    What export settings in iMovie '09 will allow me to achieve the highest possible quality? I'd like to archive my footage to disk so that I'll always have a digital file to work with.
    Thank you.

    Welcome BarrenRegions to the  iMovie boards ..
    no way to answer that question.. you have to compare apples with peaches.. (German proverb):
    iMHD≥6 was a dv-only editor (and AIC, but this is another story...); it handles dv lossless.. frequent contributor lennart once made a test of ex- and reimporting a few dozends time the same clip = no loss of pic quality.
    now iM08/09:
    it handles dv not as dv internally anymore; therefore it accepts lots of other codecs (mp2, avchd, h264...).. so, depending of your source, the export can be lossy.
    we have mile-long threads about that, search for posts from Steve Mullen and Euisung Lee who did research this issue +ad nauseam+
    as far as I followed that discussion: there's a 'trick', to convert - after import into iM08/09 - the imports to AppleIntermediate with tools as QTpro or Mpeg Streamclip. that blows-up size, but forces iM08/09 to keep quality a 100%...
    .. sorry for being less helpful, even as a 'Silverback' on this board, all that is +a bit+ beyond my skills, needs and understanding.. to be honest: I switched awhile ago to FinalCutExpress, and will use iM09 when I'll get a new rec-device.. hopefully this year (Santa! do you listen?!...)

  • Export Settings to Join AVCHD Files

    I'm using Premiere Elements 10.
    I have AVCHD (MTS) files from my Canon camcorder that I need to join and export for use on my computer as single files. I'm having a hard time understanding which would be the best settings for this export.
    Source files are 1920 x 1080 60i, 29 fps. My goal is to export to a file that will minimize loss of quality and have maximum compatibility.
    When I go to the Share tab, I select the Computer option and have to select from MPEG (use for playback on this computer or burning to DVD), AVCHD (use for exporting AVCHD), and AVI (use for editing in Premiere Elements).
    1. Am I correct that since I am "exporting AVCHD" I should use the AVCHD option? I tried using the MPEG option, selected an MPEG 2 preset, but the resulting file type was still MTS.
    When selecting AVCHD, it seems my best two options might be MP4 -H264 1920x1080p 30 or M2T-H264 1920x1080i 30.
    2. I like the idea of converting to MP4 for compatibility, but will I introduce quality issues converting from 1080i to 1080p?
    3. Knowing my goals here, what is the optimal combination of selections?

    Given Premiere Elements 10 Windows
    Source files are 1920 x 1080 60i, 29 fps. My goal is to export to a file that will minimize loss of quality and have maximum compatibility.
    In my opinion, SG gave you the answer to this way back in the beginning of this thread...
    Import...Project Preset = NTSC/AVCHD/Full HD1080i30
    Export...Share/Computer/AVCHD with Presets = M2T - H.264 1920 x 1080i30.
    That represents an export with AVCHD video compression with a file extension of .m2t (wrapper format). The file type is described as H.264 Blu-ray. Important is the interlaced source to interlaced export.
    You wrote
    I tried using the MPEG option, selected an MPEG 2 preset, but the resulting file type was still MTS.
    First there is no export in Premiere Elements with the file extension of MTS. If you had selected Share/Computer/MPEG with Presets = MPEG2 1920 x 1080i30, the file type = MPEG2 Blu-ray, not MTS.
    That represents an export with MPEG2 video compression with the file extension of .m2t (wrapper format).Important is the interlaced source to interlaced export.
    2. I like the idea of converting to MP4 for compatibility, but will I introduce quality issues converting from 1080i to 1080p?
    More than likely Yes. Going from progressive to interlaced would probably be OK. But going from interlaced to progressive would be expected to give questionable results.
    If you do not feel that pre-import file merging is a consideration in your circumstances, then import your files with the
    Project Preset = NTSC AVCHD Full HD 1080i30
    and export
    Share/Computer/AVCHD with Presets = M2T 1920 x 1080i30
    Your workflow would be dependant on computer resources and the size of the project.
    Commentary regarding
    I seem to be in a circular wrestling match with people who instead of answering my questions keep telling me what they want me to do.
    I fear that my post may also be looked on in the same light since what has been offered already seems to me to be the answers that you were seeking. But, what I have written is my take and double take on what you have asked. If you do some online reading on the subject of differences between MPEG4 AVC/H.264 (AVCHD) and MPEG2 you will find that properties adjustments can be made so that the two compare more closely quality wise. Often you see advice given to do short runs of the clips to see what works for them. File size often factors into all this. I do not see this as the generalization of one size fits all.
    Hope the above helps.
    Thanks for reading this.

  • Unsuccessful install of Canon HDV presets

    I'm new to HD editing and PRE so apologies if this is not entirely clear. I've been reading here for days and now I'm more confused than ever.
    I have a Canon HF S20/AVCHD and I have some clips shot in PF24 with FXP settings (17mbps, I believe). I have edited these clips in PE 8 adding some titles, cross dissolves, fades, and some frame captures (1920 x 1080). It all seemed to work pretty well except for when I export it to DVD (looks like I'm stuck with the Share/DIsc/NTSC_Widescreen_Dolby and Fit Contents with maximum of 8 mbps-but this is a whole other quagmire) I'm getting artifacts (appears to be combing, perhaps?) in the frame grabs. The video seems to play fine, albeit at less than half of the HD definition. As an aside, the assets were transferred from my camcorder using Sony PMB and when I check the properties in my Videos folder it shows that the clips as being shot at 29fps and they show as 29.97 in my project.
    At any rate, in my reading, it appears that my problem is the result of not having the appropriate presets for my video and I found where someone (Paul_LS) suggested that custom presets for Canon progressive camcorders can be downloaded form the Adobe support site:
    The instructions state that the presets are for a different camcorder (Canon XL-H1) and a diffrerent product (Premiere Pro 2.0) but the poster stated it would work in PE (no version).
    Anyway, Step 1 is to copy the "Canon HDV.xml" file (the file I got from download is "Canon Progressive HDV.xml) to C:\Program Files (my Adobe is in Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Pro 2.0 (=> Adobe Premiere Elements 8.0)\Plug-ins\en_US\Editing Modes. There is already a file there (Adobe Editing Modes.xml).
    Step 2 is to copy the "Canon HDV" folder to C:\Program Files (=> Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 (=> Adobe Premiere Elements 8.0)\Settings\en_US. MY \Settings has a small "s" and I don't have the \en_US folder but after poking around a bit it looks like the other presets are in the \Sequence Presets\NTSC folder so I put it in there and the "Canon HDV" folder shows up in under NTSC in the Change Settings box but no little plus sign to get it to open and show the presets.
    Any idea what I might have done wrong?
    I also saw somewhere to use the "interpret footage" box but when I tried that it slowed the audio unacceptably.
    I also saw jkents new editing presets for PE8  but it says "warning-advanced users only" and I'm clearly not.
    Meanwhile, I would really love to be able to shoot in HD 24fps, edit in HD 24fps, and share in HD 24fps but it looks like it's not to be with the hardware and software I have. It looks like if I upgrade to PE 10 and get an external Blu-ray burner, that might get me there, except then the people I want to share with would need a Blu-ray player. I realize this is an Adobe forum and I'm already a little bit familiar with PE (mostly with what it won't do at this point but I'm sure that's only because I don't know how) so I'm not exactly relishing the idea of yet another learning curve if I switch but I'm also not thrilled about paying Adobe (via an upgrade) to drop the ball on AVCHD so if there is an easier way, I'm all ears. For the price of the upgrade bundle it looks like it's not that far away from Premiere Pro. Would that be a better way to go?
    Anyway, please pardon my ignorance. Thanks in advance and any info is appreciated.
    Sony VAIO VPCF1390X
    Intel I7 Q740 1.73gHZ, 6 GB ram
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Nvidia graphics (G425m, I think)
    PE 8

    You shouldn't have to add any presets to your program files folder. In fact, I recommend you don't toy around in there. You might break something. (I hope you haven't already!) The program already has everything you need (particularly if you've also installed Quicktime from, per the program's requirements.)
    You should not be using the HDV presets for your project. Your camcorder is not an HDV camcorder. It shoots in AVCHD, as you indicated, so it uses a different set of project settings.
    Start a new Premiere Elements project and, on the screen where you name the project, click Settings. The settings you want for your project are Full AVCHD 1920x1080. Your camcorder records in either stereo or 5.1 audio, so it's important you also pick the right audio settings.
    With these settings, editng should go very smoothly on your computer.
    However, because your original project apparently didn't use these settings, you may be in trouble there. Go to Edit/Project Settings. (They will be grayed-out, since you can't change them mid-project.) Are they other than 1920x1080 AVC video?
    In short, you'll be happy to hear that using this program is much simpler than you've been led to believe. Unfortunately, you've got to use the program correctly or you're going to put a lot of wasted effort into it.
    So start with my free 8-part Basic Training tutorials at Premiere Elements support site They'll, at least, get you on the right track.

  • Trouble with PE8 and AVCHD video

    I have a good spec. computer with a Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8Ghz and a NVidia Quadro FX580 graphics card and want to be able to edit video from my Panasonic HDC-HS9 camcorder.
    I can play video footage through Windows Media Player just fine, but the video is pixelated and generally not very good when viewed in the preview window in PE8.
    I have got Quicktime version 7.6.6 but if I try and play the video through that it states that 'Error 2048: Couldn't open the file 00282.MTS because it is not a file that QuickTime understands'. I read somewhere that you need to have the latest version of QuickTime installed and was wondering if this a symptom of the problem.
    I have downloaded GSpot v2.70a and looked at the file I am trying to play and it states that the Container File Type is 'MPEG-2 Transport Stream and Mime Type: video/mp2t.
    My Panasonic manual says that I am recording in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 codec.
    It just seems odd that image quality is perfect in WMP and poor in PE8? I have also noticed that when viewing thumbnails in PE8 organiser it does not display an image at all?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Hello Bill Hunt,
    Thanks for taking the trouble. My responses are in red.
    QT is unlikely to be able to play the file. It is, however used by PrE for other playback operations. IIRC, 7.6.6 is the latest version, unless a new one has JUST hit. Now, that said, 7.6.2 & 7.6.3 exhibited problems in other Adobe programs. Many found 7.6.6 to be good, but some others did not, and rolled back to the "last known good" version, 7.5.5 (the one that I use on all computers, until 100% of Adobe users report otherwise). Thanks for the advice.
    Now, when you have Imported the AVCHD material into an AVCHD Project Preset, is there a red line above the Clips in the Timeline, just below the Timeline Ruler? Yes, the red line is present.
    What is the Magnification of your Program Monitor in PrE set to?. I use 100% for critical viewing, as Fit is a very poor emulation. By default ‘fit’ was selected – I changed it to 100% (and others) but no effect on image quality Now, I do not believe that PrE 8 has added the Program Monitor Quality settings, like in PrPro, but Rt-click on the Program Monitor and check to see if Quality is in the drop-down menu. You’re right, no quality control setting. There are playback settings but again tried all permutations.
    Also, check to see if you have Hardware Acceleration (do not think that Win7 has that any more), and try adjusting that. I have run the DirectX diagnostic tool within Win7 and everything is fine.
    Check for the very latest video driver, and if there is any newer one, install that. Got the very latest drivers from NVidia website.
    Look at GPU Acceleration, and adjust that, then test. I have enabled the PhysX GPU acceleration within the NVidia control panel.
    Otherwise, you system seems plenty beefy enough to handle AVCHD footage.
    One last question - please tell us about your I/O sub-system, i.e. the HDD's, their size, speed, free space, controller type (Marvell 64xx/63xx SAS Controller that is up to date) and how you have them allocated.
    I have two Hitachi 1TB SERIAL ATA 3-Gb/s HARD DRIVE WITH 16MB CACHE (7,200rpm) – no RAID configuration. I had the drives factory partitioned as detailed in the attached screen grab. Win7 64 bit and PrE is on the C drive and the video files in the H drive. If I ever get round to doing some editing I was going to use the D drive as a working space. I’ve seen some forum discussions that advise against partitioning but I thought I was keeping things neat and tidy by doing so?
    With other Video formats, that is the most important aspect of a computer, but with AVCHD, the
    PS - you have upgraded to PrE 8.0.1 haven't you?
    I don’t know if I am using the 8.0.1 version [The help about screen shows 8.0] as I am currently using the trial version of the software and do not have the option to check for updates through the help menu. I am very keen to buy the full version as I have used Photoshop Elements for some while and want to remain consistent. I also use Acrobat 9 Pro and there must be advantages in keeping everything with Adobe.
    I don’t really understand video codec and don’t know whether it is right to assume that because the file plays fine through Windows Media Player, I can assume it is not a codec issue with PrE. Do WMP and PrE share codecs?
    I am not sure I’ve given you anything to work with but again would appreciate any pointers. If nothing else I am learning quite a lot as I go along!

  • Input preset (Canon HF100)

    I am using a Canon HF100 PAL AVCHD camera with PE7. This camera has several settings for recording video, but i mainly use FXP which gives 1920x1080 footage.
    With this setting i can choose 25p of 50i. 25p doesn't look good when played back om the camera as well as on my plasma screen. It stutters, especially when panning. I still wonder why, 25p should be able to present smooth playback right?
    So i tend to use 50i which gives smooth playback.
    But, it seems i cannot create a custom preset in PE7 that supports this.
    Anyone with the same issue?

    You need to use the "FULL AVCHD 1080i 25" preset either with or without 5.1 audio depending if you are capturing with 5.1... so 25 frames per second, so 50 interlaced lines.

  • Premiere elements 12: how 2 burn video with menu on avchd disk with 1280x720

    Hi, I have a source HD video (from TV) in resolution 1280x720/50. In export presets for avchd disk I only can find presets for 1440x1080 and 1920x1080. I'd like to export this video with menus in 1280x720 which is original resolution to AVCHD disk.
    How to handle?
    Regards, Juergen

    No version of Premiere Elements lets you produce a DVD disc with or without menus with AVCHD format of 1280 x 720 at 50 progressive frames per second.
    The burn to disc, DVD, AVCHD, and Blu-ray are offered as you found them.
    You could burn your Premiere Elements 12 Timeline content to a file AVCHD.mp4 (720p50) via Publish+Share/Computer/AVCHD with Presets = MP4 - HD 720p50. And, then burn that file to a DVD disc as data disc if the disc capacity allowed. But you would not have any menus. Disc menus are offered only for burn to disc/burn to folder. And, important, stop markers do not function at playback of the Premiere Elements (any version) AVCHD DVD or Blu-ray disc format on Blu-ray disc.
    Please let us know if you need clarification on anything written.
    Thank you.

  • Printing Presets unavailable?

    There seems to be some presets missing from my print dialogue when in Photoshop.
    In the print dialogue for the printer (that shows up after Photoshop's print dialogue) I expand the dialogue to show the presets. The drop down menu that includes "layout" "paper handling" "cover page" "scheduler" also includes an option "hp deskjet PDE" that is crossed out. Choosing this option produces the following message:
    The bundle "hp deskjet PDE" could not be loaded because it does not contain a version for the current architecture.
    Contact the bundle's creator listed here for the latest version.
    hp deskjet PDE v2.7.1
    As far as I've seen, this only happens in Photoshop. I've tried printing with preview, and iphoto and they both display a full set of presets for this printer.
    The computer I'm working with is new and I just discovered this problem. So it's not a case of "it worked before and it doesn't now."
    I'm a little confused as to where to go from here. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

    Your are running a PPC version of PhotoShop. You need a UB version of the HP Printer driver. Or the other way around. Somehow you did not get the full sent of drivers pre-installed from Apple. Two choices: Upgrade to 10.5.4 and then use the new HP Drivers posted on Apple Software Updates. Or download the UB driver from HP web site.

  • PE 7 (or 8!) and Canon HF10 Full HD1080 25p

    I want to preserve the quality of the 1080p 25FPS progressive AVCHD that comes out of my HF10.
    My problem with PE7, and it seems also with the PE8 trial version, is that
    1. the highest quality project setting Full AVCHD is only 25i (interlaced) - not progressive - and
    2. on export back to my PC as it seems only to offer me 1440 (not 1920).
    So I've used the very basic Pixela program that came with my HF10, to do a basic slice (to get rid of the rubbish footage) because that at least allows me to export as 1920x1080. The bit rate appears identical to the original pre-sliced AVCHD files.
    I only use PE7 to create movie projects for export therefore. I was looking forward to PE8, but it seems PE8 has not come out supporting 1080p 25FPS export either.  I seem to feel the need to jump ship.
    Am I missing a trick with PE8, or is it that Adobe won't deliver 1080p 25FPS progressive AVCHD export to hard disk on PE8,  because PE8 is a consumer entry level program, and if I could afford £700 for my Hf10 I can affort £700 for Premiere Pro?
    Why is it hard to find detailed documentation that says what a program accepts for input, and what it can deliver to as output?
    Why should I secure lovely full HD footage, only to see my software degrade it?

    After a bit of travel, and a few more experiments on my return, I am back again, and can report.
    Yes it seems I can successfully export non-interlaced 1920-1080 using the instructions you set me, and so my outputs are once again to my liking. It's all very manual though, and to avoid crashes (C++ error) I also have to manually create the project export setting.
    What gets me is why is Adobe apparently hiding the capability to export as 1920x1080?  It seems either amateurish, or a trap.
    Either way,  I am still going to jump from this program, and possibly up to Premier Pro - why, because PE8 does not allow me to import my AVCHD files from my HF10 clip them down and then export lossely as AVCHD. Some lower level programs apparently do.
    PE7 (and PE8) supports AVCHD, but it sure doesn't retain it. It should be said that PE8 eats AVCHD. No, I don't want my software telling me I can't have my AVCHD after it has gobbled it. My final grip was mentioned back up this chain, it is hard to find the evidence of what the export capabilities are from the literature on PE8. It is as if it is hidden.
    I still have my native AVCHD stiing on my machine all clipped up, because Canon provided some very basic software with the camera that allowed me to clip the rubbish out and re-export it as .m2ts 1080p files (timecodes lost and all!).
    I still use PE8 to create outputs to disc, but I dare not let PE8 process my inputs into clipped up (rubbish-removed) raw footage for future movie projects. So I am compromised.
    I may as well face it, PE will always disappoint me because I am looking for more than it aims to do -  even if not more than it claims to do.
    I stand to be corrected.

  • Help...Trying to edit mts/avchd on i movie.

          Hi. New to mac format. I have a fair bit of video in avchd/mts format. I had these on an ext drive and have transferred them to my new iMac, however I am unable to edit them in i movie. Please help?

    Don't hesitate to spend some time here
    before using iMovie.
    And another general advice: iM is meant for Camcorder Imports.
    Which means: the full AVCHD-structure has to be intact, for using with iMovie.
    then, and only then iM is able to 'Import from ARCHIVE'.
    Best practice - aside using iM's built-in 'Create archive' feature - is to drag'n drop the SDcard in Finder onto a new folder (I have tons of 'BU team vs ...' on my drive - back-ups of my soccer games recordings). iMovie notices these Folders as 'Camera'. btw: FinalCutProX too ....
    If the .mts are 'orphaned' (=stripped off the AVCHD files&folders), iM cannot handle it.
    there are many options to manually 'convert' it.

Maybe you are looking for