No gestures on Lion

Just installed Lion on my mid 2009 MacBook (MacBook5,2). No gestures. No reference to gestures in System Preference Trackpad pane. Is my Macbooks trackpad suitable for Lion gestures?

If you indeed have a 2009 MBP you should have a uniboxy MB style with the single glass button trackpad. Your computer is compatible, you might be facing some sort of bug.
If you have a 2008 (none unibody) I've seen four three and two finger gestures work on it. you just have very minimal room on your trackpad since there is a big button at the bottom of it.
you'll still have these features if you get a magic tackpad and or magic mouse.
try turning everything off, closing system prefs, then back on in System Prefs, trackpad,  to get your gestures to work if they're not working atm. I've read this fixed other people's issues.
on a side note, I have not expereince anything on my magic trackpad but I see what everyone is saying with the one on the MBP. Turning everything off then on worked for me. This might be a sign of a bigger issue though...
Message was edited by: TheSmokeMonster

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