No guide or on demand, clock always displays 12:00 after 'update'

Our motorola DCT 2524 / 1612 cable boxes have stopped working properly after a late night update. Around 3 am last night the cable boxes switched off and back on, the display briefly flashed "dec" or something similar and then reset. This commonly happens after there is some type of change or update. After a few minutes the picture returned to normal but the clock said 12:00 and there was no guide. I figured it would take a while to fill in and went to bed. This morning I wake up and all the cable boxes are still like this. The picture and sound displays, but the guide hasn't filled in, no on demand, and clocks are still 12. I called comcast and got an automated message about the guides being updated and if I was having problems unplug the boxes and wait 30 minutes. I did this almost 4 hours ago and nothing has changed. Had them send a refresh signal and still nothing. OOB status is "good", so I don't know what to do. Whatever problem I'm having is being caused by whatever update was done last night, everything worked perfectly fine until that happened. Any ideas?

SCL1 wrote:
Our motorola DCT 2524 / 1612 cable boxes have stopped working properly after a late night update. Around 3 am last night the cable boxes switched off and back on, the display briefly flashed "dec" or something similar and then reset. This commonly happens after there is some type of change or update. After a few minutes the picture returned to normal but the clock said 12:00 and there was no guide. I figured it would take a while to fill in and went to bed. This morning I wake up and all the cable boxes are still like this. The picture and sound displays, but the guide hasn't filled in, no on demand, and clocks are still 12. I called comcast and got an automated message about the guides being updated and if I was having problems unplug the boxes and wait 30 minutes. I did this almost 4 hours ago and nothing has changed. Had them send a refresh signal and still nothing. OOB status is "good", so I don't know what to do. Whatever problem I'm having is being caused by whatever update was done last night, everything worked perfectly fine until that happened. Any ideas?
Apologies for the issue and the experience that you described above. I have asked a colleague to review your account and reach out to you so that we can get any underlying issues identified and resolved.
Thanks for your patience.

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    How about your network problem recently? if problem persists, you can follow the steps below to collect the scenario tracing and the WLAN logs.
    1) Enable RAS Tracing on the client.
    Over an Administrative command prompt.
    C:\> netsh ras set tracing * enabled
    2) On the client enable the following log as well:
    Over an Administrative command prompt.
    C:\> netsh trace start scenario=netconnection capture=yes tracefile=c:\net.etl
    3) Now, turn off Wireless adapter on the client and Turn it back ON for making it to authenticate. Once it fails to connect to the Wireless network, proceed to the next step.
    4) Disable RAS Tracing on the client.
    Over an Administrative command prompt.
    C:\> netsh ras set tracing * disabled
    5) On the client disable the following log as well:
    Over an Administrative command prompt.
    C:\> netsh trace stop
    6) Please provide the following files:
    From the Client:
    a) ZIP folder of C:\Windows\Tracing
    b) C:\Net.etl and C:\
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    It's an 27" late 09 iMac (Radeon HD4850 (512MB), 16 GB RAM, 500GB HDD), the second display is a Sony P234 (23") on miniDisplay-> DVI-Adapter
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    ElectronicPunk wrote:
    Nice one.
    Will backup what music I can (am at work but am gonna lost my DRM content so I can play!) and get it updated
    One other thing that's not in the change log (but the regulars here know it from experience): If you're upgrading from an earlier 2.x firmware, you won't lose your music. Only those upgrading from .x (non-PlaysForSure) firmwares will lose their music.

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