No idea where to start for SOAP in relation to B1

Hi there,
I search a long time for usefull SAP documents related to the possibility of the B1 DI Server and web services.
At this moment I'm at the point that I am able to login at the B1iXcellerator which shows me "SAP Business One 2007 integration platform" however none of the documents below gives me some insight to test SOAP messages at the DI server or how I need to configure the DI Server etc
Documents like:
B1WS - B1 Web Services wrapper
Exposing and Hosting Web Services for SAP Business One with B1iSN
Administrator's Guide - SAP Business One
Therefore I was wondering if anyone who has already using the SOAP functionality of SAP could explain a bit the steps needed to be followed before I'm able to work with it. Or has anyone some good documentation?
(We are currently using SAP 8.8 PL 20)
Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
Edited by: M. Kieboom on Jul 8, 2011 10:51 AM
Edited by: M. Kieboom on Jul 8, 2011 10:52 AM

Hi Marcel,
DI Server and B1i are 2 different things.
If you want to learn about DI Server:
1. You can go to the SDK Help Files and Samples showing how to call DI Server, COM interface with Interact/BatchInteract and SOAP messages.
2. You can use B1WS in order to connect to the DI Server through WebServices, instead of calling a COM interface with Interact/BatchInteract and SOAP messages you simply work with B1WS wsdl references and WebServices calls.
B1i doesn't use the DI Server to connect to B1 databases but the DI API.
You have the choice between B1iSN and B1if, if you want to develop scenarios getting called via WebServices it is recommended to use B1if.
What you need to think about is what you want to develop, what are your needs and then you will need to compare both ways of developing: DI Server or B1if.
You have some webinars explaining how to develop with B1if in the Partner Service Delivery calendar (you need an SAP user in order to access the information) at:

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  • I have no idea where to start

    okay, hi! i'm trying to write a vending machine program for a class i'm taking. i have a text file with names, image URLs, and prices. I have a product class which is supposed to use filereader to read the fields in the text file. The product class is going to be loaded by the main VendMach class file, where i will have all of the main ui stuff written. The last file is the MoneyInOut class, which handles all of the money methods. i've got the majority of the UI file done, the text file is ready, and the money file is almost done...everything is hanging on whether or not i can write the product file. i have no idea where to start. any help would be greatly appreciated. i'm not looking for somebody else to write my code, but a point in the right direction would be great! here are the UI and text files:
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    // Still to be fixed:
    // 1. Purchase & Maintenance buttons.
    // 2. fix repaint of pictures, they don't display until a repaint is hit.
    // 3. fix the Quit from program, it doesn't work right.
    // 4. Put in the code for doing Maintenance.
    // 5. Button super.setSize
    // 6. Animate picture on selection.
    public class VendMach extends Applet implements ActionListener
    // Fonts for text and buttons.
    private Font boldSerif16 = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,16);
    private Font boldSerif24 = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,24);
    private Font boldItalicSerif24 = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,24);
    private Font boldItalicSerif13 = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,13);
    private Font boldItalicSerif40 = new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,40);
    //%% private Font boldItalicDialog16 = new Font("Dialog",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,16);
    // Mode flag.
    private int mode = 0;
    // Panels for the buttons
    private Panel mainPanel = new Panel();
    private Panel cashPanel = new Panel();
    private Panel selPanel = new Panel();
    private Panel maintPanel = new Panel();
    // Product selection panel buttons
    private Button selBtn[] = new Button[6];
    // Cash customer puts in machine panel buttons
    private Button viewC = new Button("View The Products");
    private Button quit = new Button("Quit");
    private Button bNickle = new Button("Nickel");
    private Button bDime = new Button("Dime");
    private Button bQuarter = new Button("Quarter");
    private Button b$Paper = new Button("$1 Paper");
    private Button b$Coin = new Button("$1 Coin");
    private Label lCredit = new Label(" Credit:");
    private Label lMsg = new Label("");
    private Button bChange = new Button("Change Return");
    private Button purchase = new Button("Purchase");
    private Button maintenance = new Button("Maintenance");
    private Product productForSale [];
    private CashIn changeOH;
    private int $collected = 0;
    private double total$In = 0.00;
    private NumberFormat nf;
    private Image pic;
    private Image picAnim;
    private int prodSel = 999;
    private String line;
    private String f[] = new String[8];
    private int tokenCount;
    private int int3, int4, int5, int6, int7;
    private double dbl4;
    private StringTokenizer strings;
    private int dispense = 99;
    public void init()
    {  setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    productForSale = new Product[6];
    {  BufferedReader inPut = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Vend_Machine.txt"));
    while ((line=inPut.readLine()) != null)
    {  strings = new StringTokenizer(line,",");
    tokenCount = strings.countTokens();
    // Loop thru and retrieve each data element.
    for (int i=0; i<tokenCount; i++)
    f[i] = strings.nextToken();
    // Load the money.
    if (f[0].compareTo("M") == 0)
    {  int3 = Integer.parseInt(f[3]);
    int4 = Integer.parseInt(f[4]);
    int5 = Integer.parseInt(f[5]);
    int6 = Integer.parseInt(f[6]);
    int7 = Integer.parseInt(f[7]);
    changeOH = new CashIn(f[1],f[2],int3,int4,int5,int6,int7);
    // Load the products.
    if (f[0].compareTo("P") == 0)
    {  int3 = Integer.parseInt(f[3]);
    dbl4 = (new Double(f[4])).doubleValue();
    int5 = Integer.parseInt(f[5]);
    int6 = Integer.parseInt(f[6]);
    int7 = Integer.parseInt(f[7]);
    productForSale[int3] = new Product(f[1],f[2],dbl4,int5,int6,int7);
    catch(IOException e)
    {  e.printStackTrace();
    setForeground(new Color(120,0,120));
    cashPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(10,1));
    selPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,6));
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
    {  selBtn[i] = new Button(productForSale.getName());
    nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
    } // =======>> END OF INIT METHOD
    // ** PAINT METHOD **
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    {  int xVal = 35;
    int yVal = 85;
    int xValAnim = 0;
    int yValAnim = 0;
    int c = 0;
    // Paint the product pictures on the vending machine.
    for (int z=0; z<2; z++)
    {  xVal = 35;
    yVal = 85;
    c = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
    {  for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
    {  g.setFont(boldSerif16);
    pic = getImage(getCodeBase(),productForSale[c].getPic());
    // If product is dispensed get ready to animate.
    if (c == dispense)
    {  xValAnim = xVal;
    yValAnim = yVal;
    picAnim = pic;
    xVal = xVal + 170;
    yVal = yVal + 160;
    xVal = 35;
    // If product is dispensed, animate it.
    if (dispense < 99)
    {  for (int y=0; y<40; y++)
    {  g.setColor(;
    yValAnim = yValAnim + 10;
    dispense = 99;
    if (mode == 0)
    {  pic = getImage(getCodeBase(),"OutStock.gif");
    } // =======>> END OF PAINT METHOD
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    {  Object source = event.getSource();
    lMsg.setText(" Enter up to $1.00");
    // Customer puts money in the vending machine.
    // Customer paid a nickle
    if (source == bNickle && $collected < 96)
    {  changeOH.nickleIn();
    $collected = $collected + 5;
    // Customer paid a dime
    if (source == bDime && $collected < 91)
    {  changeOH.dimeIn();
    $collected = $collected + 10;
    // Customer paid a quarter
    if (source == bQuarter && $collected < 76)
    {  changeOH.quarterIn();
    $collected = $collected + 25;
    // Customer paid a paper dollar
    if (source == b$Paper && $collected == 0)
    {  changeOH.dollarPaperIn();
    $collected = $collected + 100;
    // Customer paid a coin dollar
    if (source == b$Coin && $collected == 0)
    {  changeOH.dollarCoinIn();
    $collected = $collected + 100;
    // Customer makes their product selection.
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
    {  if (source == selBtn[i])
    // Do nothing if customer selects item that isn't on-hand.
    if (productForSale[i].getOnHand() == 0)
    // We have product on-hand.
    {  prodSel = i;
    // Tell customer to add more money if they don't have
    // enough in the machine to handle the purchase.
    if ($collected < (int) (productForSale[i].getPrice() * 100))
    { lMsg.setText("    Insert Money");
    // Customer has enough money in machine to cover purchase.
    {  // Take cost of item from customer's money
    dbl4 = productForSale[i].getPrice() * 100;
    int4 = changeOH.giveChange($collected - (int)dbl4,0);
    // Tell customer to put exact amount in the machine
    // because there isn't enough change to handle purchase.
    if (int4 == 9)
    {  lMsg.setText("Exact Amount Only!");
    // **** Here the purchase was made and committed. ****
    {  total$In = productForSale[i].getPrice() * 100;
    $collected = $collected - (int) total$In;
    dispense = i;
    // If the last product item was sold, set picture to OutStock.gif.
    if (productForSale[i].getOnHand() <= 0)
    if ((source == bChange || source == quit) && $collected > 0)
    {  $collected = changeOH.giveChange($collected,1);
    // Here we save the machine info file when customer asks
    // for their change back or quits the machine.
    // Customer has selected to Quit the vending machine program.
    // Quit the program.
    if (source == quit)
    // These commands set up variables to show how much money
    // the customer has in the machine.
    total$In = $collected;
    total$In = total$In / 100;
    lCredit.setText(" Credit: " + nf.format(total$In));
    // ** PAUSE METHOD **
    public void pause(int i)
    {  for(long l = System.currentTimeMillis() + (long) i; System.currentTimeMillis() < l;);
    // ** CASHIN CLASS **
    class CashIn
    {  private String logo1;
    private String logo2;
    private int numProd;
    private int nickles;
    private int dimes;
    private int quarters;
    private int dollarsP;
    private int dollarsC;
    private int money;
    private double moneyVal;
    private int amtToChange = 0;
    private int hNickle;
    private int hDime;
    private int hQuarter;
    private int hpDollar;
    private int hcDollar;
    public CashIn(String l1, String l2, int p, int q, int d, int n, int dP)
    {  logo1    = l1;
    logo2 = l2;
    numProd = p;
    quarters = q;
    dimes = d;
    nickles = n;
    dollarsP = dP;
    dollarsC = 0;
    money = (n * 5) + (d * 10) + (q * 25) + (dP * 100);
    // Get total of money in machine.
    public double getCashIn()
    {  moneyVal = money;
    moneyVal = moneyVal / 100;
    return moneyVal;
    // Get machine record information.
    public String getLogo1()
    {  return logo1;
    public String getLogo2()
    {  return logo2;
    public int getNumProd()
    {  return numProd;
    public int getNickles()
    {  return nickles;
    public int getDimes()
    {  return dimes;
    public int getQuarters()
    {  return quarters;
    public int getDollarPaper()
    {  return dollarsP;
    public int getDollarCoins()
    {  return dollarsC;
    // Money comes into the machine
    public void nickleIn()
    {  nickles++;
    money = money + 05;
    public void dimeIn()
    {  dimes++;
    money = money + 10;
    public void quarterIn()
    {  quarters++;
    money = money + 25;
    public void dollarPaperIn()
    {  dollarsP++;
    money = money + 100;
    public void dollarCoinIn()
    {  dollarsC++;
    money = money + 100;
    // Give the customer their change.
    public int giveChange(int custMoney, int mode)
    {  hNickle   = nickles;
    hDime = dimes;
    hQuarter = quarters;
    hpDollar = dollarsP;
    hcDollar = dollarsC;
    amtToChange = custMoney / 100;
    for (int i=0; i<amtToChange; i++)
    {  // Give change in dollar coin if possible
    if (hcDollar > 0)
    {  hcDollar--;
    custMoney = custMoney - 100;
    // or else give change in paper dollar
    {  if (hpDollar > 0)
    {  hpDollar--;
    custMoney = custMoney - 100;
    amtToChange = custMoney / 25;
    for (int i=0; i<amtToChange; i++)
    {  if (hQuarter > 0)
    {  hQuarter--;
    custMoney = custMoney - 25;
    amtToChange = custMoney / 10;
    for (int i=0; i<amtToChange; i++)
    {  if (hDime > 0)
    {  hDime--;
    custMoney = custMoney - 10;
    amtToChange = custMoney / 5;
    if (amtToChange > hNickle)
    {  mode = 9;
    for (int i=0; i<amtToChange; i++)
    {  hNickle--;
    custMoney = custMoney - 5;
    if (mode == 1)
    {  nickles   = hNickle;
    dimes = hDime;
    quarters = hQuarter;
    dollarsP = hpDollar;
    dollarsC = hcDollar;
    money = money - custMoney;
    if (mode == 9) custMoney = 9;
    return custMoney;
    } // =======>> END OF CASHIN CLASS
    // ** PRODUCT CLASS **
    class Product
    {  private String name;
    private String image;
    private String picUsed;
    private double price;
    private int onHand;
    private int sold;
    private int maint;
    public Product(String n, String i, double p, int o, int s, int m)
    {  name    = n;
    image = i;
    picUsed = i;
    price = p;
    onHand = o;
    sold = s;
    maint = m;
    // Reset picture used when product is out of stock.
    public void setOutOfStock()
    {  picUsed  = "OutStock.gif";
    // Get product information
    public String getName()
    {  return name;
    public String getImage()
    {  return image;
    public String getPic()
    {  return picUsed;
    public double getPrice()
    {  return price;
    public int getOnHand()
    {  return onHand;
    public int getQtySold()
    {  return sold;
    public int getMaintDate()
    {  return maint;
    // Sell one of the product.
    public void sellProduct()
    {  onHand--;
    // Set the product values.
    public void setName(String n)
    {  name = n;
    public void setImage(String i)
    {  image   = i;
    picUsed = i;
    public void setPrice(double p)
    {  price = p;
    public void setOnHand(int o)
    {  onHand = o;
    public void setQtySold(int s)
    {  sold = s;
    public void setMaintDate(int m)
    {  maint = m; }
    this is the text file
    p,Dr. Pepper,Images/Dr.Pepper.gif,
    i know that the filereader is supposed to read the fields...i guess i just have a weak start on understanding and implementing arrays.

    I write this sample some time ago, you can use it to start a new project
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class CVM extends JFrame 
         JTextField mw = new JTextField("0");     
         JTextField hf = new JTextField("0");     
         JTextField ds = new JTextField("0");     
         JTextField lr = new JTextField("0");     
         JTextField py = new JTextField("0");     
         JTextField tp = new JTextField("0");     
         JTextField ch = new JTextField("0");     
    public CVM()
         super("Chocolate Vending Machine");
         addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
         {      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev)
         JPanel pan = new JPanel();
    //     pan.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2,4,4));
         JPanel lp = new JPanel();
         lp.setLayout(new GridLayout(16,2,4,4));
         addButton(lp,"Milky Way    20$",mw);
         addButton(lp,"Hot Fudge    40$",hf);
         addButton(lp,"Dandy Shandy 50$",ds);
         addButton(lp,"Lovers Rock  80$",lr);
         lp.add(new JLabel(""));
         lp.add(new JLabel(""));
    private void addPayButtons(JPanel pan)
         JPanel lp = new JPanel();
         lp.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2,4,4));
         JButton b1 = new JButton("Pay 5");
         b1.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
         JButton b2 = new JButton("Pay 10");
         b2.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
         lp = new JPanel();
         lp.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2,4,4));
         JButton b3 = new JButton("Pay 20");
         b3.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
         JButton b4 = new JButton("Pay 50");
         b4.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
         pan.add(new JLabel("    Payd"));
    private void addPay(JButton bt, final int i)
         bt.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
         {     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                   int n = Integer.parseInt(py.getText())+i;
    private void addButton(JPanel pan, String s, final JTextField jt)
         JButton    bt = new JButton(s);
         bt.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
         bt.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
         {     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                   int i = Integer.parseInt(jt.getText())+1;
         jt.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER );
    private void calculate()
         int nwi = Integer.parseInt(mw.getText()) * 20;       
         int hfi = Integer.parseInt(hf.getText()) * 40;  
         int dsi = Integer.parseInt(ds.getText()) * 50;  
         int lri = Integer.parseInt(lr.getText()) * 80;  
         int t   = nwi+hfi+dsi+lri;
         if (t >= 100) t = t - (t/10);
         int n = Integer.parseInt(py.getText());
         int c = n-t;
    private void addClearButton(JPanel pan)
         pan.add(new JLabel("    To pay"));
         JButton    bt = new JButton("Clear");
         bt.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
         bt.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
         {     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
         pan.add(new JLabel(""));
    private void addMoneyBack(JPanel pan)
         JButton    bt = new JButton("Money back");
         bt.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));
         bt.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
         {     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
         pan.add(new JLabel(""));
         pan.add(new JLabel("    Change"));
    public static void main( String[] args)
         new CVM();

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    I am new to Oracle and just finished tutorial that comes with db 10g xe.
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    Please any of you help me to put me in starting point otherwise it will be time consuming not knowing where to start.
    one of the guy made a comment saying:
    Oracle Forms and Reports is a bit 'old' now, and Oracle seems to be moving more towards web development with Application Express (APEX) (This comes with Oracle XE as standard). There is web development done in Forms and Reports but it looks like Oracle are moving away from these in favour of APEX.
    Do you think it 's worth to pursue with oracle forms,report??
    I don't want to learn something that is or soon will be out off market or absolete.
    But even with APEX which tool should i start to learn \ use to become forms&reports,design developer??
    Which is the best way to pursue in development sense for forms,...??
    Please help me to find my starting point for that secific developement.
    Please copy\past all the URL to start with.

    Hi Sasi,
    Please refer to CR100 base customising guide which is a starter for a CRM functional person.
    You can also refer to the
    link for more details.
    I hope this helps.
    Yogesh Kathe

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    I have to study soap as an aid to send messages between .net clients and java server and I am starting sopa from scratch.
    From where I should Start.
    Plz guide me.

    There is a very informative pdf file at the following link:
    The topic is about Application Interoperability: .NET and J2EE.
    Some more basic stuff is available at the following links:

  • No idea where to start trouble shooting

    weirdest problem I ever had. I recently updated a site done
    in flash 8 AS1
    and made some changes and publsihed to Flash 8 action
    script2. Something
    I've never done before
    Locally everything works fine. On the net it is hit or miss.
    80 % of the
    time it works fine, the other 20, none of the flash
    functionality works.
    This is an FLV player in a loaded SWF
    To fix it I refresh the browser and all is well again.
    site is pretty simple main movie loading SWFs onto layers.
    Change I made was
    to add an a FLV player to an already existing swf that loads
    onto the main
    movie.. I am thinking something in the code switch from 1 to
    2 but if it
    works fine sometimes, I can't image what it could be. I would
    think if it
    works once, it should work all the time.
    any thought on where to trouble shoot would be appreciated.

    If you are seeing intermittent performance when using the
    same computer, then the problem may be that some part of what you
    are loading contains code that is needed at the start, and that
    this part is not loaded when the code is called for.

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    thanks for anyone who can help or if anyone could lead me to a source code if it can be found

    Give the OP some slack; he was advised to repost in this forum by Ceci:
    You'll have to create one or several mathematical functions that you
    can use to update the surface coordinates. For advise on how to do that
    best, you should go and ask at the Algorithms forum.
    kind regards,

  • Where to start for learning website design?

    Is it better to start with DreamWeaver or Muse for website design that will include a store and shopping cart?

    Muse is consumer level software aimed at hobbyists and non-coders who want quick & easy static sites without much functionality.  AFAIK, you cannot make a shopping cart  with Muse.
    Dreamweaver is pro-level software.  It is the industry standard for developing everything from mobile apps & static sites all the way up to dynamic shopping carts. There's not much you can't do with DW, providing you have the requisite coding skills. 
    HTML & CSS Tutorials -
    E-commerce Solutions for Dreamweaver
    Adobe Business Catalyst (includes hosting)
    Web Assist
    Building an e-comm site with DW & PHP (video training) Site-Using-Dreamweaver-PHP/83091-2.html?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=ldc_affiliate&utm_ content=524&utm_campaign=CD4386&bid=524&aid=CD4386&opt=
    Nancy O.

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    Firefox creates daily backups of your bookmarks. To restore from one of them, please do the following.<br><br>
    #Click "'''Bookmarks'''" | "'''Organize Bookmarks'''" to open the Bookmarks manager.<br><br>
    #Then click the link at the top called "'''Import and backup'''".<br><br>
    #Next, click '''Restore '''and choose a day to restore from.<br><br>
    If this answers your question, please click the '''Solved it''' button next to this post after you log in into the forum. This will help others searching for a solution to the same subject.

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    Hi, I am new to this support site so forgive me if I am doing it wrong but I have a problem that I am at a loss as what to do. My (very) old mac 10.2.8 won't switch on..I really only use it for music , there is a vast amount of music stored in it and am heartbroken that it won't even switch on. I have no idea where to start on trying to fix it. Can somebody please help me on where to start on fixing it

    You might want to try resetting its power management unit; see the following tech notes:
    The reason I'm suggesting this is that some startup settings are stored and preserved by a tiny battery that lasts about 5 years, inside the computer. When that battery dies, the computer may forget things like what time it is and which disk to start up from. If your Mac is around 5 years old or more, that little battery might be on its way out.
    If you can't revive the Mac, don't panic. You can remove its internal hard drive and put it inside a USB/FireWire enclosure so that it can be hooked up to another Mac, and then you can use or copy all of the files and music off of it (assuming the startup problem has nothing to do with the hard drive).

  • Selling online audio - Developer / Help wanted where to start

    I need to develop a site to sell music tracks as MP3's which
    a user can search for, select, add to cart, pay for and have the
    track automatically emailed.
    Any ideas where to start / who to approach for something like
    this? Are any ecommerce templates available to do such a thing or
    is this very specialist?
    This is way beyond my skills and Im happy to pay for the
    functionality and develop the front end.

    "(_seb_)" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:eolkr7$6j2$[email protected]..
    > John Carter wrote:
    >> I need to develop a site to sell music tracks as
    MP3's which a user can
    >> search for, select, add to cart, pay for and have
    the track automatically
    >> emailed. Any ideas where to start / who to approach
    for something like
    >> this? Are any ecommerce templates available to do
    such a thing or is this
    >> very specialist?
    >> This is way beyond my skills and Im happy to pay for
    the functionality
    >> and develop the front end. Thanks
    > I'll do it for $4000.00
    That's a (roughly) reasonable, if not low, price for that
    project, just FYI
    to the original poster.
    Patty Ayers |
    Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate

  • Creating custom UI panels : where to start ?

    i've had a  hard time searching for clear information on how to create custom panels in InDesign.
    Maybe the wrong keywords, i dont know, but here i am
    I would like to create a panel displaying all the "text variables" and their actual values and be able to edit them right there.
    I have no idea where to start, any primers ? Cues ? Ressources ?
    Many thanks for the help !

    Well i was actually asking myself the very question : do i really need a panel ?
    So far i found a script thhat pretty much does what i need :
    run the script opens a window
    When all the fields are populated, hit continue and the custom text variables are updated with the freshly entered information
    Now i need to tweak this code to suit my variables and find a way to "get" the current values instead of the defaults ones populating the form.
    So i guess i can always execute the script to update, correct and update the variable and anytime, saving me the trouble of going about creating a plugin (this scared me more that anything )
    I'll make sure it runs and see whats up. Any chance i can ask you later for support if i hit a rock?
    Again thanks for the kind help, i now have ressources and some vocabulary to find stuff!

  • Guide me where to start

    Hi It's Prasanna here,
    I am working in Core Java (Swings), I would like to start learning the J2EE, but i don't have idea where to start and what i should know first, can any one tell me the flow to learn.....
    Advance thanks for ur kind advice.

    Sure. You have step 1 completed, if you can work with Swing than your basic Java knowledge is well beyond acceptible. This is assuming you don't let an IDE do all the work for you.
    The next step is to learn servlets, JSP/JSTL and JDBC. From there move to the more advanced topics in J2EE such as enterprise javabeans.

  • "Channel started but inactive" in RWB Monitor for SOAP sender channel

    Dear XI specialists,
    I have configured a communication scenario involving SOAP Adapter (sender) usage, but I'm facing the issue when testing the scenario. The problem is that none of messages are coming into the SOAP Adapter (checked via TCode SXI_MONITOR in XI) when using 3rd party SOAP-clients (XML Spy, soapUI) based on WSDL-file generated and exported from XI.
    I checked the sender communication channel for SOAP Adapter - it is activated in Integration Builder's Directory. SOAP Adapter itself is also started.
    I checked Runtime Workbench monitors and in the Communication Channels Monitor of the Components Monitor received the warning saying "Channel started but inactive" for my configured channel as well as for other channels working on SOAP Adapter.
    Activities which were performed (in the order in which they were performed and results tested):
    1. the configuration channel restart;
    2. the communication channel re-activation and further re-start;
    3. SOAP Adapter restart;
    4. XI system's Java instance restart.
    All mentioned activities didn't give any positive effect in part of this issue resolution.
    On the other hand, if I use test message functionality of the Runtime Workbench (Component Monitor), then messages are seen in SXI_MONITOR and expected response messages are also returned to XI from integrated business system.
    Would you please advise what can be checked else here and where the root of the problem may be detected?
    All your answers and feedback will be greatly appreciated and awarded accordingly.
    Many thanks in advance and my regards,

    Dear all,
    Thank you for your input! Unfortunately, the problem still exists after testings and checkings which you suggested.
    TO Seshagiri:
    I checked message monitor and found only several messages for the required sender/receiver services pair in the used namespace - all of them were successfully processed (these are messages which I sent by means of RWB Component Monitor's test message functionality).
    TO Sarvesh:
    Yes, sender agreement is configured properly. I configured it when configuring communication scenario in the Configuration Wizard and then manually re-checked its definition. Moreover, when performing Test Configuration in ID, I received positive results.
    TO Nallam Guna:
    I cleared Data Cache in Integration Builder, but this didn't help.
    TO Gujjeti:
    I'm on SAP NetWeaver 2004s PI 7.0. Service Pack level for PI is 13.
    TO Durga:
    Thank you for provided links! I have already had a look at them - but proposed solutions doesn't seem to be working in my situation.
    Thank you all once again for your prompt answers! I really appreciate your attempts in helping me!
    I would appreciate if you could share any further ideas on this issue.
    My best regards,

  • I set up the download manager to ask me where to download to. I just started downloading something. It didn't ask me where to download, and I have no idea where it is downloading. This has never happened before. Pleas help.

    I have the download manger set up to always ask me where to download a file. I just started to download a file from rapidshare and, for the first time, it didn't ask me where to download it, it just started downloading it. I have no idea where to find the file I'm downloading. Please help.
    == This happened ==
    Just once or twice
    == I started downloading a file

    The file you have downloaded is always in the default folder of '''C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads'''

Maybe you are looking for

  • Call a jsff page in an bounded task flow.

    Hi, Am using jdeveloper I have a bounded task flow named welcomeTF.xml which calls another bounded task flow named LeadsTF. The LeadsTF bounded task flow contains 3 jsff pages(named lv.jsff, lv1.jsff, lv2.jsff). WelcomeTF(Bounded TaskFlow)

  • Credit Details Ledger Report

    Hi All, I would be thankfull is someone help to prepare Credit detail Ledger Report in SAP. How and from where the data can be pulled for reporting? Thanks, V.Rajeshwari

  • 802.1x authentication failure

    hi, i'm not sure if i'm posting this in the right category but here goes i wanna use 802.1x on our network but can't seem to get it to work. i followed all the instruction on the web site. it says authentication failed. i'm pretty sure the radius wor

  • CAN'T open downloaded app

    Hi I have Macbook pro, OX lion 10.7....I have purchased package for MS office from App store... its been downloaded and installed but i cant open it.... when i click onthe icon it blinks and nothing opens. any one having solution......?

  • RIght Shift Key button not depressing

    Essentially I can't press it down all the way. I know its working because it still makes letters capitalized, but it doesn't have that tactile feel the other keys do. I'm afraid of breaking something so I haven't tried jiggling too hard or placing fo