No layer tab

I was a bit surprised, when starting a UI project, made of only vector shapes in Photoshop, and 2 layer comps, hiding some layer effects.
When i uploaded it to Project Parfait, it opened without any warning, but i only had the styles tab, no layer or asset tab.
I also had access to the selection of items, and the "generate assets", but without the assets tab, it turned out useless.
So, back to Ps, i tried adding a basic pixel layer, with no change.
Then i remembered being in a browser, and with web inspector, i could see :
<a id="psdLayersTab" data-toggle="tab" class="disabled details-tab">Layers</a>
I even set the missing tabs/panels as active and was able to export my data…
Let me know to which address i send the CC file link (not on this public forum)

Hi Franck,
Thanks for sending your file! Corrinna, my colleague, reviewed your file and provided following feedback.
"We know what the cause is and are working on a fix. We will let you know once the fix is available on"
Best regards,

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    I have it set to medium. Even when I set it to small the layer menu is still quite a bit wider then it was in cs2.
    Theres definitely a way to do this... but it might require modification of some of the core files of photoshop?
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    - create a custom layer tab with scripting
    - modifying core files to either allow the tabs to be shrinked down further much like you can in After effects(part of the box just becomes invisible if it's too small.) or change the actual width of the "blending modes" drop down box.

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    At the bottom of the Layers tab are three little buttons that toggle the visibility of masks, filters, and behaviors. You probably have filters toggled off.

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    Lower right hand corner of the Layers palette - click on the little gear - that controls the display/hiding of your behaviors...

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    lanacosant wrote:
    Where is the layer tab in lightroom?
    As Bob says, there's no such thing.
    What made you think there was?

  • "Text on a path" and "paths" rasterised when printed from a PDF on an iGen

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    Q2: Re Acrobat 7 mishandling my 'text on a path': is this a bug that has been fixed in later versions of Acrobat?
    To reproduce this bug do this: Open the PDF described above, and within Acrobat 7 select Tools > Advanced Editing > Touchup Text Tool. Then click inside the name "Georgina River", backspace to try and delete a letter, and the PDF should go haywire.

    Sandee: Almost certainly below the text, but I'd have to check them all.
    But before I do that, we'll have to go back a step. I can almost handle layers in InDesign, but didn't know they existed in PDFs. The printer printed from the PDF and as far as I can tell after a brief visit to HELP, there aren't any layers in the PDF. When I go to View > Navigation Tabs > Layers and click on the Layer Tab when it appears, there's nothing there; and all the items under Options are grayed.
    Q1: Why do I need a layer in a PDF? By not having layers, can that cause problems?
    Q2: Re Robert's suggestions: what do you mean by "move all the text to a top layer"? Within InDesign before I export to PDF?
    Q3: Is printing more foolproof when I export to PDF, if all my text is on the one layer in InDesign and that layer is above any images? There are several hundred river names, place names etc, sitting on lower layers, but if need be I'll move them all.

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    Before Optimize:
    After Optimize:

    I don't have a solution. but do have a little more info.
    The original file includes the following in the page Contents:
    0 0 0 RG 1 1 1 rg /OC /OC0 BDC /OC /OC1 BDC q 0 0 m 0 792 l 612 792 l 612 0 l 0 0 l h W* n q 573.8537 0 0 -473.77355 19.92048 774.71951 cm /Image_3 Do Q q 573.8537 0 0 -232.56665 19.92048 301.66598 cm /Image_5 Do Q Q EMC /OC /OC2 BDC q 593.05416 70.29936 m 19.92048 70.29936 l 19.92048 774.71951 l 593.05416  774.71951 l 593.05416 70.29936 l h W* n 1 0 0 RG 1.44003 w 1 j 1 J 10 M -35395.08504 45774.32631 m -35395.08504 45769.04616 l -35373.72453  45745.28548 l -35329.32347 45688.40386 l -35246.5215 45582.80084 l  -35118.83845 45419.35616 l -35116.9184 45417.67611 l -35105.15812  45410.2359 l -35090.99778 45401.59565 l -35089.0777
    Whereas the optimized file includes:
    /OC /MC0 BDC  /OC /MC1 BDC  q 0 0 m 0 792 l 612 792 l 612 0 l 0 0 l h W*  n q 573.8536987 0 0 -473.7735443 19.9204865 774.7195129 cm /Im0 Do Q q  573.8536987 0 0 -232.5666504 19.9204865 301.6659851 cm /Im1 Do Q EMC  Q /OC /MC2 BDC  q 593.054 70.299 m 19.92 70.299 l 19.92 774.72 l 593.054  774.72 l 593.054 70.299 l h W* n 1 0 0 RG 1.44 w 1 j 1 J  q 1 0 0 1  -32768 32767.9999 cm -32768 32767.999 m -32768 32767.999 l -32768  32767.999 l -32768 32767.999 l -32768 32767.999 l -32768 32767.999 l  -32768 32767.999 l -32768 32767.999 l
    Note that in the optimized version the third restore operator is outside the marked content. The BDC/EMC block has three q operators and 2 Q operators.
    The same is true of /OC2 - your redline layer.

  • Illustrator Layers are expanded when opening.

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    When I open a file, one or more layer are opened/expanded in the layer tab on the side of the screen.  I can close the layer, make modifications, and save; but when I open it up, the layer is always opened.
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    Any ideas? It's rathe annoying, especially with larger art files.

    At a previous job at, we had CS2 and went to CS4, where I first noticed this "bug."
    Sometimes, we'd have a file with 10-30 web page designs in it and having to close all the Layers showinging every Sublayer drove  me nuts and can take a few Annoyed minutes.
    I still have this issue in CS5, and noticed it yesterday on a co-workers CS6.
    So, today I decided to Google search and fonund this thread.
    I've spent the last 2 hours trying to fix the issue of all Layers and Sublayers showing when opening a document and I have found a work arround. 
    Now, we know that Illustrator gives a unique color to items that live on seperate layers, and it also does this for Sub-layers.
    It seems when you open a file with lots of layers and sub-layers, the defualt in Illustator is to show all layers.
    To fix that bug they need to add a "Show/Hide Sublayers" or something.
    I think they may have added "Sublayers" in CS4, and that is when this "bug" started for the users. I'm not sure.
    Also, sometimes items are getting stuck inside sub-layers etc, and it becomes hard to move selected items to the front and or back using short cut commands, you have to actually go move the sub-layer. meh.
    Somethings to note:
    Adobe gives the user the option to "Merge Selcted Layers" but this only lets you merge layers and sub-layers that live within the same heiarchy, and you still will have lower level sub-layers, and you can't drag a sub-sub-level layer to the the sub-layer up from it.
    I haven't figured out how or why all the sublayers got created, I know I never made a actual "New Sublayer"
    So, if there is a process in the workflow to avoid doing that, I'll look out for it and post something in the future.
    But it may have to do with working with custom symbols, pasting form layers to layers, Paste Remembers Layers being selected, copying layers, etc... I don't know.
    So, here is how I cleaned up my file:
    I removed all the damn sub-layers that ened up in my file somehow.
    1) First make sure "Paste Remembers Layers" is NOT selcted in the Layers palette menu. 
    2) Select everything in a specific layer by clicking on the circle to the right of the layer name in the layers palatte or use commed-c to copy.
    3) With all your content still selected, delete everything.
    4) Select all the sub-layers (which are now empty), that are underneath your most top level layer.
    5) Click on your top level layer, and use Shift-Command-V to Paste in Place (also found under the Edit menu).
    Now, your layers will look like the used back in CS3 or CS2, you will have NO Sublayers, and after you save and re-open the document, all layers will not be open showing.
    Ta-Da! This has been driving me crazy for like a year and a half. Work arround discovered.
    Thought I should share. 
    Now, if you like using layers and naming them, then you're stuck with all layers showing upon opening a document but you can reduce what shows by going into Panel Options and checking "Show Layers Only"
    This will show only your layers and sub-layers, but it can reduce you seeing all the paths and objects, etc., but when you open documents, all those layers will still be open. Got it?

  • Menu buttons live on stage

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    Please assist

    Hmm... this is very strange.
    If they are all placed in one layer, try rightclicking them
    when they are marked, and choose disribute to layers.
    If u grouped them, try ungrouping...
    If none of these things works, I really don't know what could
    be wrong.
    U can try posting ur .fla, and I'll see if I can help!

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    Nest the graphic within a layer, enable Fixed Resolution for the layer (found the in the 'Layer' tab of the Inspector), and apply the filter to the layer.
    Some filters don't cause the full-size area of the target to grow, as is the case with Bulge.

  • RSRT- Query Execution

    Hi Experts,
    One of my senior consultant design some queries and he asked me how much time taking for QDBSEL,QDBTRANS,QNUMCELLS,
    QTIMEOLAP,QTIMEDB,TIMECHAVLREAD, i find out all these information in RSRT but my question is how to calculate OLAP and DB time, and if OLAP takes much time where we can search and how to reduce the time.... like this above all how can i find out?
    Edited by: david Rathod on May 27, 2010 7:08 AM

    Once you execute the query in RSRT , go back you wil get front end /calculation layer tab .In that you have  columns event text and duration .check for OLAP type event and coresponding duration. For data base fetch time check for event 9000 ( Data manager ) .
    Query runtime can be improved by creating aggregates on cubes  and providing appropriate filters during run time .

  • Changing blend mode changes behavior

    I'm trying to have words grow from very small to "swallow up" the screen—all while using them as stencils through which we see water. With me so far? Anyway, the motion is perfect when the blend mode is on normal, but when I simply change the blend mode to Stencil Alpha, at a certain point, it starts moving sharply to the right. All I've done is change blending modes, honest.
    Who knows what the h-e-double hockey sticks this is, and, how to fix it? This is maddening.

    This is just a guess, as I haven't seen your project, but I think the text is sliding because it is too large for your GPU, so it's getting cropped and recentered.
    Why is it happening when you change the blend mode? Good question. I think it's because picking any blend mode but 'Normal' is causing a pre-comp, and since your GPU's size limit is being exceeded, it's cropping (and recentering) the result. Or maybe it's a bug.
    Here's a workaround to try: nest the text in its own layer, enable Fixed Resolution for the layer (found in the Layer tab in the Inspector, when the layer is selected), and then change the blend mode of the layer to whatever you want.
    Seriously, though, you really should be using (as Patrick suggested) the Image Mask tool, instead of the Stencil Alpha blend mode. Free yourself from the AE-style blend mode tyranny! Vive la image mask!
    (good luck)

  • How to display particularDefault  client while transorting in to Production

    Hi Gurus
    While importing the tp into production through  TA stms_import >selecting the Request>Click on Truck button--> in the new popup screen( synchronous/Asynchronous, client number etc)  every time it is prompting for client  with blank!
    Actually here i want to put client number  100 as a defult value for every time.
    Is this possible to set default as 100.
    I tried with personal setting available in TA STMS , still i could not able solve..
    Thanks in advance

    As far as i remember you can do that by adding the "client specific settings" under "Standard transport layer" tab in "change system attributes".
    For that you have to logon to the domain controler and edit the target system configuration in STMS
    As you said is working in one of your other systems, then you can use that to compare the TMS settings.

  • Bottom layers not showing when mask tracking.

    So, I'm trying to do mask tracking, but I can't see the results of my masks because the bottom layers (the original footage) won't show underneath the mask. I watched multiple YouTube video, and all their videos showed when they clicked the little eye button. Mine doesn't do anything. I click/toggle the eye buttons, and nothing disappears nor re-appears. I just want to see how the mask looks on the video.
    If I click on the bottom layer, I can watch it alone..... but I can't watch all my layers together. The top layer just has the transparent boxes (or I can toggle to black). How do I get all my layers to show at the same time?
    p.s. I am on the trial version of AE CC. I just got it yesterday. I have an adobe creative account with Photoshop & Lightroom. 
    Above photo shows the top layer. Issue is that I can't get the other layers to show beneath this, I just see a bunch of transparency boxes.....

    Hi Breanna,
    The Composition tab is right next to the Layer tab. At the top of the composition area. Click the tab highlighted by the red box. (too late, looks like you found it!).
    BTW, I know you from San Francisco Renegades and Facebook (come on and do the Chinese New Year Parade!). Looks like you are doing some cool stuff. Congrats on getting into After Effects. It's a lot of fun.

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