No music synced but still 3 GB of audio?

The playlist I sync onto my iPhone with around 1500 songs on suddenly became to large. I then unsynced it, but according to iTunes there is still 3 GB of audio data on the phone? I dont know where this is or how to remove it?

Every other time I replug in my iPod, it shows up as "iTunes cannot read the contents of this iPod... etc." Luckily, I can just use iFunbox to delete iTunesCDB and I'm fine, but the syncing thing is still an issue.

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    Uncheck the music in iTunes and then sync your phone, thus removing all music from your phone. When finished, eject your phone from iTunes and perform a reset:
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    Hello 10gazw,
    Welcome to the community!
    If you would like to disbale calendar notification, please follow belwo steps
    1.) Click on Menu (Blackberry Sign) from Home Screen & click on maximise panel.
    2.) Select Calendar Icon.
    3.) Again Press Menu (BB Sign).
    4.) Select Option.
    5.) Click on Calendar Display & Action.
    6.) There you may change the Option under Action...
    Hope this will help you..
    Good luck

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    I'm not sure I understand what you say when you say you don't want to make a new library but fix the old one -- fixing the old one basically is making a new one.
    I'd do this -- select all the songs in your library and press delete. Answer "no" to removing them from your hard drive. Then just drag and drop your songs into that library and all will be well.

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    Did you try syncing with iTunes again since you update the software? You could try that first. connect the iPad to your computer and sync again - not WiFi sync - traditional, old fashioned sync. You will have to turn off WiFi sync in iTunes and then hit the apply button.
    Or you could try these basic troubleshooting steps.
    Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.

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    I have completely uninstalled MissingSync and PocketMac and deleted all pref files and then reinstalled PocketMac but same problem.
    Any ideas?

    Although you have the new USB drivers for pocketmac, you should first install pocketmac version 4.1.25, then install the driver patch.
    Wrt MissingSync, it appears that it will work properly with your new macbook only after you install the latest version of Mac OS X 10.5.6. See
    Good luck!

  • Stop music sync but keep songs on iPhone

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    The playlist in question also syncs to the iPod so I could create a new playlist just for the iPhone but considering I have numeorus playlists and smart playlists I just didn't want to add yet another one!

    So the songs were not in your iTunes library on your computer to begin with?
    Sync via iTunes is one way, computer > device.
    If you purchase media on the device,  you can select Files > Transfer purchases to move that content to your iTunes library.
    If this is content that was somehow loaded from another computer or iTunes library, there is really nothing  you can do.    

  • How can I get my ipod to list the "album artist" instead of "artist" in the music menu, but still show the artist with the featured artist when a song plays?

    For example, I am putting Kanye West's album "808's & Heartbreak" on my ipod. The track "Amazing" features Young Jeezy. So in iTunes, I list the track name as "Amazing", the artist as "Kanye West ft. Young Jeezy",  the album artist as "Kanye West", and the album as "808's & Heartbreak". What I want is for my iPod to have a list of album artists instead of artists, so that I can find the song "Amazing" under "Kanye West" instead of "Kanye West ft. Young Jeezy" or "808's & Heartbreak".
    And when the song plays, it should say:
    Kanye West ft. Young Jeezy
    808's & Heartbreak
    Is there a way I can do that? I tried using the "album artist" field thinking it would do what I wanted to do, but it didnt. I also tried using the "sort artist" field and typed "Kanye West" in there, but that didnt work either. I wish iTunes was simpler and easier or atleast CAME WITH A MANUAL. Any help would be greatly appreciated THanks

    Have you tried a different pair of earbuds/headphones to rule out a pair of damaged/faulty ones?  You might also want to make sure the headphones are securely and firmly seated in Nano's headphone jack.  Lastly, check the headphone jack for any signs of debris or damage.  You may need to have the headphone jack replaced either by Apple or a third party repair company.
    I assume this static is present on any track you listen to versus only particular ones?

  • HT1212 I cannot download an album purchased via my laptop to my ipod. I have tried syncing but still no download.

    My ipod touch does not see to sync either via wifi or connected to my laptop. I therefore cannot download an album purchased via my laptop to my ipod touch. Can anyone help?

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - I would start with
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    However, after your remove the Apple software components also remove the iCloud Control Panel via Windows Programs and Features app in the Window Control Panel. Then reinstall all the Apple software components
    - Then do the other actions of:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    paying special attention to item #5
    - New cable and different USB port
    - Run this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Also see:
    iPod not recognised by windows iTunes
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    - Try on another computer to help determine if computer or iPod problem

  • I have an apple computer and ipod touch and an ipod classic when i sink the ipod touch everything sync all is well and then i try to sync my 120 gb classic and all the music syncs but not photo's it comes up saying it can't because itunes file is  missing

    why does it come up and say it can't find the itunes file i didn't do anything different then when i used the ipod touch so why does it work for one and not the other

    Sorted it out. If anyone has this problem i reccommend visiting eezes-itunes-need-restore-plz-help-2.html#post1403546 there's some pretty good advice on it. have to go into control panel and re-format iPod into NTFS file. good luck.

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