No puedo descargar fifa 13 en costa rica

because we limit both Fifa13 but I want to buy in Costa Rica is not available I q I can only get hacking the iPhone should allow download of any App Store

ME pasa lo mismo compre el temple run oz y ahora no puedo actualizar nada ni el Instagram me aparece lo mismo que a ti

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    Hi marvinandresh27994093,
    What membership/subscription are you trying to purchase? The online services are available only in certain countries (Countries where ExportPDF is available for purchase), and it's necessary to have a credit card billing address in one of those countries.
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    No guarantess but try smc and pram resets,

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    As Costa Rica isn't on this page :
    then try contacting Support via this form and explain that you've forgotten your answers, don't have a rescue email address, and your country isn't on the HT5699 page and see how they reply :
    When they've been reset you can then use the steps half-way down this page to add a rescue email address for potential future use : .

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    Hi A — welcome to Apple discussions!
    I think yes, you can just plug in the telephone wire into your iBook, and you can get Internet connection by doing that — provided you have an Internet Service Provider that will give you dial-up Internet access. You also have to know what the ISP number is (and obviously your username and password for them.)
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    Please be aware that you are not communicating with Apple when you post in these forums. These are user-to-user support forums, so in almost all cases the only people who will reply to your posts are, like me, your fellow users.
    As to volunteering to help, you can report issues via the Report A Problem under the main menu in Maps:
    Apple does not otherwise recruit users to assist with data correction, in part because they get the data from other companies. It's possible that there is no such compendium source of data for Costa Rica, at least one that Apple has yet been able to strike an agreement with.

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    You need to use a credit card with a billing address in the same country as the delivery address.  Since there's no Apple Print Store for Costa Rica I assume you're using the United States print store.  Therefore you'll need a credit card with a billing address in the US.

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    This is obviously seems to be a DHCP problem, do you have any other wireless devices with you like an iPhone, iPad or just any wireless capable device ? If yes, try to connect through it and see if it will obtain a valid IP address successfully, if it didn't, then surely it's a router issue that it isn't able to distribute IP addresses, if you don't have a second device, can you see any ethernet connections in the wall ? another solution is to contact the IT person at your location and ask him if you should configure your network settings manually and if so, what would be the settings. Sometimes something as simple as restarting the router fixes similar issues

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  • E72 No map of Costa Rica available in OVI

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    Haven't checked Costa Rica map.. but I did notice that some major countries have very little map information... eg. Japan does have a map but only the major highways are there.  There doesn't seem to be map data for Korea either.  The China map, surprisingly is quite detailed (for the big cities, it even had street number info for the street addresses!).  In our country Philippines, the map data is erratic -- major cities are pretty complete (but not very updated), but rural far-flung areas only have map data for highways (but minor streets are typically not indicated, or only few).
    This page shows Nokia Map Coverage:
    However, I wonder about it's accuracy, since for instance, as mentioned above, the Philippines map isn't exactly complete, but I find the street data in the cities quite complete, yet the map coverage tool in the above link says "Philippines - no map coverage information"...
    With regards to Google Maps, yes, it does seem to usually be more complete than Nokia Map (at least with the maps that I tried), however, its big downside is that it can't be pre-downloaded onto the cellphone -- one needs an active Internet connection to download maps [which can be slow too if using cellphone wifi] -- and if you're in a country which doesn't have telecom Internet data plans, then it's simply too expensive to download data on the fly [data downloads is per kilobyte charging in most of our telecoms]
    Another downside is that Google Maps may not have routing information for some places (at least it doesn't have routing information in the Philippines, whereas Ovi Maps does have routing information for the Philippines)
    Another nifty new feature of Google Maps is that one could speak out the place that you're looking for (voice recognition), although I'm not sure of its accuracy. (again, an active Internet data connection will be needed for this feature to work).
    If you find this post helpful, kindly click the "Kudos" button.

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