No resize?

hi, here is my code
//Siobhan McGuire
//Matriculation Number - 200404238
//My Calculator
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
class Calculator extends JFrame {
     //declares all calculator contents
     private Container pane;
     private JPanel panel1;
     private JPanel panel2;
     private JPanel panel3;
     private JPanel panelmain;
     private JButton one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight;
     private JButton nine,zero,add,sub,times,div,equals,neg;
     private JButton sqrt, percent, x, dot, backspace, clearlast, clearall;
     private JButton memclear, memrecall, memstore, memplus;
     private JLabel memorylabel;
     private JTextField textField;
     private JMenuBar menubar;
     private JMenu Edit, View, Help;
     private JMenuItem Copy, Paste, Standard, DigitalGrouping, AboutCalculator;
     //The constructor initialises the fields
     //adds the listeners, and invokes the show()
     //method to display the GUI
     public Calculator(){
//Create the Help Menu
          menubar = new JMenuBar();
          Help = new JMenu("Help");
          AboutCalculator = new JMenuItem("About Calculator");
          AboutCalculator.addActionListener(new About());
          //creates panel 1 and its contents.
          pane = getContentPane();
          panel1 = new JPanel();
          one = new JButton("1");
          two = new JButton("2");
          three = new JButton("3");
          four = new JButton("4");
          five = new JButton("5");
          six = new JButton("6");
          seven = new JButton("7");
          eight = new JButton("8");
          nine = new JButton("9");
          zero = new JButton("0");
          add = new JButton("+");
          sub = new JButton("-");
          times = new JButton("*");
          div = new JButton("/");
          equals = new JButton("=");
          neg = new JButton("+/-");
          sqrt = new JButton("sqrt");
          percent = new JButton("%");
          x = new JButton("1/x");
          dot = new JButton(".");
          textField = new JTextField(20);
          //creates panel 2 and its contents.
          pane = getContentPane();
          panel2 = new JPanel();
          backspace = new JButton("Backspace");
          clearlast = new JButton("CE");
          clearall = new JButton("C");
          //creates panel 3 and its contents.
          pane = getContentPane();
          panel3 = new JPanel();
          memorylabel = new JLabel("");
          memclear = new JButton("MC");
          memrecall = new JButton("MR");
          memstore = new JButton("MS");
          memplus = new JButton("M+");
          pane = getContentPane();
          panelmain = new JPanel();
          //declare and initialise the two listener objects for the
          //buttons. Note that the objects are initialised with a
          //reference to the GUI's text field
          NumberHandler numHandler = new NumberHandler(textField);
          OperatorHandler opHandler = new OperatorHandler(textField);
          MemoryHandler memHandler = new MemoryHandler(textField, memorylabel);
          //declare and initialise the window listener object
          Terminator quit = new Terminator();
          panel1.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,5,2,2));
          panel2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3,4,4));
          panel3.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1,4,4));
          panelmain.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10,10));
          panelmain.add(panel1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          panelmain.add(panel3, BorderLayout.WEST);
          panelmain.add(panel2, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          //creates and adds listeners for the mouse actions.
          MouseHandler mouseHandler = new MouseHandler();
          pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,5));
          pane.add(textField, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          pane.add(panelmain, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          this.setSize(260, 250);
;     //displays window to screen
     }     //end of constructor
}     //end of class Calculatorwhere would i put in the no resize code and what would the command be?
Thanks for the help :)

Ur code should be change following manner,
this.setSize(260, 250);     

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    The problem is that when I resize an ImageIcon representing an animated gif and place it on a Jbutton, JToggelButton or JLabel, in some cases the image does not show or does not animate. More precicely, depending on the specific image file, the image shows always, most of the time or sometimes. Images which are susceptible to not showing often do not animate when showing. Moving over or clicking with the mouse on the AbstractButton instance while the frame is supposed to updated causes the image to disappear (even when viewing the non-animating image that sometimes appears). No errors are thrown.
    Here some example code: (compiled with Java 6.0 compliance)
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
              new Test();
         static final int  IMAGES        = 3;
         JButton[]           buttons       = new JButton[IMAGES];
         JButton             toggleButton  = new JButton("Toggle scaling");
         boolean            doScale       = true;
         public Test()
              JFrame f = new JFrame();
              JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, IMAGES));
              for (int i = 0; i < IMAGES; i++)
                   p.add(this.buttons[i] = new JButton());
              f.add(p, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              f.add(this.toggleButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              this.toggleButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              f.setSize(600, 300);
         public void refresh()
              this.doScale = !this.doScale;
              for (int i = 0; i < IMAGES; i++)
                   ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(i + ".gif");
                   if (this.doScale)
                        image = new ImageIcon(image.getImage().getScaledInstance(180, 180, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING));
    Download the gif images here:
    When you press the "Toggle scaling"button it switches between unresized (properly working) and resized instances of three of my gif images. Notice that the left image almost never appears, the middle image always, and the right image most of the time. The right image seems to (almost) never animate. When you click on the left image (when visble) it disappears only when the backend is updating the animation (between those two frames with a long delay)
    Why are the original ImageIcon and the resized ImageIcon behaving differently? Are they differently organized internally?
    Is there any chance my way of resizing might be wrong?

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    Maybe is there a way that I can check if an image is a multi-frame animation and set the scaling algorithm accordingly?
    Message was edited by:

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    ''How can I get just the text to resize -- zoom text only''
    #"Alt" if no menu bar, then
    # View > Zoom > Zoom Text Only
    Zoom text of web pages - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
    <br><small>Please mark "Solved" one answer that will best help others with a similar problem -- hope this was it.</small>

  • How can I implement a status bar at the bottom of a resizable application?

    Hello all,
    I am a JavaFx newbie and I am implementing an application (a Sokoban game), with a menu at the top of the frame and a gaming area covering the rest of the frame. To support the game, I have to load images at certain positions in the gaming area.
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    Group root = new Group();
    gameView = new Group(); // for gaming mode
    le_view = new Group()   // for level editor mode
    MenuBar gameMenubar = new MenuBar();
    Menu menuGame = new Menu(bundle.getString("MenuGame"));
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        for (nRow = 0; nRow < 22; nRow++) {
            buildingView[nCol][nRow] = new ImageView();
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setX(nCol * 26 + 5);
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setY(nRow * 26 + 40);
    ... same stuff to build the le_view ...
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    For the first step I only tried implementing the game mode with only one BorderPane (just setting the menu, the gaming area and the status bar each into a HBox and setting these three HBoxes at the top, into the center and at the bottom). I also tried this via GridPane and via VBox; I always get any erroneous behaviour:
    Either the menubar is visible, but the menus do not pop up the menu items, or the anchor point of the menu and of gaming area are set 100 pixels left of the left frame border and move into the frame when the frame width is increased, or the menu is set 20 pixels below the top of the frame, or HBox with the menu grows when the frame height is increased, so that the anchor point of the gaming area moves down.
    Can you describe me a correct construction of such a frame? Thanks in advance.
    Best regards

    Hello Gerhard,
    Glad the code helped, thanks for a fun layout exercise.
    For the draft code I just pulled an icon off the internet over a http connection.
    If you haven't done so already place any icons and graphics you need local to your project, so that resource lookups like:
    Image img = new Image("");become
    Image img = new Image("close-icon.png");then performance may improve.
    Another possible reason for your performance problem could be that when you use a vbox, the vbox content can overflow the area of the borderpane center and might be sitting on top of the menu pane, making you unable to click the menu (which is what happens to me when I try that with the draft program with the vbox wrapping mod, then resize the scene to make it smaller). This was a trick which caught me and the reason that I used a Group originally rather than a vbox. I found a vbox still works but you need to tweak things a bit. The trick I saw was that the order in which you add stuff to the borderpane is important. The borderpane acts like a stack where the last thing added floats over the top of everything else if you size the scene small enough. For your project you want the menu on top always, so it always needs to be the last thing added to the borderpane, but when you swap in the level pane for the game pane, then back out again, the game pane can end up on top of the menu which makes the menu seem like you can't click it (only when the scene is sized small enough). It was quite a subtle bug which took me a little while to work out what was happening. For me the solution was to add just one vbox to the center of the border, and then swap the game pane and the level editor in and out of the vbox, that way the center of the layout always stayed behind the menu bar and the status bar.
    I added some revisions to reflect the comments above and placed some comments in the code to note what was changed and why.
    public class SampleGameLayoutRevised extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); }
      public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        final BorderPane gameLayout = new BorderPane();
        final Group gameView = new Group();
        final MenuBar gameMenubar = new MenuBar();
        final Menu gameMenu = new Menu("Mode");
        final VBox centerView = new VBox();
        centerView.setStyle("-fx-background-color: darkgreen");  // we set a background color on the center view to check if it overwrites the game menu.
        MenuItem playGameMenu = new MenuItem("Play Game");
        MenuItem levelEditMenu = new MenuItem("Edit Levels");
        final StackPane levelEditView = new StackPane();
        levelEditView.getChildren().add(new Text("Level Editor"));
        ImageView buildingView[][] = new ImageView[22][22];
        Image img = new Image("");  // use of http here is just for example, instead use an image resource from your project files.
        for (int nCol = 0; nCol < 22; nCol++) {
          for (int nRow = 0; nRow < 22; nRow++) {
            ImageView imgView = new ImageView(img);
            buildingView[nCol][nRow] = imgView;
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setX(nCol * 20 + 5);
            buildingView[nCol][nRow].setY(nRow * 20 + 40);
        final VBox statusBar = new VBox();
        final Text statusText = new Text("Playing Game");
        statusBar.setStyle("-fx-background-color: cornsilk"); // we set a background color on the status bar,
                                                              // because we can't rely on the scene background color
                                                              // because, if the scene is sized small, the status bar will start to overlay the game view
                                                              // and if we don't explicitly set the statusBar background the center view will start
                                                              // to bleed through the transparent background of the statusBar.
        gameLayout.setCenter(centerView); // we add the centerview first and we never change it, instead we put it's changeable contents in a vbox and change out the vbox content.
        gameLayout.setTop(gameMenubar);   // note the game layout is the last thing added to the borderpane so it will always stay on top if the border pane is resized.
        playGameMenu.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
          public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
            centerView.getChildren().clear();  // here we perform a centerview vbox content swap.
            statusText.setText("Playing Game");
        levelEditMenu.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
          public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
            centerView.getChildren().clear();  // here we perform a centerview vbox content swap.
            statusText.setText("Editing Level");;
        Scene scene = new Scene(gameLayout, 800, 600, Color.CORNSILK);
    }Other than that I am not sure of a reason for the slowdown you are seeing. In my experience JavaFX has been quick and responsive for the tasks I have been using it for. Admittedly, I just use if for a bunch of small trial projects, but I've never seen it unresponsive for a minute.
    - John

  • In Windows 8.1, the Thunderbird window keeps resizing

    I have a new Transformer T100A laptop, running Windows 8.1 Pro. I run Thunderbird in desktop mode. The height of the Thunderbird window keeps getting small, while the width remains the same. I usually have my folder mails in the top pane, and the open message in the bottom pane. When I open Thunderbird, it often, but not always, comes up with such a short window that I can't see any of the open message at all, and only a few lines of the messages in the folder. This happens often even when I haven't closed Thunderbird, but the computer has gone into battery saving mode. This is not a huge problem, but it's annoying to have to resize the window almost every time I use Thunderbird.

    You can try the steps in following article:
    Using Pictures from Active Directory
    This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore,
    Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you
    completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.
    For your reference, here is the similar thread with different method:
    Hope these would be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How resize pictures in table on PAGES 5.2?

    The new version 5.2 was be optmized for import image in table, but how resize these pictures in table?

    DO NOT use Pages 5.2.    Use Keynote or Numbers.  The latest versions of these apps are stable.  Pages 5.2 nothing but trouble.
    Here is what I do with my art, which must be perfect for commercial printing and other purposes.
    Export the page with your table and art out as a PDF.  Then bring the PDF into Adobe Illustator and make any changes you need to get the art looing exactly like what you want.  Save the art from AI ouit to PDF.  AI creates bullet proof PDF files.  Then drag the clean PDF back into Pages.
    One reason AI is the preferred route is that Adobe comlpliant PDF files  are the standard in the commercial printing industry.  These days, all files going to commercial printers must be in clean PDF format.  As you would expect, there are some excellent apps for pre-flighint PDF files.
    The final reason for using PDF for art is that your illustrations will move cleanly into iBook Author for iBooks and apps for creating international standard ePubs and Amazon MOBI files.

  • Which approach to use for resizing image

    There are two ways of resizing images as I know:
    1. image.getScaledInstance(width,height,hint);
    Using hint like Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING gives somehwat satisfactory resizing.
    2. static BufferedImage resize(GraphicsConfiguration gc, BufferedImage source, int w, int h, Object hintValue) {
    BufferedImage result = gc.createCompatibleImage(w, h, source.getTransparency());
    Graphics2D g2 = result.createGraphics();
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, hintValue);
    double sx = (double) w / source.getWidth(), sy = (double) h / source.getHeight();
    g2.drawRenderedImage(source, AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(sx, sy));
    return result;
    where the hint passed is RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR ;
    Now which of the two method method should I use-using image.getScaledInstance() or using AffineTranform ? opr is there any other way which is faster but provides good result?
    i am creating an image editor, so the GUI dialog will have oprtion to choose the algorithm. I want the method which provides better result yet faster.

  • Menu/Toolbar Display Corruption Upon Resizing Window

    We're experiencing an issue with one of our workstations where when the Adobe Reader X (10.1.3) window is resized, the Menu/Toolbar displays become corrupt and garbled on the screen (see the attached picture). The Toolbar appears on the top, the frame around the application disappears, and the menubar has to be hovered across for items to appear.
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe Reader, updated the video card drivers, and ensured all Adobe/Microsoft updates have been applied to this workstation.
    Dell Precision T3500
    Intel Xeon W3530 (2.80 GHz)
    6.00GB of Memory
    NVIDIA Quadro FX 580
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Was curious to how you were able to change the display resolution - I am unable to even see anything on my desktop... I have connected my power book to another monitor but have the same result.

  • I resize my window image so everything is correct portion but as soon as I change window to next page the image goes back to small size. How can I stop this occuring. This happens when go on facebook or any other area. Help me please.

    size of the general image that I see reduces toby about a third - I resize it by pressing Ctrl key and using my mouse scroll button to expand the whole image so that it fill the screen. As soon as I go to the next page the whole image reverts back to original size and I have to repeat the action again.

    The Firefox Page Zoom feature does a domain by domain level of saving the users preferred zoom level settings, there is no default Page Zoom level setting in Firefox.
    Try the Default FullZoom Level extension: <br />
    Or the NoSquint extension: <br />

  • Image select, resize and locally store (flex3 air example)

    Hi there,
    After a few days of struggling with images, resize functions
    and file dialog boxes I created a nice example application that
    shows how you can select an image, resize it and save the resized
    image in the application storing directory.
    I hope you can profit from it.
    Greets, jacob
    example code for flex 3 air.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
    public var imageFile:File;
    public var fileresultimage:Object;
    public var fileresultlabel:Object;
    // File.applicationStorageDirectory gets you to the local
    storage dir
    //On Windows, this is the "projectname" directory
    //(for example, C:\Documents and Settings\application
    // On Mac OS, it is /Users/userName/Documents.
    public var docsDir:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
    public function
    var imagesFilter:FileFilter =
    new FileFilter("Foto (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png)",
    imageFile = new File();
    imageFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, imageSelected);
    imageFile.browseForOpen("Select an Image",[imagesFilter]);
    // if there is a file selected
    public function imageSelected(event:Event):void
    var newFile:File = as File;
    //if there is a file object on the screen
    //if there is a label object on the screen
    if (newFile.exists==true)
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    loader.load(new URLRequest(imageFile.url));
    // when load of the selected image is complete we save a
    smaller version of it.
    public function handleImageComplete(event:Event):void
    var loader:Loader = Loader(;
    // width and heigt of selected image
    //put original image into bitmapdata
    var bitmapje:BitmapData;
    bitmapje=new BitmapData(originalimgwidth, originalimgheight,
    true, 0x00000000);
    object reference
    // call the resize function and give the original
    image,maxx,and maxy with it.
    var thumb:BitmapData=resizeimage(bitmapje,150,150);
    var newimagefile:File=new File();
    // T = Thumbnail
    // 1 = next id in the db
    // for now we use a random number
    var random:Number= Math.random();
    random = Math.ceil(random*100);// to get a positive number
    var filenameForSave:String="T"+random; //new filename;
    newimagefile=docsDir.resolvePath("Thumbs/" + filenameForSave
    + ".png"); //image path
    var stream:FileStream = new FileStream; // create new
    filestream, FileMode.WRITE); // open
    var data:ByteArray = encodeToPng(thumb); // convert
    bitmapdata to a png bytearry
    stream.writeBytes(data, 0, data.length); // writing the
    // show the saved thumb
    // resize function
    private function
    var bmp:BitmapData =image;
    var true_width:Number = bmp.width;
    var true_height:Number = bmp.height;
    var resize:Boolean=false;
    if (true_width>maxx) resize=true;
    if (true_height>maxy) resize=true;
    if (resize==true)
    var width:Number=maxx;
    var height:Number = (width / true_width) * true_height;
    if (true_height>maxy)
    width = (height/true_height)*true_width;
    //new calculated width and heigt relative to the given maxx
    and maxy.
    //create a new image object with the calculated widht and
    height for the smaller image
    var mysmallimage:Image=new Image();
    //new matrix for smaller image
    var m : Matrix = new Matrix() ;
    //scale the matrix to the correct sizes.
    m.scale( mysmallimage.width / bmp.width, mysmallimage.height
    / bmp.height ) ;
    //draw the image into the image object bmp, m, false, true ) 0, 0, mysmallimage.width,
    mysmallimage.height ) ;;
    //put the smaller image into bitmapdata so it can be
    var littlebitmapdata:BitmapData=new
    // set the temporary small image to null so the GC can
    remove it from the memmory.
    //returning the small image.
    return littlebitmapdata;
    // encoder to png
    private function encodeToPng(bmd:BitmapData):ByteArray
    var png:PNGEncoder= new PNGEncoder();
    return png.encode(bmd);
    <!--<mx:Image id="tempimage" x="404" y="36"
    <mx:Image id="myimg" x="10" y="55" width="314"
    height="227" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center"/>
    <mx:TextInput id="imageurl" x="53" y="303" width="160"
    <mx:Button x="221" y="303" label="Bladeren"
    <mx:Image x="346" y="55" id="savedthumb"/>
    <mx:Text x="23" y="0" text="Original image with limit
    width and height to show it on the screen." height="47"
    <mx:Text x="346" y="0" text="Local stored thumbnail"/>
    To bad the attach code button still isn't fixed :(

    Hi there,
    Will you be able to provide the backend script for saving the
    file data?Will you be able to provide the backend script for saving
    the file data?
    This example is created for a desktop application. Saving the
    file is included in this example, it saves in the application
    storage directory.
    // File.applicationStorageDirectory gets you to the local
    storage dir
    //On Windows, this is the "projectname" directory
    //(for example, C:\Documents and Settings\application
    // On Mac OS, it is /Users/userName/Documents.
    If you attempt to use certain functionality in a website, you
    need other functionality for storing the image on the server. There
    are lots of examples on that one.. Perhaps i need it in the future.
    If i do i will post an example on the forum.
    Also, may I post your link to other forums, so that others may
    Sure you may post the example on other websites and forums.
    I found it difficult to find nice examples, so the more the
    better ;)
    Just put underneath the example something like:
    Created By: Jacob Hingst From Holland
    No copyright attached, so free for your use.

  • Resizing an apps window interrupts mplayer

    Hi all,
    I use mplayer to play music from internet radio but when I resize another apps window, the music is interrupted. I have an AMD Athlon 64x2 2.4GHz machine and this seems rather unacceptable to me... ;-) I have always used a custom-compiled kernel on my Arch x86-64 installation but this problem seems to have started with using a custom 2.6.24.x kernel.
    Any hints on what kernel config item(s) could produce this problem? Is it a matter of unfair multitasking resource allocation?
    My thanks in advance.

    On the mini, try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up after waiting 10 seconds. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear and again when you log in. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don’t do them all at once.
    Safe Mode - About
    Safe Mode - Yosemite
    Apple doesn’t routinely monitor the discussions. These are mostly user to user discussions.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

  • Photoshop CC is dramatically slow when resizing or drawing.

    Hello everyone.
    Please assist me in finding out a bottleneck:
    OS: Windows 7 x64 Professional
    Photoshop CC, not 2014.
    Hardware configuration:
    MotherBoard- Asus P8Z77-V LX LGA
    CPU - Intel Core i7 2700K + Zalman CNPS10X EXTREME
    Video Card- Asus GTX660-DC2OCPH-2GD5, 2GB, GDDR5
    RAM: 2x8Gb HYNIX Original DDR3 1600, DIMM + 2x8Gb Kingston KVR16N11/8 DDR3 1600, DIMM
    4xSeagate Barracuda ST2000DM001 - 2Tb - RAID 5 - for Data storage, OS TEMP directory.
    1xWestern Digital 500Gb - for Photoshop scratch file, 300Gb free.
    1xWestern Digital 2Tb for other stuff + OS page file. 1.2Tb free.
    SSD: OCZ Agility 3, 90Gb - OS + Photoshop installed. 30Gb free
    PSU: HIPRO HPP600W-80Plus
    Tablet: Wacom Intuos Pro M.
    Photoshop preferences:
    History levels - 15
    Cache levels - 8
    Cache tile size - 1024Kb
    Photoshop can use up to 70% memory.
    GPU Acceleration - tried both "off" and "basic"
    Previews for layers are set to "Minimum".
    My main photoshop usage is in editing photos - 5760x3840 pixels.
    When I create a document with 5760x3840 pixels and add several layers with editing, curves, masks and so on I try to resize the image. Photoshop starts lagging. Same effect happens when I create a mask with a simple brush. As example - I draw a 1cm line on my tablet, and then PS does the same with an about 10 seconds delay.
    Any help would be appreciated. I had no same issues with CS6.

    1.  You probably have a specific problem with drivers that's causing your tablet operations to be very inefficient.  I would look into getting new Wacom drivers to start with.  Focus first on why your powerful system is running poorly with the tablet.  Determine whether a mouse works better than the tablet, to ensure you've isolated where the problem is.
    Then, after working that out, if performance is still troublesome to you...
    2.  I would suggest that, assuming you have the budget, you relegate ALL your spinning hard drives to be backup or low access storage drives.  Do NOTHING with them for normal, everyday use.  See item 3 below for that.
    3.  Get 2 TB of SSD storage in the form of four 512 GB SSDs, put them in a RAID 0 array - not RAID 5.  Make that drive C: and install Windows, all apps, your working data, scratch, swap, etc.  Don't worry about reliability - get good ones, pro models.  They have high MTBF, and even with 4 SSDs you will not be taking nearly as big a chance of failure as with a single HDD.  Re-evaluate whether the RAID controller you're using is a good match for high throughput SSD storage and get a good one if not.
    4.  Institute a thorough backup regimen.  That sounds a bit scary, but it really boils down to setting your system up to do system regular system image backups to your HDD storage (or an offline USB drive).  RAID 5 wastes resources in an ongoing way in anticipation of failure.  Backup prepares you for any eventuality, and RAID 0 uses the resources efficiently - especially SSDs.
    5.  You have 32 GB of RAM, which is sufficient, but make sure you've done whatever is needed to ensure your system maximizes its efficiency in accessing that RAM.  I'm not familiar with that ASUS motherboard, so I don't know what it can do, but sometimes you can dig and find info on optimum configurations where when the right things match, the system switches into a higher mode with more channels, etc.  I know my workstation does special things when the RAM all matches.
    I've personally done all the above, save for the tablet diagnosis as I don't have a tablet.  There is NOTHING that will wake up a system - every aspect - like having a high throughput I/O subsystem.  You'll wonder how you ever could stand using HDDs.

  • Why can't I resize a text box in the new Preview in Yosemite?

    I just upgraded to Yosemite, and I am having trouble with the new Preview.  I am a student and my notes are pdfs.  I have been using Preview to take notes on the pdfs for the past two years.  I have always been able to insert a text box, make it a certain size (resizing it using the text box function and dragging the corners/sides to fit the space in which I want to type), and type easily.  In the new Yosemite Preview, I can insert a text box, but I can only resize it horizontally (not diagonally or vertically), and when the text reaches the right edge of my box, it moves upwards instead of continuing the text downwards (the entire box shifts up so that my typing line is in the same position as where I started and the previous text is now above).  Is there any way to get around this?  I really don't want to purchase software just to be able to easily add text to a pdf.

    I find it annoying too. Also, when you want to add text, you always need to open the title bar and then to text box always goes in the middle of the document. The only way I found to get over that issue was to ask my friend to put Preview 7.0 on a USB key (he is still on Mavericks) and then I dragged it in my application folder. It works for some PDFs but not for all of them unfortunatelly...

  • Can't resize/repartition in Disk Utility: "No space left on device"

    So I'm trying to get my Macbook (early 2008, base model) set up for triple-booting Leopard, Linux, and Windows XP. I've been using Boot Camp for about a month or so, and yesterday I used Boot Camp Assistant to remove the XP partition and make the Leopard partition 100% of the drive. Fine. After that, I was following this guide, and installed rEFIt to be able to choose from three operating systems on boot (as Apple's included bootloader only lets you choose Leo and Windows). Immediately after that (without restarting, maybe I should have) I tried to partition using diskutil from Terminal, with the following command:
    *sudo diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 60G "MS-DOS FAT32" "Linux" 30G "MS-DOS FAT32" "Windows" 21G*
    After going through Verifying, Resizing Volume, Adjusting Partitions, it finally giving me an error: "*Resizing encountered error on disk disk0s2 Macintosh HD: No space left on device (28)*", even though my drive is 120GB (around 111.8GiB) and I entered 60 + 30 + 21 GiB = 111 GiB. As per the above guide, I then tried:
    *sudo diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 60G*
    The above command should resize my main volume to 60GiB and leave empty space after. It also fails the same way. I then tried doing it using Disk Utility, but it gave me the same error. (Keep in mind that I am in Leopard during all this). I then attempt to restart, to see if maybe rEFIt changed something. I could not restart, due to my Mac not finding a boot drive (flashing folder with question mark). After a while of troubleshooting, I finally burned a rEFIt emergency CD and booted. I selected something like "Repair boot record" and restarted, which got rid of the flashing folder problem, but gave me "Cannot find operating system". I booted from the rEFIt CD again and selected "Boot from hard drive", which finally got me to boot Leopard. I went yet again into Terminal and tried a repairDisk, but I don't think that worked (since I was running off the internal drive). I booted from my Leopard CD and opened Disk Utility and tried: repairing the disk, repairing permissions, and partitioning. Repairing didn't find any errors, but partitioning gave me the same error as before, even though it is impossible to partition more than available in Disk Utility. I am currently sitting in Terminal, running off my Leopard CD, trying to figure out how to fix this. I have tried searching Google to no avail
    Anyone have any idea on how to fix this? I could even do a reinstall if necessary, since I have a backup (good old Time Machine).
    Can boot from drive after booting rEFIt CD.
    Can boot from Leopard CD.
    Error when trying to partition.
    Goal: make 3 partitions.
    Thanks much!

    If I choose my boot partition as the Startup Disk while booted from the Leopard DVD and let it restart, it boots successfully. If I try to restart after that, I get "Error loading operating system" again.

  • Problem resizing UI text in Photoshop CC

    I cannot resize UI fonts in Photoshop CC (icons, menu headings etc) - or rather I succeeded in resizing them once, moving from tiny to medium, and since then cannot change. I am using a 27 inch iMac running Windows 8.1. Altering settings in Windows does not solve the problem. Nor does forcing Photoshop to rebuild the preferences file under the roaming directory
    Menu subheads appear smaller than the main navigation
    Has anyone else experienced this bug? There seem to be many issues surrounding Photoshop CC UI display
    A second resizing has now occurred, back to tiny. Subheads in menus remain unchanged - now significantly bigger than the Menu heads

    Thank you for replying
    I did restart, yes, many many times. And the change to a much larger font (and back again) happened without warning in the midst of these restarts. Almost certainly there is a  bug of some kind because the software behavior was not predictable.
    I tried the experimental setting after reading your message and found that it moved me back and forth between the medium and tiny fonts already seen (at least I assume that is what they were - one is too big the other too small). It is not a sophisticated tool. I need something between the two. Is there a way of setting it in some intermediate scale (call it 'small'), or is there no solution within Photoshop?
    I did not have this problem on my old iMac. The only change between the two machines is that the new one is retina display.

  • Problem with text resizing and moving

    After much pain with this issue, I'm going to ask for help.
    The whole issue(s) resolves around text upsizing, changing and moving in Muse.
    No amount of grouping, layering and locking has stopped this issue for me.
    I don't have divs that are a pixel off and whatnot. This happens even when I have a blank site and I test it (as seen in the example pic below).
    The majority of the time, this is an issue when viewing Muse created sites on Android, although text does move when viewed on iOS.
    Example 1:
    I have a square div. I put text in the div that I want to stay contained in the div. Basic right?
    View site on browsers and iOS devices it generally plays by the rules (although not always, there are some movement going on). When viewing this example text and div on an android device, the text resizes larger. This results in the text overlapping the div and moving EVERYTHING below it down. This makes it impossible to tightly design anything for a website.
    I know Android has options within it for users to set text viewing size, but this worthless from a web designer standpoint. That is something I can't control.
    Example 2:
    I have 1 text field and set the typeface to 15. There is nothing else on the page, just a background image (under "Fill"). Viewed on browsers and iOS looks fine. When viewed on Android this text balloons to some enormous size (25+) that makes the website utterly useless. This random resizing makes it impossible to design to. 
    Example 2.5:
    I take that same text from example 2, copy it into 2 of the same size text fields. They are placed next to each other, taking up the same width as Example 2. It now looks like 2 columns of text. Set the typeface to 15 again. I view it on Android and get the resizing issues from example 1 not example 2. It's noting to the extent of example 2 but like example 1, it still changes enough to ruins any design I'm trying to accomplish.
    Is there any place in Muse to lock the text? I don't want to make the text into an image (obviously).
    I been dealing with this in Muse for 6 months and haven't been able to find anything online or in forums about. I understand with the bevy of platforms out there nothing will look the same across the board, but right now I don't see how I can continue working with this issue.
    Am I the only one dealing with this?
    Thank you for any assistance.

    Welcome to the annoying realities of working with text on websites... Nothing you describe is unique to Muse.
    Every browser has it's own text engine and thus each line breaks text differently. Even the exact same web page on the same computer with the same fonts will sometimes result in different line breaks in different browsers, or even in different versions of the same browser. It's just a side effect of the nature of determining a line break, where even the most miniscule difference in calculations can result in an entire word fitting, or not fitting.
    There are two "tools" that are especially important to understand and use effectively in order to create designs that work as effectively as possible with the variation in line breaks from one site viewer to the next.
    Text Frame Height Always Matters
    If a text frame is drawn to the exact height of the text wthin the frame, then any increase in the number of lines of text due to changes in line breaks will result in the text frame growing and other objects below the text frame being moved down.
    If a text frame is drawn larger than the height of the text then when line breaks change the text frame won't grow unless the changes in line breaks are severe enough to result in the flowed text being taller than the text frame was originally drawn.
    If you resize a text frame smaller than the text within the frame in Muse Design view, the frame will snap back to be large enough to accommodate the text, but a dotted horizontal line will appear within the text frame indicating the "minimum height" for the text frame. If line breaks change in the browser the text frame will grow or shrink in height down to the minimum height indicated by this dotted line.
    Careful sizing of text frames can go a long way to creating a design that will continue to work well even when line breaks, and thus text frame heights change.
    Grouping Has Consequences
    As part of the output process, Muse collections the objects you've drawn into a hierarchy of horizontal groupings, vertical groupings, or stacks. When line breaks change in different browsers and text frames change height, when the text frames are located in this output heirarchy determines what impact the change in height has on other objects (if any).
    For example, if you have a layout that looks like a 2x2 grid of text frames, by default Muse will interpret it to act as two colums. So if the first text frame gets taller it will push the text frame below it down, but won't impact the location of the two text frames in the second column.
    If that's not the behavior you want, the way to tell Muse to treat things differently would be to group the two items in the first "row". This would cause the top to to be treated as a horizontal group. If anything in the group grows taller than the group, the group resizes taller and pushes the objects below it down. Thus if the top to items are grouped, if either one of them grows taller than the group it would push both the text frames below downward.
    The 2x2 grid is just a simple example of the concept. In most cases you don't have to do anything special to get the behavior you want, but it is important to understand grouping has this ramification. Grouping an arbitrary set of objects on your page can result in undesired behavior when text frames resize in the browser.
    For the Andriod screenshot you've provided, I don't have an immediate explanation. For us to explain what's shown we need to know the exact browser, browser version, Android version and device the screenshot is for. It would also be immensely helpful to have the URL for the page, so we can attempt to reproduce what you're seeing and view the exact code involved.

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