No response from Application

we have a server application which allows clients to connect to it thru TCP, but after running the application for few days the application does not respond to any commands(even system level commands). The OS is solaris.

Yeah well your application contains a bug. That's the best answer you'll get without posting any details about your problem.

Similar Messages

  • Discoverer Portlet Provider, No Response from Application Web Server

    I must have some odd configurable incorrect. I hope one of you can help me out and point me in the right direction.
    My issue involves the "Discoverer List of Worksheets" portlet. It will display all the workbooks and I can drill in and see the worksheets, but, when I click/choose a worksheet, it will return within a couple seconds and display "No Response from Application Web Server" in bold red letters, then "There was no response from application ...", then "Please notify the site's webmaster ...". I have spent the day trying to lock down a log on the http server, j2ee, web cache and used enterprise manager to see logs which changed immediately after the error but didn't seem to find much.
    What am I missing? Is there a timeout somewhere? Does it look like I missed something when I configured anything?
    Below are the configurables and answers to some of the obvious questions.
    Windows 2003 sp1
    App Server
    ssl -> no
    sso -> yes
    provider registration:
    http :// (actual does not have a space after "http")
    "cookie domain" not checked
    "user has the same identity ..."
    user/session --> "once per user session"
    from web cache log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /discoverer/portletprovider/viewer?event=openWorksheetForPortal&vw_allowsaving=false&vw_sam
    ME_241292&vw_partitionid=241292&&vw_return_url=eNrLKC ... 4hUQ%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 302 1909 "6959909483946,0" - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:37 -0700] "GET /osso_login_success?urlc=v1.4~534 ... 774851DD HTTP/1.1" 503 40
    2 "6959909483946,0"
    from middle tier http server log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /discoverer/portletprovider/viewer?event=openWorksheetForPortal&vw_allowsaving=false&vw_sam
    ME_241292&vw_partitionid=241292&&vw_return_url=eNrLKCk ... a4hUQ%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 302 1921
    from infrastructure http server log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login?Site2pstoreToken=v1.4~BFE8 ... HTTP/1.1" 302 4998
    url being passed from provider:
    http :// ... 1z9AEA6Dsegw%3D%3D
    url that returns:
    http :// ... 3E94
    the rest should be obvious:
    Processes in Instance:
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 5352 | Alive
    OC4J | home | 2764 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_Portal | 2452 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_BI_Forms | 3644 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCache | 5372 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 2608 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 5204 | Alive
    Discoverer | ServicesStatus | 5860 | Alive
    Discoverer | PreferenceServer | 5580 | Alive
    wireless | performance_server | 5216 | Alive
    wireless | messaging_server | 4872 | Alive
    wireless | OC4J_Wireless | 6116 | Alive
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    Processes in Instance:
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 2768 | Alive
    OC4J | oca | 2312 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_SECURITY | 5348 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 3036 | Alive
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    OID | OID | 2492 | Alive
    Congratulations! You have successfully reached your Provider's Test Page.
    Recognizing Portlets...
    Recognizing initialization parameters...
    oracle.portal.log.LogLevel : 7
    Recognizing component versions...
    ptlshare.jar version:
    pdkjava.jar version:

    i also got the same error on my IE when i want to run VPE Workbench 5.6
    the error :
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.
    The error came up after i update the windows server (restart server), before that everything is running fine and ok.
    I dont know where the problem is. Is it because the update? or Application Server?
    I try to login to WEB CACHE MANAGER with the user/password default, but i still cant login.

  • No Response from Application Web Server - j2ee when running a long report

    Using Oracle Application server, 10.1.2 and a j2ee application which uses Oracle Reports to create pdf report output.
    When a report takes 5 mins or more to be produced, the following error message occurs, ending the session. The report request however does continue to run, and the pdf is eventually
    produced on the server, but the user cannot retrieve it. So I know the report server is still going after getting this error:
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.
    I'm assuming this is a timeout setting in a configuration file, but where?

    Hi Tim,
    Take Backup of httpd.conf from Oracle_home2(midtier)
    Now Edit httpd.conf, set timeout 1200 ie 20 mins (this depends on you how much time u need to set Note: Values are in seconds)
    Now restart entire Mid tier
    Then run the report again.

  • ERROR - No Response from application server

    Hi all,
    i'm hitting this error in my application server, i search and read some posts in this forum regarding the same subject, but, the only answer i got is "shutdown app server and start again"
    It's very important that i understand and correct what is origin of this error , so i decided to create a new post.
    My environment.
    Oracle Application Server 9.0.4 (10g) under windows 2003.
    Several users, from serveral applications reported then got "No Response from application server".
    Here's what i got from logs:
    WebCache (event.log)
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:07 +0100] [warning 14014] [ecid: 4522403843773,0] Receive request from origin server times out.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:07 +0100] [error 11364] [ecid: 4642662928061,0] Network error response is returned.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:07 +0100] [error 11364] [ecid: 4522403843773,0] Network error response is returned.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:12 +0100] [detail] [ecid: 4333425287762,0] [client:] [host: bb-9ias] [url: /cotacoes/acor_cotConsPed.jsp]
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:12 +0100] [warning 14014] [ecid: 4333425287762,0] Receive request from origin server times out.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:12 +0100] [error 11364] [ecid: 4333425287762,0] Network error response is returned.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:14 +0100] [detail] [ecid: 4711382411904,0] [client:] [host: bb-9ias] [url: /wf_prod/acor_agendaNovasColoc.jsp?jboEvent=Sort&'pFlgDadosPesq=&'pFlgComPesq=&'pFlgEspPesq=&'pFlgGerPesq=&'pFlgTempoPesq=&'pRamoPesq=&'pDataPesq=&'pEscPesq=&'U
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:14 +0100] [warning 14014] [ecid: 4711382411904,0] Receive request from origin server times out.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:14 +0100] [error 11364] [ecid: 4711382411904,0] Network error response is returned.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:27 +0100] [detail] [ecid: 4402144779094,0] [client:] [host: bb-9ias] [url: /wf_prod/acor_editaProc.jsp?proc=61063&'dt=1190990239312&'pFlgDadosPesq=&'pFlgComPesq=&'pFlgEspPesq=&'pFlgGerPesq=&'pFlgTempoPesq=&'pRamoPesq=&'pDataPesq=&'pEscP
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:27 +0100] [warning 14014] [ecid: 4402144779094,0] Receive request from origin server times out.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:27 +0100] [detail] [ecid: 4608303209302,0] [client:] [host: bb-9ias] [url: /cotacoes/acor_cotRamos.jsp?pTime=1190989207512&'pKey=31094&'jboEvent=Mostra%20Ramo%20L&'ecra=consCot&'PrId=37412&'PedCompanhia=CSA&'PedTipo=C&'SitCodigo=2&'Sit
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:27 +0100] [warning 14014] [ecid: 4608303209302,0] Receive request from origin server times out.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:27 +0100] [error 11364] [ecid: 4608303209302,0] Network error response is returned.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:27 +0100] [error 11364] [ecid: 4402144779094,0] Network error response is returned.
    [28/Sep/2007:15:37:45 +0100] [detail] [ecid: 4007007807211,0] [client:] [host: bb-9ias] [url: /ConsultaSinistros/DadosSubSin.jsp?nid_claim=351017&'vn_claim=9001151241&'tstamp=1190990264562]
    Apache (error.log)
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:45 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 4007007807211,1] MOD_OC4J_0080: After calling Apache's ap_bwrite(), got
    an return value: -1 and the client could have aborted in the middle of receiving the chunk data.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:45 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 4007007807211,1] MOD_OC4J_0058: Failed to handle response chunk data passed
    in from oc4j via ajp13.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:45 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 4007007807211,1] MOD_OC4J_0035: After handling ajp13 response message,
    got an invalid value: -2.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:45 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 4007007807211,1] MOD_OC4J_0121: Failed to service request with network
    worker: oc4j_consultasinistros_15 and it is not recoverable.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:45 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 4007007807211,1] MOD_OC4J_0013: Failed to call destination: oc4j_consultasinistros's
    service() to service the request.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:55 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9418666609387,1] MOD_OC4J_0080: After calling Apache's ap_bwrite(), got
    an return value: -1 and the client could have aborted in the middle of receiving the chunk data.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:55 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9418666609387,1] MOD_OC4J_0058: Failed to handle response chunk data passed
    in from oc4j via ajp13.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:55 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9418666609387,1] MOD_OC4J_0035: After handling ajp13 response message,
    got an invalid value: -2.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:55 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9418666609387,1] MOD_OC4J_0121: Failed to service request with network
    worker: OC4J_FerrProdutividade_13 and it is not recoverable.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:37:55 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9418666609387,1] MOD_OC4J_0013: Failed to call destination: OC4J_FerrProdutividade's
    service() to service the request.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:38:34 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9298407565065,1] MOD_OC4J_0080: After calling Apache's ap_bwrite(), got
    an return value: -1 and the client could have aborted in the middle of receiving the chunk data.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:38:34 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9298407565065,1] MOD_OC4J_0058: Failed to handle response chunk data passed
    in from oc4j via ajp13.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:38:34 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9298407565065,1] MOD_OC4J_0035: After handling ajp13 response message,
    got an invalid value: -2.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:38:34 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9298407565065,1] MOD_OC4J_0121: Failed to service request with network
    worker: OC4J_FerrProdutividade_13 and it is not recoverable.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:38:34 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 9298407565065,1] MOD_OC4J_0013: Failed to call destination: OC4J_FerrProdutividade's
    service() to service the request.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:38:37 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 8954810184060,1] MOD_OC4J_0080: After calling Apache's ap_bwrite(), got
    an return value: -1 and the client could have aborted in the middle of receiving the chunk data.
    [Fri Sep 28 15:38:37 2007] [error] [client] [ecid: 8954810184060,1] MOD_OC4J_0058: Failed to handle response chunk data passed
    in from oc4j via ajp13.
    some thoughts ...This error is not happening consistently, it triggers near the end of month ,naturally the amount of requests in the end of month is higher .. am i hitting som e limit ?
    Best Regards
    Rui Madaleno

    Network error response is returned.
    hi all,
    i'm hitting this error in my application server, i search and read some posts in this forum regarding the same subject, but, the only answer i got is "shutdown app server and start again"
    My environment.
    Oracle Application Server 9.0.4 (10g) under solaris 9.
    Several users, from serveral applications reported then got "No Response from application server".
    Here's what i got from logs: LOGS event_log WEBCACHE
    [08/Oct/2008:11:59:37 -0430] [detail] [ecid: 101795743162,0] [client:] [host: shcontingencia:7778] [url: /forms90/l90servlet;jsessionid=ac13041fce663ec96491934459ca516f5215b31fb0c.qQvxpQTOokTBnkTxok4UaNaKaxD3lN4RawSLcgSO-xaL-xbzmQnAnwSLak8RnhfzbNqKc2SHc30Ka2bvmRbzp3zD-BbCmQXIr6zInQjImQzv8N8Sc38MbNmLa2b48OX3b4DteyztfAXMplaxn6jAmljGr5XDqQLvpAe_]
    [08/Oct/2008:11:59:37 -0430] [warning 14003] [ecid: 101795743162,0] Error while receiving response from the origin server
    [08/Oct/2008:11:59:37 -0430] [error 11364] [ecid: 101795743162,0] Network error response is returned.
    [08/Oct/2008:12:50:55 -0430] [detail] [ecid: 88913989443,0] [client:] [host: shcontingencia:7778] [url: /forms90/l90servlet;jsessionid=ac13041fce67b31f32050664119ba348b92e845aaa4.qQvxpQTOokTBnkTxok4UaNaKaxD3lN4RawSLcgSO-xaL-xbzmQnAnwSLak8RnhfzbNqKc2SHc30Ka2bvmRbzp3zD-BbCmQXIr6zInQjImQzv8N8Sc38MbNmLa2b48OX3b4DteyztfAXMplaxn6jAmljGr5XDqQLvpAe_]

  • Calendar Page displays No Response from Application Web Server

    Hi there,
    I have OCS 9.0.4 on a linux ES 2.1 box (single box install). The installation went fine without any errors. When I click the Oracle Calendar Administrator link on the OCS welcome page and sign on using SSO, I get "No Response from Application Web Server.
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later. " Any ideas what is wrong ? The calendar server started without any errors (and I restarted HTTP on the midtier). Also, when I access the calendar page thru "http://midtier:7778/ocas-bin/ocas.fcgi?sub=web", only orclguest can login successfully. Every other user gets "Calendar Server connection error. Contact your Administrator" .
    I appreciate every help.

    Try the following:
    a) go to the midtier:port/um/admin/UMAdminLogin.uix and log in as UMADMIN with the password you specified during the installation
    b) create a mail user (one that already has an account in the OIDDAS)
    c) give that mail user the domain admin right
    d) logout
    e) login to the collab suite main page (midtier:port/pls/portal) with this user
    f) you should see the collaboration suite portlets
    g) go to messages
    h) click on the administration tab
    i) go to calendar admin
    j) create a calendar account for this user
    Hope this helps

  • No Response from Application Web Server

    I have problem to open my web conference page from Oracle Colaboration Page in Quicklinks. I will get "No Response from Application Web Server" whenever i click on Web Conferens link.

    i also got the same error on my IE when i want to run VPE Workbench 5.6
    the error :
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.
    The error came up after i update the windows server (restart server), before that everything is running fine and ok.
    I dont know where the problem is. Is it because the update? or Application Server?
    I try to login to WEB CACHE MANAGER with the user/password default, but i still cant login.

  • Error "No Response from Application Web Server"

    Hi folks,
    When i'm trying to access the database through grid contorl... i'm getting the following error... Any ideas to resolve it?
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.

    Is it possible that not all of your iAS services are started ?
    Try to run $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status -l
    to see if for example the Http server process is down...
    If it is down, then restart it up with the command :
    opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
    (same for any other mid-tier process).
    Hope this can help you.

  • No Response From Application Server - Oracle 10g

    I am Using Oracle 10g Application server.
    When running a transaction (query to the DB) sometimes it takes more than the "x" session.timeout minutes seted.
    Then 'No Response From Application Server ' error message comes out.
    I don`t want to increase the session.timeout minutes because i do want it to work in other issues. The thing is that i don`t want the session to be terminated when waiting for the response from the DB.
    How can i overcome this?

    Thanks for answering...
    Sorry, i`m new in this. I`m using j2EE technology.
    The thing is that i was trying to do a page that prints a loading... while waiting for the response from the DB, but when it comes the resultset, and i redirect to another servlet to print the results, an illegalStateException came out (the response has already made the commit).
    So i was thinking maybe there was a solution for the application to know that the query is being made in the DB(and that the app/session isn`t stopped).
    Maybe with another driver? now i`m trying the ojdbc14.jar.
    Or maybe in J2EE I can do a page that self reloads every "x" minutes while waiting for the response from the DB as you said and when it comes prints it ?
    Thanks a lot

  • No Response From Application Server - How To over come this error message

    I am Using Oracle 10g Application server. if we run a report from our front end - jsp , if the transaction takes more than 10 minutes then 'No Response From Application Server ' error message is coming in browser. How to over come this. whether i have to set any transaction time in application server. If anybody knows this kindly give reply immediatly.

    There are settings in the reports configuration to modify your timeout. This is documented in the repors config file itself.

  • No Response From Application Server-how to overcome this error message

    I am Using Oracle 10g Application server. if we run a report from our front end - jsp , if the transaction takes more than 10 minutes then 'No Response From Application Server ' error message is coming in browser. How to over come this. whether i have to set any transaction time in application server. If anybody knows this kindly give reply immediatly.

    Can you provide additional background information? Is this a in-house application serviced through an OC4J container or a Report from the Middle Tier install?
    Is this request being front-ended by an OHS server? Are there firewalls involved?

  • Issue with receiving response from web application

    I have configured B2B with business protocol as 'Custom document document over Internet', document exchange protocol as AS2-1.1 and transport protocol HTTPS1.1 to invoke a web application deployed in Oracle Application server. B2B is able to invoke the web application with HTTPS request which contains an xml.
    I have set the acknowledgment mode as 'Sync' and 'Is acknowledgement handled by B2B' as true. But while receiving the response from web application which is an xml, B2B is showing the error as
    Description: Unable to identify the document protocol of the message
    Error -: AIP-50083: Document protocol identification error
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.identifyDocument(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processIncomingMessage(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.postTransmit(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequestPostColab(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequest(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    I have added headers as present in the wire message of the request. In B2B, it is showing the wire message for response as follows.
    Date=Tue, 03 Nov 2009 06:09:22 GMT
    [email protected]
    Server=Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    User-Agent=AS2 Server
    Content-Disposition=attachment; filename=1.0
    Keep-Alive=timeout=15, max=100
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <BookTitle>Ajax Hacks</BookTitle>
    <Author>Bruce W. Perry</Author>
    <PubDate>March 2006</PubDate>
    I am able to see the xml sent as response from web application in Payload as follows.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <BookTitle>Ajax Hacks</BookTitle>
    <Author>Bruce W. Perry</Author>
    <PubDate>March 2006</PubDate>
    I am able to see the HTTP response in b2b_dc_transport.log. In transport log it is not showing any error. Please help me to fix this issue.

    Request and Response should be part of same agreement. I hope you are not confused between Acknowledgement and Response. Acknowledgement can be received in the same session (sync mode) but Response will always come in a different session and will be treated as a different document. If, for request, party A is initiator and B is responder then for response party B will be initiator and party A will be responder (as Requset and Response are two docs in case of Custom Document)
    For configuring X-Path, please refer section 8.3.11 Configuring the XPath Expression for a Custom XML Document at below link -
    Please let us know whether you are trying to receive a response or Ack?

  • Bridge will not launch from task bar or from application.  No response at all

    bridge will not launch from task bar or from application.  No response at all
    It was installed from the cloud 2 days ago, it is up to date as is Photoshop also the CC cloud version up to date
    it was working yesterday
    Photoshop opened with no problem.
    Get no response at all...nuttin

    In the PSE 12 folder, double click on the Setup.exe
    If you get this, just click on Ignore

  • Error in Diagnose from  Application Diagnostic Responsibility

    Error in Diagnose from Application Diagnostic Responsibility
    Getting error after clicking on Diagnose from Application Diagnostic Responsibility:-
    ORA-04063: package body "APPS.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL" has errors ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "APPS.JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL" ORA-06512: at line 1
    compiled invalid using adamin and utlrp.sql but no luck
    Manually compiled the package body JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTI
    i am geeting the below error
    1054/1 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    1054/18 PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'TEST' reference is out of scope
    1061/1 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    1061/31 PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'TEST' reference is out of scope

    Please refer to (Note: 167000.1 - E-Business Suite Diagnostics Installation Guide) and make sure you have the latest patch of "Oracle Diagnostics Tool" applied. I believe applying the patch will fix the invalid object issue.

  • "No response from the backend application". Oracle DB

    Hi everybody,
    I have a problem with a connection to a Oracle DB. Here are the steps:
    1. I created a system in my portal to call a Oracle DB with the SAP template
    2. I filled the parameters and the conection test is ok.
    3. I created an iView based on
    4. This iView use the system I created before and is sending a simple query.
    The result is the message:
    "No response from the backend application"
    I have been reading the page
    in and i supose that my case could be 1.2 because I have mapped an user (case 1.1) and my DB is up and connection is ok (case 1.3), but...what have i to recheck in my configuration to remedy the situation??
    Thanks all.

    Hi Ramesh,
    Yes I am using the driver class but in the connection URL I wrote jdbc:sap:oracle://;sid=HEX
    And here my question is, have I to put user and password of the administrator of the DB in this parameter? I dind't put because I mapped later in user management.
    And the connection tests is successful.
    Thanks for the awnser.

  • MFP M127fn connected, test printing OK, can't print from applications

    Hello Everyone!
    I have just set up my M127fn via USB on a Windows 8 system. The set up went fine. I have a small stack of test pages from the HP software, but it won't print anything from any applications like MSOffice. The HP diagnostic software (Print and Scan Doctor 4.6)  can communicate with the printer and everything checks out OK.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance.

    I have replied twice to your last posting, but have heard no response. Unless a solution can be presented quickly, I fell I must return the product. LPug and play was introduced with Windows 95 and this HP product has not lived up to that 20 year old technological standard. My previous replies are copied below.
    Please respond soon.__________________________________________
    Re: MFP M127fn connected, test printing OK, can't print from applications
    ‎01-31-2015 08:06 AM
    Hello again!
    I haven't heard a response to my most recent reply. Is there anything you can suggest before I give up and return this HP product to the store? I would like a quick resolution to this. As an update to my previous email (copied below), printing is no longer working through Adobe Reader.
    Re: MFP M127fn connected, test printing OK, can't print from applications
    ‎01-28-2015 01:08 PM
    Thanks for getting back to me. I have tried a variety of different programs:
    Mozilla Thinderbird (email) - no results
    MS Word - no
    ms excel - no
    Finale (music software) - no
    Adobe Reader - yes!
    Google Chrome - yes!
    NotePad - yes!

Maybe you are looking for