No sound coming through speakers

I have a HP Pavillion DV6 earlier and today an Insyde Flash window popped up, I didn't know what it was and didn't trust it so I closed it, a few seconds later a CMD window opened and closed then the sound on the video I was watching starting stutering and stopped so I went on another video and the same thing happened and there was no sound on spotify so I rebooted. When I turned my laptop it was all normal so I went back on spotify and noticed a message at the top that says "There is a problem with your sound card. Spotify can't play music." and still no other windows will produce any sounds, I then realized I can get sound on things like youtube or games through my earphones, except spotify won't play any music and still produced the same message, I'm currently doing a system scan and updating 11 things that were waiting for me, none of which seemed to have been from Insyde. I'm really stuck with this and hoping someone here will help me out.
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Please try the following...
First perform a hard reset of the notebook and if the audio doesn't return afterward, then try reinstalling the audio driver.
Hard reset instructions at the link below.
If you are still without audio, go into the BIOS and set the defaults, save and exit.

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    This is really a horrible bug, because it inappropriately routes sound through the speakers that isn't even related to Skype. For example, I am listening to a radio stream and, when I receive a Skype message, that audio blasts through the speakers.
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    Are you sure you have installed the software and drivers.
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    For the other person being able to hear you echo, during a Skype call. I have included the link 'Solutions to Your Skype Echo Problem'. This link will take you through different steps of try to cancel the echo. You can also try the steps in the video 'How to fix Skype echo problems and improve call quality'. Most of the steps here a duplicates of the previous link.
    The last step that I would suggest is looking into the Call Echo at This site has a lot of troubleshooting information that you can try.
    I worked on behalf of HP

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    The audio hardware can be set to various sample rates. There are several ways applications can deal with this:
    A) output sound at whatever the sample rate setting is.
    B) produce no output if it can't handle the current setting.
    C) change the setting to something that will work, but reset it to the original when finished.
    D) change the setting, and don't reset it when finished.
    Type A and C applications won't cause problems, but if you use a type D application that uses an unusual setting, followed by a type B that can't use that setting, you will get no sound. Garage Band is a type D application that uses normal sample rate, and running it will often fix sound problems, but the Audio MIDI Setup Utility gives more control.

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    Try to download the Audio driver from and update also run a BIOS update
    Put the product number of the unit you have.. Chosse the OS and download..
    Hope this helps.
    ***** Click the KUDOS Thumbs UP (Like) on the left to say 'Thanks'*****
    ****Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer “Accept as Solution”&"Kudos"if it solves your problem.****
    Although I am an HP Employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.

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    That doesn't appear to be a US model, and this is the forums for Toshiba USA. You may want to contact Toshiba in your region. If it's a European model, you could check the Toshiba Europe forums.
    - Peter

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    I cant recall how it resolved but its seems to have done so on its own. I think that someone said to try to plug and unplug the earbuds. Maybe the connection on the inside just had to physically disengage to engage the speaker. The unit was relatively new when the problem presented and perhaps it was indeed a mechanical issue with the leads remaining in the closed position after withdrawing the ear buds.
    Good luck,

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