No Telugu language support.2nd Biggest spoken language here in India

Hi i checked iphone browser.its simply excellent supporting Hindi language ex: interestingly it also supports less spoken indian languages like Malayalam-marati etc..
shockingly it dosnt support 2nd Biggest spoken indian language like Telugu. ex:
hope iphone can solve this major problem. or anyone can u pls suggest how can we fix this problem.

its simply excellent supporting Hindi language
That is good news -- I thought it still had bugs with Hindi. Does it show the correct display for item 10 on this page?
it dosnt support 2nd Biggest spoken indian language like Telugu.
The full version of Apple's OS X does not yet come with font support for Telugu either, so it may be a while before the iPhone does.

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    to hyowonnie
    hi! i don't know if you've solved this issue but it has been solved through one of the 5800 topics.
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    here is the thread
    kudos to chanchan05 for giving me the tip
    it was never linked though, i'm doing so now. kudos to the developer of this work around. i don't know if he gets enough thanks for it. Chrisk22 of daily mobile forums.
    here is the link:,15893.0.html
    if you can't get in, just sign up for the forums. it's not that hard to do, just need a computer to do it. and restart the phone afterwards
    i hope this helps
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    Hi Nimit,
    I have tried inserting Hindi/Marathi into an Oracle database (I have tried versions 8.0.6 and 8.1.7).
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    Did you manage to view the stored data using the export utility ?
    Also, you can try using yudit to edit unicode files on Linux.

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    j1111 wrote:
    May I ask if you resolved this? I am thinking of buying a Curve 9300 but only if I can use Chinese and Japanese.
    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    As this thread is nearly a year old, I will jump in. Please see this helpful KB:
    KB05305Localization support for BlackBerry smartphones
    Languages on a BB are controlled by the specific OS package installed to the BB, available via the official download portal:
    The simplest way is to, on a PC (you cannot do this on MAC):
    1) Uninstall, from your PC, any BB OS packages
    2) Make sure you have the BB Desktop Software already installed
    3) Download and install, to your PC, the BB OS package you desire:
    4) If that OS package is from a carrier other than the carrier for which your BB was originally manufactured, then delete, on your PC, all copies of VENDOR.XML...there will be at least one, and perhaps 2, and they will be located in or similarly to (it changes based on your Windows version) these folders:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
    C:\Users\(your Windows UserName)\AppData\Roaming\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Loader XML
    5) Launch the Desktop Software and connect your BB...the software should offer you the OS package you installed to your PC. If, during the process, your BB presents a "507" error, simply unplug the USB cord from the BB and re-insert it...don't do anything else...this should allow the install to continue.
    Don't forget to backup.
    If you are on MAC, you are limited to only your carriers sanctioned OS packages...but can still use any levels that they currently sanction. See this procedure:
    KB19915How to perform a clean reload of BlackBerry smartphone application software using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Good luck and let us know!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Korean Language Support Package required for Reader but not Acrobat?

    One of our departments on campus has created a form that is causing some users to get a message prompting them to download the Korean Language Support Package in order to fill in the form fields.
    When I originally tested this in Acrobat Pro 9 I didn't get any errors.  Another user also reported the issue recently (two this week).  So we tested it again, but this time used both Reader 9 and Reader X -- both programs were generating this message to download the language pack.  The form appears to be completely in English with no Korean characters.  It uses fairly standard fonts and I didn't see any embedding or encoding issues with the fonts.
    Aside from having end users download a Korean Language Support Pack to view a PDF that doesn't seem to contain any Korean, are there any other options out there without recreating the form from scratch?  Here is a list of the fonts used in the PDF.  The only types of encoding are Ansi and Identity-H (which I expanded in the SS above), with the latter fonts being embedded within the PDF.
    Any ideas?  The form is linked below.  Thanks in advance for your replies.
    Here is a link to the PDF

    While our problems differ, my solution may still be relevant.
    My culprit was a rogue font in an embedded Visio drawing. I identified and located the font using the "List text using non-embedded fonts" Preflight analysis in Acrobat 9.4 Pro. I checked the encoding of each non-embedded font and discovered that Arial Unicode MS used Korean font encoding (specifically, KSCms-UHC-H). See screenshot below. Doubleclicking on one of the font properties highlighted the offending text in the pdf.
    I went to that location in the source file, which happened to be in the first embedded Visio drawing (shown above). I double clicked the drawing, selected all, and selected Arial font. Then I regenerated the pdf and viewed it in Reader X. The Korean language pack error message did not appear and all Visio drawings displayed normally.
    I would recommend using the Acrobat preflight tools to locate text or objects with incorrect font encoding within your PDF or form, then surgically striking (or carpet bombing) the affected location(s) in the source files with embedded/supported fonts.
    Hope this helps.
    Message was edited by: mugg326

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