NoClassDefFoundError  when loading Applets from IIS5.0

I am having trouble loading applets from IIS 5.0. Here is my html code
<applet code="Appli/Loader.class" width="100%" height="100%">
All my clases and packages reside in the same directory from where this html is loaded.
The trouble is that it behaves erratically. At times the Applet works fine and at times, the browser cannot locate some class.
The funny part is this behaviour is not consistent. Some times the browser is able to load all the classes and the applet function very well.
Any suggestion/advice/tip will be great help

Add the codebase parameter and see if it works.
<applet code="Appli/Loader.class" codebase="DIRECTORY_WHERE_YOUR_CODE_RESIDES" width="100%" height="100%">

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         at sun.plugin.cache.CachedJarLoader.load(
         at sun.plugin.cache.JarCache.get(
         at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.getJarFile(
         at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.<init>(
         at sun.misc.URLClassPath$
         at Method)
         at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getLoader(
         at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getLoader(
         at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getResource(
         at Method)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(
    load: class FileUpload.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: FileUpload.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$
         at Method)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(
         ... 10 more

    It appears that the latest jvm plugins use java to get the archive files instead of using the browser to download the archive files.
    In addition sun does not support NTLM authentication, because of this the latest jvms are unable to download the jar file containing the applet.
    I have been working on finding a way to replace suns http Handler, but have had no luck with setting the java.protocol.handler.pkgs for the plugin and having it retain the setting.
    I have achieved partial results using the appletviewer with -J-Djava.protocol.handler=com.nogoop
    you might try taking a look at

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    Hi shownomercer,
    Have you tried the Photoshop disk in another computer to check if the installation disk is ok or not?
    What happens exactly when the computer crashes? Bluescreen?

  • JRE freeze when loading applet twice, through VSAT network

    Here is a good one for you guys I think ...
    What I got:
    I have a java web application, runing with Tomcat 5.5.
    I use a Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52 for my statiques ressources (html, etc ...), and the modjk connector 1.2.13 to forward all the dynamic requests from the client to the application server.
    One of my html pages contains a signed java applet.
    Basically, this applet control a scanner and send the scanned image to the web application server.
    This applet:
    - use some swing components
    - use the netscape.javascript.JSObject to call javascript functions
    - use the morena API (which include a native library) in order to control a TWAIN scanner
    - format the scanned image into a JPEG image
    - send the formatted image to the web server, using an HttpURLConnection
    (I use a servlet on server side to get the uploaded image)
    - wait for the server response, that tells my applet if the upload has been successfull or not
    Some additional infos:
    - I use morena
    - I use JRE to run the applet
    - JRE on client side is configured as follow:
    - no applet caching
    - network parameters: "use the browser parameters"
    My problem is:
    - Through a LAN network, the applet works perfectly ...
    - Through an internet network (I use a VSAT / IDIRECT network), I can load and run my applet the first time
    but when I try to run my applet for the second time (without closing the browser), it just doesn't start, and the JRE crash
    (i.e. the java console freeze ..., just like if it was waiting for something ...)
    nothing happen after that, and I have to kill my JRE / Browser
    the funny stuff about it is that the applet works fine (even through VSAT network) when I don't upload the scanned image on the server
    load and run ok as many time as I want ...
    => seems that something's going wrong during the uploading process
    What I have already tried:
    1/ getting rid of the Java - Javascript communication (JSObject seems to have heaps of bugs ...)
    => no changes
    2/ be careful to close correctly my HttpURLConnection, with a HttpURLConnection.disconnect()
    => no changes
    3/ put the morena jars directly on the client side (in the lib/ext directory of the JRE):
    the morena API use a native library, and apparently, a native library can not be loaded by 2 different ClassLoader
    just to avoid any "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError"
    as shown on
    => no changes
    4/ have a closer look on the http apache server, just to get rid of the error
    "OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed."
    as shown on the bug 21425 in
    => no changes
    5/ use the upgrade version of the JRE
    => no changes
    ANY HELP ?
    and as usual, I had to fix this problem for yesterday ... :)))
    Any ideas about that ?
    need more infos ?: just let me know
    Here is the piece of code I use to upload the image from the client to the web server:
    * Upload de cette image sur le serveur, apr�s passage au format JPEG
    * @param imageSelectionnee BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception pouvant etre lev� lors de l'upload
    public void uploadImage(BufferedImage imageSelectionnee)
        throws ComposantNumerisationException {
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // flux de sortie, permettant d'envoyer les donn�es vers le serveur
        OutputStream fluxSortie = null;
        // parametres pour le libelle de l'exception
        ParametresProprietes parametres = null;
        // flux d'entr�e, pour lire la r�ponse du serveur
        BufferedReader fluxEntree = null;
        // r�ponse du serveur
        String reponseServeur = null;
        // image au format JPEG
        BufferedImage imageFormatJPEG = null;
        try {
            /* conversion de l'image au format JPEG */
            imageFormatJPEG = this.formatterImage(imageSelectionnee);
            /* ouverture d'une connexion vers le serveur */
            connexionServer = this.ouvrirConnexion(imageFormatJPEG);
            /* ecriture des donn�es dans le flux de sortie, vers le serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un outputStream
            fluxSortie = connexionServer.getOutputStream();
            // transfert des donn�es vers le serveur
            ImageIO.write(imageFormatJPEG, Constantes.TYPE_IMAGE, fluxSortie);
            /* lecture de la r�ponse du serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un flux de lecture sur le flux d'entr�e
            fluxEntree = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            // lecture de la r�ponse du serveur
            reponseServeur = fluxEntree.readLine();
            // v�rification du succes de l'upload, en fonction de la r�ponse du serveur
            if (!reponseServeur.startsWith("REPONSE")) {
                /* cas ou le message retour ne commence pas par "REPONSE":
                 * ce n'est pas la r�ponse de la servlet
                 *  => Tomcat nous a redirig� vers la page d'authentification */
            } else if (reponseServeur.compareTo("REPONSE:OK") != 0) {
                // la r�ponse du serveur indique qu'il y a eu un probl�me lors de l'upload
                throw new IOException(reponseServeur);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // cr�ation des parametres pour ce libelle d'erreurs
            parametres = new ParametresProprietes();
            parametres.ajouterParametre("0", e.toString());
            throw new ComposantNumerisationException(
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD", null),
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD_TECH", parametres),
        } finally {
            try {
                // fermeture de ce flux de sortie
                if (null != fluxSortie) {
                // fermeture du flux de lecture de la reponse
                if (null != fluxEntree) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            // fermeture de la connexion
            if (null != connexionServer) {
    * Ouverture d'une connexion vers la servlet d'upload de l'image
    * @param image BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @return HttpURLConnection une connexion http
    * @throws IOException exception IO
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception
    private HttpURLConnection ouvrirConnexion(BufferedImage image)
        throws IOException, ComposantNumerisationException {
        // url du server
        URL urlServer = null;
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // signature
        String signature = null;
        // g�n�ration de la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        signature = this.genererSignatureImage(image);
        // construction de l'url du serveur � appeler pour cet upload
        // en incluant un parametre pour transmettre la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        // + identifiant du passeport d'urgence courant
        urlServer = new URL(this.urlServeur + this.action +
                            "?" + Constantes.PARAM_SIGNATURE_IMAGE + "=" + signature +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_IDDEMANDE + "=" + idDemande +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_CODEMAJ + "=" + codeMaj +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_TYPEDEMANDE + "=" + typeDemande);
        if (null == urlServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
                                "ERREUR_UPLOAD_CREATION_URL_SERVEUR", null));
        // ouverture d'une connexion http, gr�ce a cette url du server
        connexionServer = (HttpURLConnection) urlServer.openConnection();
        if (null == connexionServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
        // param�trage de cette connexion
        // m�thode de transmission = POST
        // autorisation de lire les donn�es venant du serveur
        // autorisation d'�crire des donn�es vers le serveur                         
        // pas d'utilisation de caches
        // sp�cification du type des donn�es que l'on envoie vers le serveur
        connexionServer.setRequestProperty("content-type", "img/jpeg");
        return connexionServer;
    Here is the piece of code I use on server side to get the scaned image from the client:
    * Lecture des donn�es en provenance de l'applet
    * @param request HttpServletRequest
    * @return ByteArrayOutputStream buffer contenant les donn�es lues
    * @throws TechnicalException exception
    * @throws FunctionalException si erreur fonctionnelle
    private ByteArrayOutputStream lireDonnees(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException {
        // stream de sortie sur l'image
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
        // id du passeport d'urgence au format Integer
        // image issue de l'applet
        BufferedImage image = null;
        try {
            /* r�cup�ration de l'image */
            image =;
            if (null == image) {
                logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
                throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                        null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-13", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-13",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        return baos;
    * Ecriture de la reponse � envoyer � l'applet
    * @param response HttpServletResponse
    * @param erreur Message d'erreur
    * @throws IOException exception
    private void ecrireReponse(HttpServletResponse response, String erreur) throws IOException {
        // r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        String reponseServer = null;
        // flux de reponse
        PrintWriter fluxReponse = null;
        // construction de la r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        if (null == erreur) {
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:OK";
        } else {
            /* cas ou il y a eu une exception lev�e lors de la reception des donn�es */
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:ERREUR:" + erreur;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(THIS_CLASS +
                    "Envoie de la r�ponse � l'applet, indiquant si l'upload s'est bien d�roul�: " +
        //envoie de la r�ponse a l'applet
        fluxReponse = response.getWriter();
    here is the traces I get when the applet doesn't work, through a VSAT network:
    Java Plug-in 1.5.0_01
    Utilisation de la version JRE 1.5.0_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    R�pertoire d'accueil de l'utilisateur = C:\Documents and Settings\assistw
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy d�finie par l'utilisateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy � partir de Netscape Navigator ...
    network: Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier de registre : C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Mozilla\registry.dat
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration proxy du navigateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Configuration du proxy : Configuration du proxy du navigateur
    basic: Le cache est d�sactiv� par l'utilisateur
    c:   effacer la fen�tre de la console
    f:   finaliser les objets de la file d'attente de finalisation
    g:   lib�rer la m�moire
    h:   afficher ce message d'aide
    l:   vider la liste des chargeurs de classes
    m:   imprimer le relev� d'utilisation de la m�moire
    o:   d�clencher la consignation
    p:   recharger la configuration du proxy
    q:   masquer la console
    r:   recharger la configuration des politiques
    s:   vider les propri�t�s syst�me et d�ploiement
    t:   vider la liste des threads
    v:   vider la pile des threads
    x:   effacer le cache de chargeurs de classes
    0-5: fixer le niveau de tra�age � <n>
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    security: Acc�s aux cl�s et au certificat dans le profil utilisateur Mozilla : null
    security: Chargement des certificats AC racine depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Certificats AC racine charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats charg�s depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans le magasin de certificats permanent JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: D�terminer si le certificat peut �tre v�rifi� � l'aide des certificats de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    ( \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    security: La v�rification du certificat � l'aide des certificats AC racine a �chou�
    security: Aucune information d'horodatage disponible
    basic: Modalit� empil�e
    basic: Modalit� d�sempil�e
    basic: Utilisateur s�lectionn� : 0
    security: L'utilisateur a accord� les droits d'acc�s au code pour cette session seulement
    security: Ajout du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificat ajout� dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Enregistrement des certificats dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats enregistr�s dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission javaplugin.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission http.agent read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( rma_phileas connect,accept,resolve)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals> (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    ( <all permissions> <all actions>)
    ( \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\Smorena.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    ( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    Morena - Image Acquisition Framework version
    Copyright (c) Gnome s.r.o. 1999-2004. All rights reserved.
    Licensed to "XXX".
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/ avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/ avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    basic: Arr�t de l'applet...
    basic: R�cepteur de progression supprim� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Jonction du thread d'applet...
    basic: Destruction de l'applet...
    basic: Elimination de l'applet...
    basic: Sortie de l'applet...
    basic: Thread d'applet joint...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s non enregistr�
    basic: Recherche d'informations...
    basic: Lib�ration du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=0
    basic: Mise en cache du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913
    basic: Taille de cache du chargeur de classes courant : 1
    basic: Termin�...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@1e16483
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"

    A workaround would be: don't use IE9. You want a solution, not a workaround.
    I think at this juncture you are best of creating a new bug report and be sure to reference the old closed one. It doesn't look entirely related though, your symptoms are different from what is described in it (freeze VS a crash). You tried this on several systems right? Also on machines on a different network?

  • Problem loading Applets from Jar files on 64 bit machine

    I am developing an applet (extends Applet but uses swing components) using JDK 1.6 (Though these problems still happen in JDK 1.7) and I am unable to get the applet to load on a 64 bit machine in most cases. The web server(s) are running on localhost and I am connecting on the same machine using a local network ip address (such as 192.168.*.*)
    Below are all of my test results. Can someone provide a suggestion for repairing this? The Windows Server machine is a clients computer I access to it via remote desktop but I can't do much with it though I do have administrator rights. The Windows 7 machine is my development platform so I have been able to do extensive testing on it.
    This problem is presenting in the following environments when trying to load an applet from JAR files in a HTML document using the Applet or Object tag.
    Windows Server 2008 (Intel Chipset)
    Tested Browsers:
    Internet Explorer 9 (32 bit) - Shows it is blocked by default then simply shows an x when loaded from a web page, same result when loading from local drive.
    Windows 7 Home Premium (AMD Chipset)
    Tested Browsers:
    Firefox 6.0.1 (32 bit) - Java logo shows with spinner, after a few minutes there is finally an error that a class in the jar was not found
    Internet Explorer 9 (32 bit) - Java logo shows with spinner, after a few minutes there is finally an error that a class in the jar was not found
    Internet Explorer 9 (64 bit) - Java logo shows with spinner and most of the windows desktop manager freezes, keyboard is the only thing that responds so you can alt-tab to another app to regain control of the desktop.
    Chrome (32 bit) - Java logo shows with spinner, after a few minutes there is finally an error that a class in the jar was not found
    The only way I have been able to get a Java applet to run on a 64 bit machine are the following ways.
    Firefox 9 nightly (64 bit) works perfectly! Go Firefox!
    Internet Explorer 9 (32 bit) loading directly from drive (c:\...)
    Chrome (32 bit) loading directly from drive (c:\...)
    Firefox 6.0.1 (32 bit) loading directly from drive (c:\....)
    Can someone please help! I've been fighting with this bug for over a week and I can't find anything that will solve it, I have noticed that in some cases if my jar has very little code in it than it will run on the server, but the minute I start adding things to it the jar won't load anymore.

    jschell wrote:
    rritoch wrote:
    I am developing an applet (extends Applet but uses swing components) using JDK 1.6 (Though these problems still happen in JDK 1.7) and I am unable to get the applet to load on a 64 bit machine in most cases.
    To clarify...
    1. You have tried it on 32 bit machine? Exactly which OS?I tested this on Windows Vista Business which is in 32 bit mode and the applets run without any problems
    2. Your only 64 bit tests have involved 2008/Win7?
    If so then I would suspect something with windows not java. Probably permissions.
    The web server(s) are running on localhost and I am connecting on the same machine using a local network ip address (such as 192.168.*.*)
    Yes, I haven't tried running the jars on other operating systems.
    I don't understand that. If you are running on localhost then you should connect to localhost. If running on an IP then you should connect to that. Perhaps you meant that you have tested using both of those?I'm testing using the lan ip address but I'm connecting from the same machine. I've tried localhost and that didn't work so I tried lan ip since that will likely have a different java security context than localhost. At first I was blaming the IIS server but I downloaded the jar directly and using HTTP fox was able to verify that the jar is being sent with the correct mime-type and that the server can upload the jar file without a problem. This leaves me to believe the problem is with Java.

  • Problem loading applet from tomcat

    I am facing a problem loading the batik applet from tomcat. I have placed all the jar files of batik in ROOT directory in tomcat. Along with the folder containing the batik applet. Still i receive the following exception when trying to load the html page containing batik applet.
    Applet tag in html page is:
    <applet codebase = "." code="batik_applet.BatikApplet.class" name="myApplet" width="1600" height="1200" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="middle" archive="batik-swing.jar,batik-gvt.jar,batik-bridge.jar,xml-apis-ext.jar,batik-css.jar,batik-util.jar,batik-dom.jar,batik-svg-dom.jar,batik-anim.jar,batik-awt-util.jar,batik-codec.jar,batik-ext.jar,batik-extension.jar,batik-gui-util.jar,batik-parser.jar,batik-script.jar,batik-svggen.jar,batik-transcoder.jar,batik-xml.jar,js.jar,pdf-transcoder.jar,xalan-2.6.0.jar,xerces_2_5_0.jar,xml-apis.jar">
    I already have a folder named batik_applet containing BatikApplet.class in the ROOT directory.
    network: Connecting http://localhost:8080/servlet/batik_applet/BatikApplet.class with proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connecting http://localhost:8080/servlet/batik_applet/BatikApplet.class with cookie "JSESSIONID=1A75299B77372108560B4DF8DC65A3A6"
    network: Connecting http://localhost:8080/servlet/batik_applet/BatikApplet/class.class with proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connecting http://localhost:8080/servlet/batik_applet/BatikApplet/class.class with cookie "JSESSIONID=1A75299B77372108560B4DF8DC65A3A6"
    load: class batik_applet.BatikApplet.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: batik_applet.BatikApplet.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more
    basic: Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: batik_applet.BatikApplet.class
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Assuming that your applet is not in a jar file (don't see a value for archive)
    you have a file callsed ProcessStatus.class in a folder WEB-INF\classes relative to
    the location of the jsp file.
    So if the jsp file is in
    the class should be in:
    If you want to see when the jre is trying to load and where it it trying to load it from you
    can inspect a full trace, to turn the full trace on (windows) you can start the java console, to be found here:
    C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4...\bin\jpicpl32.exe
    In the advanced tab you can fill in something for runtime parameters fill in this:
    -Djavaplugin.trace=true -Djavaplugin.trace.option=basic|net|security|ext|liveconnect
    if you cannot start the java console check here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\userName\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\
    I think for linux this is somewhere in youruserdir/java (hidden directory)
    add or change the following line:
    javaplugin.jre.params=-Djavaplugin.trace\=true -Djavaplugin.trace.option\=basic|net|security|ext|liveconnect
    for 1.5:
    deployment.javapi.jre.1.5.0.args=-Djavaplugin.trace\=true -Djavaplugin.trace.option\=basic|net|security|ext|liveconnect
    The trace is here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\your user\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\log\plugin...log
    I think for linux this is somewhere in youruserdir/java (hidden directory)
    The trace should show something like :
    Caused by: http://server/location/filename.class (The system cannot find the path specified)

  • Error loading applet from TINI

    when i try to load my applet from the TINI board i get an error saying
    Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Tini OS 1.02e. also at the bottom of the window there is a message saying:
    Applet Test5Applet notinited
    i am new to this stuff, anyone any ideas?

    did you every fine out how to do this??
    i am now having the same problem and at my wits end on what to do?

  • Error when loading data from DSO to Cube

    After upgrading to 2004s we get the following error message when trying to load data from a DSO to a Cube:
    Has anyone experienced a similar problem or have some guidelines on how to resolve it?
    Kind regards,

    Hej Martin,
    Problem solved

  • Dump when loading Data from DSO to Cube

    i get a short dump DBIF_REPO_PART_NOT_FOUND when trying to load data from a dso to a cube. From DSO to DSO it works fine.
    any idea`s?

    the Dump occurs in the last step of the last data pakage in the DTP Monitor.
    I checked the OSS note, but i don´t know how to check the kernel version.
    Now i used another DSO for testing and i got another Dump with a different name.
    After that i logged in again and it works with my test DSO data...
    But still not working with the original one...
    @Kazmi: What detaisl u mean exactly?

  • Get Error in source system when loading flatfile from application server

    I'm loading data from flatfiles on the application server. In the datasource if I display the sample data. It shows fine.
    But when I execute the infopackage I get an error when it is loading the data to PSA.
    The error is
    Error in source system
    Message no. RSM340
    There is no further information
    But if I load from my machine it works fine.
    Any help will be great

    As you can view display the sample data. It shows fine.
    It mean there is no issues in BW (File path is correct, Data in Flat file is correct).
    Then definetely its with the source system, which is resisting to pass IDOC to BW.
    Now.we need to know the its problem with File on App serv or App serv itself?
    Just check trying to Load another  Flatfile in App serv.
    Let me know.

  • Error 6A80 when loading applet to my card

    Hi everyone,
    First, please excuse me for my bad english, i'm french.
    So, i'm trying to upload an applet to my eGate CyberFlex 32K JavaCard, but some code lines causes 6A80 error.
    Here is my applet source (it's just a first test ;-) ) :
    package applet;
    import javacard.framework.*;
    public class TheApplet extends Applet {
        private final static byte CARD_CLA      = (byte)0x80;
        private final static byte INS_TEST      = (byte)0x02;
        private final static byte PIN_TRY_LIMIT = (byte)0x03;
        private final static byte MAX_PIN_SIZE  = (byte)0x04;
        final static short SW_PIN_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED = 0x6301;
        protected byte[] name = {'T', 'e', 's', 't'};
        private OwnerPIN pin;
        protected TheApplet() throws PINException {
            pin = new OwnerPIN(PIN_TRY_LIMIT, MAX_PIN_SIZE);
            byte[] pins = {(byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0};
            pin.update(pins, (short)0, MAX_PIN_SIZE);
            byte i = pin.getTriesRemaining();
            //pin.check(pins, (short)0, MAX_PIN_SIZE); // CAUSES 6A80 error when loading
        public static void install (byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
        throws ISOException {
            new TheApplet();
        public boolean select() {
            /*if (pin.getTriesRemaining() == 0) { // CAUSES 6A80 error too..
                return false;
            return true;
        public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException, PINException {
            byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
            if (selectingApplet() == true) {
            if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] != CARD_CLA) {
            if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS] != INS_TEST) {
            //pin.isValidated(); // Causes error.
            apdu.sendBytesLong(name, (short)0, (short)name.length);
    }In fact, all access to pin causes error when loading, when commented lines are uncommented, the applet loads successfully.
    Do you know what the problem is ?
    I'm using JavaCard 2.1.2, and GPshell 1.4.2.
    This is the gpshell script :
    echo mode_201 > $OUT/config.txt
    echo establish_context >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo card_connect >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo select -AID $CARDSECURITYDOMAIN2 >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo open_sc -security 1 -keyind 0 -keyver 0 -mac_key $CARDKEY -enc_key $CARDKEY >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo install_for_load -pkgAID $PACKAGEAID -nvCodeLimit 500 >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo load -file $OUT/$PROJECT/$PKGAPPLET/javacard/$PKGAPPLET.cap.transf >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo install_for_install -instParam 00 -priv 02 -AID $APPLETAID -pkgAID $PACKAGEAID -instAID $APPLETAID -nvDataLimit 500 >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo card_disconnect >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo release_context >> $OUT/config.txtwith :
    PACKAGEAID=A00000006203010C06The error i got is :
    load_applet() returns 0x80206A80 (6A80: Wrong data / Incorrect values in command data.)Thank you for your help.
    Edited by: Anakim14 on Apr 20, 2009 3:12 AM


  • Error 1 when loading data from flat file

    I am working on BW 3.5 when i was loading flat file it is giving error 1 when loading external data can anyone solve and mail to me this email id [email protected] .

    I have done correctly but even error 1 data loading from external file is coming, i just clicked on that and it came like this, Error 1 when loading external data,no invalid data like arthematics operations,But file accessing and path is correct.
    Message no. RSAR234
    Error number 1 occurred when loading external data:
    1. Error when reading the file (access rights, file name, ...)
    2. File size or number of records does not correspond to the data in the control file
    3. Error when generating the IDoc
    4. File contains invalid data (errors with an arithmetic operation or data conversion)
    Check whether you have the required access rights and whether the data in the control file is correct (file names, record length, number of records, ...). Correct the data in the control file if necessary and check the data file for invalid data (values of the wrong type, values in the wrong format for conversion exit,...). Check whether the file has headers that have not been specified.

  • Premiere hangs randomly when loading media from Canon 5D Mark III

    Premiere 5.5.0 hangs when loading media. When I drag like 20 files from explorer to Premiere, it loads some files, but at a random point it stops loading and freezes. I loaded every file manually by using ctrl-I within Premiere and saving regularly. After loading a random number of files (anywhere between 1 and 7) it freezes. I managed to get all the files into the project. Now when I try to open the project, it freezes randomly while loading the media. I copied the project and when I open the new one, it opens normal and asks where the media is. When I locate it... same problem, anywhere during loading it might freeze. When I cancel it, I can manually link every media file back, with the random risk of freezing.
    I reinstalled Quicktime without any improvement.
    I reinstalled Premiere without improvement.
    In old projects sometimes random media-files are not linked. Sometimes I can link them succefully. Sometimes it freezes when I try to link them.
    As far as I can tell this only happens to .mov files and not other types of media-files.
    Sometimes when I have been working on a project succesfully, Premiere still freezes when I close it.
    I found out that this only concerned movies from my Canon 5d Mark III. I searched if other people had the same problem and found this thread:
    The solution is to rename the extensions from .mov into .mpg.
    This solves the issue...

    danielschweinert wrote:
    Does somebody else has this problem?
    Yup: I heard about it just today, in fact.  An FCP user was trying to get Cinema Tools to conform 24fps footage from a Mk II and Mk III to 25.  No problems with the Mk II footage, but no luck with the Mk III footage.
    Now, it could be just coincidence.  But if you don't believe in coincidence, you might think that there's something screwy with Canon's new codecs for the Mk III.  "Screwy" is a highly technical term, by the way.

  • Error FAGL_SKF008 when loading data from 0FI_GL_8 infosource

    I am loading data into an infocube, from 0FI_GL_8 infosource.
    We have connected ECC-P with BI-D and BI-P.
    When loading data into BI-D works Ok, but when loading data into BI-P, the next error message appears:
    "No authorization for displaying statistical key figures in General Ledger"
    "FAGL_SKF  8"
    I cheked ST22 and SM21 in ECC-P and there is no error message.
    I cheked rfcuser in ECC-P and it has SAP_ALL.
    any ideas???

    Do a comparison of the Authorization Objects assigned to the account for your BI-D extractions and that for BI-P. Since the source system is the same and the authorizations are there for BI-D, it sounds as if there's gaps in the Authorization Object assignements for one or more of the Profiles assigned to the system account for BI-P.
    The other thing would be to create a test account that looks like the system account for BI-P, logon with that account, do an RSA3 extraction test and if it fails get a screenshot from tcode SU53 to see what Authorization Objects are missing to be authorized to hit that data.
    Edited by: Dennis Scoville on Jul 17, 2009 12:43 PM

  • Problem in loading applet from non executable jar file

    hello ,
    I am new to jar concept plz help.. I am trying to call an applet from another applet through frame it is working fine but its download time is much more. now i want to store all my images , sound files and class files of other applets in a jar file and want to access these inner applets from this jar file so that it will make only one http connection with the server for this jar file only and can reduce the download time of applet.
    Can anyone can give me suggestion plz..

    You have to download what you have to download. You
    probably can't easily share images between 2 separate
    Jar files. Unless you can expose them through the
    other applet via a method that can be known once you
    have the reference to the other applet.Thanx but i think i have to elaborate the problem :
    my project structure is just like this ::
    on the top is ::
    Applet A---> from this applet i am callling Applet B & Applet C in frame
    and communication is established between these 3 applets successfully .
    now i have made a single non executable jar file which contains images , sound and class files of these applets .
    so i am referencing images and sound files in applets through this jar.
    but i wanted to load Applet B & C through this jar file only.
    How can i do this ??
    Thanx .. I hope now the problem is clear

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