Node size in scenebuilder.

Hi everybody,
can someone explain me how to set the pref size of a container using percent values relative to another parent container?
I have to share a VBox container space between a webview component and a vertical tableview, but i wish to assign a 70% of the vertical space available to the webview and the remaining one to the tableview.
How can i manage sizes this way in a fixed percent?
When i try to write percent values inside scenebuilder or expressions like:
it doesn't save the expressions.
Pheraps is there another way to manage sizes?
Thanks in advance!

Here is an fxml for a static reference.
The expressions work for values which don't change.
As James points out, if you want to have dynamic binding to an expression such as {$parentBox.height * 0.7}, then, with JavaFX 2.2 (and the forthcoming Java 8), you need to do that in code as only bindings for simple values such as {$parentBox.height} work.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import java.lang.*?>
<?import java.util.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.paint.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.shape.*?>
<StackPane id="StackPane" xmlns:fx="" xmlns="">
    <Rectangle fx:id="parentSize" height="400.0" width="400.0"/>
  <VBox fx:id="parentBox" prefHeight="${parentSize.height}" prefWidth="${parentSize.width}">
    <StackPane fx:id="child1" prefHeight="${parentSize.height * 0.7}" style="-fx-background-color: mistyrose;" />
    <StackPane fx:id="child2" prefHeight="${parentSize.height * 0.3}" style="-fx-background-color: cornsilk;" />
An alternate if you want to use percentage values from fxml is to use a layout which supports dynamic percentage constraints (such as a GridView).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import java.lang.*?>
<?import java.util.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.paint.*?>
<StackPane id="StackPane" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="400.0" xmlns:fx="" xmlns="">
    <GridPane style="">
        <StackPane style="-fx-background-color: cornsilk;" GridPane.columnIndex="0" GridPane.rowIndex="0" />
        <StackPane style="-fx-background-color: mistyrose;" GridPane.columnIndex="0" GridPane.rowIndex="1" />
        <ColumnConstraints hgrow="SOMETIMES" minWidth="10.0" prefWidth="100.0" />
        <RowConstraints minHeight="-1.0" percentHeight="70.0" prefHeight="-1.0" vgrow="SOMETIMES" />
        <RowConstraints minHeight="-1.0" percentHeight="30.0" prefHeight="-1.0" vgrow="SOMETIMES" />
Using a GridView for this kind of layout seems like a better option in any case.

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    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: kiran kumar on Dec 8, 2008 10:47 AM

    Hi Kiran,
    You can achieve this by using a calculated attribute.
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    return date;
       return wdContext.currentXYZElement().getRequiredDate();

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    HI and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    Check out TechToolPro but they might be even more $$$.
    Unfortunately, it takes a robust disk utility to repair an invalid tree node. Your best bet really is DiskWarrior
    *"Would it be better to give up on replacing the internal drive and try for a bootable external HDD? Too slow? "*
    You could use a bootable external drive but there again you are looking at an investment.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Invalid B-tree node size

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    You analyzed it with Disk Utility but it won't mount? Did you try to mount it with Disk Utility?
    Try using an application such as [Data Rescue II|] or [FileSalvage|]. Both have free trial versions that let you see if the software will help before you decide to buy. You will also need a second hard drive equal to or larger in size than your first drive.
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    "Verifying disk "".
    Checking HFS Plus volume.
    Invalid B-tree node size
    The volume needs to be repaired.
    Volume check failed.
    Verify completed."
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    eMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

    No you don't get it, my comp can't read it's 'volumes' so the iPod Updater doesn't even think one is plugged in, the iPod Updater just says, "Please insert an iPod." so there is no realy way to use the Updater that i know of.

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    Please help me!!! 

    You should be able to boot to the Snow Leopard upgrade disc — you had to do so to install the upgrade in the first place. If you can't boot to it now, either the disc is scratched or dirty or your drive's lens is dirty; for the latter problem, a drive cleaning disc is an inexpensive, frequently-used and often successful remedy, available at any store that sells DVDs.
    Because you're running Snow Leopard now, you should repair your hard drive directory using the Snow Leopard version of Disk Utility, not the one on your Tiger installer disc. If you aren't able to do so even after trying to clean your drive, you could buy and use DiskWarrior to rebuiild the damaged HD directory. But DW costs nearly $100, and though it would probably do the trick, that's a bunch of money. You'll have to weigh its cost against the value of the new or changed data on your drive that hasn't been backed up in the last three weeks. If you can get along without that data, then erasing your hard drive and restoring from your last backup is the no-cost, immediate (as opposed to waiting for a DW startup disk to arrive in the mail) solution.

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    Alright, so one day, i plug in my mini after my bro went and got music on it from a PC, though I didn't know that, he had just given it to me. I plugged it in, it told me i had to restore, i didn't like the songs on it so i said yeah sure blah blah blah...
    Then my dog knocked it off my desk and the cable ripped out of it. SO i plugged it back in and it said a bunch of stuff then the options to Eject, Ignore, or Initialize. I hit Initialize and found it as a hard disk in disk utility.
    Yes, i use a Mac, and eMac to be exact. so i hit Verify disk and it says...
    "Verifying disk "".
    Checking HFS Plus volume.
    Invalid B-tree node size
    The volume needs to be repaired.
    Volume check failed.
    Verify completed."
    Other than the " " at the ends that is exactly what it says, i don't have to option to repair the disk either...when i try to boot the iPod it has the folder with "!" and the URL to iPod support.
    Can anyone help? I'm 14 n' need my frickin music >: (
    By The Way: iPod Updater does not notice my mini as an iPod, so i can't restore it that way, any help?

    No you don't get it, my comp can't read it's 'volumes' so the iPod Updater doesn't even think one is plugged in, the iPod Updater just says, "Please insert an iPod." so there is no realy way to use the Updater that i know of.

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    really works, since the paint() method doesn't seem to call the
    My situation: Imagine a JPanel splited in two by a JSplitPane. In
    the left is the tree. Each node in the tree shows two panels, one
    aligned to the left, and another to the right. I need that the panel
    containing the two use all the available space in the left part of the
    Split panel.
    My solution: I pass the left JPanel to the tree renderer, so that
    it can get the width from it (inside the
    getTreeCellRendererComponent()) to build the return JPanel with the
    correct size. My logic is that since each time you move the JSplitPane
    the JTree paint() method is invoked the renderer can return the
    correct JPanel with the correct size that will be painted then in the
    My problem: Doens't work. When I render the tree, the renderer is
    invoked, but it doesn't change its size (I can change the color based on the width, but not the node size). Only when I collapse & expand a node, it correctly takes into account the .setPreferredSize() and returns the JPanel with the correct size.
    The only way I found to update the tree involves to catch the
    JSplitPane event and call updateUI() in the tree, something that, I
    think, it's certainly not the correct way to do it.
    Any explanation of why this doesn't work would be really great. Any
    pointer to a web resource explaining in deep how Swing components work (specially the JTree) would be a godsend.
    - Juancho

    My situation: Imagine a JPanel splited in two by a JSplitPane. Got it.
    In the left is the tree. In the left side of the JSplitPane is a JTree.
    Each node in the tree shows two panels,Maybe... on the right side of the JSplitPane are two Panels in which the data depends on which node is selected in the JTree???
    Maybe... you have a custom TreeCellRenderer which displays a pair of panels in place of the standard JLabel???
    one aligned to the left, and another to the right. To the left of what??? To the right of what???
    I need that the panel containing the two use all the available
    space in the left part of the Split panel.Panel containing the two what??? I thought the left part of the SplitPanel contained a JTree???

  • Receiving Invalid B-tree node size in Disk Utility

    My mac mini has recently bit the dust.  I did a hard shut down by holding down the power button.  Since then I have not been able to bring it back.  It started with a folder with a ? in it.  Sometimes it sits at the apple logo, and other times it goes to a gray screen and just reboots eventually.  I am running Snow Leopard, and I have booted from the install cd.  I have tried running Repair Disk in Disk Utility, but I receive the following error:  "Invalid node structure Invalid B-tree node size The volume could not be verified completely.  Volume repair complete.  Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.  Error:  Disk Utility can't repair this disk...disk, and restore your backed-up files."
    In the pop up window it says "Disk Utility stopped repairing "macintosh HD" Disk Utility can't repair this disk.  Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.  On the left hand side of the window I see 60.01GB ST96812AS Media, and then I see Macintosh HD offset underneath.  The Macintosh HD is in light gray and is not mounted.  When I try to Mount it it gives me an error and tells me to repair the disk. 
    My question is do you think Disk Warrior would work or something like that software?  I tried to do an Archive and Install, but since the HD won't mount I can't do an installation.  Is my HD dead?
    Any help would be appreciated!

    As you can see, I received no help from this forum.  I ended up replacing the hard drive after trying disk warrior unsuccessfully!  I wish you luck and anyone else who has this issue.
    <a href="">Medicare Man</a>

  • Volume won't boot: Invalid B-tree node size

    My OS 10.4 volume on a G4 tower will no longer boot (I can mount it from another volume on the same machine, though).
    The problem started with trying to read from a damaged CD. I powered-off the machine when it hung trying to copy a file. After I could no longer boot. Disk utility said bad leaf record count (I think). The utility could not do the repair, fsck didn't help.
    I have a copy of Techtool deluxe (that came with a Tiger-loaded G5). I ran that. It found, and claimed to have repaired, the problems (though it took a looong time). Techtool now finds no errors.
    However, I still cannot boot. Running diskutility get me:
    Invalid B-tree node size
    Error: the underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972)
    Trying to boot in single-user mode gets a nasty panic.
    I guess my question is: Is it worth trying to run another repair utility? If Techtool thinks everything is OK, is there any point doing more? Did I mess this up by using the Techtool that came with a G5 on my G4? (not sure I want the answer to that last question.)
    Thanks for any pointers.
    g4 tower   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Thanks for the tips. I could have swornTechtool deluxe came with machines loaded with Tiger, but I guess not.
    Before I messed things too badly with Techtool delux I made an image of the volume. It still has the bad leaf count, but at least it could mount.
    I'm going to erase the volume, reinstall the system software and then copy all my files off the diskimage. One more question: If I want to copy applications from the diskimage should I copy anything besides the stuff in the Applications folder? something from the Library?
    Thanks again.

  • Is my hard drive dead? Invalid B-Tree Node Size

    When I turn on my powerbook it goes to the grey screen with the apple in the middle comes up and then it goes to loading Mac OS X which I am trying to do but when it comes to Select a Destination my hard drive is not listed. I click on utilities and go to utilities and disk utility. My hard drive is listed on the left side so i click it. I then click verify disk and it sais Invalid B-Tree Node Size and Volume needs repair. Then I click repair but the same thing comes up. What can I do? PS-I did a search but none of the info I came up with helped me at all.

    they are about $100 and available from most Apple dealers:
    if there are no important files on the drive, erasing the drive and reinstalling OS could possibly fix it unless it's caused by failing drive hardware.
    if erase/install does not work properly, could be bad drive.
    "B-Tree" message could simply be caused by messed up files and there is nothing wrong with the drive itself.

  • Invalid B tree node size- Computer won't start up anymore

    Get the kernel panic/restart messsage - when I restart same thing.... Tried all of the solutions Apple suggest- re-setting PRAM, holding the "X" key, holding the "option" key... nothing seems to work. Ran the OSX install CD and went to utilites, tried to repair the disk that way- but get the message- " Invalid B Tree node size, volume check failed. Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit. IHFS Volume checked - Volume could not be repaired beause of an error.
    CD would also not let me re- install OS X
    Currently using OS X 10.4.9 on a G4 iMac

    Thank you for posting back with an update of your situation. I am glad you were able to work your way through your issues and secure your Users Folder. Data Resuce II is a great tool.
    I have been using different versions of TechTool Pro since OS 9 and have found it to be a great tool. It has saved me from disaster several times. I use TechTool Pro 4.5.2 on Tiger. I am not sure what version you were using, but if, indeed, TTP damaged your data, and I have serious doubts about that, it could be that you were using the wrong version.
    Having a good backup strategy is very important. You will find some good hints in Dr. Smoke's FAQ Backup and Recovery. My main difference with Dr. Smoke is the he insists on using Retrospect as his backup software, whereas I have never been able to get it to work. Besides, you will find that SuperDuper is much friendlier and efficient. Indeed, SuperDuper was rated the best backup software in tests. And no need to wait for Leopard to do scheduled backups. SuperDuper will do that, too.
    Again, I am glad your issue has been resolved. Use Disk Warrior regularly to rebuild your directories and follow a regular maintenance schedule such as the one Gulliver suggests in his article Mac OS X System Maintenance.
    Happy Mac Computing.
    Message was edited by: cornelius

  • Sizing a Node based on the Parent Node Size, How?

    Hi All, I'd like to base the dimensions of my nodes (width/height) based on the size of the Stage.
    To explain this in greater detail.... if I run my app on a 1024x768 monitor or on a 1920x1080 monitor then I have different aspect ratio's and screen space I can utilize. Just the same if the size of the window is manipulated then my Node content should "recalculate" their dimensions.
    How can you ask for the size of a Stage or Scene from a child node?
    Edited by: AndrewHughes on Feb 18, 2009 4:18 AM

    I sure hope someone has something better than this, because it's an aweful hack..... also if the Scene is empty at the start the window just closes, hence the 0x0 rectangle.
    //first create the stage...
    var stage = Stage {
        title: "MyApp"
        scene: Scene {
            content: [Rectangle {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                    width: 0,
                    height: 0
                    fill: Color.BLACK
    //have to do a bound reference to on replace trigger that the size has changed and reconstruct the ui.
    var width:Number = bind stage.width on replace {reconstruct()};
    var height:Number = bind stage.height on replace {reconstruct()};
    //reconstruct the ui completely
    public function reconstruct():Void{
        stage.scene.content = [
            ImageView {
                image: Image {url: ""}
                fitHeight: height
                fitWidth: width
            Text {
                font: Font {
                    size: 24
                x: stage.width * .25,
                y: stage.height * .25
                content: "{stage.width}(w)"
            Text {
                font: Font {
                    size: 24
                x: stage.width * .75,
                y: stage.height * .75
                content: "{stage.width}(w)"
                rotate: 90
        println("Redrew everything... for new window size.");

Maybe you are looking for