Noise on Software Instruments

Just upgraded to 6.0.4 and I get a tremendous amount of noise and distortion on software inserts. I never experienced this with the older version. Also received the following error message:
Error while trying to synchronize Audio and Midi
Sample rate 22009 recognized. Check conflict between Garage Band and external device.
Any suggestions to remedy the problem?

Still getting the error message while trying to sync Audio to MIDI.
Any suggestions. A/M is set to 44 sample rate.
I can only hear Garage Band properly if it is running through the Mac onboard audio.

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  • Feature Request: MainStage as a Software Instrument

    I want to use MainStage for performing, and I want at the same time to use Logic to record multitracks of my band.
    Currently I can do this, but it's clumsy and kind of a pain.
    I can either:
    A) create an aggregate device using soundflower and bounce audio out of mainstage into a separate input in logic. (This works but causes wild issues with latency, and is super CPU intensive)
    B) use two audio interfaces. set Mainstage to the output of one, and logic to record the input of the other. Use a splitter to pipe the output of Mainstage simultaneously into my amp and into Logic. (Downside: so, so many wires ... and places for noise to creep into the signal chain).
    Now, wouldn't it just be FREAKIN' AWESEOME, if I could create a software instrument track in Logic, and let the instrument be an instance of mainstage? Better yet, treat it like an external midi track, and have it automatically just record whatever MainStage spits out it's audio interface.
    BONUS: if you can go back and edit the midi performance and re-bounce the track
    DOUBLE BONUS: clock sync. Let Logic's tempo sync the clock of MainStage, or better yet, let MainStage's tap-tempo set the tempo track in Logic.
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    This suggestion may not fit your needs if you change sound patches with Mainstage during any give song BUT Have you considered playing your patches (keyboards i assume) and recording your band live using just LOGIC rather than Mainstage? You may not be able to use your peddle board to change sounds like you can with Mainstage BUT with a little work before hand you could set up your sounds, use the "I" function to monitor them LIVE and control what comes through the front end via volume of the channels. (And the band recording channels simply turn off the output or send them to an unused output so they don't come through your amp.) It may be too much of a pain and may not work if you change keyboard patches a lot during the songs but if you stick with one sound per song per keyboard this would work great for you.
    I've tried this as a solo artist playing along to pre-recorded drums and sent my Chapman Stick (like a guitar and bass at the same time outputting in stereo) into several different tracks, each track using different effect settings. For example I created 3 different "guitar" patches for my melody strings, one clean, one reverb and one distorted. I had them ALL receive the input from the melody strings at the same time BUT only one played at a time because I used volume automation to control which channel was heard. The settings changed on their own using "volume automation" at preset times in the songs and it worked beautifully. The only down side was to have it change my patches (via volume control automation) I HAD to play to the prerecorded drums so "I" was in the right place at the right time for the patch change. Just like playing live to a sequencer. And it took a good amount if time to "write" each arrangement before any performance was possible. But it did and does work wonderfully.
    Playing with a live band this would work GREAT if you use the "same sound patch for the entire song" and would require very little pre-recording work to "Write the arrangement" for each song but if you change patches "during the songs" it may be too much set up to make it worth your while. But playing SOLO along with a click or drum track this method works amazing well. Talk about band in a box!
    Just thought I'd throw the idea out for your consideration.

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    - Sean

    Okay… the way Logic works is to use the same device for both Inputs & Outputs (there is a way round this, but let's not go there just now. First person to say 'Aggregate Device' gets thumped!).
    So when you choose your device (usefully known as "Unknown USB Device") in Audio MIDI Setup, this means that you are no longer using your Built-in Inputs & Outputs — because that's the alternative.
    Which means you won't hear anything through your speakers connected to your Mac. To hear an Output, you would have to connect your monitors/headphones/etc. to your device.
    _Auto Input Monitoring_
    If Auto Input Monitoring is switched on, you will only hear the input signal during the actual recording—before and afterwards, you’ll hear the previously recorded audio on the track, while the sequencer is running. This helps you to judge punch in and punch out points when punch recording. If Auto Input Monitoring is switched off, you will always hear the input signal.
    _To switch auto input monitoring on, do one of the following:_
    • Choose +Options > Audio > Auto Input Monitoring+ from the main menu bar (or use the +Toggle Auto Input Monitoring+ key command).
    • Control-click the Record button in the Transport, and turn on the +Auto Input Monitoring+ setting in the pop-up menu.

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    Assuming your keyboard requires an external MIDI interface (some have MIDI interfaces onboard), you can pick one up pretty cheaply - for example, M-Audio's Midisport or Uno are decent and inexpensive.

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    Thanks much!!

    That was added around 9.1.1 - presumably so people wouldn't create an instrument and then ask "I created an instrument, but it don't make no sound." 
    You can uncheck the open library box or go to HD>Library>App support>Logic>channel strip settings>Instrument>01 Logic instruments and change the one called something like "EVP88 Electric Piano" to just "Electric Piano."

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    Any help would be appreciated!

    In addition:
    The reason a Green Apple Loop can be played from a MIDI keyboard (provided it's set up correctly) is, a green loop loads an instrument.
    To work with instruments on your own, without loops.
    Go here:
    Open "Exploring Logic Pro"  look at chapter 3.  But really, read the whole thing if you have time. If the manuals aren't used most users never get beyond using 5% of Logic's capabilities.

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    I recently had the same problem when I upgraded to Garageband '11.  There are many posts and answers about this issue on the forum, but the one that worked for me was also the simplest solution.  When you get to the Updates window on the App Store and it says it doesn't find any updates, hit ⌘-R to reload.  When I did that, the additional instruments and loops download appeared in the Updates window and I was able to download them.
    If that doesn't work for you, search this forum.  There are many more possible solutions.  Good luck!

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    In the arrange window,dbl click on the instrument track you want,then the mixer window opens,again,dbl click on the instrument track(the button just above the out button below the I/O,{its the in/out area}) and choose from the drop down menu>choose mono or stereo etc,>logic>garageband
    your Garageband instruments will be there,or should be.
    OK,did you goto audio>loop browser ?I know its obvious,but i dont know how much you know so....that would be the first thing to do for the loops.

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    so that I can create a hybrid ESX24 drum kit with my favorite snares, kicks, toms etc.
    To my opinion the Environment "Mapped Instrument" object is designed exactly for what you want. You can load even different Software (drum) Instrument kits into say EXS, Addictive Drums, UB etc. Patch multiple cables to each Software Drum Instrument instance, open the Mapped Instrument and assign the pads "cable" outputs in the Cable column - this is one of the most elegant ways in Logic...
    Author of: Logic GUI Deluxe(Free),
    Vox De Bulgaria - s.a.g.e vocal pack for RMX,
    Logic Snapshot Console,
    RMX Power CTRL - Logic Environment Midi editor for Stylus etc.

  • How can I record a microphone and software instrument at the same time in Garageband 10.0.1?  It seems I can record one or the other, but not both at the same time?

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    It seems like this should be an obvious thing to be able to do, but I can't figure out how to make it work.
    Can someone help?

    Kurt1997 wrote:
    I am trying to record a vocal mic and a keyboard (using a software instrument) at the same time using Garageband 10.0.1.
    you need to "record enable" both tracks:
    This FAQ entry offers a Minute GarageBand video tutorial
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Crashes every time I attempt to open a software instrument GUI

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    I'm working on a song with many software instruments (Ivoy, Stylus, Kontakt2, Kontakt 3, Toontrack Superior Drum 2.0, Trilogy, ecc.) and I can see on Activity Monitor that I am at the limit of Logic RAM addressing (Logic is at 2.57 GB and VM is at 3.90: I have 10 GB DIMMs).
    Is perhaps my problem due to this RAM limit?
    Note that the song flows smoothly if I play it and all is fine. But I can't open a soft Instr. GUI because Logic crashes.
    If it so, I wonder why Logic has this RAM addressing limit. Is it due to the System architecture? Could it be surpassed in the future?

    Yes Logic have a limitation on Ram and Virual Memory. I really hope an update could be done about that, cause without this i could too do a complete mix without doing bouncing or exporting the soft instrument as a audio track to regain some DSP. To Avoid this kind of situation is to twaek your virtual instrument (ex. Superior 2.0 load jus by defaut 982 Mb in the ram and virtual memory addressing to Logic, you can lower that by removing samples of drum you don't use - i use superior 2.0 with 2 setup one drum set load at 360 Mb and another one at 580 Mb at 24bit - you can also reduce the bit rate)... But i agree totally with you this limitation is ridiculous now our days we have powerfull machines and plugin and software that require more RAM. Architecture that was develop at the time of the first Logic.

  • Polyphony- how many notes can play at one time with the software instrument

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    I can't give you exact figures, but GB does have problems with overlapping notes. It's weird sometimes - while it certainly can play a lot of notes at a time, like big chords, it chokes on melodies where the notes overlap. I don't know of any other fix than making sure that the notes don't overlap.

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    Is it? If so, how do I set it up?

    Yes, the terminology can be a bear, many, many years ago when I started using Logic the manuals were written completely by the programmers, while they were quite humorous in places the were also really hard to understand so I learned/realized.. you can't really do anything so wrong it's going to destroy your computer so why not go ahead and experiment. I learned the basics of Logic without a manual, months later when I went back to find some some details I could figure out the manual made a lot more sense.
    Logic has been somewhat Appleized but it's not really an Apple program, it was purchased almost as developed as it is now... a lot of the additions a fluff to make it easier to understand for new users while at the same time there are some real improvements.
    This is personal opinion: With all of the forums/online tutorials...etc...etc. It seems users are learning (but not understanding) the same things, plus everyone wants to use it right away so nobody takes a deep breath and investigates on their own. Logic is a deep, deep program, while learning don't be afraid to go off on a tangent and explore the program without any other input, it can actually be inspirational. One other thing good about the manual or "Online Help", in looking up a function you will invariably come across a related concept that will provide further insight.
    And..... have fun.

  • Using software instruments that are stored on an external drive.

    I recently bought Logic 9. Doing a custom install, I stored the instrument library on an external disk thinking it would be easy to use the instruments at a later time. Now, however, when I create a software instrument track, I only see the basic exs instruments. I can't find any further help on how to use my full library of instruments stored on my external drive. This must be simple, but I can't figure out. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Logic looks at the Garageband library for these.
    You'll need to go in there and create an alias to where you've put your content, otherwise they won't show up in the Garageband instruments section.

  • Control only the software instrument of one channel strip at a time with one Controller

    Hi people,
    I have a Nord Lead 2 and a Korg Nanokontrol and I want to use these as Midi controllers in the following way, but don't really know how to set up the system:
    I have 4 Channelstrips and each has the free software instrument Tyrell N6 inserted. I have the opportunity to change the volume of each channel strip with my faders on the Nanokontrol which works fine and gives me the opportunity to make layers and change also to only use one sound at a time. And this works fine. However, now I want to have the opportunity to change the parameters of each Tyrell with my Nord Lead. But with 4 channelstrips each with a Tyrell N6 I want to have the opportunity to only somehow manipulate only one instance of Tyrell at a time and change the channelstrip for which the Nord Lead manipulates the Tyrell. Is there an opportunity in Mainstage to do that?
    Hope it is understandable. Help would be really much appricated. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Hi DaCaptain,
    Thank you very much for your answer. I tried it yesterday, but it doesnt really work for me to be honest. The thing is that I really wanna stick to one patch, so that I can have like one patch for each song.
    However, if you might be interested I found a way to do it yesterday on my own. This is how I have done it:
    In Layout-Mode
    - Create Controls for each instance of Tyrell. For my purpose I created 4 times:
                 - controlls for the Filter Section
                 - controls for ADSR1
                 - controls for ADSR2
    - So you have 4 Sections of controllers in Layout Mode. Each meant to controll one Tyrell Instance
    - Now each section gets its own Midi Channel. So all the controllers of section 1 respond to MIDI Channel 1 and the controllers of section 2 respond to MIDI Channel 2 and so on. 
    - Now you tell the Nord Lead that it should send via MIDI Channel 1 and you assign the Cutoff-Controller of the Nord Lead to the controller (the one of the first section) that is suppose to control the cutoff of the first Tyrell. And you proceed this way until all the controllers of the first sections are assigned. Then you swith to MIDI Channel 2 on the Nord Lead and assign the Cutoff-Controller of the Nord Lead to the controller (the one of the second section) that is suppose to control the cutoff of the second Tyrell. And here again you proceed this way until all the controllers of the second sections are assigned. Then you go on with the third and fourth section taking MIDI Channel 3 and 4.
    In Edit-Mode
    - In Edit Mode now you of course assign the controllers to the functions in each Tyrell
    - Now you can switch between the MIDI Channels on the Nord Lead. This is quiet easy because you can assign a MIDI Channel to one of four buttons on the Nord Lead.
    - So if you switch to MIDI Channel 1 you can controll the functions of the first Tyrell and if you switch to MIDI Channel 2 you can controll the functions of the second Tyrell. And all in one Patch with only one controller which is even from the nineties. I find this really great. The only problem is that the Layout might get really messy, if you try to maybe control more functions of each Tyrell. And I really think maybe Mainstage in future could give us the opportunity to create bigger Layouts - maybe with different Windows or something.
    Hope you might find this interesting or even helpful.
    See you 

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