Noisy Left side Fan

I'm one of the guys that can live with the "lines", but today I started with a noise like if the left side fan is touching something (trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....) on my PB HD 1.67 . What's going on?? I really cant live with this!!
It started while gaming but now the noisy fan goes on as soon as I power the Book...GRRRR
I'm I alone??
15" PB 1.67 HD   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1gb apple ram

It is a bit more noisyer than 1.5ghz models but heck it works very nice.
Usually when I play games obviously I have the speakers plugged in and or headset+mic on so the sound is not that anoying to me.
if it is loud enough to bother you even when the game / music is on then maybe you might want to get it fixed at Apple care / Apple genius bar.
Compared to my desktop linux/PC it is so quiet.
What might help is to get one of the laptop cooling pads that has it's own fans or just raise the Pbook a little so air can curcilate to passivly cool it down.
This will reduce the fan noise or fan usage.
Also set the power option to normal as you loose about 6 fps at max display settings of the game.
Also paly your games at lower display settings maybe 800x600 32bit with normal or med-high settings as this reduces the stress/load on the CPU / GPU and so reduces heat.
This will also make it more playable and faster.

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    Sounds like you need a #1SMC Reset
    1. SMC reset
    >>Instructions to reset SMC
    Disconnect other non-Apple and external hardware except (if applicable) a mouse and keyboard until your finished repairing your machine.
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    Check battery status: Hold option/alt key down while clicking on the battery icon in the menu bar, top right corner.
    Magsafe: Use the correct/matching power supply charger with your Mac, not a less powered one from another Mac.
    Apple: Laptop won't power up   Apple: Computer won't power up  Troubleshooting optical drive
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    It seems that given your description, you will have to take your machine to a local apple service center. Only the technicians will be able to make a firm diagnosis f this particualr issue.
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    1. Reset SMC.
        Choose the appropriate method.
    2. Runawy applications can shorten battery runtime,affect performances and
        increase heat and fan activity
        Activity monitor

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    [Look at Step 15| /2212/2] and you will see that that is where the CPU and Nvidia GPU are. Those are the components that get the hottest in a computer.
    Right now, at full load, my late 2010 MBP 15" has 90˚C i7 CPU, which is below the 105˚C max operating temperature according to [Intel|].
    Install [iStat Pro|> (free widget) if you want to keep an eye on the temperatures inside your Mac.
    If you are still worried, as many other people are, [SMC Fan Control|] will make your Mac's cooling fans run at a higher speed.

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