Nokia 301 should I buy one?

Hi I bought a nokia 206 recently but sold it within a few days as the call quality was terrible, my nokia 2610 is much better and thats years old, anyway im thinking of buying a 301 unlocked, but id like to know if the call quality is any good, as the 206 seems similar? And has the battery problem been fixed, any replies welcome im in the uk...

It really depends on what you want out of a phone. If you are looking for something basic or old fashioned then it's a good phone. Personally i'd buy a Lumia 520 instead but do understand that not everyone likes touchscreens.

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    Hi, and welcome to Apple Discussions.
    It is the nature of these Discussions that what you are going to see here are problems, problems, and more problems.
    If people are happily iBooking away, getting work done, playing games, listening to music on iTunes, buying music from the iTunes music store, using their iBooks to load their iPods, downloading photos from their digital cameras, and buying books from, they are too busy to come here and say, "Hey, my iBook's working great!"
    Many, many people are doing just that, with no problems whatsoever.
    In this particular forum, some of the iBooks are over four years old. Some have had a lot of problems over the years; some have chugged right along and are just showing signs of their age now. Many more are still chugging right along, and their owners are oblivious to these Discussions and to the problems others have had or are having.
    If you are thinking of buying a new iBook, I would not hesitate in recommending one to you. I would be more cautious with buying used because, like buying a new car, there is a chance you are buying someone else's problems.
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    If you are buying a new one, I would recommend buying AppleCare. Maybe that recommendation comes from all the time I spend here helping people with problems. I'd rather buy AppleCare and never need it than need it and regret not having bought it.
    If you're buying used, AppleCare transfers, so you can try to get one that has it. Or if it is less than a year old, you will have the option to purchase AppleCare on it for yourself, even if it doesn't already have it.
    Don't let these Discussion boards put you off buying an iBook. The fact that they exist is just one more reason to buy one.
    Good luck.

  • Should I Buy one now?

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    First of all, welcome to the Mac community/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png You have taken your first step/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png I was in your shoes last April myself/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png Before that, I had turned my PC in "looking" like a mac and all the fun stuff, and yet I was still drooling over the beauty of the original macs. Switching to Apple was DEFINITELY the right choice for me/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png I love it/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png And while I still respect the choices of people who don't want to try Apple products, I think they are missing out/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png
    Now, as per your question of whether to buy it now or not, I see your dilemma and also of Masna's claim that "you will never buy a computer then" if you keep waiting. Its compelling to wait for the "right" moment. Actually, I am (once again) in your shoes because I just sold my iBook and am also looking to buy a MacBook soon. But I am hoping/planning to control my emotions for another month or two.
    I am holding off because Fall is coming, which means GOOD DEALS/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png August and September are the times when schools open, and so the tech stores have all nice little offers going on/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png For instance, I bought a Mac Mini last september, and here is what I got:
    1) Mac Mini (retail value)
    2) LCD Monitor ($30 off)
    3) Microsoft Office: Student (FREE after rebate)
    4) Apple Bluetooth Mouse (FREE after rebate)
    5) Apple Bluetooth Keyboard (FREE after rebate)
    6) Epson Printer (FREE after rebate)
    That was really a sweet deal/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png I know deals like that don't come everyday, but I am guessing you can AT LEAST get a FREE printer :o)
    At the end, it all depends on your situation. If you can hold off, I would recommend holding it out for at least August or even September. If you can't hold off that long, then just get one tomorrow/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png You won't regret it either way :-D
    Good Luck/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png And welcome once again/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/migration-img-not-avail.png :o)

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    I returned mine.
    My top reasons for bagging it in no particular order:
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    - AT&T GSM echo
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    - Too many taps to place a simple phone call
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    My interest is watching movies and so I want to
    use the device as a DVD player. This means I download
    the movie direct to my device or to my pc and then to
    my device and then connect the device to the TV and
    watch the movie. In fact I have seen a friend who
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    Spiderman 111 and the picture was terrific. But the
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    Therefore friends can you tell me which is the right
    Nokia device for me. Is N 82 the right choice?
    The connection to the TV must be by cable like the
    cable used by N95 8g not wireless as I will never be
    able to connect my device wirelessly to the TV. You
    see I am not good at these things.
    Thank you in advance for your kind response.
    Moderator note: e-mail address removed. It is unwise to publish personal contact info on the public boards.
    Message Edited by michaels on 03-Feb-2008 06:10 PM

    03-Feb-2008 03:40 PM
    akwarious wrote:
    By the way is the screen of N 82 same as N95 8G?
    The N82 has the video output for a television with the cable and so does the N95 8GB, but if you want to watch videos - the N95 8GB is better because of the massive screen.
    Nokia N95
    V 20.0.015

  • Should i Buy one??

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    Despite the name I don't think the DA model comes with audio input. You'll have to use a USB input device or sound card which will add to the cost.
    For most normal surfing it will be fine except now people are starting to see jerky video on sites such as YouTube. Those are really requiring a processor capable of handling H264 video.
    This model computer cannot recognize more than 128GB of any size hard drive. If you start getting huge mounts of audio you'll want to find room for more. Either use workarounds for larger drives (various hardware and software options, all add a bit to cost, and some work better than others), or put in multiple smaller drives, or use external drives. We can provide details on the various options if you want.

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    World of Warcraft
    Portal 2
    Champions online
    Sims 3
    Tell me if these work with intel hd 3000 graphics please
    Thank you ahead of time
    Ps I will be using windows 7 in boot camp

    First off i dont know what "shldr2thewheel" is talking about the 15" macbook pro has both onboard and dedicated video, aka Radeon 6750m which is 1 gig gddr5 .... it runs wow on full settings at 60fps-120fps.... also starcraft 2 on ultra!!! that guy has no clue or isnt a gamer, plus you can bootcamp windows for windows based titles such as skyrim and it looks beautifull. imo go for a mac

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    This depends on how you purchased Keynote, read the licence agreement here: 
    Keynote Licence Agreement

  • Should You Buy An iPhone Now, Or Wait For The Next One?

    Great article by HuffPost Tech.
    The most common thing I get asked whenever I tell anyone I'm a tech writer is some version of the question: "Should I get a new iPhone now, or should I wait until the next one comes out?" It is as though my business card should read not "Technology Writer," and instead "iPhone Psychic"
    Not that I am not happy to prognosticate! And in that spirit, here's a look at the questions on everyone's mind: Should I buy an iPhone now? And if not now, when?
    First, let me say that I am fascinated by the peculiar kind of panic that I encounter in people I meet who are deciding on a purchase date for their next Apple phone. I call it the iSenberg Uncertainty Principle: Potential iPhone buyers exist in a constant state of anxiety, perpetually worrying that purchasing an iPhone on any given day will mean that they will miss out on the inevitably cooler version with the mind-blowing new features soon down the road. The Cupertino Sword of Damocles constantly dangles over their heads, threatening to pierce them with unhipness and iShame.
    Here is one solid piece of advice I can offer to help you avoid the Sword: Do not buy any new iPhone until September. Apple has an annual media conference each September, and every blog with the word 'Mac' in the title is reporting that Steve Jobs is going to do his black turtleneck thing and introduce some kind of new iPhone there. The September Media conference is generally used to present the new iPods, but as All Things Digital reports, Apple plans to "commandeer" the conference for its official iPhone announcement.
    Apple is long overdue to release its new iPhone anyway, if history is any indication. Look at this handy little timeline:
    June 2007: original iPhone released
    June 2008: iPhone 3G released
    June 2009: iPhone 3Gs released
    June 2010: iPhone 4 released
    June 2011: Nothing!
    In other words, the 5th generation iPhone is already a month late, so it makes sense that the rumors are swirling. Apple's tardiness can be explained by the fact they've actually already released two iPhones in 2011 -- the Verizon iPhone in February and the unlocked iPhone 4 in June. Their schedule is all screwy, like a traveler trying to get over jet lag. But all signs point to them getting right with a September Apple iPhone release.
    So what jaw-dropping new feature will this iPhone boast? We're hearing that the "iPhone 4S," as it is rumored to be called, won't be the dramatic re-imagining that many of us have come to expect with each new iPhone release. Tech blogThis Is My Next thinks that it will be thinner and lighter, and that it will run on a new chip; the New York Times thinks that it will be the same dimensions as the iPhone 4 but that it will be cheaper. Bloomberg agrees with This Is My Next on the chip and adds that the rear-facing camera will upgrade to 8 megapixels from 5 megapixels.
    Now, even if you're just a normal, non-geek iPhone user, who doesn't care if the rear-facing camera doubles its megapixel count, or if Apple has changed the manufacturer of its data processors, or whatever, you still need to at least wait for the alleged iPhone announcement, and here's why: if history is any indicator, the introduction of a newer iPhone model is accompanied by a drop in price of older iPhone models. When the iPhone 3GS was announced, the price of the iPhone 3G dropped by $100; when the iPhone 4 was announced, the price of an iPhone 3GS also dropped by $100. Even if you know that you're not going to drop $400 on whatever iPhone Apple begins peddling in September, there is no sense in paying more money for an iPhone 4 or 3Gs now when the base price of both seem like locks to drop in two months.
    But before we start fantasizing, how can we be so certain that Jobs is even going to announce an iPhone in September if Apple hasn't so much as indicated such a thing? How do we know that all of these rumors weren't just started by lonely nerds like me and my co-workers emailing each other from our mother's basements, inciting iPhone rumors all on our own?
    Well, first of all, I don't live with my mother; and second of all, the new iPhone rumors have sprung forth from two reliable sources held in high journalistic regard.
    The first is esteemed, award-winning tech journalist John Paczkowski of All Things Digital, who blazed iPhone prognostication trails by predicting back in April that an updated iPhone 4 would be unveiled at the September Apple music Conference and has steadfastly maintained the claim is true through June and into July. In fact, he confirmed as recently as July 5 that a shiny new iPhone looked to be in the early stages of supply chain production, and that people close to the company still believe that the new iPhone would be ready for the Jobs treatment in September.
    So there is Reliable Source One.
    Reliable Source Number Two is the Wall Street Journal, not exactly a one-laptop operation. The paper gives "the end of September" as a target launch date, which squares up with both Paczkowski's prediction of a September announcement and release. This doesn't even mention This Is My Next's separate prediction of a September release, nor 9to5Mac reporting that there are going to be two new iPhones in September, one low-end and high-end. But now we're falling down the rabbit hole and into the basement again, so let's focus:
    There is likely to be a new iPhone in September. It will likely affect the price of all the other iPhones. The iPhones available now -- the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 3Gs -- will probably be cheaper in two months. Unless you drop your current iPhone in a pool, a bathtub or a volcano, do not buy an iPhone until Steve Jobs opens his beautiful brilliant mouth at the Apple conference in early September. When the post-turtleneckian dust settles, we'll have a clearer picture of whether or not this rumored new iPhone is worth the money. And then we can talk about--well, whether or not you should buy an iPhone now, or wait until the next one comes out.

    Apple has two prototypes out testing now.  One is a thinner totally redesigned case.  The problem with it is that Foxconn can't seem to build it.  Hence the delay.  The other prototype uses the existing case, but with updated (read dual core) internals.  If they can get production up by September the first phone will be released and will be the iPhone 5.  If they cannot, then the second prototype will be released as the iPhone 4GS.  

  • Should I wait to buy an iPhone or buy one now?

    First off, I know for a fact that I am going to get an iPhone, but I just can't decide if I want to buy one now or wait for iPhone 2.0. The main reason for my hesitancy is the lack of 3G. All of iPhone's other missing features don't really concern me because they can be fixed through software updates. If Apple is going to release a 3G iPhone within the next 6 months or so then I might want to wait, but if it's going to be a year or more, then I'll probably just buy one now and suck it up with EDGE. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas to when Apple might be planning to release a 3G iPhone? Any ideas that would help me make this decision would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    Maybe you should get yer wife a V2 and keep the V1.
    Are you saying he should get a new wife just to upgrade his iPhone? Or get a new wife for his existing wife? Depending on how much he likes his current wife, it may be simpler (and cheaper, frankly), simply to upgrade the phone and not the wife.
    G5 Quad + Logic 7.2.3 + FireFace 800   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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    I have a macbook 2006 its hard drive was not working anymore so i install a new 500GB hard drive but now i just need the software. Which one should i buy?

    Snow Leopard 10.6 Technical Requirements -
    You can buy Snow Leopard at:
    Snow Leopard disc source -
    You could contact Apple Support and see if they have the original discs for that machine but it would be 10.4.11 and there's no reason not to go to at least Snow Leopard, especially since the 10.6 discs would probably cost the same as a replacement set of 10.4.11

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    actually i am new to mac so i am confused between macbook air 13 inch and i mac. which one should i buy? i will be installing windows 2 on it..

    An MBA is a portable while an iMac is a desktop and is not portable. You could install Windows on either provided each had sufficient memory installed and a large enough hard drive. The iMac is better equipped for this from the outset, but the MBA can be adequately configured if you are willing to spend the money to do so.

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    In general most macs you buy are the same. If you will be doing quite a lot of editing of photos and videos, then the big things to look for are:
    Processor - 2.8ish GHz Intel i7 4-core - is about the best I have head of thus far.
    RAM - fairly easy to upgrade yourself, but 16GB is typically more than you will need for the next 5 years at least.
    iLife is reasonably good software for editing media, but as a photographer, you may have your own prefered software
    The good thing about Apple is that they don't sell ****** computers in general. They offer little in the way of customization of hardware which is both their strength and weakness.

  • Should I buy the Nokia N8?

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    I'm in the market looking for a new phone to buy, and when I saw the new N8, I immediately fell in love with it.
    The thing is, doing a little research on the phone on the internet, it seems it has a BIG power problem (keeps turning off and ultimately, failing to turn back on). If I'm not mistaking, this problem has been discovered back in November 2010.
    Considering this phone is relatively expensive, should I buy it or not? considering that it has been nearly half a year since the power problem has been detected and that the Nokia people have "taken immediate action across the product line.", so probable the problem should be solved by now right?

    Sales = 1,000,000's , complaints=100's, do the maths, and do some independent research ! Most reviewers are very positive, I have a Symbian^3 phone and love it, but it may not suite you, do some research and find a phone that suites your needs ?
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

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    If you don't have the Apple ID and password, how did you get Mountain Liomn in the first place? Without the Apple ID and password, you'll need to buy it to download it.
    Mountain Lion

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