Nokia 5130 Yahoo! messenger

is there a yahoo messenger that I can use with this phone that can be minimized. just like the builtin MSN messenger. Thanks.

Hi SecondCitySaint, 
For troubleshooting in relation to the application "Yahoo messenger", please contact the publisher: | [email protected]
Do you have internet connection on your device, and are you able to surf the internet?
If you do, you could also try and uninstall the application and download it again. 
Press the 'Accept Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, Kudos my post if my advice has helped you!

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    Hi SecondCitySaint, 
    For troubleshooting in relation to the application "Yahoo messenger", please contact the publisher: | [email protected]
    Do you have internet connection on your device, and are you able to surf the internet?
    If you do, you could also try and uninstall the application and download it again. 
    Press the 'Accept Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, Kudos my post if my advice has helped you!

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    Go to the Link above and you will get free Yahoo Messanger Softwares then download of your choice

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    Hi cristimar,
    Welcome to the forum! 
    Depending on your region, you can try checking the Store if Yahoo Messenger is available for download on your Asha 503. There are also other chat and social applications that have Yahoo Messnger client. Here's an example: NimBuzz
    It would also be good to ask Yahoo if they have plans of releasing their mobile chat app to the New Asha OS. Visit this link to go to their support page:
    Let us know if you need further help. 

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    Go to Solution.

    I have been trying to login in on software like Euddy and facebook chat from internet mobile but I am unable to log in but its logs in via wifi. First i thought there might be a problem from the service provider but when i tried my sim in another mobile it was able to log into Ebuddy n other IM softwares n when tried to log in on C6-00 with a diffrent sim the problem was still there.Which concludes that there is a problem in the mobile itself. and not in the sim or the service which is provided by the service provider.
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    cicakione wrote:
    thanks krizanand
    Thanx in advance.

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    Kindly  help me out !!!

    GPRS is working fine on my nokia 5130XM. i have access to the internet. (I received those settings via a txt message from my mobile service provider (mobitel))
    My problems are,
    1)Can we install Yahoo Go on 5130XM?
      (i tried,but on yahoo site,it says use ur default browser to download Y!Go which(a default browser) is not available on 5130.(only OperaMini))
    2)How to Setup a Yahoo e mail account on "Messaging" menu 
       (When im trying to access my Yahoo email address,it says "Username or Password incorrect" though i hv entered my username and password correctly)
    (like this i cannot use "IMs" on "Messanging" menu too) 
    I know these services(email,yahoo messenger) can be used by simply log into internet using the builtin OperaMini browser in my 5130XM. But why we cannot setup those E mail and IMs features so easily. I searched on almost every site related on these settings. But i couldnt find.
    Please help!!!!!!!
    Thank you
    Anushka Wijepala 

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    Buy Original..See Original..

    Ty this free Nokia app from Ovi Store
    Works fine for Ovi and Yahoo and others but alas not Facebook

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    Nokia's new asha models come up with the chat app pre-installed. Just open Chat from the home menu and add your Yahoo and gTalk accounts there. You can also use Nimbuzz which does the similar work too..
    If you're looking for Yahoo Messenger or gTalk for calling, that isn't possible. You can only use the chat from your phone.

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    (c)Nokia n73(12)
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    Type on Google - Yahoo Go - now on version 2. See if your phone is already supported and install it. You have Messenger and all stuff from Yahoo, photos, mail, etc...

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    Does anybody know if the Yahoo offers on the Nokia 5300 are still supported ?
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    By the way I really think it's great to see how well Nokia is reporting errors.
    And I wanted to congratulate them on this point.
    You certainly feel better when your Chat connection fails and you read 'Connection failed' !!??
    It's probably very difficult to write 'Connection failed. Unable to open network connection' or something else more accurate. This way end users would know if they need to contact their network service provider or Nokia.

    Ensure that you still have a default access point (APN_ setup for your network. It could be that it got removed when you upgraded the firmware. If you are unsure about this please ask and I will help.

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    When you say "messaging application", what app are you using specifically?

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    Hey Suhit I got the same problem. I cant update version or even open. I think it will get fixed after you update your Software Version of your phone. If you find a solution just sms me Thanx..
    Mobile Number has been removed from this post. We kindly ask our users not to post their personal information publicly on this forum. This is for your safety and privacy.
    Kind Regards.

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    please help!

    you need to call them again the message comes via text its a configuration setting ,then you save this message so call them again
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

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    from my experience, attempting to use two programs that allow the use of the camera will render it unusable on the second program attempting to use it. So, if you started iChat first, then forgot to quit the program, and are now trying to use Yahoo Messenger, then you must quit iChat first and it should work.
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    It is likely they're still stored in the same location.  However, in Lion and above, Apple has hidden the Library folder by default.
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