Nokia 6555 Australia

Hi, anyone have any idea if and when Nokia will release the 6555 in Australia?

Hi, anyone have any idea if and when Nokia will release the 6555 in Australia?

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    Just hope that there won't be any battery problem, like it seems to be for most people who owned a nokia 6555.... :s
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  • Contact phone list in Nokia 6555

    I just upgraded my 2 LG1400 phones that I had for 3 years to 2 Nokia 6555s & am suppossed to receive them tomorrow by FedEX.
    In the LG1400, you had an option of keeping your Contact phone list either on the Sim card or in the phone itself.
    I preferred keeping them only in the phone because it allowed you to list several phone numbers for each contact.
    However, since it was not saved on the Sim card, all of your contacts were lost if you ever had to remove your Sim card for whatever reason (which returned the phone to its inital state each time).
    Saving the list to the Sim card was much safer, but it made you enter a different contact for each phone number of a particular contact. i.e.- if 1 contact had 3 phone numbers, it required 3 separate entries.
    QUESTIONs are: Does the Nokia 6555 work the same?
    Which method have you found works best for you?

    This morning (Thursday 5-8-08), I went to the local AT&T Mobility store.
    They said they COULD transfer my contact list from my old LG1400 to my new Nokia 6555 using a cable they had that would connect both phones together.
    But, before she went to the back to get the cable, she said she would try something even more simple.
    She took the SIM card out of my old LG1400 & put it in my new Nokia 6555.
    LO & BEHOLD, it accepted it!!!!!!
    Then she merely copied my contact list off of the LG1400 SIM card to the phone memory of the Nokia 6555. Then she put back the Nokia 6555 SIM card back into the Nokia 6555 and merely copied the contact list from the phone memory of the Nokia 6555 to the SIM card of the Nokia 6555.
    I now have the contact list from my old LG1400 in two places in the Nokia 6555: In the phone memory AND on the SIM card.
    Of course, that now means that every entry in my contact list shows up twice. But, I can easily cure that by deleting the contact list from my phone memory & leaving it only on the SIM card.
    Since my contact list on my old LG1400 was only on the SIM card, that is where I think I will leave it for a while.
    LATER, I expect to take each contact one at a time & transfer each to the phone memory which would enable me to list the various telephone numbers for each contact. That would decrease the number of items in my contact list since most of my contacts have more than 1 telephone number.

  • Nokia 6555

    Two questions: (1) How do you edit the current Address Book on this phone to indicate which phone number is attached to a name (i.e., Mobile or Office, etc.)? The AT&T store transferred my address book from my old phone without this indication--now I have no idea which numbers are for cell phones and which are home phones--very odd; (2) Can you only set one alarm? I actually used my old phone as an alarm clock (to wake my daughter, to call my mom to take her medications, etc.), but it appears that this phone will only accept one alarm at a time. Thanks for any help you can give me.

    You do know you can download the Nokia PC Suite software for FREE?
    Transferring a contact list from an old phone to a new phone is useful only temporarily.
    I found that it is easier to just re-input your contact list.
    And that is much easier if you get the Nokia PC Suite & do it in that software on your computer (easier than trying to re-input all of that information on your phone's keypad).
    I bought the Nokia CA-101 USB cable ($29.99) to connect my Nokia 6555 to my PC (no Bluetooth on my PC).
    If you have to input a lot of contact names, it DOES drain the battery on the Nokia 6555. You may want to consider also plugging the phone into the charger to do this so you do not deplete the battery before you are done inputting.

  • Nokia 6555 Battery charging

    Hi to all,
    I am receiving a Nokia 6555 phone. I have heard they need frequent charging.
    I have also heard this was an early battery problem and it has been fixed.
    Please comment.

    I bought a Nokia 6555 last week and my battery has a very poor life too. I use my phone only 10 minutes/day and I have to recharge it every 48 hours. Reading many forums I found many suggestments like disabling Bluetooth (didn't work), Disable UMTS (didn't work) ... Now I found a new solution that may fix the problem. The fact is that the electric contact between battery and is very bad. The battery is moving, and sometimes as it moves the contact lose there connection with the battery terminals.
    To fix the problem I put a piece paper (rolled 4/5 times in order to have the disired thickness) inside the battery container in order to fit extra space between and battery. The piece of paper must be put on the contact opposite side.

  • ISync & Nokia 6555

    I just got a Nokia 6555 and it can detect it under the bluetooth application, however when I try and use iSync it says this is not compatible.. Is there any way to get this to work?

    I was able to get the plugin to work with Tiger(10.4.10) w/ iSync 2.4 by copying the extracted folder to the iSync-app-plugin folder. To copy the extracted folder to iSync-app-plugin folder do the following:
    1. Ctrl-click the iSync application in the finder and select "show package contents".
    2. Copy the extracted folder(Nokia-6555.phoneplugin) from the plugin-tarball above to the "Contents\Plugins\ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice\Contents\
    Plugins\" directory.
    I have only tried syncing one-way for iCal -> nokia 6555 and so far it works. The AddressBook syncing seems to work in both directions.
    cheers and thanks to 'fintler' again for the this plugin!!!

  • Nokia 6555 - Main Display going 'dark'

    I bought Nokia 6555 today and have been pleased with it but I have one small problem: The main dispaly of the phone goes quite dark (tries to save power I suppose) if I keep idle for 10 secs. It's quite frustrating to press some key to get it bright again. Can I change this time or perhaps get the power saving off completely somewhere? Thanks in advance!

    Most new handset with a colour screen has this problem.
    Once the lights go out on the screen it sends the screen into darkness and the only way to get it back again is to press a button to light it all up.
    On the older handsets where the screens were 'black and white' this was never a problem.
    I'm afraid that is just how it is and there is not much that can be done.
    My posts are my opinion and in no way the direct views of Nokia.
    If my posts are helpful, please give me some KUDOS using the green star on the left.

  • How do I block numbers/texts? (nokia 6555)

    Someone keeps texting me constantly and I would like to block his number from texting me. Is there a way to do it? I've looked everywhere!
    My phone is a 6555 I think. Thanks!

    If you had a higher end Nokia with S60 operating system then you have plenty of options, but because your 6555 uses the more basic S40 operating system, there is no way to block calls or SMS.
    I suggest you change your number (get a new SIM card), call back or text the other people and ask them to stop calling or sending you messages.
    Or you could ask your network operator, if they have some sort of a blacklisting service, where the network blocks calls/messages.

  • Nokia Belle Australia

    I'm really disappointed on how I (and everyone else this affects) have been treated by Nokia with regards to software updates. I know these are optional from Nokia, but this is par for the course in today's technological age if Nokia want to keep consumers from straying away.
    I owned the disaster N97 which cost me over $1000 here in Australia which Nokia completely abandoned therefore abandoning N97 customers. If that wasn't bad enough, Nokia release an update for the mini once again disregarding the original - this left a very sour taste in my mouth. I did however go and buy a N8, thinking that this should be all good, considering the re-writing of Symbian to support touch screen devices. Anna upgrade was good, although the rollout was disatrous (common theme here???).
    This brings me to Belle. The long awaited overhaul which Symbian should have been long before now. After waiting since I personally heard about this planned update I though, great, this will do me until its time to upgrade again. Then the bombshell: No planned update for Australia due to technical difficulties. Whoever decided this within Nokia should be sacked immediately. Then the greatest backflip: We are please to see the interest......etc. Now it's coming (or is it??)
    In today's mammoth technological age, software updates should be accessible, easy, routine and above all else, informative. Nokia's apparent policy on "tell the punters as little as possible" is plainly not good enough. If one person or many (as in this forum) asks about a software update for whatever device, a simple enough answer should be given; not a generic response, one that Nokia is now unfortunately famous for.
    Nokia, it's time for a massive change in policy with regards to how you communicate software updates, much like the massive change in direction you forced on consumers when it was announced that Nokia was partnering with Windows Phone (in my opinion because of Nokia's complete inability to wake up and invest properly in Symbian).
    I for one, am really p****d off about the extra wait we here in Australia have to endure for the Belle update. Answers need to be given about this: cue in Skyee or Kerttu. Not generic answers, real answers about what exactly is going on and why it's taking so long. I have also read about missing features/widgets from the current release of Belle - I can definately say that I'm not surprised to see things like this occur with a Nokia software update. It's also disappointing that these things happening are becoming par for the course with Nokia, again without any communication to the customers. It is my very strong opinion that Belle for generic N8, E7 etc handsets should be released asap, with the Carriers firmware coming as soon as practicably possible. Look towards the Canadian example if any doubts exist.
    Nokia Australia seem to be highly dysfunctional and disorganised and to me, look like a rogue element of Nokia. If I were Elop, I would be prioritising the overhaul of Nokia Australia, personally apologising to the Australian customers and fast tracking the Belle update with full transparency.
    In terms of updating, I like the Nokia 808 but I will not be buying one (and won't be surprised if it's not released in Aus) and not only that, Nokia have now lost me as a customer due to the Belle **bleep** up in Australia. The Lumia range does not interest me in the slightest and furthermore, Nokia Australia's descision to release the 710 and 800 is a joke, considering that the push towards LTE connectivity is now happening. Undoubtedly, Nokia will release a Lumia phone capable of LTE connectivity, which then make the 710 and 800 obselete; they'll do it in Nokia Australia style, sell you a 710 or 800, then release the LTE phone a month or so later.
    So what has Nokia got to look forward to? In my opinion, a loss of customers here in Australia and a reputation not deserving of what Nokia could have been capable of. All you have to do is look at how many Nokia handsets are sold via Carriers now: not many.
    Anyhow, that is the end of my rant, thanks for reading.
    PS: responses from Nokia would be grand (not holding my breath though).
    Go to Solution.

    Couple of things I would like to say here. You are absolutley correct about the lumia 710,800, they do have a lumia with LTE, called the lumia 900. And for whatever ridiculous idea they have made this phone for the USA and canada only. But to me this just goes to show how far behind and out of touch Nokia are to Australia and the carriers, With all carriers now having 4G LTE services running and most capital cities already covered along with some regional areas, Why would you even bother to dump a phone on to this market that is not 4g LTE compatible, if you are out to make sales.
    The other thing that i would like to mention this time in defence of nokia australia, the belle incident was not of their doing in the beginning. Nokia Australia are run by Nokia asia, who tell Nokia Aust only what they want them to be told. It was Nokia australia that had to take our angry calls initially, and did the right thing by recording our comments and making sure that the people who make the decision found out how displeased we were. Having said that the Nokia department that made the discriminative decision should be ashamed of themselves, and if you were to make this kind of mistake in the company i work for, you would have all been sacked on the spot. Obviously your bosses are tolerant of mistakes like this, pity you didnt show us tolerance when you discrimated against the whole country. Oh just so you know discrimation in this country by any person or business is illegal and punishable by the courts
    In todays society a simple answer to a question is considered politeness, but when you refuse to answer that is down right rude and ignorant and arrogant. It is also a form of discrimation again.
    Mr Elop, if you want your company to survive and start to make a real change to make it an efficient, effective, profitable company that it deserves to be then start to talk to us, find out for yourself what is going on in the other countries. Theres more to whole than just those places in the northern hemisphere. I challenge you to jump on the forum here and read some of the post and them PM some of us and ask us what we expect as customers. you might be surprised at the sensible, realistic responces you get. Ask us things like why we buy Nokia phones, what is it we like and dont like about the company and the way we are dealt with.
    Oh and by the way, speed is not everything when it comes to a phone. I read the articles about the lumia contest in India. its what the phones do, that truely counts. Given a test a lumia against the E7, to see who could make a video call faster. The E7 will win everytime, due to the fact that the lumia 610,710,800 are all so far behind the times it cant even make a video call, something my old E90 could do, which was released some 5 years ago.
    Whats so hard about saying "we are writing the australian version now" or maybe "we have finished writing belle for australia and are now in house testing". These sort of answers to our question are not going to jeapardise any form of secrets that might given a rival any information that they shouldnt have. It might however show them that you are a responsible company who cares about customer satisfaction and customer service. It might even make show them up as being bad at custoemr service. Right now however the only thing you are showing is how much better they are at customer service.
    You need to change this, if you want to be the best again, you can be, just continue to build quality phones and learn how to provide customer service, its all about the conversation you have with your customers that will inspire confidence and respect from your customers. And this will then increase sales. you will never make it just by making good phones alone, you need that customer service side of it as well. Right now you have none

  • Nokia N86 Australia Release date - When?

    Hi all,
    Does anybody know where the N86 will be released in Australia? I'm desperate to own one to replace my old and trustworthy N95.
    I was going to upgrade to the N85, but then Nokia announced the N86, so I decided to wait a bit longer.
    Carsten - Perth, W Australia.

    try this...
    Message Edited by mo_shef on 31-Aug-2009 07:37 PM
    If you find my post useful then click on
    Kudos!Nokia N86 8MP (v20.115 / RM-484)

  • Bluetooth with Nokia 6555 (ATT) and MS Windows Vis...

    I have purchased a Bluetooth Remote Control java application that has a client (that runs on the cell phone) and a server side (that runs on the computer - laptop).
    When I try to connect to the server from the client (after establishing the cell to computer Bluetooth connection)I get an error "Security java/permission denied"?
    I would like some help to get the application working.

    28-May-2008 06:19 AM
    syphersky wrote:
    Yeah that's it.
    I think it may have something to do with application permissions on the phone that we don't have access to change, but it works on other nokia phones so I have no idea why it won't work on this one.
    Message Edited by syphersky on 28-May-2008 03:20 AM
    like i said, the problem here could be with the provider, your phone is locked to AT&T, these guys are known to cripple the phones OS, particularly the BT...

  • Nokia 6555 problem with calls - the other person d...

    If someone here knows something more about phones than i do, please help me with this. First time i received a call it worked, but only for about 2-3 minutes, after that the other person didn't hear me anymore, but i continued to hear her. The next call - same problem. But after that it didn't work at all, from the beginning they didn't hear me... I don't know, is it because of some settings i have to make or i should just go to a service to solve the problem?

    Hello there trix25,
    It sounds like you are making and/or receiving calls but the other party cannot year you at all. I would use the troubleshooting in this article to help that very issue, named:
    If your voice is too faint or sounds unclear using iPhone, or iPod touch
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • 6555 problems

    if any one can help me
    i have a nokia 6555
    sometimes (atleast once daily) when I go to text message some one my phone will randomly turn off even if it has a full battery this sometimes happens during a call but not very often
    also... after not even a year my phone has stopped sending/receving multimedia messages (i.e. pictures/videos) from what i can tell its more of a phone problem because the message never leaves/enters the phone and if some1 sends a multimedia message to me i get a message stating that the send failed

    there has been alot of trouble reported with this phone have you check if there is an available update for software
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • 6555 error icon please help

    I have a Nokia 6555 and when I shut it off, it is suddenly showing a small yellow box with a question mark inside, rather than the usual sign off logo. Any ideas what's wrong?

    Hi guyburstein,
    It sounds like its trying to find a 'signing off' logo such as the Nokia logo or maybe a network logo and you are getting that icon because it cant find the icon to display.
    You should try resetting the phone using the master reset option inside the phone settings, but be careful as this will delete your personal date such as contacts.
    If that doesnt work you will need to get the software completey re-installed at a Nokia Care Point, this guarantees that all the corrupted information is installed correctly.
    You can find the nearest NCP to you at the Store Locator
    Message Edited by adamf on 19-Jun-2008 10:24 AM
    My posts are my opinion and in no way the direct views of Nokia.
    If my posts are helpful, please give me some KUDOS using the green star on the left.

  • NOKIA 5800 Sound Quality PROBLEM!!!!

    I can't hide my disappointment with this phone... I was expecting much more for my 430 Euros = 840 AUD which I paid, I can't hear other side properly ? if anyone said this to me that this is going to be a problem with nokia phone I would tell himt hat he is nuts... anyway its not my incompetencess it is THE PHONE... when I'm having call with the full network intensity my volume varies dramatically like from low to mid and high ???? I can't hear people well? And I dont know what is going on but I tried with several sim cards and several other people... and it is the same!!!!!!!!!
    I got my phone online and it is one day old, and I don't want to risk and send it to Hong Kong coz i live in Australia Perth-WA this is the WORST EXPERIENCE
    my software no. is
    V10.0.010 04-11-2008 RM-356

    01-Jan-2009 12:48 AM
    bazyeo wrote:
    I have to agree with sapporobaby here. The moral to this story is not to buy an expensive device outside of the country in which you live. I have been thinking of getting a phone from mobicity. Only problem all their phones come from hong kong and are not covered by warranty in Australia. If I am spending $800 plus on a device I want warranty cover in the country that I live. End of story. So do not blame Nokia. If you got your phone from HK that is now your problem. So why should Nokia in Australia repair a phone you bought in HK. Don't think you would get much joy from the consumer affairs people in Australia either.
    Well we started off the new year agreeing. There is hope for anything now. Are you guys listening over in Palestine and Israel?
    Anyway, nothing is covered internationally now. Maybe one or two things but most electronics aren't, even if you can prove your product is authentic. I have a registered Nikon camera that was purchased in Kuwait. Nikon USA found the product code from my camera but told me if it needs repair, I will have to either: 1. Board a plane to take it back to Kuwait, or 2. Send it to a local repair shop for them to send it to Kuwait where I will pay the shipping but get the warranty work for free, or 3. arrange to ship it myself with me still picking up some part of the tab. So, once again, go buy something else and get over it.
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

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