Nokia 6680 S60 3rd Edition

I currently own a Nokia 6680. Is there any way in which i could upgrade the firmware from S60 to the S60 3rd Edition?
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,

Hi andregrimaud
Unfortunately this is not feasible.
Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

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    Ciao Pieter,
    in few days Adobe will release for free the FL 2.1 player to
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    For anyone having the same problems as me...
    If you are trying to create a sis file for 3rd edition or
    download the s60 3rd edition CDK from Forum Nokia (this will
    give you the newer version of makesis, and some other stuff i
    havent checked out yet,).
    Download the 'Symbian Developer Certificate Request' app from
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    Change your PKG file to have the new OS UID's eg.
    s60 1st Edition (0x101F6F88), 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
    s60 1st Edition, FP1 (0x101F8202), 0, 0, 0,
    s60 2nd Edition (0x101F7960), 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
    s60 2nd Edition, FP1 (0x101F9115), 0, 0, 0,
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    The new ones:
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    S60 3rd Edition, FP1 [0x102032BE], 0, 0, 0, {"S60ProductID"}
    UIQ v2.0 ( 0x101F617B ),2,0,0,{ " UIQ20ProductID " }
    UIQ v2.1 (0x101F61CE), 2, 1, 0, {"UIQ21ProductID"}
    UIQ v3 (0x101F6300),3,0,0,{"UIQ30ProductID"}
    Note: you cant mix the old and the new product id's in one
    pkg file as the sis files are created differently and are not
    compatable, you will need one for the older nokia devices, one for
    the new 3rd edition, and another if you develop UIQ (although there
    are none available with UIQ3 and Flash lite might be
    possible you'd have to have a separate one for that as well!).
    If only Symbian could have written a simple document with all
    that in it, it would have saved me and my collegue hours of trying
    to get past error messages!

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    To -> robshek
    i got symbian info from Symbian OS Website. I fink der might be a Nseries running 3rd FP2 by september but not sure. The Symbian OS 9.5 will be the best devices coming out coz no more memory allcation or RAM slow down wat so eva
    Nokia might realese FP2 new handsets by Sept in order to boost there market profit but if not den just buy a phone for now a cheap one n then in january buy the a new one.
    If you find my post useful then click on
    Kudos!Nokia N96 (v20.050 / RM-247) | Competitions!

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    Also, how difficult would it be to migrate program code from an S60 platform to the 3rd Edition platform, and therefore how long roughly would you say it would be before the application could be released?
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    Thanks in advance for your help, and sorry for the long post and many questions. I guess I'm just so excited at finally having this new phone i want to make the most of it lol.
    Hussein Patwa
    Nokia 6630 on 3G (UK)
    Nokia 6610i - UNLOCKED! YAY!
    Currently looking for more cheap & new handsets - you never know when a spare can come in handy!

    Hi and thanks for your reply. sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I am just doing this more for a hobby than as a 'proper' project, as I doubt I'd actually get anywhere- and if I did it'd probably be a fluke. I'm going to download all the SDK's so I can at least get the actual code of the program, as at the moment it's just in its .sis form. then maybe I can at least see where the changes are, and any transformation into an S60 3rd Edition (or is it S9.1?) is just good luck I guess.
    Hussein Patwa
    Nokia 6630 on 3G (UK)
    Nokia 6610i - UNLOCKED! YAY!
    Currently looking for more cheap & new handsets - you never know when a spare can come in handy!

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    It is impossible. you can't roll back any update.
    Glad to help

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    I haven't used this, so I don't know how good or bad it is:​php?name=VITO_Metronome&fldAuto=258&faq=14

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    At last a nseries phone im truely happy with THE N82

    05:31 PM
    petrib wrote:
    And for protected iTunes files, you should be able to make a CD and rip it to your PC in a format like MP3 or AAC that the phone supports.
    You can do that?!
    I thought iTunes locked everything up so tight that wasn't possible .. It's one of the reasons I've never understood why anyone would want to use iTunes - that and the fact they rip off us poor Europeans: we pay like 50% more per track than they do in the US (99 cents is around 50p at current exchange rates).
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    testing this out on a N91
    Nexu 5

    for testing porposes or for final distributions, you don't
    need to get developer cert. a self certificate will work.
    i have posted a reply to similar question at
    hope it helps,
    // chall3ng3r //

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    Nexu 5

    too bad isnt it ??? even i couldnt understand !! when theres no backward compatibility , whts the guarantee tht the next version of symbian will support the applications which r developed for this version ??? and if ive to spend money to buy applications every time i get a newer version of software , it sounds more like a con to me , rathar thn any improvement . on the other hand , this version enables to upgrade the firmware over the air (ota) , thts wht i heard , which i find is very very useful . but i still feel tht its more r less a con by mobile phone manufacturers and application development companies unless thy let u upgrade the applications with the compatible version free of charge r with a minimal charge...

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    Search on the net, i beleive that there are several programs like that out there. There even is such a program available from Nokia own "katalogs" program that are included in the N80!

  • S60 3rd Edition MIDP + Netbeans 5.5 + Mobility CLDC !URGENT!

    My Environment       Device: Nokia E61
           SDK: S60 3.0 MIDP SDK (S60 3rd Ed MIDP)
           Java: javac 1.5.0_12
           OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional [Version 5.1.2600]/ Service Pack 2
           Computer: AMD Athlon 64bit CPU 3200+ 2.1GHz, 1.00GB Mem
           NetBeans (5.5 dev build ):
              Number: 200704122300
              Date: ${buildday}
              Branch: release551
           Mobility: NetBeans Mobility Pack 5.5.1I am having problems building application with netbeans. The jar file is coming out excessively large and it fails to run on the emu, get -10504 error (already tried to lookup error code at and it is not listed there). I inspected the .jar file and did not see anything there that did not belong; only .class, .png, kxml library and manifest files were present (no Thumbs.db or other clutter).
    When I build the same application with CarbideJ the jar file size is significantly smaller and it executes on the Emulator. Are any of the CarbideJ tasks, namely <ndsj2mejavac> and/or <ndsj2mepackage>, doing something special to source, jar or images that maybe netbeans is skipping; running a different preverifier, different archiver, using it's on version of javac.exe or something?
    When I compile using Carbide.j this is what I get (NO obfuscated/NO debug info);
         AppXXX.jad (400 bytes)
         AppXXX.jar (728,538 bytes)however, when I compile with Netbeans, I get the following(obfuscated set to level 9/NO debug info);
         AppXXX.jad (471 bytes)
         AppXXX.jar (927,530 bytes)The jad files generated were different but only because one had more descriptor tags in it, nothing major about that. The problem is that the jar file generated by netbeans is significantly larger than the one generated by carbide. Also, I compiled the exact same program under the Sun Wireless toolkit v2.5.1 and got the exact same jar file sizes and runtime error on emu that netbeans generated; I installed s60 sdk for wtk and selected it before before creating package for application. Also I state before, the version created with Carbide.j runs in the Emu; however, the NB version does not.
    Already posted to Nokia forum and no help there
    I would be very appreciative if I can quickly get some help!
    build.xml (output of netbeans build process is append to the end of the build file in an xml comment):
    image of error displayed on emu:
    image of error in emu popup dialog:

    I'm facing exactly the same problem, and was wondering whether you found the solution to this problem.
    Thanks in adance,

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    Did anybody get it to work on nseries/3rd edition phones?
    V 4.0727.2.2.1
    04-07-2007, RM-133
    (C) Nokia N73 (Z5.01)

    According to this it isn't possible yet purely because Symbian 9 v3 is a completely different to any of the lower versions.
    Owned: Nokia 3510i, Nokia 3120, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6233, Nokia N73, Nokia N82.
    Current: Nokia N900!

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    Thanks in advance.

    I don't have a proxy set-up to try this, so you'll have to give it a go yourself. If memory serves correctly the network connections (WiFi/Cellular) are shared and reused, if already open, by any application requesting them on the phone.
    Is it possible to initiate the connection in the web browser, logging in and negotiating whatever gateway as necessary there, then with the browser still open going to the application you want to use?
    I know that when I used a free point in a hotel I was at last year you had to log in to their system via a webpage with a password. I was able to do this and then use other applications on my phone like SicFTP, eBuddy!, Windows Live etc. without any issues where they all failed to work previously, when I had not logged in via the browser.
    I hope this helps, I'm about to need to do this very same thing when I go travelling in a few weeks too!

Maybe you are looking for

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