Index Size is 300MB for table with No Rows

On one of the table in 11g database , the size of the index is about 300mb , when i checked the table, it has got no rows. Is this normal ?

It can be a case when table was having data earlier and later all the rows from the table were deleted (not truncated).
You can try rebuilding the index which will re create the index and will release the extra space.

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    But i'm very confused .
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    Creating a function based index creates a hidden virtual column (you'll see it if you query user_tab_cols) and once you index a virtual column you can no longer shrink the table:orcl> create table t1(c1 number,c2 as (c1 * 2)) segment creation immediate;
    Table created.
    orcl> alter table t1 enable row movement;
    Table altered.
    orcl> alter table t1 shrink space;
    Table altered.
    orcl> create index i2 on t1(c2);
    Index created.
    orcl> alter table t1 shrink space;
    alter table t1 shrink space
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-10631: SHRINK clause should not be specified for this object
    orcl>so the issue is not with function based indexes per se, it is a level beneath that. Perhaps because the virtual column has no physical existance, when the row is moved there is no reason for Oracle to realize that an index needs updating? I haven't attempted to reverse engineer this, I would be interested to know if anyone else has.

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    I am using a 11g DB.
    I do this in SQL*Plus:
    (1.) CREATE TABLE onembrow  (pk NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, onembcolumn CLOB);
    (2.) Since 1MB is 1024*1024 bytes (i.e. 1048576 bytes) and since in English 1 letter = 1 byte, I do this
    SQL> INSERT INTO onembrow VALUES (1, RPAD('A', 1048576, 'B'));
    1 row created.
    (3.) Now, after committing, I do an analyze table.
    Table analyzed.
    (4.) Now, I check the actual size of the table using this query.
    select segment_name,segment_type,bytes/1024/1024 MB
    from user_segments where segment_type='TABLE' and segment_name='ONEMBROW';
    Why is the size only .0625 MB, when it should be 1 MB?
    Here is the DB Block related parameters:
    SELECT * FROM v$parameter WHERE upper(name) LIKE '%BLOCK%';
      NUM NAME                                                                                   TYPE VALUE 
      478 db_block_buffers                                                                          3 0     
      482 db_block_checksum                                                                         2 TYPICAL
      484 db_block_size                                                                             3 8192  
      682 db_file_multiblock_read_count                                                             3 128   
      942 db_block_checking                                                                         2 FALSE 
    What am I doing wrong here???

    When testing it is necessary to do something that is a reasonably realistic model of a problem you might anticipate appearing in a production system - a row of 1MB doesn't seem likely to be a useful source of information for "R&D on performance tuning"
    What's wrong with creating millions of rows ?
    Here's a cut and paste from a windows system running
    SQL> set timing on
    SQL> drop table t1 purge;
    Table dropped.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    SQL> create table t1
      2  nologging
      3  as
      4  with generator as (
      5     select
      6             rownum id
      7     from dual
      8     connect by
      9             level <= 50
    10  ),
    11  ao as (
    12     select
    13             *
    14     from
    15             all_objects
    16     where   rownum <= 50000
    17  )
    18  select
    19     rownum          id,
    20     ao.*
    21  from
    22     generator       v1,
    23     ao
    24  ;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:07.09
    7 seconds to generate 2.5M rows doesn't seem like a problem.  For a modelling example I have one script that generates 6.5M (carefully engineered) rows, with a couple of indexes and a foreign key or two, then collects stats (no histograms) in 3.5 minutes.
    Jonathan Lewis
    Now on Twitter: @jloracle

  • Why Index size is bigger than table size?

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    I found in my database my tables sizes is coming around 30TB (All Tables in Database). and my index size for the same is 60TB. This is data ware housing environment.
    How the index size and table size are differing?
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    How to manage the size?
    Please give me clear explanation and required information on the above.

    There are many reasons why the total space allocated indexes could be larger than the total space allocated to tables. Sometimes it's a mark of good design, sometimes it indicates a problem. In your position your first move is to spend as little time as possible in deciding whether your high-level summary is indicative of a problem, so you need to look at a little more detail.
    As someone else pointed out - are you looking at the sizes because you are running out of space, or because you have a perceived performance problem. If not, then your question is one of curiosity.
    If it's about performance then you should be looking for code (either through statspack/AWR or sql_trace) that is performing badly and use the analysis of that code to help you identify suspect indexes.
    If it's about space, then you need to do some simple investigations aimed at finding a few indexes that can be "shrunk" or dropped. Pointers for this are:
            table_owner, table_name, count(*)
    group by
            table_owner, table_name
            count(*) > 2   -- adjust to keep the output short
    order by
            count(*) desc;This tells you which tables have the most indexes - check the sizes of the tables and indexes and then check the index definitions for the larger tables with lots of indexes.
    Second quick check - join dba_tables to dba_indexes by table_name, and report the table blocks and index leaf blocks in desending order of leaf block count. Look for indexes which are very big, and also bigger than their underlying tables. There are special cases (and bugs) that can cause indexes to be much bigger than they need to be ... this report may identify a couple of anomalies that could benefit from an emergency fix followed (possibly) by a strategic fix.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Select on table with 1800 rows is slow

    I have a table with 1800 rows. Each entry has a geometry position and a geometry polygon around the position. I am using the polygon to detect which (other) entries are near the current entry.
    In the following testdata and the subsequent query, i am filtering on 625 (of 1865) rows, and then using the .STContains-method to finding other rows (the testdata is fully found by this query, in the live database the values are not so regular as in the testdata.
    The query take 6500 ms. In the live database, only 800 records are (yet) in the table, and it takes 2200 ms. 
    from SlowQueryTable
    inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
    on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
    where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
    (The query in the live system is even more complex, but this is main part of it and even simplified as it is just takes too long).
    This script generates test data and runs the query:
    -- The number table is just needed to generate test data
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[numbers](
    [number] [int] NOT NULL
    declare @t table (number int)
    insert into @t select 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9
    insert into numbers
    select * from
    t1.number + t2.number*10 + t3.number*100 + t4.number*1000 as x
    @t as t1,
    @t as t2,
    @t as t3,
    @t as t4
    ) as t1
    order by x
    -- this is the table which has the slow query. The Columns [userId], [position] and [box] are the relevant ones
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].SlowQueryTable(
    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [userId] [int] NOT NULL,
    [position] [geometry] NOT NULL,
    [box] [geometry] NULL,
    constraint SlowQueryTable_primary primary key clustered (id)
    create nonclustered index SlowQueryTable_UserIdKey on [dbo].SlowQueryTable(userId);
    --insert testdata: three users with each 625 entries. Each entry per user has its unique position, and a rectangle (box) around it.
    -- In the database in question, the positions are a bit more random, often tens of entries have the same position. The slow query is nevertheless visible with these testdata
    declare @range int;
    set @range = 5;
    INSERT INTO [dbo].SlowQueryTable (userId,position,box)
    geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT (' + convert(varchar(15), X) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y) + ')',0),
    geometry::STPolyFromText('POLYGON ((' + convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + ', '
    + convert(varchar(15), X + @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + ', '
    + convert(varchar(15), X + @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y + @range) + ', '
    + convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y + @range) + ','
    + convert(varchar(15), X - @range) + ' ' + convert(varchar(15), Y - @range) + '))', 0)
    from (
    (numberX.number * 40) + 4520 as X
    ,(numberY.number * 40) + 4520 as Y
    from numbers as numberX
    cross apply numbers as numberY
    where numberX.number < (1000 / 40)
    and numberY.number < (1000 / 40)) as positions
    cross apply numbers as users
    where users.number < 3
    CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [SlowQueryTable_position]
    ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable([position])
    WITH (
    BOUNDING_BOX = ( 4500, 4500, 5500, 5500 ),
    ALTER INDEX [SlowQueryTable_position] ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable
    CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [SlowQueryTable_box]
    ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable(box)
    WITH ( BOUNDING_BOX = ( 4500, 4500, 5500, 5500 ) ,
    ALTER INDEX [SlowQueryTable_box] ON [dbo].SlowQueryTable
    -- this is finally the query. it takes about 6500 ms
    into #t1
    from SlowQueryTable
    inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
    on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
    --on SlowQueryTable.position.STDistance(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) < 5
    where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
    drop table #t1
    drop table SlowQueryTable
    drop table numbers
    Using an explicit index hint does do the job, but then the query gets slow if i change the where clause:
    into #t1
    from SlowQueryTable
    with (index([SlowQueryTable_box]))
    inner join dbo.SlowQueryTable as SlowQueryTableSeen
    on SlowQueryTable.[box].STContains(SlowQueryTableSeen.position) = 1
    where SlowQueryTable.userId = 2
    leads to 600ms, and changing the where clause
    where = 100
    slows it again down to 1200ms.  Filtering on ID get massively slowed down when using index hint on the spatial index.
    Since the table in the live system will grow to 10000+ rows, and the query is called often by users, I badly need a more efficient query.
    Do I have to create a different queries for each use-case, some with index hints and some without?

    I've run your example and can confirm your results. There's a couple of things that I noticed though.
    After looking at query plans, it's not a matter of "with spatial index" vs. "without spatial index". You have two spatial indexes, one on each column (position and box). When you don't hint the "box" spatial index, the query
    uses the "position" spatial index. Because of what they are indexing (points vs. polygons), the "box" spatial index requires a lot more IO. With some (non-spatial) predicates, the "box" spatial index gives better performance,
    with others the "position" one does. I've yet to figure out exactly why (short on time, I might get back to it in future), but you can examine query plans and use the spatial index diagnostic procs (e.g. sp_help_spatial_geometry_index_xml ) in
    addition to the diagnostics you're running to see why and if you can find a better performing plan/index.
    Bear this in mind. Given a choice of multiple spatial indexes, the SQL Server query optimizer is not able to choose (for the most part, IO etc. aside), which one is best. Also, there is usually only one choice of spatial query plan shape, in general. If
    your query is more complex than the one in your example, you might benefit by breaking it in two: one query to filter out all the rows and predicates that don't use a spatial index and one query that uses the spatial index on the subset. I've had good
    luck with this other situations with complex queries involving spatial predicates. This method may not be applicable to a spatial query as simple as the one in your example, however.
    Hope this helps, Bob 

  • Import the table with 0 rows

    I have a problem to import a dump that contains the tables with 0 rows.
    When i exported from ORACLE 11.2 64 bit on SERVER 2008 i noticed that log didn't confirm the tables with 0 rows.
    When i want to import to ORACLE 11.2 64 bit on other SERVER 2008 i have a lot of errors on this tables with 0 rows.
    In the log i get the same tables with 1 row at least, but no one with 0 rows.
    I open my dump in TEXTPAD and i see it contains "CREATE ....." these tables.
    I don't understand why it happens. I used FUll DUMP by SYS, it didn't help.
    This is not first time when i export and import dumps,no errors.
    I'm using command "EXP" and "IMP" and every time it's ok.(IF it's a releavent)
    Why it happens? any solutions for this issue?

    I've found (i guess so) solution to this issue
    here are two links to this new feature that is called deffered segment creation
    The reason for this behavior is 11.2 new feature ‘Deferred Segment Creation‘ – the creation of a table sent is deferred until the first row is inserted.
    As a result, empty tables are not listed in dba_segments and are not exported by exp utility
    And this is i've found in official documentation from oracle
    Beginning in Oracle Database 11g Release 2, when creating a non-partitioned heap-organized table in a locally managed tablespace, table segment creation is deferred until the first row is inserted. In addition, creation of segments is deferred for any LOB columns of the table, any indexes created implicitly as part of table creation, and any indexes subsequently explicitly created on the table.The advantages of this space allocation method are the following:A significant amount of disk space can be saved for applications that create hundreds or thousands of tables upon installation, many of which might never be populated.Application installation time is reduced.There is a small performance penalty when the first row is inserted, because the new segment must be created at that time.
    To enable deferred segment creation, compatibility must be set to '11.2.0' or higher. You can disable deferred segment creation by setting the initialization parameter DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION to FALSE. The new clauses SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED and SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE are available for the CREATE TABLE statement. These clauses override the setting of the DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION initialization parameter.
    +Note that when you create a table with deferred segment creation (the default), the new table appears in the _TABLES views, but no entry for it appears in the SEGMENTS views until you insert the first row. There is a new SEGMENTCREATED column in _TABLES, _INDEXES, and _LOBS that can be used to verify deferred segment creation+
    The original Export utility does not export any table that was created with deferred segment creation and has not had a segment created for it. The most common way for a segment to be created is to store a row into the table, though other operations such as ALTER TABLE ALLOCATE EXTENTS will also create a segment. If a segment does exist for the table and the table is exported, the SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED clause will not be included in the CREATE TABLE statement that is executed by the original Import utility.

  • Filtering a table with 19699 rows

    I am new to Xcelsisu and I am trying to aply filter component to a table with 19699 rows. I is suppose to show in the filter 45 diferent clasifications. I seems to be using only the first 500 rows to aply the filter. I changed the maximum number of rows in the preferences. What should i do ?

    a component cannot handle 20.000 rows you should filter these in the database by using quries when getting the data in the dashboard. If there is no database connection available, you can use pivot tables to create list for the different dimensions and then use lookup formulas like match and index o display the data for your chart.

  • Editable table with multiple rows

    Hi All!
    We're trying to develop some application in VC 7.0. That application should read data from some R/3 tables (via standard and custom functional modules), then display data to user and allow him/her to modify it (or add some data into table rows), and then save it back to R/3.
    What is the best way to do that?
    There's no problem with displaying data.
    But when I try to add something to table (on portal interface), I'm able to use only first row of the table... Even if I fill all fields of that row, I'm not able to add data to second row, etc.
    Second question. Is it possible to display in one table contents of output of several BAPIs? For example we have three bapis, one displaying user, second displays that user's subordinates, and the third one - that user's manager. And we want one resulting table...
    And last. What is the best way to submit data from table view in VC (portal) to R/3 table? I understand that we should write some functional module, that puts data to R/3. I'm asking about what should be done in VC itself. Some button, or action...
    Any help will be appreciated and rewarded :o)

    Here are some former postings:
    Editable table with multiple rows
    Editable table with multiple rows
    Are you on the right SP-level?
    Can you also split up your posting: one question, one posting? This way you get faster answers, as people might just browse the headers.


       How to draw a table with multiple rows and columns seperated by lines in form printing?

    check this

  • How to insert a table with variable rows in smart form

    Hi all,
    How to insert a table with variable rows in smart form?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Right click the mouse->create->table
    If you want 5 columns, you need to declare 5 cells in one line type of the table
    Click on Table -> Details, then do the following
    Line Type 1 2 3 4 5
    L1 2mm 3mm etc
    Here specify the width of the columns as many as you want..
    then in the header/main area of the table, click create Table Line, Rowtype is L1, automatically 5 cells will come,In each cell create a text element, display the variable to be printed there.

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    If tested to work with other MacOs versions, this should be a main FAQ listed on Apple's Support website for Aperture and/Mac OSX.

  • How to create table with resizable row ?

    how to create table with resizable row ?

    I'd suggest you start here:

  • How to constuct a table with each row having a button to select

    Imagine i have 5 orders and i want to select one order to view or update in other page.
    How i construct a table with each row having a button to select it.
    I'm having a hard time to do this. How i select a backingBean method in Javascript?.

    I'm trying to put a <h:commandButton> inside <h:dataTable> like this:
                    <h:dataTable id="books" value="#{BuscarLibros.booksSearched}" var="book">
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="#{messages.title}"/>
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="#{messages.isbn}"/>
                            <h:outputText value="#{book.isdn}"/>
                            <h:outputFormat value="#{book.fechaPublicacion}">
                                <f:convertDateTime pattern="ddd/MM/yyyy"/>
                            <h:commandButton action="#{BuscarLibros.prepareUpdateBook}" value="Hello WORLD"/>
                    </h:dataTable>but it does not call the method.
    If it is outside it calls but inside not. Its strange because Duke's bookstore example from Sun Java EE is like that.
    Any clues?

  • How to know the the list of tables with no rows inside a schema?

    with reference to
    How to know the the list of tables with no rows inside a schema?
    I try this select table_name from user_tables where num_rows=0;
    I can found one table that is empty.
    So what's the query to return list of tables in a schema which has no rows?

    You can do that only if your have collected the stats properly. Otherwise its going to show you wrong information.
    Check this out...
    SQL> drop table t
      2  /
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table t
      2  as
      3  select level no from dual connect by level <=100
      4  /
    Table created.
    SQL> select table_name,num_rows from user_tables where table_name = 'T'
      2  /
    TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
    SQL> begin
      2      dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'T');
      3  end;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select table_name,num_rows from user_tables where table_name = 'T'
      2  /
    TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
    T                                     100

  • Frequent index synchronization for table with a lot of data

    Hello! I have a table with text column to be indexed. There are a lot of records in the table and the texts in the text column are ofter big enough. The number of records are rising frequently and i need actual search results in any time, so i cant synchronize index 1 or 2 times per day, i need to do it after every insert and i also need to base table not to be locked in anytime i synchronizing index.
    So i read the documentation and find a way for me like that:
    after every insert on base table do:
    And seems like i need to make ctx_ddl.optimize_index() after synchronization.
    So will it work fine or i should go another way?
    Resuming main goals:
    1) I need no locks on base table (or locks on VERY small time);
    2) Always actual search results.

    You can use sync(on commit) in your index parameters, which will make recent DML searchable immediately. You will still need to optimize and rebuild periodically to eliminate index fragmentation. The more frequently that you synchronize, the more fragmented your index will become. Index fragmentation slows down your queries that use the index. If you have some downtime or slow times such as weekends or nights, then that is a good time to do such things. If not, then you may wish to do so "online" to avoid interfering with searches or DML. Depending on the size of your table and the amount of DML, you may choose to optimize and/or rebuild hourly or daily or weekly or monthly or whatever.

Maybe you are looking for