Nokia E5 Email reader with wlan problems

I have bought yesterday an Nokia E5 and when i try to read email, (is a private email from my domain, all is configured correct) but the problem is that wlan that i'm using is open but after that to have internet you need to enter a username and a password on a captive portal, and i'm not asked to enter this information on email reader so is not possible to connect to internet.
This dont happend on browser, where i'm asked and i have surfed net perfect.
What can i do to solve this problem on email reader?

Then I guess that's your only option.
This kind of "login pages" using the web may be convenient for a one-off web browsing session in a hotel or so, but if you want to use a WLAN regularly, you need a "real" one, i.e. one that supports standard authentication systems.
I would never expect Nokia (or any other brand) to support such kind of **bleep** authentication systems, as they are not standardized.

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    Try this first - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
    Or this - Delete the account in Mail and then set it up again. Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Accounts   Tap on the Account, then on the red button that says Remove Account.
     Cheers, Tom

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    04-Aug-2008 09:13 PM
    kipmast wrote:
    OK- I just noticed that the synchronization issue is fixed (mysteriously)on my WM6 device. Remember it also had sync issues today and now I have a lighting fast sync rate. Sounds like a MS issue(?) I will try my Nokia when I get home. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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  • Nokia E5 Email problems

    For several months I have been able to use the email facility for Yahool (BTInternet)
    using the following settings and via Wifi.
    I/C Mail Server    Port 995 (default) SSL enabled and
    O/G Mail Server  Port 465 (default) SSL enabled.
    Like I say this has always worked first time every time for my main and sub-address accounts except for the last month.
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    My Wifi works fine so it is down to either the phone or Yahoo.
    Am I alone with this problem?

    Then I guess that's your only option.
    This kind of "login pages" using the web may be convenient for a one-off web browsing session in a hotel or so, but if you want to use a WLAN regularly, you need a "real" one, i.e. one that supports standard authentication systems.
    I would never expect Nokia (or any other brand) to support such kind of **bleep** authentication systems, as they are not standardized.


    Ok, I'm not able to choose wlan or gprs internet but untill I was trying to open the Internet via WLAN tel says 'service not available''.'' activating default in all applications'' does not work, simply because it's getting back all my options from WEB and I''m connecting the Int via gprs again. What should I do? any ideas? maybe it's all about my router or so? THANKS IN ADVANCE!

    Hi, this is Paulo Bral™,
    I recently got an Nokia C3-00 mobile, and I faced so many problems with Wi-FI connection of this phone that I decided to share my experience with you guys.
    I am going to write here the definitive guide to fix all WLAN problems you may encounter (and this is something that not even Nokia Support was able to do) - are you ready?
    First of all, I am assuming you have the knowledge about Wi-Fi networking (SSIDs, Channels, Security, and all the terms related to setting up a decent Wi-Fi connection), second, you need to have full acess to your router, as we will configure everything from the ground, third and last you will need a tool called InSSIDer from Meta Geeks (Google it) to perform diagnostic tasks explained below.
    Analyzing the networks around you
    First off, you need to spend some time running the tool InSSIDer on your PC to collect data from Wi-Fi networks around you as they may be the cause of your connection problems. We will use these 2 visualizations: "Time Graph" and "2.4GHz Channel" to monitor the networks around - if you dont know what you are doing, better close this page and start running away.
    Configuring the router
    After collecting data from the networks around, now it's time to set up our router. I found out that I have other 15 networks around me, and I found out here that most of them were using Channel 6, the same I was using. Also some of them are using the Channel 9 and 11. In this case, I set my router to use the Channel 1, as nobody were using it and it is also far away from other Channels being used. After some time collecting data, you will be able to see which Channel has no user or less users, and you must choose it. The security of you WLAN is your choice, as it does not have any side effects. I suggest using WPA2 as it is the most secure of the 3 this mobile supports. BTW, don't ask me how to configure your router, ask Google for it!
    Testing WLAN connectivity
    Now it's time to test WLAN connectivity with your reconfigured router. Try opening some pages, try watching YouTube videos... If your mobile is working OK, with no connection errors or timeouts, your problem was only the interference caused by networks around. But, if you still experience problems like timeouts or errors opening pages and YouTube videos, you need to continue to the next step.
    Using router QoS and Static IP
    If you have an very fast internet (10MBPS+) you will need to slow things down, as this cell phone does not really support fastest internet speeds, now you have to know your cell MAC address, make it use an Static IP, and configure QoS to reduce the downstream speed on the cell phone IP to 3MBPS max speed - BTW, not all routers supports this, if yours don't support it, get another router, I recommend Cisco or LinkSyS.
    Still having problems
    The above steps solved my problem for a while, as the phone were working a little better with my Wi-Fi, yet I experienced some timeouts and errors opening pages. Now the next step will require a PC connected to your network and this will reduce to ZERO the timeouts and errors opening pages.
    Keeping the Connection Alive - for bad routers
    If you have a generic (not Cisco or LinkSyS) cheap bad router, you will need this step! I noticed that even when the cell phone were showing the Wireless icon, the LED indicating Wireless on my router was not always turned on, so I understood my router was like "ignoring" the cell phone connection and just stopped responding to its calls. To fix this bad router behaviour, you will need a PC connected to your network, and prepare yourself to laugh: All you need to do is "keep pinging" the cell phone IP as this will keep it connection alive. The simplest way is to create a .BAT file with these 3 lines inside:
    ping <cell phone IP>
    goto autoping
    Now save it on your desktop, use anyname.bat as you wish - now run it and connect your cell phone to the WLAN. You will notice the difference, as it will work so stable like if it were connected using LAN cable!!! You will never have connection problems again!
    Well, that is it, following this guide your cell phone will never have WLAN problems again (well, at least on your WLAN).
    Best regards,
    Paulo Bral™
    Am I butterfly dreaming I'm a man? Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume what you see and feel is real!

  • Nokia Push Email Problems

    I am using Nokia E63, where i have downloaded Nokia Push Email software from Nokia Email Website, after downloading i am trying to configure my Gmail Email A/c but i am not able to configure it, and it give error message or it hacks my phone.
    GPRS on my phone is working, and i am able to visit other site also on my E63.
    please help me to solve my problem as i want to urgenly configure and access my email on my E63.
    Dharmang Shah 

    I'm sure someone can help you better than I can, but I will say that I do have Nokia Messaging working well with Gmail on my E63---but over 3G.  It never seems to work that well when all I get is a GPRS connection.  But this may be my network (3 UK) which highly depreciates all non 3G traffic.  I don't know.  (You do get data, right?  I mean you can browse the web over your connection?) If I remember right, I can get it to work over WiFi as well.  Push email doens't work so well in this case, since I wouldn't normally stay always in WiFi range, so it's not a long term solution.  But getting anything to work with your Gmail account is a start.
    I suspect by Nokia Push email you mean "Nokia Messaging" (which is probably what you want) and not "Mail for Exchange" (which is probably not what you want) , but you don't specify.  I would say:  spend some time googling for good instructions.  Try them carefully (again), and then report back exactly what you did, what you expected and what in fact happened.  You request is at the moment too inspecific for anyone to offer anything but the most vague of suggestions. 

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    mostafa182 wrote:
    ... how I can solve this problem?
    The Basic Troubleshooting Steps are:
    Restart... Reset... Restore from Backup...  Restore as New...
    Restart / Reset
    Backing up, Updating and Restoring
    If you try all these steps and you still have issues... Then a Visit to an Apple Store or AASP (Authorized Apple Service Provider) is the Next Step...
    Be sure to make an appointment first...

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    I'm having a similar problem, but I do have the key and is not working anyway.
    My old pc was running on windows 7 and my new one is an apple running on Lion.
    My phone is an Iphone IV and I can see all the bookmarks there.
    In order to sync, what I did was click on the "I don't have the device with me", I entered the key that was provided and the process finish ok. It says congratulations, etc, etc.
    But the bookmarks are not there, I tried merging data and replacing data on this computer options but is the same.
    Any suggestions?

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    After installing the new Yosemite OS on my iMac I can no longer send email. I can receive email, but not send. I use gmail and can send email on the gmail (google) site, but not on "mail" on my iMac. Any others with this problem? What should we do?

    My gmail, which is correctly configured for Mail with gmail SMTP and Google IMAP, works for awhile on Mail, which I leave open while working on other applications. But several times a day I get msg from Google: "We recently blocked a sign-in attempt to your Google Account" . . . and requiring me to verify my account details, re-enter passwords, confirm security settings (or change them from "disable" to "enable less secure methods" and so on). In Mail I also have tried "taking all accounts online", and re-entering my gmail password inside Mail account settings. These steps successfully re-set comms between gmail and Mail ... for awhile, then it happens again. Enough occurrences over a work day that I just quit Mail and revert to accessing gmail directly. Apple Care advisor and an Apple knowledge base article say that Apple can't deal with this, as gmail is third-party app, and they refer me to gmail, and so far I've found nothing helpful there.
    From today I also have several instances of a window saying "Mail has unexpectedly closed" and asking me to Re-open it.
    I also use Yahoo mail, which stops working with Mac Mail at the same time as gmail, but I do not receive notices to re-verify from Yahoo.
    I recently upgraded from Mavericks to Yosemite. The Mail problem happened occasionally with Mavericks but is far more frequent with Yosemite.

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    Same issue here in WI and for me it was at 6:36p CST.
    I'm changed my password, removed iCloud from my phone ... tried 3G and WIFI with no luck. I also cannot check it on my Mac or iPad. I was able to get contacts and calenders back on my phone but no mail yet.
    Did the whole Apple support thing and apparently I'm part of the 1%
    EDIT: Question: are all of you former MobileMe users as well? Just wondering because I know there were going to be some changes as they completely move MobileMe over to iCloud and drop the "extra" services. I just can't remember if it was just a single cut off date or a series of dates. THAT email is stuck in my iCloud folders.

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    Alison  follow the link user was having same problem.  Solution was given.

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    I did that and it is currently whirring away, had over 16000 emails as everything got imported when I set emails up (only had this computer 5 days). So will see what happens when it stops doing whatever it is doing. Sorry if I appear stupid but first Mac I have owned so everything a bit new. Have managed to get most things working correctly just can't sort this BT email problem out. Will report back later!

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    Click here for the instructions on stopping the emails.

  • Can you set up a new I Tunes account, but still use the same email address, as having problems with it keep telling me it has been disabled, no matter what I do to chnage the passwords, I haven't used the account since 2010?

    can you set up a new I Tunes account, but still use the same email address, as having problems with it keep telling me it has been disabled, no matter what I do to change the passwords, I haven't used the account since 2010?

    Hi eddinchina,
    You should have no need to use the Old Sync account.
    As long as device or devices are Firefox 29 or later (They should all be Firefox 30 now) you should use the New Sync.
    You may use the same email address with both accounts.

Maybe you are looking for