Nokia N73-5 RM 132 version V 4.0747.31.4.2 (APAC c...

has anyone upgraded N73 to firmware V 4.0747.31.4.2 ???
any improvments ???
My current firmware is 4.0726.2.1.1.
should i go for V 4.0747.31.4.2 ????

Well I had a N73 before I got myself the N78.
- Built in GPS
- Supports miniSD cards up to 16gb
- looks nicer!
- never before used SW Version S60 3rd FP2
- keys aren´t as easy to hit as on the N73 but still fine
To sum up I haven´t regretted the switch and I would recommend it .
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The day we stop improving is the day we stop being good.

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    PS sorry for my english.. XD

    Latest available software for Nokia N73, product code 0543836
    Version: 3.0638.0.0.2
    when well the new release be?????

  • New firmware for Nokia N73 ME v4.0736.3.2.1

    Finally new firmware for N73 ME (RM-133)- product code 0539291.
    I'm updating my phone right now, but as all previous firmware versions, there is no change log. We have to figure out what has been fixed this time.
    Keep it cool )Message Edited by dejanos on 09-Oct-200704:26 PM
    Message Edited by dejanos on 09-Oct-200704:27 PM
    Nokia N73 ME RM-133 v4.0736.3.2.1
    Memory: 2GB Apacer miniSD

    09-Oct-200704:26 PM
    dejanos wrote:
    Finally new firmware for N73 ME (RM-133)- product code 0539291.
    I'm updating my phone right now, but as all previous firmware versions, there is no change log. We have to figure out what has been fixed this time.
    Keep it cool )Message Edited by dejanos on 09-Oct-200704:26 PM
    Message Edited by dejanos on 09-Oct-200704:27 PM
    is this the changelog?
    ttp:// has the details of the new firmware
    Nokia N73 Software version 4.0735.3.0.2 / 4.0736.3.2.1 released - 9 October 2007
    This software version includes Nokia Maps 1.0 (edition 1.2) for use with Bluetooth GPS devices. This release also includes updates to the Music Library and music downloads, and performance improvements to SMS and device application installers.
    Blackberry Bold

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    Nokia N73, product code 0539295
    Version:  4.0839.42.2.1

    Ngage has been around for quite a while now and has been "coming soon" for the N73 for as long as I can remember.
    If they're taking this long to adapt it to the N73 it's almost certainly because they're having difficulty streamlining it to work on such a poorly-equipped handset.
    Don't get me wrong. I think the N73's a great little device and I love mine. It's just not up to the task of a gaming platform.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Version..v4.0736.3.2.1 RM(133) (c)Nokia N73 (Z5.01...

    M frm INDIA.
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    Now, given that I am the previous owner of this phone I know its history. I know that the "power on power off" issue has been plaguing N73 users as early as 2007/2008, when this was only a 1 year old model. So this is not a new issue. But I have never experienced this issue with mine. I guess it was just a matter of time, a ticking bomb if you will, before the error manifests. Now I know what that looks like.
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    I installed Nokia Suite 3.8.48 on Windows 8.1. I then connected the phone with a USB cable. I chose "PC Suite" option on the phone. Then I got this stupid error.
    USB device not recognized
    So I thought that it was missing some drivers and that the Nokia Suite did not install it for me, for whatever the reason. So I googled it and found the Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver ( I disconnected the phone, installed the driver, connected the phone again, and still the same error came up. I tried repairing the driver installation and it did not help.
    So what do I do now? Can I expect any help from Nokia with this issue? I am not asking for much. All I ask for is some bits of software so I can help myself. The least Nokia can do in my opinion is to host their previous software releases on their website. Yes, I mean the old PC Suite, Ovi Suite, Nokia Suite, etc. I don't ask them to continue supporting it and updating it if it's discontinued or deprecated software. And of course, since it's closed source it's impossible for other folks to continue the development. But the least they can do is host previous releases. I much rather download an EXE from Nokia than from some funny place like Banana Island or whatever...
    And what about those software updates? When you google "nokia software update" the first thing you find is the main page for the various flavors of Nokia software suites where you click on the type of device you have (Symbian, Windows, et. al.) and it takes you to the download link for the EXE for Nokia Suite (in case of Symbian). But there are never any download links for the actual phone firmware/software/OS upgrades. The software suite grabs the appropriate file or files and installs it automatically. But what if you need to do this sh** manually? Or what if you want to keep a deposit of previously released phone software/firmware? Obviously Nokia won't host old phone software indefinitely.
    And it's not like they do their best to make the new "PC SUITE, aka. OVI SUITE, aka NOKIA SUITE, aka "SOMETHING" SUITE, fully compatible with old phone models. So users with old Nokia products would have to use some of the old software tools, tools that Nokai no longer supports, nor hosts or links to.
    What if you want to downgrade from a current version to a previous version? I'm not sure the automatic software update even still works on these old handsets (e.g. Nokia N73, et. al.) and what do you do in that case? What if you just need to reflash the phone with the same firmware that's already onboard? The answer is: you won't be able to! The software suite will only check for new versions, and if no new versions are found (obviously, since it's an old product for which there is no more development) it won't present any firmware/software at all to be flashed to the phone. Great!... just f****** brilliant! Or not...
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    Go to Solution.
    2013-12-13-191700.png ‏8 KB
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    Nokia Suite 3.8.48 is not compatible with Windows 8.1
    I installed Nokia Suite 3.8.48 on my old Windows Vista PC and it worked! So I conclude that the damn thing is not compatible with the latest re-incarnation of the Windows 8 system, namely 8.1. For whatever the reason it just didn't like my Windows 8.1 computer very much. It's clearly a compatibility issue on some level. It's a brand new computer by the way, it's a desktop PC, custom built, with a clean genuine install of WIndows 8.1. I installed it myself from the retail box (full version). No issues with it whatsoever, no software issues, BSOD issues... nothing... up until now. Installing the Nokia Suite software from the same installer file worked very well on my old Windows Vista computer. No need to install any additional drivers! It just worked! All device drivers installed properly when I connected the phone. And Microsoft wants to discontinue Vista in favor of Windows 8.1... I hate those muppets.
    I know I've read that Nokia Suite 3.8.48 is Windows 8 compatible, I think I read it in the FAQ, but there were no specifics about whether that means 8.0 only or 8.0 AND 8.1. So it's a guesswork! And my guess is that it's compatible with Windows 8.0 but not with Windows 8.1. Even though I know that the changes between them are slim, if any. But don't blame me for that, blame Microsoft! I'm sure Microsoft wishes that Windows 8.0 never had happened! Just like they are wishing that Windows Vista never had happened! It shows, by their decision to drop Windows Vista support on most recent Microsoft software products. Windows 7 will follow the same fate. I'm sure they just wish they could pull the switch on every previous OS version, starting from XP, through Vista, 7 and Windows 8, and make everyone upgrade to the retarded Windows 8.1.
    The worst thing is... Nokia has partnered with Microsoft... what good can possibly come out of that?... There's a rumor that Nokia is working on an Android phone, known as Normandy project, or AoL (Asha on Linux). Yeah right! That will probably happen in... oh well... maybe in 100 years or so. You're way too late to the Android party. Nokia shot itself in the head when they decided to push forward with the Symbian OS and later the MeeGo. Then they started flirting with Microsoft.
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  • ISync can't go along with Nokia N73

    I bought MacBook Pro last December! I love it so much! Yesterday, I bought a wonderful new handset Nokia N73. I learned the new update had put N73 into the iSync profile. When I add new device in iSync, everything is good. iSync show the name of the handset correctly. When I push the sync button, the connection was successfully. In the middle of the sync, iSync stop and pop out a log to tell me: your N73 handset have an accidental error, so the sync is fail. (I translate from Chinese!) Then I remove the device from iSync, then install device again, but fail still! I remove the bluetooth device again and again, and fail again and again! I try many times in different ways, but fail in one way: accidental error!
    So, I guess, the handset might got problem. So, I start Parallel virtual machine in Windows XP. I download the PC software(Windows version) from Nokia website. I plug the USB line to MBP from N73. Amazingly, everything goes so well!
    Could you help me to tell me what's happened? How can I fix the difficulty! It is the first time, I feel frustration about MBP. Your prompt reply is highly appreciated!

    It's unbelievable...but that did not work either. I have tried it all sorts of ways, by creating a new calendar when asked, putting it under my mac email address (which ends up just churning and not doing anything at all), opening iCal first and importing, just doubleclicking the exported file...but the message on iSync continues to tell me it cannot find a "writable file". Any further thoughts on how to solve this?


    I have a problem with my nokia n73, it reboot each time I receive a call while listening to music in the background or the radio, just stall and it reboot after 3 seconds, I could not understand why, if someone one has any idea about this problem or that he already saw me make a sign.
    Soft version: V 3.0638.0.0.2
    Thanks in advance
    Moderator Note: Non English Portion edited
    Message Edited by shehanj on 11-Apr-2009 05:57 PM

    Ah, Bonjour
    Ca va?
    You need to update your firmware.
    Download this, the Nokia Software Updater:
    Plug your USB Cable and charger in,
    Select PC Suite Mode
    Run the software updater, self explanitory from there.
    Don't unplug anything when it starts downloading!
    En Francais:
    Vous devez mettre à jour vos progiciels.
    Téléchargez ceci, le logiciel Updater de Nokia :
    Branchez votre câble d'USB et le chargeur dedans, mode choisi de suite de PC
    courent l'updater de logiciel, art de l'auto-portrait explanitory de là.
    Ne débranchez rien quand il commence à télécharger
    Owned: Nokia 3510i, Nokia 3120, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6233, Nokia N73, Nokia N82.
    Current: Nokia N900!

  • Nokia n73 and Apple iSync problems

    hello all,
    I have a nokia N73 and an Apple macbook computer. I've been able to sync my n73 with my Apple (calendar and address book). It works for about 1 week and then stops working. I've tried deleting the n73 from iSync and installing it again (using both USB and Bluetooth). Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not, which is really annoying.
    I have Mac OS X version 10.4.10. and iSync version 2.4 (501.2). i did not install any plugins because this version of iSync and Mac OS X are supposed to be compatible, but I have not been able to make them work.
    Any help?
    Cleidson de Souza

    I have an iMac G5 with OS X 10.4.11, iSync 2.4, and an N73 Music Edition (not sure whether this makes a difference).
    I modified a config file several months ago (I forget the details, but I copy and pasted the entry for a phone with the same operating system, called it N73 et voila.)
    If I plug the N73 into the iMac via the USB cable and try and sync (after selecting PC Suite on the phone), connection fails. Every time.
    However, if I power off the phone, and power it back on, then connect the USB cable and select PC Suite, synchronisation works perfectly!
    I cannot explain why, but rebooting the phone enables iSybc to work every time. Answers on a postcard to...
    I hope this helps,
    PS. Selecting Mass Storage (instead of PC Suite) creates a new drive in Finder, which enables you to quickly and easily copy music/picture/video files to/from the iMac.


    I have the nokia N73 first version (128 Sd card).
    1.The phone hangs occasionally.I would need to remove the battery and put it back to get the phone to normal.
    2.I get the message memory full.So i would like to know if i could get a new 2gb SD card.Will this involve any firmware updation?.
    Please advice.
    Binoy **bleep**

    16-Apr-200702:28 AM
    binoyn73 wrote:
    I have the nokia N73 first version (128 Sd card).
    1.The phone hangs occasionally.I would need to remove the battery and put it back to get the phone to normal.
    2.I get the message memory full.So i would like to know if i could get a new 2gb SD card.Will this involve any firmware updation?.
    Please advice.
    Binoy **bleep**
    I Have Found That If You Back Up All Your Information From Your Memory Card To Your Computer Then Format Your Memory Card It Should Run As Good As New.

  • Nokia n73 Gallery

    I got a new Nokia n73. I have 1 problem, when i save photo or video and look at them in the gallery i cannot see them. All i can see is the little picture to show if it is a picture or video. help plzzzzzzzz

    06:14 PM
    puretoon wrote:
    Stupid question here, but are you getting any photos at all? a thumbnail even? if you are, just bring the photo to middle of your screen by selecting it, then press your jogger button straight on, this will make the photo fill size of the screen.
    Sorry if I've read your question wrong or anything.
    I think you are right !! that comes to my mind when I read the question .. but whatever u mean in your question, try to have your phone to the latest version of firmware ..
    A great BMW M6 is a perfect solution for all of marriage problems !!

  • Leopard's iSync & Nokia N73

    I used Leopard's (10.5.1) iSync flawlessly with my Nokia N73. But, when I upgraded N73's firmware to the 4.0735.3.0.2 version, iSync can't connect with N73.
    I've tried to delete and recreate the pair between my MacBook Pro and the Nokia and it can't finish linking, with an infinite "Desovering device's services".

    I upgraded my firmware on the N73 before seeing this thread & now have lost Bluetooth connectivity too. This is a big issue for me & found an interesting thread over on Nokia's forum:
    It seems like Nokia are aware of the problem but putting their fingers in their ears & risking the migration of a whole lot of Mac users...

  • Problems on Nokia n73

    Hi guys, i have watched the video about the rotateme 2.0 software on the nokia n95, and i was just wondering whether nokia n73 do have such plugins such as accelerometer or any other plug-ins that can be installed?

    Sorry, Zabitos. This is a piece of bad news to you as Nokia N73 does not have JSR-256 built-in the device. JSR-256 is an API in which define the generic sensor functionality, this would then lead to sensor application like Nokmote to be used on the device.
    Device: Nokia N73 Music Edition (11)
    Model: RM-133
    Software: Version 4.0736.3.2.1

  • Nokia N73 web browser error

    I am facing problem in my Nokia N73 web browser. When i am oppening any website its showing SERVICES:UNABLE TO PERFORM OPERATION. Please help me

    hi mate,
    have you checked via nokia Suite on your PC if there are any fimrware updates available for your device? if there are any, please updaet to the latest version offered. failing that, you can try performing the hard reset on the device, but please backup all personal data as this reset wipes everything.

  • Nokia n73 SW issus

    I have a nokia n73 its sw version is 3.0638.0.0.1
    also its code is 0543836.
    my phone get stuck on several times, when thers a call while i use the camara, also on music player.
    NOKIA N73, NOKIA 7250i, NOKIA 1100

    Is it only as Windows USB mass storage device that it is not recognised by PC or same issue if connected in PC Suite mode with PCSuite/Ovi Suite installed?
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

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