Non-Blocking I/O Implementation Issue

Hi All,
I am trying out the latest JDK 1.4 java.nio.* package. I modified the NBTimeServer and wrote a client which connects to the NBTimeServer and tries to pass messages to and fro. I always succeed to pass on roundtrip of msgs and then Server blocks my client forever. I have modified NBTimeServer to accomodate one client only. Any help or comments on this would be really appreciated. Code is below. Feel free to try it out if want to see what I am trying to convey in this message.
/*******Server Code*******/
Modified this code to test mulitple to and fro msgs between client and server.
Only one client will ever be able to connect to this server during life of a server.
My point here is to demonstrate the to and fro comm between one client and one server
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.channels.spi.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
// Listen on a port for connections and write back the current time.
public class NBTimeServer {
private static final int DEFAULT_TIME_PORT = 8900;
// Constructor with no arguments creates a time server on default port.
public NBTimeServer() throws Exception {
// Constructor with port argument creates a time server on specified port.
public NBTimeServer(int port) throws Exception {
// Accept connections for current time. Lazy Exception thrown.
private static void acceptConnections(int port) throws Exception {
     // Selector for incoming time requests
     Selector acceptSelector = SelectorProvider.provider().openSelector();
     Selector rwSelector = SelectorProvider.provider().openSelector();
     // Create a new server socket and set to non blocking mode
     ServerSocketChannel ssc =;
     // Bind the server socket to the local host and port
     InetAddress lh = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
     InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(lh, port);
     // Register accepts on the server socket with the selector. This
     // step tells the selector that the socket wants to be put on the
     // ready list when accept operations occur, so allowing multiplexed
     // non-blocking I/O to take place.
     SelectionKey acceptKey = ssc.register(acceptSelector,
     int keysAdded = 0;
     // Here's where everything happens. The select method will
     // return when any operations registered above have occurred, the
     // thread has been interrupted, etc.
     while ((keysAdded = > 0) {
     // Someone is ready for I/O, get the ready keys
     Set readyKeys = acceptSelector.selectedKeys();
     Iterator i = readyKeys.iterator();
     // Walk through the ready keys collection and process date requests.
     while (i.hasNext()) {
          SelectionKey sk = (SelectionKey);
          // The key indexes into the selector so you
          // can retrieve the socket that's ready for I/O
          ServerSocketChannel nextReady =
          // Accept the date request and send back the date string
          Socket s = nextReady.accept();
                    SocketChannel sc = s.getChannel();
System.out.println("Got client channel..");
          SelectionKey readKey = sc.register(rwSelector,
          int count = 0;
while(true) {
if((count = > 0) {
Set readKeys = rwSelector.selectedKeys();
Iterator i1 = readKeys.iterator();
while(i1.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("Loop in Iterator");
SelectionKey sk1 = (SelectionKey);
if(sk1.isReadable()) {
DataInputStream sin = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream(), 4096));
if(sk1.isWritable()) {
DataOutputStream sout = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream(), 4096));
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sout, true);
          Date now = new Date();
// Entry point.
public static void main(String[] args) {
     // Parse command line arguments and
     // create a new time server (no arguments yet)
     try {
          NBTimeServer nbt = new NBTimeServer();
     } catch(Exception e) {
/******End Server Code********/
/*****Begin Client Code********/
import java.util.*;
// Listen on a port for connections and write back the current time.
public class NBTimeClient {
private static final int DEFAULT_TIME_PORT = 8900;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
InetAddress lh = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
Socket s = new Socket(lh, DEFAULT_TIME_PORT);
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream(), 4096));
DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream(), 4096));
//Read the time
//send some junk which is read by server
//read time again -- I never get anything here and I am blocked here...
//send some junk back to the server
/*******End Client Code**********/

The reason it blocks forever is that you need to keep reusing your main select. That is where the non-blocking event will come from. Here is a bit of code that doesn't block forever.
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.channels.spi.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.log4j.*;
public class NBServer3 {
int _port = 4000;
Selector _selector = null;
ServerSocketChannel _selectableChannel = null;
int _keysAdded = 0;
static Category log =
static String QUIT_SERVER = "quit";
public NBServer3() {
public NBServer3( int port ) {
this._port = port;
public void initialize()
throws IOException {
this._selector = SelectorProvider.provider().openSelector();
this._selectableChannel =;
     InetAddress lh = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
     InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(lh, this._port );
public void finalize()
throws IOException {
public void acceptConnections()
throws IOException {
Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O
operations. This method performs a non-blocking selection operation.
If no channels have become selectable since the previous selection
operation then this method immediately returns zero.
The number of keys, possibly zero, whose ready-operation sets
were updated by the selection operation
do {
SelectionKey acceptKey =
this._selectableChannel.register( this._selector,
SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT );
log.debug( "Acceptor loop..." );
while (( this._keysAdded = acceptKey.selector().select()) > 0 ) {
log.debug( "Selector returned "
+ this._keysAdded + " ready for IO operations" );
Set readyKeys = this._selector.selectedKeys();
Iterator i = readyKeys.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
if ( key.isAcceptable() ) {
ServerSocketChannel nextReady =
log.debug( "Processing selection key read="
+ key.isReadable() + " write=" + key.isWritable() +
" accept=" + key.isAcceptable() );
Socket s = nextReady.accept();
s.getChannel().configureBlocking( false );
SelectionKey readKey =
s.getChannel().register( this._selector,
SelectionKey.OP_READ );
readKey.attach( s );
else if ( key.isReadable() ) {
SelectableChannel nextReady =
log.debug( "Processing selection key read="
+ key.isReadable() + " write=" + key.isWritable() +
" accept=" + key.isAcceptable() );
Socket socket = (Socket) key.attachment();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream() ));
String line = null;
if ( (line = in.readLine() ) != null )
log.debug( line );
log.debug( "End acceptor loop..." );
} while ( false ); //FIXIT tim this should be false. justa test
public static void main( String[] args ) {
NBServer3 nbServer = new NBServer3();
try {
} catch ( IOException e ) {
System.exit( -1 );
try {
catch ( IOException e ) {
log.error( e );

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    endasil wrote:
    First of all, let me state that I agree with the others in saying that I don't fully agree with your premises.
    That said, I believe that this does a non-blocking read based on the contract of InputStream.available() and .read(byte[], int, int):
    private int nonBlockingRead(InputStream in, byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
    return, 0, Math.min(in.available(), buffer.length));
    If the InputStream is obtained from a JSSE socket then it is my understanding that available() always returns zero. This is allowed under the InputStream.available() contract as defined in the Javadoc - . If I am right then your code will never read anything from a JSSE socket InputStream and I would suspect that Jsch is using JSSE sockets.

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    if a user requests x-y ticket {
    ���try {
    ������check db if x-y is available
    ������if true send available
    ������else not
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    ���getAvalibability(org, dest){
    ������try {
    ���������check db if x-y is available
    ���������if true send available
    ���������else not
    ������}catch (NonExistentData) {
    ���������queueSender.sendMessage(update x-y)
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         * @see javax.servlet.ServletContextListener#void (javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent)
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                 ServletContext context = event.getServletContext();
                 context.setAttribute("keepWorking", Boolean.FALSE);
         * @see javax.servlet.ServletContextListener#void (javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent)
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                 context.setAttribute("newJobs", newJobs);
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         /*log4j*/     private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JobConsumer.class);     
         private ServletContext context = null;
         public void run(){
                 System.out.println("JobConsumer - run Start");
                 System.out.println("JobConsumer - run End");

  • Non-blocking SocketChannel and close - huh?

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    In fact, I'm generally confused: Actual C non-blocking code has a similar setup for 'close' as you can see in SocketChannel's OP_CONNECT behaviour - just because you want to connect the socket doesn't mean it magically happends without blocking. Wait for a ready flag, then try again.
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    Actual C non-blocking code has a similar setup for
    'close' as you can see in SocketChannel's
    OP_CONNECT behaviour ...No it doesn't. I don't know what you mean by this.
    Closing a socket is asynchronous, but it shouldn't lose any data - if the data can be delivered it will be, followed by the FIN. You don't know when it is delivered, and you don't get to hear about any errors such as an RST coming from the other end, say if it decided to close before reading all the data, or if some intermediate router hung you up.
    I'm wondering if you are really dealing with all the short write and zero length write possibilities, i.e. whether the data isn't really still in your output buffer. Don't wish to teach you to suck eggs but there are some subtleties here.
    Setting a positive linger timeout doesn't really help because Java doesn't tell you if the timeout expired. (I only asked for this about four years ago). You get to wait while any pending data is delivered, but you still have to guess about whether it all went or the timeout expired, and the behaviour after the timeout expires is platform-dependent: some (Windows) issue an RST, others (Unix) keep trying.
    Blocking or non-blocking mode shouldn't make any difference to this (except that Linux will block on a positive linger timeout even in non-blocking mode, which is wrong), and whether you close the channel or the socket is immaterial as one calls the other anyway.
    The reason why OP_CONNECT is different in blocking/non-blocking modes is that in blocking mode it won't return until the SYN-ACK is received, while in non-blocking mode it just sends the SYN and relies on you calling connect() again (at the C level) to collect the SYN-ACK, or not - this is what finishConnect() tells you.
    tends to cause massive leaks on linux, at least
    according to some google searchesIt can't, unless you are referring to the Helix client thing, which appears to be just a badly designed C++ class library with, for some reason, its own linger implementation outside the kernel.

  • Non-blocking read from an InputStream??

    Hello all, I have a bit of a problem. I have a GUI based app that, through the mindterm SSH classes, runs a "tail -f /var/log/somelog" command on a *nix server. The purpose of the app is to make looking through the log's easier for the non-computer lay-person. The problem is that if they click the stop button to stop the output of the tail it doesn't actually stop that thread until the next line is appended to the end of the log file. That could be a second or an hour. So what I need is a way to somehow stop that tail -f command when the user hits stop and not have to wait for the read to occur.
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    So my question is, does anyone have any clever solutions to this particular problem? I thought the way to beat it was to find some mechanism to do a read that will just get passed by if there's nothing to read then have it wait an arbitrary amount of time before reading again. So the longest the user would have to wait would be that arbitrary amount of time. But I don't know how to implement this or if it's even a good way to do it.
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the help dubwai. I actually found a way to accomplish this without any non-blocking balony.
    public void run () {
                            try {
                           is = tbs.getConsoleOut();
                           in = new;
                                    String line = null;
                                    // continue is a volatile boolean that gets set to false when user clicks stop
                                    while ( cont ) {
                                            if ( is.available() > 0 ) {
                                                    line = in.readLine();
                                                    System.out.println("in while: "+line);
                                            } // end
                                            else {
                                                    try {
    } // end try
                                                    catch ( java.lang.InterruptedException ie ) {
                                                            System.err.println("Error sleeping: "+ie);
                                                    } // end catch
                                            } // end else
                                    } // end while
                                    is.close(); in.close();
                                    System.out.println("After while");
                            } // end try
                            catch ( Exception e ) {
                                    System.err.println("Error reading lines: "+e);
                            } // end catch
                    } // end runThis seems to work on a few trial runs.. Does anyone see any possible random timing issues from this??

  • Non-blocking J2EE calls

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    Our first solution, which works as a prototype, was to package a Java bean as an OLE object and deploy it to the client. This bean could make the calls non-blocking. However there are registry issues (the packaging implies a pre-defined directory structure), we need a JRE on every client and 15Mb of weblogic jars (aaargh), so it only really works as a prototype.
    The next (current) solution is a C dll that can be called from Powerbuilder and uses a socket to talk to a Java J2EE Gateway on the server. This Gateway makes the system non-blocking and calls the EJBs. This is clearly easier in terms of configuring the client.
    Ideally we would like to drop the Gateway by finding a non-blocking way to get into J2EE from the C dll but the only methods we have thought of:
    - simulating an HTTP servlet call
    - SOAP
    are synchronous (or appear to be, my knowledge of SOAP is limited).
    Has anyone come across other ways of getting non-blocking communications with J2EE?

    CORBA, this is what it was designed to do, but it is not not a light weight solution.

  • Non blocking sockets

    Hi All,
    Anybody have some idea about how to implement non blocking sockets using two threads/Can u help me with some sites where i can get more information in this topic.

    you could have a look at the nonblocking io (nio) api's present in jdk1.4, that should do the trick. this link ought to get u started i suppose..
    hope this helps.

  • Non-blocking accept()

    Does Java provide any way to implement a non-blocking accept()?

    There is no 'more or less' about it, it can be done. See java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel.
    You could also set a very short timeout on a ServerSocket if you don't want the entire NIO circus ...

  • Using non blocking connect() call for SCTP sockets in Solaris10

    I have a problem with non blocking connect call on SCTP socket.
    I am using the sctp stack support in Solaris10.
    When the connect is successful, I can get the pollout event on the socket.
    But there is no event observed when the peer does not exist. In other words, I could not get the pollout event on connection failure. This logic works fine with TCP sockets on both Solaris and Suse10.
    I am working with SCTP one-to-one style sockets.
    Is there any way to handle this issue?
    Do I need to load any patch to resolve this issue?
    It will be great if I get a solution in this regard.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    There are at least two problems here.
    A. In the receiver you should test for -1 from the read() immediately, rather than continue with the loop and try to write -1 bytes to the file.
    B. In the sender you are ignoring the return value of client.write(), which can be anything from 0 to the buffer length. If you get 0 you should wait for another OP_WRITE to trigger; if you get a 'short write' you need to retry it until you've got nothing left to write from the current buffer, before you read any more data. This is where the data is vanishing.

  • How to handle write errors in non blocking sockets

    I'm using sockets registered with a Selector for read operations. I've seen code examples that put the SocketChannel in non blocking mode before registering it with the selector, and in fact not doing so would cause an IllegalBlockingModeException to be thrown.
    My problem is that I can't handle write errors. The call to write() returns inmediately without throwing any exception. Even worse, when the network timeout expires the selector wakes up and I get an exception on read(). So I can't tell the difference between a real read error and a write error.
    What can I do? Is there a magic method I haven't heard about?

    ejp wrote:
    OK, so what happens is this: you write from your ByteBuffer; if there is room in the socket send buffer, the data is transferred and the transfer count is returned. (If there isn''t, the write returns zero and nothing has happened.) Your application code then continues. Meanwhile TCP is trying to send the data in the send buffer and get an ACK from the peer. If the peer is down as per your test, eventually those write attempts will time out. You will then get a connection reset exception on the next read or write.
    Even worse, when the network timeout expires the selector wakes upCorrect, to tell you there is an error condition pending. This is good, not bad.You're right. This way my program can know that something happened.
    But I still don't understand what the difference between a failed write() and a failed read() is. I mean, the error condition may appear during a send attempt, or it may appear after sending. In both cases I get an error when trying to read. How can my program know if data have been received by the other end?
    Do I have to implement ACK messages in the application level protocol??? It'd be nice if TCP could do this for me...

  • Non-blocking io socket

    If you have a connection to on a non-blocking socket channel will the socket, is it possible that it will stop streaming all the data available into the buffer? If so how can you check that this has happened?
    If you buffer being used by the socket is full how can make sure the streaming stops so you can drain the buffer and get the remaining data without losing it from the channel.
    How can you check to see if a channel has no more data to give?
    Thank you.

    The sender's write method will block in blocking mode, or return zero in non-blocking mode, when the target's receive buffer and the sender's send buffer are both full. This is the only flow control available unless you implement something yourself. The only way to tell whether you have read everything the other end is sending is by getting an EOF when the other end closes the socket, unless you build something into your application protocol.

  • Non-blocking socket concurrent limitation?

    I have 2 socket program,one is server side used nio package with JDK1.4.1,the other is client used traditional socket,the client will initialize about 50
    threads trying to connect with server when starting,but only about 15
    can be accepted,these 2 program are runnning in the same computer which
    OS is win2000 professional PC.
    the followd is these code:
    please make a probe with them ,and tell me what's going on?
    package nio_select_demo;
    import java.nio.*;
    import java.nio.channels.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
    public class Server implements Runnable
    // The port we will listen on
    private int port;
    // A pre-allocated buffer for processing data
    private final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 16384 );
    private ByteBuffer resBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate( 128 );
    Selector selector;
    AddInfo test ;
    public Server( int port ) {
    this.port = port;
    // for (int i=0; i<threadnum; ++i) {
    new Thread( this ).start();
    test = new AddInfo();
    public void run() {
    try {
    // create a ServerSocketChannel
    ServerSocketChannel ssc1 =;
    // ServerSocketChannel ssc2 =;
    // Set it to non-blocking
    ssc1.configureBlocking( false );
    // Get the Socket connected to this channel, and bind it
    // to the listening port
    ServerSocket ss = ssc1.socket();
    InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress( port );
    ss.bind( isa , 60 );
    // Create a new Selector for selecting
    selector =;
    // Register the ServerSocketChannel, so we can
    // listen for incoming connections
    ssc1.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT );
    System.out.println( "Listening on port "+port );
    int n = 0;
    while (true) {
    // See if we've had any activity -- either
    // an incoming connection, or incoming data on an
    // existing connection
    int num =;
    // If we don't have any activity, loop around and wait
    // again
    if (num == 0) {
    // Get the keys corresponding to the activity
    // that has been detected, and process them
    // one by one
    Set keys = selector.selectedKeys();
    Iterator it = keys.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
    // Get a key representing one of bits of I/O
    // activity
    SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
    // What kind of activity is it?
    if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) ==
    SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) {
    System.out.println( "accept request" );
    // It's an incoming connection.
    // Register this socket with the Selector
    // so we can listen for input on it
    SocketChannel sc = ((ServerSocketChannel);
    System.out.println( "Got connection from "+sc.socket());
    // Make sure to make it non-blocking, so we can
    // use a selector on it.
    //SocketChannel sc = s.getChannel();
    sc.configureBlocking( false );
    // Register it with the selector, for reading
    sc.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ| SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
    } else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) ==
    SelectionKey.OP_READ) {
    //ssc.register(selector , SelectionKey.OP_READ);
    SocketChannel sc = null;
    try {
    // It's incoming data on a connection, so
    // process it
    sc = (SocketChannel);
    Socket s1 = sc.socket();
    System.out.println( "enter processing data" );
    boolean ok = processInput( key );
    synchronized (selector) {
    key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_READ);
    // If the connection is dead, then remove it
    // from the selector and close it
    if (!ok) {
    Socket s = null;
    try {
    s = sc.socket();
    } catch( IOException ie ) {
    System.err.println( "Error closing socket "+s+": "+ie );
    } catch( IOException ie ) {
    // On exception, remove this channel from the selector
    System.err.println( "Error raised in this socket");
    try {
    } catch( IOException ie2 ) { System.out.println( ie2 ); }
    System.out.println( "Closed "+sc );
    else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) ==
    SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) {
    System.out.println("Enter Writing");
    String response = new String();
    SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel);
    resBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap( response.getBytes("ISO-8859-1" ) );
    sc.write( resBuf );
    synchronized (selector) {
    key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
    // We remove the selected keys, because we've dealt
    // with them.
    } catch( IOException ie ) {
    System.err.println( ie );
    private boolean processInput( SelectionKey key ) throws IOException {
    SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel); buffer );
    String response = new String("response ok");
    // If no data, close the connection
    if (buffer.limit()==0) {
    return false;
    Charset charset=Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");
    CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
    CharBuffer charBuffer = decoder.decode(buffer);
    System.out.println( "Processed "+buffer.limit()+" from "+sc );
    return true;
    static public void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {
    int port = Integer.parseInt( args[0] );
    new Server( port );
    import java.util.*;
    public class Client implements Runnable
    private String host;
    private int port;
    private int acport;
    //the size of buffer on how much we write and read per cycle
    private static final int maxWriteSize = 128;
    public Client( String host, int port, int numThreads ) { = host;
    this.port = port;
    for(int i =0;i<50;i++){//initialize 50 client threads
    new Thread(this).start();
    public void run() {
    byte buffer[] = new byte[maxWriteSize];
    byte buffer2[] = new byte[maxWriteSize];
    try {
    Socket s = new Socket( );
    InetSocketAddress sa = new InetSocketAddress(host,this.port);
    InputStream in = s.getInputStream();
    OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();
    for (int i=0; i<maxWriteSize; ++i) {
    buffer[i] = (byte)'a';
    out.write( buffer, 0, maxWriteSize );
    int pause = 500; buffer , 0 , maxWriteSize );
    System.out.println( Thread.currentThread()+" wrote "+maxWriteSize);
    String res = new String ( buffer );
    String res2 = new String ( buffer2 );
    System.out.println( res );
    try { Thread.sleep( pause ); } catch( InterruptedException ie ) {}
    } catch( Exception ie ) {
    static public void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {
    String host = "";
    int port = Integer.parseInt( args[0] );
    int numThreads = Integer.parseInt( args[1] );
    new Client( host, port, numThreads );

    I have found the reason!!!
    because of system resource limitation,windows can't afford to maintain
    so many concurrent stream-IO,so some socket will be closed.
    I modified the client side code,adding thes segments to client instantialize
    such as :
    public Client( String host, int port, int numThreads ) {
    for(int i =0;i<1000;i++){
    new Thread(this).start();
    try {
    Thread.currentThread().sleep(100);//give system some idle
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    /* ignore */
    then the server can accept more than 1000 client request concurrently.

  • What is non blocking IO?

    I have heard that 1.4 supports non blocking IO, and that this is greath for servers. What is it, how does it work and why is it so good?

    I could be wrong - but if they have not yet done so
    a good optimization would be to rearrange the
    select list - such that the sockets that have
    an event appears at the top of the list.
    This way - when the select completes - it tells
    you that there are - say 2 - active events - you
    would then just read the first two channels on
    the select list.From the API javadoc:
    The selected-key set is the set of keys such that each key's channel was detected to be ready for at least one of the operations identified in the key's interest set during a prior selection operation. This set is returned by the selectedKeys method. The selected-key set is always a subset of the key set.
    ie- select and iterate. No polling involved.
    They just completed the java EventListener model
    for the GUI. It would have been simple and clean
    to implement a similar model for io. You have
    the io channel - you would just attach an event
    listener to it much like you would do for a control.
    When an io finishes on a channel, you would be
    told immediately the channel that the io completed
    and what event occured - read, write etc.
    Now you could have a million sockets
    ( if ever unix could support that many file
    discriptors )
    and you when an io completes no need to poll
    a bunch of idle sockets.Question: What thread would this run in?
    * Does it run in the network layer? How many concurrent event notifications can the network layer at any one time? Is it likely it would be an EventQueue-esque single thread?
    * Does it spawn a new thread for each event? This would certainly yield worse results than spawning a new thread for each socket, since each socket would generate a vast number of events.
    * Does it have a thread pool to deal with the events? Then you would be using exactly the same model as java.nio's Selector.
    FYI: The windows NT asynchronous IO model uses
    an event model - IO completion ports. It is far more
    modern, advanced and efficient that the select / poll
    model used in unix.Do you have any links for more information?
    Sun could have incorporated the most modern / best
    features into java and make it competitive. Instead
    they went for least common denominator.Sun's nio package was (somewhat) based on a community project, and was integrated into Java on JSR-051
    If there were such an initiative for NT-style asynchronous IO, and this was proven to be more efficient, then I imagine it will be much more likely to be integrated with the language.
    If it isn't, you could still use the community-based implementation, as you could with the nbio package before 1.4 was released.
    Just because Sun doesn't do something, doesn't mean you can't!

  • About NIO non-blocking socket write method behavior

    Hi all -
    I hope anyone could help in this issue.
    Assume you create a NIO socket and configure its channel in non blocking mode:
    then you write a byte buffer into it:
    int sentBytesNum = channel.write(byteBuffer);
    What are the possibilities of sentBytesNum value? I am sure of two possibilities, which are:
    - all data sent so sentBytesNum equals byteBuffer data size (limit minus position before sending) (after sending the limit and position of byteBuffer are the same)
    - no data is sent so sentBytesNum is zero and byteBuffer limit and postion did not change, so we shall use a write selector to test when the channel will be ready for write to write the data.
    What I am not sure about and need someone to confirm is the third possibility:
    - only a part of data is sent (according to the available free space of socket output buffer) so sentBytesNum is more than zero but less than data size and byteBuffer position is advanced by the value of sentBytesNum, might this possibility happen??
    If yes, so we should manage to hold the non sent part of byteBuffer till the channel becomes ready for write (we can know that using write selector) so we can write it to channel???
    Thanks for help,

    Yes, case three can occur. The usual NIO write loop looks like this:
    int count = 0;
    while (buf.position() > 0)
      count = ch.write(buf);
      if (count == 0)
    }This will run until buf.position() == 0 or count == 0. If the partial write case happens it will loop one more time and probably get a 0 count.
    At the end of the loop, if buf.position() > 0 there is still unwritten data and at this point you should register for OP_WRITE and return to the selector. Otherwise if there is no data unwritten you should deregister OP_WRITE as you have nothing to write and aren't interested in the event any longer.
    If you are reading something and writing at the same time the logic goes like this:
    while ( >= 0 || buf.position() > 0)
      // etc
    }This will read until EOF occurs and either buf.position() is zero or a zero length write occurred.

  • Chaining WritableByteChannels and non-blocking I/O?

    Hello all,
    Suppose I want to implement a data transformation algorithm that works in chunks of say 4 bytes.
    The algorithm would hook into existing I/O paradigms for writing and reading data.
    Ignoring the transformation algorithm for now (it is actually irrelevant for my question), let's just I need to buffer data in 4-byte chunks.
    Since I want to make as little assumptions as possible about the decorated channel, BufferingWritableByteChannel needs to work channels in blocking and in non-blocking mode.
    When the decorated channel is in non-blocking mode, BuffereingWritableByteChannel may behave as in non-blocking mode itself, which is fine by me.
    However the problem is with the residual bytes: they do not get written until the close() method is called.
    I have implemented the close() method to be blocking (the while loop with the ugly yield() calls), so even when the decorated channel is in non-blocking mode everything will get written properly.
    However, writing potentially blocking calls (busy loops) in close() methods seems like a bad idea...
    So the question is:
    Is there a better way of doing this?
    Can I avoid having to write busy loops?
    package nio;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
    import static nio.ChannelUtils.*;
    public class BufferingWritableByteChannel implements WritableByteChannel {
      private final WritableByteChannel decoratedChannel;
      private final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
      private boolean buffering = true;
      public BufferingWritableByteChannel(WritableByteChannel decoratedChannel) {
        this.decoratedChannel = decoratedChannel;
      public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
        if (buffering) {
        writeBlockingly(decoratedChannel, buffer);
      public synchronized boolean isOpen() {
        return decoratedChannel.isOpen();
      public synchronized int write(ByteBuffer input) throws IOException {
        int bytesWritten = 0;
        if (!buffering) {
          if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // May happen when decorated channel in non-blocking mode
            return bytesWritten;
          buffering = true;
        while (input.hasRemaining()) {
          bytesWritten += putAsMuchAsPossible(input, buffer);
          if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) {
            if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // May happen when decorated channel in non-blocking mode
              buffering = false;
              return bytesWritten;
        return bytesWritten;
    package nio;
    import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
    public class ChannelUtils {
      private ChannelUtils() {
       * Blockingly writes data to a channel, even if the channel is in non-blocking mode.
      public static final int writeBlockingly(WritableByteChannel channel, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
        int bytesWritten = 0;
        boolean yield = false;
        while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
          bytesWritten += channel.write(buffer);
          if (yield)
            yield = true;
        return bytesWritten;
       * Puts as much bytes as possible from an input buffer into an output buffer, avoiding {@link BufferOverflowException}.
      public static final int putAsMuchAsPossible(ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output) {
        int bytesWritten = Math.min(input.remaining(), output.remaining());
        ByteBuffer inputSlice = input.slice();
        inputSlice.limit(inputSlice.position() + bytesWritten);
        input.position(input.position() + bytesWritten);
        return bytesWritten;

    Hello all,
    Suppose I want to implement a data transformation algorithm that works in chunks of say 4 bytes.
    The algorithm would hook into existing I/O paradigms for writing and reading data.
    Ignoring the transformation algorithm for now (it is actually irrelevant for my question), let's just I need to buffer data in 4-byte chunks.
    Since I want to make as little assumptions as possible about the decorated channel, BufferingWritableByteChannel needs to work channels in blocking and in non-blocking mode.
    When the decorated channel is in non-blocking mode, BuffereingWritableByteChannel may behave as in non-blocking mode itself, which is fine by me.
    However the problem is with the residual bytes: they do not get written until the close() method is called.
    I have implemented the close() method to be blocking (the while loop with the ugly yield() calls), so even when the decorated channel is in non-blocking mode everything will get written properly.
    However, writing potentially blocking calls (busy loops) in close() methods seems like a bad idea...
    So the question is:
    Is there a better way of doing this?
    Can I avoid having to write busy loops?
    package nio;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
    import static nio.ChannelUtils.*;
    public class BufferingWritableByteChannel implements WritableByteChannel {
      private final WritableByteChannel decoratedChannel;
      private final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
      private boolean buffering = true;
      public BufferingWritableByteChannel(WritableByteChannel decoratedChannel) {
        this.decoratedChannel = decoratedChannel;
      public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
        if (buffering) {
        writeBlockingly(decoratedChannel, buffer);
      public synchronized boolean isOpen() {
        return decoratedChannel.isOpen();
      public synchronized int write(ByteBuffer input) throws IOException {
        int bytesWritten = 0;
        if (!buffering) {
          if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // May happen when decorated channel in non-blocking mode
            return bytesWritten;
          buffering = true;
        while (input.hasRemaining()) {
          bytesWritten += putAsMuchAsPossible(input, buffer);
          if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) {
            if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // May happen when decorated channel in non-blocking mode
              buffering = false;
              return bytesWritten;
        return bytesWritten;
    package nio;
    import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
    public class ChannelUtils {
      private ChannelUtils() {
       * Blockingly writes data to a channel, even if the channel is in non-blocking mode.
      public static final int writeBlockingly(WritableByteChannel channel, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
        int bytesWritten = 0;
        boolean yield = false;
        while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
          bytesWritten += channel.write(buffer);
          if (yield)
            yield = true;
        return bytesWritten;
       * Puts as much bytes as possible from an input buffer into an output buffer, avoiding {@link BufferOverflowException}.
      public static final int putAsMuchAsPossible(ByteBuffer input, ByteBuffer output) {
        int bytesWritten = Math.min(input.remaining(), output.remaining());
        ByteBuffer inputSlice = input.slice();
        inputSlice.limit(inputSlice.position() + bytesWritten);
        input.position(input.position() + bytesWritten);
        return bytesWritten;

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