Non of my downloaded apps works

Out of the blue my downloaded application don't works. Non of them even Facebook applicatio... Some one. Help please

Try resetting ..
Hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home button down at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

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    I recently upgraded our iPad software to 5.1.  However, none of our previously downloaded Apps works, i.e. Facebook, Scrabble, etc.  Can anyone help me reset these Apps?

    Download another app - any free app will work. See if that does the trick.

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    I connected iPad to someone else's windows computer to charge it. Their iTunes came up, and I hit cancel. Now none of my purchased apps work. What can I do?

    Okay, then what you will need to do is plug your ipad back into your friends computer; you may have to sync it with his computer, but thats okay.  When it is plugged in, click the update button.  This will take about an hour, maybe more if your friend has slow internet.  Once it is updated, reset your ipad.  When your ipad is reset, sign into your apple id.  You can now use a feature called icloud (brand new in ios 5) to download all of your apps and music you purchased back to your ipad.  You may lose some things if they were not purchased from apple, but is is better than not being able to use it at all (I think).
    If you already have ios5, then this is unnecessary (it says you are using an ipad running ios4)

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    Hello d.ashley.,
    The troubleshooting steps detailed below can help stabilize your iPhone.
    Verify that the Sleep/Wake button functions. If it does not function, inspect it for signs of damage. If the button is damaged or is not functioning when pressed, seek service.
    Check if a Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) is activated or there are signs of corrosion. Learn about LCIsand corrosion.
    Connect the iPhone to the iPhone's USB power adapter and let it charge for at least ten minutes.
    After at least 30 minutes, if:
    The home screen appears: The iPhone should be working. Update to the latest version of iOS if necessary. Continue charging it until it is completely charged and you see this battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen . Then unplug the phone from power. If it immediately turns off, seek service.
    The low-battery image appears, even after the phone has charged for at least 20 minutes: See "iPhone displays the low-battery image and is unresponsive" symptom in this article.
    Something other than the Home screen or Low Battery image appears, continue with this article for further troubleshooting steps.
    If the iPhone did not turn on, reset it while connected to the iPhone USB power adapter.
    If the display turns on, go to step 4.
    If the display remains black, go to next step.
    Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes. If iTunes recognizes the iPhone and indicates that it is in recovery mode, attempt to restore the iPhone. If the iPhone doesn't appear in iTunes or if you have difficulties in restoring the iPhone, see this article for further assistance.
    If restoring the iPhone resolved the issue, go to step 4. If restoring the iPhone did not solve the issue, seek service.
    My issue is still not resolved. What do I do next?
    Contact Apple Support.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting

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    Its very frustrating. My music is fine, but i bought the touch for the extra functionality to go beyond being a music player... i want to use my apps again.
    Help please.

    I had the same problem. Every single one of my downloaded apps would not work. I called support and didn't get much of an answer. Basically SOL. I tried deleting an app and then downloading it again. That app worked fine. But I had some data on one of my apps, so I didn't really want to go delete the app and reload it.
    I had a second problem to ask, on the same support call, regarding an issue with the GPS. He had me go to SETTINGS > GENERAL > RESET > RESET NETWORK SETTINGS. This fixed the GPS problem. After thanking him for getting the GPS to work again, I hung up and went to check on one of my apps again, trying to think of what I could do to fix that problem. Well, what do ya know?! All of my apps were suddenly working now!
    I don't know if it was resetting the network settings or not, but that is really all that I did between the time the apps didn't work and they did work. So, I would be interested to see if resetting the Network Settings might fix anyone else's problem. Doesn't really seem logical, but it apparently worked for me.

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    I tried synching my apps with my computer, but that didn't help.
    Please advise!
    thank you

    The same thing is happening on my iPhone. It started after I synced with iTunes on my Mac. Not sure what the cause would be. Both the paid and nonpaid apps will not load.
    How do I check that they are really "on" the iPhone?

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    Also Internet isn't working on it. Either this is all down to a botchy update issue or I need a new phone.

    Try posting to the correct forum.
    This is the iPhone for the Enterprise forum... there is nothing about the issue that appears to apply to using an iPhone in an Enterprise (corporate) environment.
    Try posting to the iTunes for the Mac forum.

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    i have the same problem now and again what i do is do download another app from the app store i.e. a free one start it play around with it for a few minutes press the home button then all my other apps start to work again .also if youve lost any paid apps dont worry just download them again it should not cost anything

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    Can anyone help (I am not a really sohpisticated user so be gentle)
    Thanks Dave

    Hello Dave,
    This forum is for troubleshooting Apple Software Update for Windows, a software package for Windows designed to update Apple products that run on Windows, and not related to Microsoft Office in any way. I suggest you post Office related questions on Microsoft's own forums for their Mac products.

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    What happens when you try to use the apps?
    You say you have a 1G iPod but the profile says iOS 4.2. A 1G can only go to 3.1.3.

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    I tried reseting all setting to fix this but, nothing did worked out eventually. Any idea to encounter this prob?
    Appreciate your help!

    Try downloading any free app from the store (as that appears to reset something) and then re-try them - the free app can then be deleted.

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    Hi garylgeiger,
    Please enable root account and check whether the apps are working in root: .
    Romit Sinha

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    I have seen this before. You need to update the apps in your app store, and once they are updated, they will work again.

  • Downloaded apps not starting after splash screens

    I've had this device for about a month.
    I recently paid the $10 to upgrade the software to version 3.0.
    There are 1.9 free GB on the device.
    I sync it via a Windows Vista machine.
    I have not downloaded any apps through iTunes on the Vista machine. I have downloaded five apps directly onto the device through the App Store. Two of the five were free (New York Times Reader, Skype) and the others I paid for.
    Everything has been working fine until this morning when I tried to open the NYTimes reader. It showed the opening screen, then dropped back to the home screen. The same is happening will all five downloaded apps.
    I tried syncing in iTunes, but none of my downloaded apps is listed in iTunes on my computer. Are they supposed to be there?
    I've seen a few other questions of this nature, but no solution that makes any sense to me.
    I'm pretty surprised to have this happening on a Mac product. I have restarted the device twice, with no change. I have also hooked the device up to my computer and tried to sync it, but I don't see any change. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to try to sync, since I just want these apps to work, but they don't show up on the iTunes app list on my computer.

    have you tried the other troubleshooting steps?

  • OTN Oracle Database Downloads Not Working

    After agrgeeing to the T&C's none of the download links work.
    See this page for example:
    Specific Download not working:

    Seems to be fine. Try this link instead:
    OTN Team

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