Noob Advice in English Please?

OK I'm completely new to Illustrator. Never even tried it out before. Don't even have a lot of experience in working with graphics programs, other than the one that I've been using to create my PNG files, which is Paint.NET. Now just so you guys don't think that I'm completely taking the easy way out here and not looking through the FAQ and searching for other similar questions before asking this, I know. I've seen them. They're just not helping me out here and I'm seriously not wanting to spend the next week and a half just trying to figure out how to do the one simple thing that I need Illustrator CS5 for over my usual process.
I make designs for a T-shirt shop online. Now as long as all I'm doing is making normal-sized designs that fit onto the normal-sized t-shirts, everything's fine. I can churn those puppies out from sunup to sundown in a program that I've already learned, no problem. When I decide that I want to make something that requires a different sized printable area, all of a sudden just changing the area through the re-sizing tool is too complicated for the distributors. So fine, I'm trying my hand at turning these into vector images.
I am NOT trying to turn these into flash (which for some reason seems to be the only info I can find on these forums for this issue). I'm not using Firecracker or Firework or Sparkler or w/e that other program is that was in the rest of the answers. I just want to know STEP-BY-STEP, how I turn a PNG file into a vector .eps image. That is ALL these images will ever be used for. To start with, I'm not even worried about changing the colors or adding layers with other colored text (that'd be nice to know but, baby steps first). I'm not overly concerned about it being super sharp since it's going to be printed on fabric anyways, it just needs to work. Talk to me like a six year old if you need to, just give me a step-by-step process that I can recreate. I've got over 500 designs that I've already created, and I would like to eventually get this done for all of them. I know that's going to be an insanely long process (not to mention re-adding them to the distributor's website, filling out the descriptions & tag information, etc for those parts alone I'm looking at probably 40 solid hours per shop, of which I have four seperate ones) so please take pity on me and don't make me have to spend forever and a day figuring this out on my own on top of all of that. I'd really appreciate any help anyone can offer me. Thanks.

Talk to me like a six year old if you need to
You already know the answer:
You don't know what you're doing. And you're too lazy to buckle down and learn the necessary technical aspects of what you want to charge people money for doing.
Because you don't know what you're doing, you don't even provide enough information in asking your quesiton. What repro method is being used? How many inks? Line art or contone? In short, you don't even know enough to act as a liaison between whomever knows the answers you need and the printing source you are using.
Because you're lazy, you actually think there is a one-size-fits-all step-by-step procedure for "converting" any given PNG image you may ever produce into vector-based paths that will be suitable for whatever T-shirt printing method is being used by whatever online T-shirt printing source you're talking about, at whatever size may ever be needed. Guess what: If there were a one-size-fits-all step-by-step procedure, you would not have to perform it. There would simply be a "Send for T-shirt" single-click button in the software.
In other words, you just want to paint in the one graphics program with which you are presently comfortable with complete reckless abandon, without any concern whatsoever for technical requirements of reproduction, and yet consistently get commerical-quality results.
There is only ONE step-by-step procedure that will work for someone of your mindset (and judging by the countless posts in this forum much like yours,  you are far from alone.)
Follow this procedure exactly:
1. Find someone who does know what he's doing.
2. Get him in direct contact with your printing source.
3. Pay him whatever he charges to re-create your PNG files as suitable print-ready files.
Was that in plain enough english for you?

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    ([object Array])@resource:///modules/XPIProvider.jsm:4864
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    OS: Windows NT 6.1 (WINNT x86-msvc windows)
    LOCALE: en-us content / en-us UI / en-us OS
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    Thanks Bill,
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    I will explore what you just sent me thanks again!
    Thanks for Your Support,
    Captain Bob Santangelo,
    Licensed United States Coast Guard Captain/Email Me At: [email protected] Owner Kankakee River Valley Guide Service
    Professional Full-Time Guide & Senior Tackle Design Research & Development Engineer/Midwest Division of
    Check out my web site at
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    From: Bill Hunt <[email protected]>
    To: waterworshipper <[email protected]>
    Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 11:00 AM
    Subject: Premiere Elements 9  Videos Rookie Here So Speak English please?
    Re: Premiere Elements 9 Videos Rookie Here So Speak English please? created by Bill Hunt in Premiere Elements - View the full discussion
    Now is probably a good time to discuss Titles, and Instances of Titles.
    When one creates a Title, it appears in the Project Panel. When it appears on, or is dragged to the Timeline, one has an Instance of that Title. One can have any number of Instances of that Title. All are linked back to the Title in the Project Panel. That means that if one changes any Instance of that Title, or the Title in the Project Panel, those changes will affect EVERY Instance of that Title. That can be very useful, but can also be confusing, when first encountered.
    As an example, say that you have created a Title, that says "Meanwhole Back at the Ranch," sort of like the old silent Western movies. You place that Title between dozens of Clips on the Timeline, but then notice the mis-spelling. Just correct one of the Instances, or the Title in the Project Panel, and ALL Instances will reflect the change from Meanwhole," to "Meanwhile." So far, so good.
    BUT, if one wants a different Title, but one based on that "Meanwhile Back at the Ranch," they would NOT edit one of the Instances, or the Title in the Project Panel, as that would change ALL Instances. Instead, go to that Title in the Project Panel, and Rt-click on it, then choose Duplicate. That will create a Copy of that Title, with the word "Copy" postpended to it. Then edit THAT Title, as needed, and those changes will NOT affect any Instances of the original Title. Note: you can Rt-click on the Copied/Duplicated Title, and choose Rename, to make finding it, and identifying it easier. Initially, upon Duplication, it will appear highlighted in the Project Panel, but if you need to easily find it later on, Renaming it should make that task easier. When done making changes to that Duplicate Title, just drag it to the Timeline to create an Instance of it.
    Good luck, and hope that helps, plus saves confusion, when you go to alter but one Instance of a Title, without affecting all other Instances.
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  • What is Silverlight? In Plain English, Please.

    Referring to: 
    Do you know what I wish?  I wish, just for once that a simple and concise description of what a product is and what it really can do could be posted right up front, on the landing page, or at most one link deep.  Not the marketing hype, not the techno-speak,
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    I mean, "Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications (RIAs) for the Web." is a nifty one-liner.  But, it really does not say much.  It means nothing to most
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    There ought to be a link titled something like "What is Silverlight."  This link would lead to plain-English description of the product.  Again, cut the techno-speak.  Provide a concise description of the product, what it can do, how it does it and stuff like
    that.  Let me decide if it really is as fantastic as the marketing department wants me to think it is.  Look, I'll give you 5 or maybe 10 minutes of my time to read through your descriptions, and then I will decide if it is so great that I want to invest considerable
    time and energy learning how to work it.  And, if there is a cost involved, whether it is something I want to shell out the going rate for.
    How about it?  Think about it.  Can someone have the balls to just cut the techno-speak, jargon and marketing hype and give it to us in plain English?  Please.

     Thanks for your response.  Okay, so it's a platform, not a "product."  Semantics.  Do you understand my point?  Too often it seems that product/platform descriptions are written with so much jargon and techno-speak that unless one is fluent in the jargon
    it is difficult if not impossible to quickly understand what a new product is.  (Product being a generic term here to point at the new thing.)  You see, in your reply you have begun to describe it in terms more easily understood.  That is precisely
    my point.  Too often when companies, MS and others, attempt to describe their products they use a barrage of jargon and techno-speak that makes if very difficult to understand in simple terms what the product actually does.  I know, everyone wants to keep
    up with the competition and impress with their command of fancy terms.  But, good effective communication is not about jargon.  It is about describing in clear terms so that people in a busy world full of time constraints and demands for our attention can
    gather information, distill it and make decisions as to what new products to understand, learn and implement.  That is my point.  My point is not a question.  My point is a heads-up to remind folks that it is important to communicate clearly and with precision. 
    Marketing is great, but useless if folks can't get the information they need to understand and make decisions.  We live in a world saturated with information.  Clouding information with jargon and techno-speak may appear impressive but it hinders the effective
    delivery of information.  Also, please don't assume I'm asking for "baby terms."  I'm not.  I can understand what something like Silverlight does.  But too much jargon gets confusing and results in my either spending extra time trying to understand the jargon
    or simply deciding it's not for me and moving on to something else.  Of course, all of us working in the various IT endeavors must use a certain amount of technical terms that are short and understood by those in our various industries.  (I'm no newbie, either. 
    I've been working with and understanding these silicon wonders since the early 1980s.  I also have two college degrees, one in computer science.  So, I'm no idiot.  I'm just not current on every single frigin' term that companies and techno-geeks come up with
    in the ever changing landscape of new terms, processes, products, platforms and other techno-stuff.)  But, even then, we need to be careful that we communicate clearly and effectively.  That is a skill, and art, that, like any skill, requires working at it,
    polishing the skill and efforting it.  So, there's a balance between using jargony terms and overkill.  The art is finding the balance.  Again, it's not a question as much as it is a point to be made.

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    Often transactions link to other transactions via drilldown, buttons, views etc.
    Where SAP uses CALL TRANSACTION for this link we can use SE97 to force a check on S_TCODE or to ignore the S_TCODE check.
    An example: MM50 allows the extension of a an material master for other org units.
    As standard MM50 calls MM01 for this and any users with MM50 also require MM01.  It is a common situation where MM50 is required  by users but MM01 is not suitable.  In this case you can use SE97 to set MM01 as "do not check". 
    Users can access MM01 functionality when called through MM50 but do not require MM01 in S_TCODE.  If they try to run MM01 they will get an authorisation as it is not access through/coupled with MM50.
    Like SU24, SE97 isn't completely accurate and a lot of it depends on use etc.  Recently I saw a scenario where particular (legitimate) use of MM02 required S_TCODE for SM30, which on this particular instance wasn't one of the default entries in SE97/TCDCOUPLES
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  • Could someone give me a bit of advice on ACLs please

    I am trying to get ACLs working on a packet tracer network for a college assignment but I'm hitting brick walls and could do with some advice please!
    I need to create an ACL that will allow web traffic from a host on one LAN to an internal webserver on a separate LAN and external webserver. I have tried the following ACL applied to the inbound interface of the router the host is connected to but it keeps failing.
    My extended ACL looks like the following; 
    access-list 150 permit tcp any host eq domain - (this is the internal DNS server address)
    access-list 150 permit tcp any host eq www - (this is the internal HTTP server address |
    access-list 150 permit tcp any host eq www - (this is the external HTTP server address)
    When I try in the browser in simulation mode when the packet hits the router I get the red envelope with "1. The device sends back an ICMP Administratively Prohibited Unreachable message."
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance
    ***** Please note I am unable to reply to any comments for some unknown reason*****
    I only want to allow DNS and web traffic, the assignment requires me to allow access to a website but nothing else, no ping etc.
    I created the ACL above thinking that that would allow just the traffic I need to allow and deny anything else, but like I say I am unable to get the web page up from the browser of the host.
    I can get the site using "permit ip any" but that also allows ping replies which I need to deny

    The error says ICMP - ICMP is used by ping (echo and echo reply packets).
    Your access-list entries don't allow icmp ( a protocol type in itself) - only "domain" and "www" (udp/53 and tcp/80).

  • I want default language to be english please.

    I recently bought a Nokia lumia 920. The model number is something like RM-821-eu-denmark-251. I suspect the default language is set to the danish language. I don't understand this language and can't figure out how to make it English. Please can the device model number be changed? I can't read help files,understand calendars. Please someone should help me. Regards.

    You may try changing the language yourself taking help from HERE
    Go to settings-->language+region-->Phone language ENGLISH -->Restart Phone ..

  • A few days ago with the new Itunes update, i forgot to restart my computer and now itunes will not open. I don't feel comforable uninstalling becuase i dont have all my music saved on an external hard drive. Any advice? Help please!

    I have a Toshiba Laptop and I dont know the exact model or anything, might be a windows 7...i have no clue. Every other answer is saying to uninstall then reinstall but i really dont feel safe doing that without all my songs externally saved (just incase) and now i cant even get into itunes! Any help is greatly appreciated

    What error message are you getting when you try to launch iTunes? (Precise text, please.)

  • A135-S2326 replacing hard drive (bad sectors) Need advice and opinions Please

    Hi,   (note pic below of my computers actual specs from this morning)
     I have a Satellite A135-S2326. It has the max memory at 2GB, it came with 512 and I upgraded to 2GB. It runs Windows Vista Home Edition...
    Anyhow, it accidentally fell off my bed a few days ago (darn dogs) and damaged my hard drive. Boot problems, errors, bad sectors, etc. I have tried everything to fix and to no avail. While I am currently using it I know I need to replace the hard drive ASAP before I can't turn it on at all one day... I am now saving all my files and stuff I need off of it to an external drive. The laptop did not come with a windows Vista restore CD so I am using Acronis software to make an image of the hard disc, hopefully it will work and I won't have to purchase my own copy of windows Vista.
    Some questions I have are:
    1.) Is it possible to upgrade the hard drive to a faster one / better one when I replace?
         The hard drive that came preinstalled is a Hitachi HTS541680J9SA00 80GB, which I believe from spec's documentation is a 5400RPM  Serial- ATA ???
         What is the max size I can get for replacement and what is the max RPM, or do I HAVE to use a 5400RPM???
         What do you suggest?
    2.) I have a copy of windows XP Professional w/SP2. Is it possible to put this windows XP Pro.w/SP2 on a fresh hard drive in the Satellite A135-S2326? If so, is there a different hard drive that I must have to do that?  Also if an XP install is possible on a new hard drive, which drivers must I have for this laptop when I do it??
    3.) And finally, could this laptop handle windows 7 business? Only asking because I can get a VERY cheap copy of windows 7 business from my school...I'm in college at DeVry and can get a copy of Windows 7 delivered to my door in 2 weeks for less then $30.00. So thought that MAY be an option....??? Not sure if my other spec's can handle it though???
    4.) What would you suggest I do with the options I have, what is best thing to do in your opinion??
          Please see pic below of my actual computers specs from this morning, using Belarc Advisor...
    Thank you in advance
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated
    Urgently waiting replies,
    Tina from Florida
    Computer Profile Summary
    Computer Name: 
    Beanersputer (in MSHOME)
    Profile Date: 
    Monday, September 21, 2009 9:29:54 AM
    Advisor Version: 
    Windows Logon: 
    Operating System
    System Model
    Windows Vista Home Basic Service Pack 2 (build 6002)
    TOSHIBA Satellite A135 PSAD6U-01800D
    System Serial Number: 37334232K
    Enclosure Type: Notebook
    Processor a
    Main Circuit Board b
    1.60 gigahertz Intel Celeron M 520
    64 kilobyte primary memory cache
    1024 kilobyte secondary memory cache
    Board: TOSHIBA IAYAA 1.00
    BIOS: TOSHIBA V1.20 03/06/2007
    Memory Modules c,d
    78.45 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity
    13.51 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space
    MAT**bleep**A DVD-RAM UJ-850S ATA Device [CD-ROM drive]
    Hitachi HTS541680J9SA00 [Hard drive] (80.03 GB) -- drive 0, s/n SB2204SGCULZ6E, rev SB2OC7DP, SMART Status: Healthy
    1918 Megabytes Installed Memory
    Slot 'J401' is Empty
    Slot 'J400' has 2048 MB
    Local Drive Volumes
    c: (NTFS on drive 0)
    78.45 GB
    13.51 GB free
    Network Drives
    None detected
    Users (mouse over user name for details)
    local user accounts
    last logon
    9/21/2009 9:17:22 AM
    local system accounts
    9/1/2007 9:32:47 PM
    9/12/2009 1:14:34 AM
     Marks a disabled account;    Marks a locked account
    Adobe PDF Converter
    on Documents\*.pdf
    Microsoft XPS Document Writer
    on XPSPort:
    Send To Microsoft OneNote Driver
    on Send To Microsoft OneNote Port:
    IDE Channel [Controller] (4x)
    Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller (2x)
    ATI RADEON XPRESS 200M Series [Display adapter]
    Generic PnP Monitor (19.7"vis)
    Bus Adapters
    ENE CB1410 Cardbus Controller
    Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
    ATI I/O Communications Processor USB 1.1 OHCI controller (2x)
    ATI I/O Communications Processor USB 2.0 EHCI controller
    Realtek High Definition Audio
    Other Devices
    TOSHIBA Software Modem
    6TO4 Adapter
    6TO4 Adapter
    6TO4 Adapter
    6TO4 Adapter
    6TO4 Adapter
    Atheros AR5006EG Wireless Network Adapter
    Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #2
    Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #3
    Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #4
    Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #5
    Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #6
    Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2
    Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #3
    Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #4
    Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #5
    Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #6
    Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #7
    Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
    Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
    Networking Dns Server: 
    Acronis Backup Archive Explorer
    Microsoft AC Adapter
    Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery
    Logitech Driver Interface (2x)
    HID-compliant consumer control device
    HID-compliant device (2x)
    USB Human Interface Device (2x)
    Standard PS/2 Keyboard
    Logitech HID-compliant Cordless Mouse
    Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad [Mouse]
    USB Composite Device
    USB Root Hub (3x)
    Generic volume shadow copy

    You can use ANY 2.5" SATA hard drive of any size in that system.  I would recommend one of the Western Digital Scorpio BLue's as they are reliable and offer good performance. 
    If it runs Vista it will run Windows 7.  I would wait a bit before trying Win7 though as Toshiba hasn't released all of the Windows 7 drivers yet. 
    As for Windows XP, while it is possible to install XP on that system (and quite easily for that matter) Toshiba doesn't provide any of the XP drivers needed to get it to run properly.  You could determine all of the various chipsets the system uses and go to each chipsat manufacturer's support site to see if they provide an XP driver to get it working, but I don't guarantee that they have all of the needed drivers.  If you do decide to go ahead with this let me know and I'll post the directions for installing XP onto a SATA hard drive that doesn't ahve a floppy drive. 
    Right now your best choice is to replace the old hard drive and restore the system from your Acronis image.  When ALL of the Windows 7 drivers become available you could install it in a dual boot configuration to determine if you prefer it or not.  It is both a step up and a step back from Windows Vista.  Some people will like it while others won't.  Only you will be able to determine which you prefer.
    If you don't post your COMPLETE model number it's very difficult to assist you. Please try to post in complete sentences with punctuation, capitals, and correct spelling. Toshiba does NOT provide any direct support in these forums. All support is User to User in their spare time.

  • English please

    Just spent half a day downloading CS6 Master Collection. A selection of languages are offered at the instal stage. Non of them English. Now what?

    Do you have an option for International English?  Are you downloading the trial for Master Collection CS6?  If so where did you download the trial from?  Finally can you provide a screenshot of the language options you do have available?

  • Problem with App not in English Please help

    I purchased ITuran GPS for the UK for$39.99 It says the Language is English. It is in Hebrew. How do I get my money back? I contacted ITuran and they confirmed it is indeed in Hebrew.
    CLIFF NOTES: The App page says English its in Hebrew i want a refund.

    OK I figured it out myself by trial and error and re downloading the app 3x. I cant read hebrew and had to guess which button was for English since its in Hebrew.

  • Http, advice about instalation please.

    Could somebody who as had FTTP installed clarify something for me. I'm waiting for mine to be installed and believe that where the fibre comes into the building there will be a box like the master phone socket. I have had the Home Hub 5 delivered so that would connect directly to this box, no need for a modem etc. From what I've been told by BT my phone service would still be over the copper wire. The reason I'm asking is that a survey was done last week and the Open Reach guy did point out where they would run the fibre to the property. This would be great as all that would be needed is to go through the wall and terminate there, as this would be right next to the computer and all that is needed would be to plug the Home Hub in and no need for extra cables. If it has to be installed next to the phone master socket, then there would be a need to run a cable from there through a door and round a room. The first option would seem to be the best for me and the cheapest solution for Open Reach. I have had a look at the help pages but all they seem to show is for HTTC and the Home Hub 3.

    The engineer will carry out any work needed just explain where you need things placing
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