Not able to attach Adventure works Database to SQL server 2012 Management studio

while i try to attach AdventureWorks2012 database to SQL Server 2012 Management Studio i am getting the following error
Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not open new database 'AdventureWorks2012'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
Msg 948, Level 20, State 1, Line 1
The database 'AdventureWorks2012' cannot be opened because it is version 705. This server supports version 662 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
Kindly help me in this regard

You can use the following query to achieve the version of SQL Server.
Select @@version
As the previous comments, you can either upgrade to SQL Server 2012 or attach the AdventureWorks2008 database in the link which KevinNicholas provided.
Additional information:
How to determine the version and edition of SQL Server and its components
Upgrade to SQL Server 2012 Using the Installation Wizard (Setup)
Tracy Cai
TechNet Community Support

Similar Messages

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    Hi all,
    In the Notepad, I created an xml file (ZenQroducts.xml) :
    In my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio, I executed the following code:
    --to create a new object Qroducts in a new database OPENXMLtesting
    CREATE TABLE Qroducts(
    sku INT Primary KEY,
    qroduct_desc VARCHAR(30));
    INSERT INTO Qroducts (sku, qroduct_desc)
    SELECT X.qroduct.query('SKU').value('.', 'INT'),
    X.qroduct.query('Desc').value('.', 'VARCHAR(30)')
    FROM (
    BULK 'H:\ZenQroducts.xml',
    ) AS T(x)
    CROSS APPLY x.nodes('Qroducts/Qroduct') AS X(qroduct);
    SELECT sku, qroduct_desc
    FROM Qroducts;
    I got the following message:
    Msg 9400, Level 16, State 1, Line 6
    XML parsing: line 13, character 12, unexpected end of input
    I have no ideas why I got this "XML parsing:line 13, character12, unexpected end of input" message. Please kindly help, advise me on where I made mistake and how I can resolve this problem, and respond in this Forum.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang

    Hi Manish, Thanks for your response.
    Yes, it is a duplicate with Qroducts/Qroduct instead of Products/Product. I did it, because I don't know how to remove the existing "Products" database.
    Again, I got the existing "Qroducts" database in this second trial!!??  I am comletely lost in doing "Importing XML file to SQL Table" now!!  I think that I have not touched T-SQL and XML programming, since 2008. I
    did not catch the new features of T-SQL 2008, XML, SQL/XML, XQuery, etc. for long time. Recently, I did not know what DECLARE, @x, SET,...were, and dived into the SQL/XML and XQuery programming. I knew the SQL Basics (SELECT, FROM, WHERE,..), creating
    the names of databases and tables in SQL Server 2008/2012 Management Studio (Express) before. This morning, I found an old T-SQL 2008 Prgrammer's Guide that has the new features of SQL Server 2008 for T-SQL, XML, XQuery, etc. I just starting reading
    it to know what DECLARE, @x, SET,... are. But, I still don't know where the existing databases "Products" and "Qroducts" (created by me) are - they are not in the Databases of SQL Server 2012 Management Studio I am using!!??  Could
    you please kindly point out where the "Products" and "Qroducts" databases are?
    Prashanth responded to my posted question too and he asked to to try his code: DECLARE @xml XML, SELECT @xml =' <Qroducts>.....SELECT product.value.....FROM @XML.nodes.....AS.... I just learned that his code is doing the thing we
    want to do and print the results below the SQL Query. This is not what I need in doing my SQL/XML programming. I am reading/studying the new (2008) features of T-SQL, XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (Second Edition), and Microsoft XQuery Language Reference
    (SQL Server 2012 Books Online) closely now. I hope that I can resume the T-SQL, XML Query, SQL/XML, XQuery in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio soon.
    Please tell me  where the existing databases "Products" and "Qroducts" I created in my previous trials in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio.  This is what I need to know and to delete them, before I do this kind of "Importing
    XML file to Table of SQL Server 2012 Management Studio"  programming again.
    Please kindly help, advise and respond again.
    Many Thanks,
    Scott Chang

  • SQL Server 2012 Management Studio: How to install AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf file to the Databases of my SQLEXPRESS?

    Hi All,
    I just downloaded AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf file from to my C:/ Downloads folder.  I don't know how to install this AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf file to the Databases (in Object Explorer) of the \SQLEXPRESS of my SQL Server 2012 Management
    Studio.  Please kindly help, advise and respond.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang

    Hi Olaf Helper, Thanks for your response.
    As you  and https// instructed, I tried to attach the AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf file (Using SQL Server Management Studio) to my Databses. After I did Steps 1 & 2, (in Step 3) I clicked on
    Add, and tried to locate the AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf file in my C:/Users/e1enxshc/Downloads folder: this mdf file was not there in the "Select the file" box!!!??? I am pretty sure that mdf file has been downloaded into that "Downloads"
    folder.  I am lost completely.  Please kindly help, advise me what it is going wrong in my "Attach" the mdf file to my Databases of SQLEXPRESS, and respond.
    Scott Chang
    Hi Prashanth,
    I cannot find/locate the in my internet websites to do the "Attach" task I need badly. Please tell me where I can find/locate/access that website>
    Scott Chang
    P.S. I moved the AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf file to my C:\Temp folder and did the "Add" again. It located the mdf file. I added the AdventureWorks as the name of Database in SQLEXPRESS, then I clicked Add. I got the following fatalerror:
    Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Micosoft....)

  • SQL Server 2012 Management Studio:In the Database, how to print out or export the old 3 dbo Tables that were created manually and they have a relationship for 1 Parent table and 2 Child tables?How to handle this relationship in creating a new XML Schema?

    Hi all,
    Long time ago, I manually created a Database (APGriMMRP) and 3 Tables (dbo.Table_1_XYcoordinates, dbo.Table_2_Soil, and dbo.Table_3_Water) in my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012). The dbo.Table_1_XYcoordinates has the following columns: file_id,
    Pt_ID, X, Y, Z, sample_id, Boring. The dbo.Table_2_Soil has the following columns: Boring, sample_date, sample_id, Unit, Arsenic, Chromium, Lead. The dbo.Table_3_Water has the following columns: Boring, sample_date, sample_id, Unit, Benzene, Ethylbenzene,
    Pyrene. The dbo.Table_1_XYcoordinates is a Parent Table. The dbo.Table_2_Soil and the dbo.Table_3_Water are 2 Child Tables. The sample_id is key link for the relationship between the Parent Table and the Child Tables.
    Problem #1) How can I print out or export these 3 dbo Tables?
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    --> Failed to retrieve data for this request. --> Invalid class.  Warning: Could not obtain SQL Server Service information. An attemp to connect to WMI on 'NAB-WK-02657306' failed with the following error: An exception occurred in SMO while trying
    to manage a service. --> Failed to retrieve data for this request. --> Invalid class.  .... PS SQLSERVER:\SQL\NAB-WK-02657306\SQLEXPRESS\Databases\APGriMMRP\Table_1_XYcoordinates>   What causes this set of error messages? How can
    I get this problem fixed in my PC that is an end user of the Windows 7 LAN System? Note: I don't have the regular version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 in my PC. I just have the Microsoft 2012 Shell (Integrated) program in my PC.
    Problem #3: I plan to create an XML Schema Collection in the "APGriMMRP" database for the Parent Table and the Child Tables. How can I handle the relationship between the Parent Table and the Child Table in the XML Schema Collection?
    Problem #4: I plan to extract some results/data from the Parent Table and the Child Table by using XQuery. What kind of JOIN (Left or Right JOIN) should I use in the XQuerying?
    Please kindly help, answer my questions, and advise me how to resolve these 4 problems.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang    

    In the future, I would recommend you to post your questions one by one, and to the appropriate forum. Of your questions it is really only #3 that fits into this forum. (And that is the one I will not answer, because I have worked very little with XSD.)
    1) Not sure what you mean with "print" or "export", but when you right-click a database, you can select Tasks from the context menu and in this submenu you find "Export data".
    2) I don't know why you get that error, but any particular reason you want to run PowerShell?
    4) If you have tables, you query them with SQL, not XQuery. XQuery is when you query XML documents, but left and right joins are SQL things. There are no joins in XQuery.
    As for left/right join, notice that these two are equivalent:
    SELECT ...
    FROM   a LEFT JOIN b ON a.col = b.col
    SELECT ...
    FROM   b RIGHT JOIN a ON a.col = b.col
    But please never use RIGHT JOIN - it gives me a headache!
    There is nothing that says that you should use any of the other. In fact, if you are returning rows from parent and child, I would expect an inner join, unless you want to cater for parents without children.
    Here is an example where you can study the different join types and how they behave:
    CREATE TABLE apple (a int         NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                        b varchar(23) NOT NULL)
    INSERT apple(a, b)
       VALUES(1, 'Granny Smith'),
             (2, 'Gloster'),
             (4, 'Ingrid-Marie'),
             (5, 'Milenga')
    CREATE TABLE orange(c int        NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                        d varchar(23) NOT NULL)
    INSERT orange(c, d)
       VALUES(1, 'Agent'),
             (3, 'Netherlands'),
             (4, 'Revolution')
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    CROSS  JOIN orange
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    INNER  JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    LEFT   OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    RIGHT  OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    SELECT a, b, c, d
    FROM   apple
    FULL OUTER JOIN orange ON apple.a = orange.c
    DROP TABLE apple, orange
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • SQL Server 2012 Management Studio: Creating a Database and a dbo Table. Inserting VALUES into the table. How to insert 8 Values for future use in XQuery?

    Hi all,
    In my SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012), I tried to create a Database (MacLochainnsDB) and a dbo Table (marvel). then I wanted insert 8 VALUES into the Table by using the following code:
    USE master
    (SELECT 1
    FROM sys.databases
    WHERE name = 'MacLochlainnsDB')
    DROP DATABASE MacLochlainnsDB
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[marvel] (
    [avenger_name] [char] (30) NULL)
    INSERT INTO marvel
    ('Hulk', 1),
    ('Iron Man', 2),
    ('Black Widow', 3),
    ('Thor', 4),
    ('Captain America', 5),
    ('Hawkeye', 6),
    ('Winter Soldier', 7),
    ('Iron Patriot', 8)
    I got the following error Message:
    Msg 110, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
    There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.
    How can I correct this problem?
    Please kindly help and advise.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang
    P. S.
    The reason I tried to create the Database, dbo Table, and then to insert the VALUES is to learn the following thing:
    You can query the entire node tree with the following xquery statement because it looks for the occurrence of any node with the /* search string:
    DECLARE @x xml;
    SET @x = N'<marvel>
    <avenger_name>Captain America</avenger_name>
    SELECT @x.query('/*');
    You can query the avenger_name elements from the marvel_xml table with the following syntax:
    SELECT xml_table.query('/marvel/avenger_name')
    FROM marvel_xml;
    It returns the following set of avenger_name elements:
    <avenger_name>Iron Man</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Black Widow</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Captain America</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Winter Soldier</avenger_name>
    <avenger_name>Iron Patriot</avenger_name>
    You can query the fourth avenger_name element from the marvel_xml table with the following xquery statement:
    SELECT xml_table.query('/marvel[4]/avenger_name')
    FROM marvel_xml;
    It returns the following avenger_name element:

    Hi Scott,
    The master database records all the system-level information for a SQL Server system, so best practise would be not to create any user-defined
    object within it.
    To change your default database(master by default) of your login to another, follow the next steps so that next time when connected you don't have to use "USE dbname" to switch database.
    Open SQL Server Management Studio
    --> Go to Object explorer(the left panel by default layout)
    --> Extend "Security"
    --> Extend "Logins"
    --> Right click on your login, click "propertites"
    --> Choose the "Default database" at the bottom of the pop-up window.
    --or simply by T-SQL
    Exec sp_defaultdb @loginame='yourLogin', @defdb='youDB'
    Regarding your question, you can reference the below.
    SELECT * FROM master.sys.all_objects where name ='Marvel'
    SELECT OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.Marvel') --if non empty result returns, the object exists
    --usually the OBJECT_ID is used if a if statement as below
    IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.Marvel') IS NOT NULL
    PRINT ('TABLE EXISTS') --Or some other logic
    What is the sys.all_objects? See
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Displays Error With "New Query" and Intellisense Works Intermittenly

    I was upgrade to SQL Server 2012 and Visual Studio 2010 was upgraded with SP1 the same day.  This is x64 machine. 
    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio      11.0.2100.60
    Microsoft .NET Framework      4.0.30319.261
    Operating System      6.1.7601
    Problem 1) With SQL Server Management Studio, selecting "New Query" a warning box is displayed: "The 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Configuration.Design.VisualStudioIntegration2010Package, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Configuration.Design.VisualStudioIntegration2010,
    Version=, Culture=netutral, PublicKeyToken=null' package did not load correctly.    The problem mayhave been cuased by a configuration change or by the installation of another extension.  You can get more information by running the
    application together with the /log parameter on the command line, and then examining the file ...\AppDate\Roaming\Microsoft\AppEnv\10.0\ActivityLog.xml'.  Continue to show this error message?
    Problem 2) In a Query Initellisense works intermittently but most of the time it will not display anything.  I have tried Edit|Intellisense|Refresh Cach size and also seperately, Edit | Intellisense | List Members but neither has helped.  Also
    tried different selections for Tools|options| T-SQL | Intellisense| Maximum Script Size; no luck either. 

    Hi WallyJim,
    For your first problem, possible workaround:
    In Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs), right click the Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 Optional Update 1 program and select change. Remove the VisualStudio2010 integration.
    Then, install the EnterpriseLibrary Configuration extension from Microsoft via the Extension Manager in VS2010. This will allow you to launch the configuration editor from VS2010, but will not be installed for SSMS.
    For more information, please refer to
    For your second problem, the following conditions might affect the behavior of IntelliSense:
    There is a code error above the cursor.
    The insertion point is inside a code comment.
    The insertion point is inside a string literal.
    The automatic options are turned off.
    For more information, refer to Troubleshooting IntelliSense (SQL Server Management Studio):
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Not able to download CTP4 or CTP3 on sql server 2012

    Because of download link not working of ctp4 or 3 , i am unable to download and getting error of compatibility of reporting service edition with sharepoint.
    Please help me to download !!

    Hi MohitJainMJ,
    Many software products use a variation of this process and often have multiple public milestone releases (Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate, Final) with the product quality increasing with each milestone until the release criteria is met. The variation within
    the SQL Server product group is:
    A deeper engagement with the right partners earlier in the planning and stabilization phases to get the requirements, design, and quality right
    Grouping the features into multiple "sets" that have a correct logical sequence as well as balance the effort across all the component teams to finish the "set" around the same time
    Each "set" is called a Community Technology Preview (some use Customer Technology Preview)
    The release criteria for the CTP are the same as final release (some corner case bugs may be deferred to a later CTP)
    A CTP (Community Technology Preview) just like a "Release Candidate" quality release with the ability to change the design and improve the test suite. As Olaf said, as soon as the RTM is available, all CTP download are removed.
    The following blog about Community Technology Preview (CTP) is for your reference:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Linked Server to Access Database in SQL Server 2012 is working perfectly.But, All of sudden it is showing SQL Error Code:7303

    Linked Server to Access Database in SQL Server 2012 is working perfectly.But, All of sudden it is showing SQL Error Code:7303  
    Unable to connect to the database type that is created with earlier versions type. But the same Linked Server in another SQL Server instance is working perfectly. I am unable to rectify what is the problem please help.

    All of sudden it is showing SQL Error Code:7303  
    Error 7303 = "Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls"."?
    Check the data Provider on the machine, e.g. using ODBC Admin by creating a DSN
    Olaf Helper
    Hi Olaf Helper,
    I don't now how to add a DSN for the Access Database using ODBC Admin. Can you Please help me with that one. as the solution to above problem i Have added a startup parameter -g512 to SQL Server is it effects my existing Assemblies in SQL Server. I am replacing
    the startup parameter as -g500 to -g512 here.
    Thank you
    AyubKhan M

  • Is it possible to transfer a database from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server Express 2012?

    Is it possible to transfer a database from SQL Server 2012 to
    SQL Server Express 2012? Ideally I would like to backup the database from SQL Server 2012 and restore it on SQL Server Express 2012. Is that possible?

    Is it possible to transfer a database from SQL Server 2012 to
    SQL Server Express 2012? Ideally I would like to backup the database from SQL Server 2012 and restore it on SQL Server Express 2012. Is that possible?
    Yes it is possible but database size should not be greater than 10 G as max databse size supported for Express 2012 is 10 G
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • RDL Reports are not working after installing SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 in the SharePoint integration Mode

    I am using Reporting Service Integration mode with SharePoint. SSRS is installed on separated machine of SharePoint stacks in Integration Mode. Everything was working properly and I could create/edit/modify RDL reports(parameters, Datasource, Subscription)
    inside SharePoint and Document Libraries.
    But after installing SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2, on opening RDL reports inside SharePoint I receive this error message. 
    The permissions granted to user 'i:0#.f|membership|username' are insufficient for performing this operation. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException: The permissions granted to user 'i:0#.f|membership|username' are insufficient for performing this operation
    I should mention that SSRS is installed in the SharePoint integration Mode and there is no SSRS management console.

    Hi Hedayat-Abedijoo,
    According to your description, you are using Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated mode, and everything worked fine before you install SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2. After the package is installed, when you open RDL reports, the error occurred: The
    permissions granted to user 'i:0#.f|membership|username' are insufficient for performing this operation.
    According to my search, there may be two reasons for the problem:
    This is caused when the application pool account that runs the SharePoint Web application you are on in IIS and the application pool account that SharePoint believes is running the site differ. This happens if the application pool account is changed directly
    in IIS instead of through SharePoint (using the approved method).
    This error can be caused when Kerberos authentication has been set up correctly and delegation in a double hop scenario will succeed, but Reporting Services integration has been set up for Trusted Account rather than Windows Authentication. This causes
    SharePoint to continue to impersonate the logged-on user when contacting Reporting Services; when Reporting Services compares the application pool account to the user account making the request, they are not equal.
    In this case, we can solve the problem by changing the application pool account in IIS back to the previous account and set AuthenticationTypes to RSWindowsNTLM only. For detail information, please refer to 8.3 “The permissions granted to user 'Domain\User'
    are insufficient for performing this operation” in the document:
    If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.
    Wendy Fu

  • Moving databases from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2014

    I need to move all my SP 2013 databases from a SQL Server 2012 to a SQL Server 2014. I have read these articles:
    The TechNet article says:
    The new database server must run either the same version of Windows Server and SQL Server as the existing database server or one of the following versions:
    SQL Server 2008
    SQL Server 2012
    SQL Server 2014
    And the article in SharePoint Pro Magazine says:
    Obviously you’ll need your target SQL server (or instance) installed and configured. It should use the same version and patch level of SQL Server as the source SQL server
    So I'm a bit confused. Which article is right?

    it is fully supported and a simple process to move to a new sql server (anything 2008+ works).  just don't go back in versions.  you can go 2008-2012, 2008-2014, 20120-2014, just not 2012-2008, etc.
    just be sure not to detach/attach the databases in sql, do a sql database backup, then a sql database restore on the new server and point sharepoint (hopefully using aliases, as it makes this all much smoother) to point to the new server.
    Also, be sure to put SP1 and the April 2014 CU or newer on the farm BEFORE moving the databases.  2014 is "supported before the April CU, but there are several compatibility issues prior to april CU.  one example is that user profile sync doesn't
    work properly with sql 2014 if sharepoint is not at least april 2014 CU.
    hope that all is clear and helps you out, let me know if there are more questions.
    Christopher Webb | Microsoft Certified Master: SharePoint 2010 | Microsoft Certified Solutions Master: SharePoint Charter | Microsoft Certified Trainer| Volunteer Teacher |

  • Install SharePoint 2013 database on SQL server 2012 SP1 cluster

    Good Day all,
    We are trying to install SharePoint 2013 database on a SQL server 2012 Enterprise with SP1 cluster (configured for mixed mode) but the connection is not working (times out). We can telent the SQL cluster network name on port 1433 and we made
    a UDL connection file, test the connection via windows authentication and it is working, but if we use the sql authentication it is not working.
    Also we have two SharePoint 2013 servers connected via NLB.
    Any idea about this issue guys?  

    event if 3355 means 3 things:
    The SQL Server might be offline.
    The SharePoint Foundation database access account might not have the necessary permissions to communicate with the SQL Server.
    A firewall that runs on either the local server or on SQL Server might be blocking network communications.
    Big question, how you trying to connect SQL  windows or sql authentication? is it throwing error on Config wizard or somewhere else?
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

  • Error when creating a database on SQL Server 2012(Virtual Machine)

    I create a virtual machine on VMWare Workstation 10, then install Windows 7(32bit), then install SQL Server 2012 Enterprise version.
    Then I write a Visual C++2008 program and using ADO to connect to the local SQL Server, with the connection string below:
    “Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;”
    The connect succeed, then I try to create a new SQL Server database by calling:
    m_pConnection->Execute(_T(“create database MyDatabase on primary (name = ‘MyDatabase’, filename = ‘E:\\MyDatabase.mdf’)”), NULL, 0);
    where E: is a USB drive plugged in.
    When running the above statement, I can even see the MyDatabase.mdf file is being created, but finally get an error and error number is 80040e31 when checking the error from m_pConnection, after analyzing the com exception, we find it reports the error as
    “IDispath error #3121”. Both errors seem to indicate a “Timeout error”.
    Then I try to create the database on the local drive in the virtual machine, as follows:
    m_pConnection->Execute(_T(“create database MyDatabase on primary (name = ‘MyDatabase’, filename = ‘C:\\MyDatabase.mdf’)”), NULL, 0);
    Then I get error number: 80040e14 from m_pConnection, and com error is “IDispath error #3092”
    What is the problem?

    Hello chcw,
    SQL Server 2012 Enterprise doesn't support to install on Windows 7 Opeating System. For detail information, please refer to the article below:
    The article shows the operating system requirements for the principal editions of SQL Server 2012:
    Here is an article for your reference, please see:
    How To  Create a SQL Server Database Programmatically by Using ADO.NET and Visual C# .NET:
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Not able to run the SSIS package in SQL Server Agent Job in SQL 2012

    I scheduled a job (SQL SERVER AGENT) which will call my SSIS package. This package will execute 5 packages in loop.
    When I execute this job I am getting error as below
    Started  : 12:30:19 PM 
    Error  : 2014-01-23 12:30:20.37    
    Code  : 0xC00220EC    
    Source  : Execute Package Task     
    Description : Error 0x80070005. Failed to create an instance of empty child package.
        The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) configuration or the installation of SQL Server Integration Services,
        may be corrupted on your machine.  End Error 
    Error  : 2014-01-23 12:30:20.37    
    Code  : 0xC00220DE    
    Source  : Execute Package Task     
    Description : Error 0x80070005 while loading package file "D:\SSIS\RetailMobileApp\Staging_Pkg\stg_Category_Master.dtsx". Access is denied.End Error 
    DTExec  : The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). 
    Started  : 12:30:19 PM 
    Finished : 12:30:20 PM 
    Elapsed  : 1.123 seconds. 
    The package execution failed. 
    The step failed.
    In the STEPS I have selected as follows:
    Type  : SQL Server Integration Services Package
    Run as: SQL Server Agent Service Account
    Package Source: File System
    What config I need to check here ? This job is not able to access the package stored in the folder.

    Thanks for your reply. I had created credentials and used this while creating the Proxy account. With the Proxy account I am able to execute the Job Successfully. Concern here is I used my NT account to create this Proxy. Suppose If I left from the
    current project if some one is coming to this project later they need to change the credential with their NT account and run the JOB? Is this right way or we an create any other account in common? If so how?

  • SQL Server 2014 Management Studio - "The operation could not be completed"

    Hi there!
    I've recently installed SQL Server 2014 Express Edition to my Windows 8.1 x64 computer. It was working fine for one month or so. Now, when I try to open Management Studio I get the error "The operation could not be completed". A few seconds into
    the splash screen. Then the application shuts down.
    I don't have any errors or warnings on Event Viewer. Not even any information lines related to SSMS when opening. I've tried to use ProcMon but I can't see any events related to SSMS.exe that could give this result. I've already installed Cumulative Update
    2 for SQL Server 2014 with no luck. Also, I've repaired SQL Server installation and even reinstalled this instance with the same outcome.
    I know this topic has already been written before but it was related to Windows Server. The response marked as Answer was not applicable to my case. As I said, I'm using Win 8.1 x64.
    I'm out of options for now. Can you please give any help?
    Thank you so much.

    Before reinstalling Windows, please try the .NET Framework Repair Tool.
    If the above did not help, you may want to try the automatic repair option.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

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