Notification area problem

I had recently bought. A new Nokia Lumia 630 running on windows 8.1 but when I try to clear all notifications in notification area the notification return back while opening notification area next time. Instant help needed.
Thank you

how does .xinitrc look like ??? make it look like the below code (for gnome of course)
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session /opt/gnome/bin/gnome-session

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    how does .xinitrc look like ??? make it look like the below code (for gnome of course)
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    you would have to wonder how this could be a driver issue.... Incredibly it is... affecting only  x86_64 bits on newer nvidia drivers.
    Had to post this as I had the problem and my first search got this thread. First answer wasnt useful appart from telling you to search more (ironic when u get there from a search engine ) so I'll make the job easier in case more people stumble upon this thread.
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    The code is probably only called in the Event method of the event handler that sends the notification. You can check the mds files and find the notification you are looking for and then use a code decompiler to find the class that is called. You can then use this code as a sample, or write your own notification code and create an event handler that runs in the BulkEvent.
    And on another note there is also this System Configuration Variable: Recon.SEND_NOTIFICATION which is set to FALSE by default.

  • Notifications are still not working

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    Interesting thing I just noticed.
    I had problems with notifications earlier, as was already addressed in few other threads, and it was fixed with latest update.  And what I didn't noticed at the time was that weather live tile stopped working, no refresh, today I reinstalled weather app, live tile is working again, but now Skype notifications are not working again.
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    Hi SpottyDog,
    Are you still having the same problem? If post again and I'll be happy to help you with this. 
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Meeting notifications are not showing up

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    Can some IceWM user help me?
    Thanks, acmps
    Last edited by acmps (2010-01-06 15:19:06)

    bernarcher wrote:
    It should be all there in a default IceWM setup, esp. does IceWM hava a built-in system tray.
    Mostly it depends on how you start IceWM. You need to execute icewm-session in your ~/.xinitrc, as e.g.
    exec icewm-session
    Or if you want to start IceWM manually, use
    xinit /usr/bin/icewm-session
    There should be a ~/.icewm folder. If not, create one and copy /usr/share/icewm/{keys,menu,preferences,toolbar,winoptions} there. These are well commented setup files which you can change to your needs with any text editor.
    Thanks! I was used to start IceWM with "exec icewm" in xinitrc, but it seems like it's icewm-session. About the .icewm folder, I already have it. I'm going to try and start IceWM with icewm-session right away.
    EDIT: It seems like I don't need to start icewm-session to get the tray, just icewm and icewmtray. Thanks!
    Last edited by acmps (2010-01-06 15:18:47)

  • How to hide several calendars in notification area?

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    But as the notification area shows up by sliding my finger, I see all calendars listed... why? Is it a bug or did I miss something?
    Thanks in advance

    If this helps on iphone and ipad - select to hide all calendar. Your ticks and info will go but its NOT deleted and just tick the box (event) that u want to bring up.  its just a shame it does not work for laptops or imas.  Hope this helps.  If therenIS A WAY to perform the act on laptops and imacs please let me know. Cheers

  • [SOLVED] Xfce4 notification area & gnome icons

    I have in notification area loaded gnome icons for sound and bluetooth and it's look like that:
    I tried change the icon style in gnome-tweak-tool reload X several times but I'm still seeing ugly black icons and I have no idea how to fix it.
    Have any of you same problem? Or even better solution for it?
    Last edited by camp (2012-07-02 16:51:36)

    When I switched from gnome to xfce, I replaced the sound menu with volumeicon and pavucontrol. As for bluetooth, I use bluemon now.

  • Notification area icons appearing as windows

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    Screenshot of problem (the notification area is there to the right of System):

    No I definitely haven't added any panels. This didn't work with a completely default gnome install, and the only panel thing I changed was moving the notification area towards the system menu to see if it made a difference (which it didn't).

  • Reply to emails from new email notification area (top left) in status bar?

    Hi, all
    setting up the new playbook. everything is working: email, internet, tethering, blackberry bridge...
    I have come across one problem though:
    i found that I cannot reply to an email when open from notification area. i.e when new email arrives, ntification flashes in the corner. when I press to open the new email I see all the buttons, but nothing happens. I would very muxh like to reply to email from that window.
    Is there something wrong with the playbook, or is it designed that way?

    Works just fine for me. The list opens when Itap the notification area. When I tap on the title or letter icon  for the new email, it opens in edit-reply mode.
    Edit: Not quite the truth... I have to click on the reply icon at the bottom of the just-opened message  - the envelope icon with the left green arrow.
    In the dark and need a sky map?
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  • Mail notifications are not getting sent from a Calendar client

    Mail notifications are not getting sent from a Calendar client
    On the client, after creating an event and electing to send a mail notification,
    the following error appears in a pop up box:
    "module:mailmsg.ctp,label 190, service error"
    Also, in the /users/unison/log/cws.log file on the Calendar Server, there is an
    error from the corresponding time that the client receives one:
    DEXOTEK ERRCODE Ox132B0 -> CWTCP_RemoteSecurityModified: RNC_SecurityModified
    -> Request 0x443 for NodeId 10002,
    status set to CANTSERVICE
    If this is only happening for one user, then check for the presence of a dbv.log
    file in the /users/unison/log directory. If present this implies db corruption
    and the /users/unison/bin/unidbfix tool should be run.
    Note: For details on "unidbfix", please read the man page and also the online
    Calendar Administrators Guide.

    I am having the exact same problem sending through a comcast smtp server to a email address:
    Reporting-MTA: dns;
    so some problem they are having in emeryville today? I too am waiting for it to clear up.

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